November 6, 1975 Penn-Staters Produce T. V. Show "Renard the Fox,” an animated children’s special, will be televised on Satur day, Nov. 8,1975, at 6:00 on WLYH-TV channel 15. This special program was produced as an experiment in children’s television pro gramming, by Ewen and Shirley Gaby, a husband and wife team from Penn State University. The half-hour program features Renard, a super egotistical fox who thinks he’s the greatest creature to walk the earth. Renard does not realize that his two friends, both Magpies, are always setting traps for their “friend”, who is too blind to see what is really happening. Finally one of the traps is successful and Renard gets snared, but is rescued by a passing rabbit, who teaches Renard the meaning of humility. The story is an adaptation of a French fable. Would you believe Sprina fever in the middle of October? Professor Lear, Social Sciences, holds a class outdoors to take advantage of the fine springlike Muscles alone aren’t enough. Even the toughest pro needs protection. Shoulder pads, hip pads, helmet-with these, a player can give the game all he's got, without fear of injury. Life is much the same. Good health is important, but to get the most out of life, you need protection, too. That’s where Living Insurance comes in. It can give you the security of knowing that your family will be protected, if you die. And, it can provide a reserve of funds for emergencies, education, retirement. To find out more about Living Insurance, call your Man from Equitable, today. Spencer W. Hamilton Representative 1625 N. Front St. Harrisburg, Pa Telephones: Bus: 236-9471 &>> the|equitable The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States, New York, N. Y. (§r*mitn ItJiUatt,* „ -i‘- * C.C. Reader OU Cx Bell To Present ‘Flood 72’ Film Capitol, in cooperation with Bell of Pennsylvania will present “Flood 72”, a film and lecture presentation Tues., Nov. 18 at 12 noon in the auditorium. According to Roberta McLeod, coordinator of student activities, the pro gram depicts the agony and destruction of Agnes and the recovery of Central Penn sylvania as it relates to business, industry, utilities and people. The guest lecturer for this program will be Ann Cervenak who joined Bell as an operator and is now lecturing full time. Open 24 Hours 7 Days / Week ■Just ,lK C ° rmr On The Square in Middletown Free Ad Forms Available in W-129 and W-110 Amway products are proven ror superior to home care laundry products sold in supermarkets. The next time you make a move to buy a household product,stop and inquire about the comp arable Amway product. See other ad on this page. 534-1894 Four S.S. Gragar Mags for sale or trade for Chrome y reverse, 14 in., to fit GM cars. Call Jensen at 944-0355. Stereo Equipment. Quad CD-4 SQ. Mint Condition. AKAI AMP, JUC Disc Demodulator, Lafayette Tuner and Decoder. Call 944-5677, George. Must sell. 936 Mars. (1) Baby Carriage, collap sable with many uses, $35.00; (2) Infant seat, adjustable positions, heavy duty, $6.00; (3) Child’s (15-25 lbs) pink snowsuit, $10.00; (4) Child’s portable feeding/play table, $5.00; (5) Kitchen chairs (2) $5.00; (6) Large diaper pail, $3.00; (7) Assorted baby’s clothing and accessories. Esther Beck 533-5393. Don’t get ripped off at the supermarket. Amway home care, laundry products avail able. Up to 50%savings over regular commercial prod ucts. Save $lO-$l5 /month by shopping smart. Free delivery. 100% money back guarantee on all products. Call Stan at 534-1894. Capitol’s N.O. W. Marches From Page 1 at the protesters. When the marchers ent ered the Commonwealth National Bank in Harris burg’s Market Square they were met by a phalanx of reporters from the electronic media. One of the reporters, Marsha Kaplan of WTPA, asked whether Virginia Sassaman and the other protesters supported the official affirmative support position of the Pennsylvania N.O.W. towards Lesbian ism. Sassaman replied, “of course”, but stated later that she felt such a question was irrelevant to what they were protesting at the time. PRESCRIPTIONS? Having Trouble Finding It? ACHENBACH'S PHARMACY HIGHSPIRE 939-9820 PSU Enrollment Enrollment at The Penn sylvania State University for the Fall Term totals 52,976 with 31,538 students attend ing classes at the University Park Campus. The total enrollment shows an increase of more than 1,900 students over a year ago. Artley flute (silver) with case. Good condition. Call 566-8568. Ask for Pat. Nikon F 2 photomatic stand ard F 2 lens (50mm) and 35mm 2.8 wide angle. Like new. Call 566-8568 between 4-6:00p.m. Ask for Pat. Wanted Honda ATC 90’s in any shape. Contact Sludge at 232-7084. Services Typing. Low rates. 944-0300 Lost Business Law text w/ plastic cover. Desperate. Student will reward w/a 6 pack & gratefullness. Call 234-8514. The National Research Council is now accepting applications for its Postdoc toral Research Associate ships in Federal Laborato ries for 1976. Awards are available in the following fields: 1) Atmos pheric, Earth and Space Sciences, 2) Chemical, En gineering, Mathematical, and Physical Sciences, and 3) Biological, Medical, and Behavioral Sciences. For further information, see the Bulletin Board in W-161. There are still tickets available for the Preserva tion Hall Band at the Hershey Educational and Cultural Center on Nov embers, 1975 at 8:15 P.M. See Roberta McLeod in Student Affairs for tickets. FREE to students and $2.00 for faculty, staff and families. TRY | SAVE THIS COUPON ! 50* OFF ■ 1-Large or 1-Small ! PIZZA ! NAPLE’S PIZZA 25 S. Union St., Middletown Paged
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers