November 6, 1975 XGI Reporter It’s KEGGAR time again! Due to good feedback about the first keggar this year, the XGl’s will sponsor the second keggar on November 15th. Once again, it will be at Middletown Anglers and Hunters Club. Plan to stay around campus on that weekend, because earlier that same day will be the Meade Heights Board of Governors’ R6ad Rally. Persons competing in the road rally will be given discount coupons for entrance to the keggar that night. Plans are to announce rally results and give awards at that time. So, for only a few dollars apiece, you can have a real fun Saturday. The XGI raffle is into full swing now! Get those tickets sold! Remember, all those good prizes go on December 3rd! Recently, Paul Skodacek went to a great deal of trouble to present Penn State football game films to the school community and the general public for free! Well, the results were disasterous. Very few people showed up to see them. I’m sorry that Paul had to waste his time. As of this writing, the XGl’s football team stands at 2 wins and 4 losses. The bowling teams are not doing much better, but they sure have the best time at the bowling alley drinking all that Maalox. Congratulations are in order to Chip Martin and Keith Millison for being elected to student government. 'Also, thanks go to other frat members who ran, and I hope that if they’re still interested in student government they’ll run for senior senators this year. At the meeting on October 28, the frat saw films of last year’s bathtub race. It was a real good time! The next meeting at theTiltin Hilton will beat 9 P.M., November 11th. Hope to see you there! Delta Tau Kappa Delta Tau Kappa (DTK) Social Science Honor Society is in the process of reorganization. Although several meetings have already been held, anyone who presently maintains a 3.0 average or better and is a Social Science Major, is welcome to apply for admittance. There is a 515.00 fee required, to insure lifetime'membership in the International Society. Elections of officers will be held In December. time the acting officers will be: Caroline Cunningham-President Elizabeth Tobin- Vice President, Programs Greg Meily-Vice President, Membership Deborah Hoffman-Secretary-Treasurer If you are interested in joining, please leave your name and number in the DTK office, W-110. AND THE FRIES ARE FREE With This Coupon. r— ““** ■“ ““ ““ ““ ““ '' —•— — — «» 1 I 11 fl \Jtfi Bll t a Rig Mae ,m and get some P ■ rett fries. | One Regular Site order /\ CL \ McDonald*® /\| \ W iTr \ 2270 W. Harrisburg Pike fMclonAd* 4 Middletown, Pa. 1 ■ ■* I Offer Expires 12-31-75 by Jorn Jensen, XGI Reporter BUY A BID MAC C.C. Reader Lectures On Birth Control On Tuesday Nov. 11, the Peer Contraception Education Program(PECP) will visit Capitol, according to Ro berta McLeod, coordinator of student activities. Three lectures will be held in the Gallery/Lounge at 1:00, 3:00 and 6:30 p.m. During the past few years there have been an in creasing number of requests for contraception services. Women requesting medical attention for contraception have varying levels of understanding of contra ceptive methods, devices, and techniques. To alleviate this situation and provide much needed information, a pilot PECP was conducted in the spring term 1974. After the program was evaluated and appropriately redesigned by students and health service personnel, it was instituted on a full time basis in 1974. This informative and interesting program is open to both men and women. The Social Science Pro gram announces a special urban term on the electoral process to be offered during the Winter Term. This course which counts as three course units is offered in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Depart ment of State. Ten students will be selected to work with the Until that Urban Term j Common Time? k I I In the past few weeks there has been some concern aboutl |a common time period. ,| I A common time is a period when no classes are scheduled! |so that students may participate in club meetings and| I cultural events. . „ .. j l In order to become more familiar with student feeling, the| JsGA and the C.C. Reader are running the following poll: | ! 1 Is there a need for a common period at Capitol? | J YESC3 NOO | I 2. Do you feel all day Wednesday is acceptable as a common j ! time? (This is the present policy.) | YESQ NOO , 13 What day would you like to see a common period run?j | Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. j I 3rd period-—.— | j 4th period —■»—■ j | sth period | | Other | { Please place all replies in the box at theßoundtable, C.C. j I Reader office or SGA office. Thanks for your cooperation! I ■ ’ Registration Notice Pre-registration for the Winter Term will begin Monday, November 17. Registration materials will be mailed to ail Graduate students during the week of November 10. Currently enrolled Under graduate students may pick up registration materials in the Records Office begin ning November 18. Procedures for registra tion are outlined in detail in the Winter Term 1976 Master Schedule. The registration schedule To Be Offered Commissioner of Elections on work related to the Spring primary elections. A stipend of $6OO will be paid each student. Interested students should fill out an application form obtainable in Room W-153 or W-356. For additional information see Dr. Bresler in W-356. STEREOO/& CASSETTE TAPES 798 SERIES $5.77 3 FOR $17.00 4 CHANNEL (QUAD) TAPESSS.9O EACH MOTOROLA CAR( STEREOS TAPE PLAYER CRAIG CAR STEREOS TAPE PLAYER PANASONIC CAR STEREOS TAPE PLAYER PANASONIC CAR CASSETTE STEREO PLAYER $79.95 $llO BIC BELT DRIVE TURNTABLE $89.95 $l6O GARRARD BELT DRIVE TURNTABLE . $129.95 $9O EACH UTAH 12“ 3 WAY SPEAKER 2-$119.95 $2OO PIONEER STEREO RECEIVER $139.95 $l2O CRAIG STEREOB RECORDER DECK $99.95 $lBO MARANTZ STEREO AMPLIFIER $129.95 S6OOMARANTZ STEREO TUNER (DEMO)... .$449.95 $BO EACH MARANTZ SPEAKER (DEMO) .. .2-8119.95 ALLIANCE TENNA ROTOR WITH CONTROL. .$31.42 COLOR TV ANTENNA FOR UHF-VHF OUTDOOR 80MINUTE BLANKS TRACK TAPES CERTRON 3-$2.99 CAPITOL 4-$5.99 AMPEX BLANK CASSETTE TAPES C6O 3-$2.99 C9O 3-53.97 Cl2O 3-56.59 MAXELL BLANK CASSETTE TAPES C6O 3-54.79 C9O 3-57.49 Cl2O 3-$ 11.00 G.E. CHARGER WITH 2 NI-CAD "C" CELLS . SCANNER $5 CRYSTALS $3.90 EACH establishes priorities for class space on the basis of term standing. Students may not register before their scheduled time. However, they may regist er any time after their scheduled time up until January 6,1976. Pre-registration in Nov ember does not finalize a student’s registration for the Winter Term. Registration is not complete or processed until all tuition and fees are paid. After that date, late registrations will be assessed a $lO.OO late fee. In The Swim The HACC pool is back in operation. Once again students and staff are welcome to use the swim ming pool facilities. The hours are Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, 7-9:30 p.m. arid Sunday, 1-3 p.m. I.D. cards must be shown ...$9.95 6-521.00 $34.95 $39.95 $49.95
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