November 6, 1975 What’s Your Opinion Of The Activities Card? Policy I believe it is fair to charge admission to activities, but the cost of the card is too high. I prefer not to pay for Keggars which are for the enjoyment of drunks. As far as the entertainment goes, it isn’t so great. It certainly isn’t worth $6.50 per ten week term. I did not buy an activities card, I have no desire to do so, and I very much resent being charged for one anyway. If the $305.00 tuition last year included the activities fee, what happened to the refund for those who have no interest in activities this year? Our tuition is higher and The SGA petition cam paign concerning the lower ing of the drinking age to 19 and the decriminalization of the possession of marijuana yielded 147 and 150 signa tures respectively. Fifteen letters were sent to Con gressmen concerning the f BALTIMORE COLTS | I SUNDAY FOOTBALL GAME a a Dec. 14 Miami Dolphins| I Leave Harrisburg 12:01 a J CoSt 20.00 Per Person I I includes Reserved Seat & Transportation I (Tour operated By Trailways Travel Bur. Corp.) | | PHILADELPHIA FLYERS \ T Landover, Md. I (Dec. 12th 1975 f Feb. 24. .. Flyers vs. Washington Capitols -- a (Tours Operated by Trailways Travel Bur. Corp.) I I PACKAGED TOURS I (Nov 13-16... Nashville Grand 01 Opry f Feb. 'S-March 7 ... Mardi Gras in New Orleans -11 Days k * (Tours Operated by Trailways Travel Bur. Corp.) f ROCK CONCERTS ) I Nov. 23 Alleman Bros. -- Hershey a J Nov. 23 “Chicago" in Concert Spectrum I I Dec. 15 “The Who” in Concert Spectrum k (For Information & Reservations Contact * CAPITOL TRAILWAYS TOURS | Chestnut St., Harrisburg, Pa. Phone 236-95^8^ yet we have fewer benefits with that increase. What about this double rip-off for those who wish to participate in activities? m-Public Joe Dorosky-7th term-Elec trical Design If you can drink a lot, the $6.50 is well worth it for the Keggars. Otherwise, I think you may lose out with the entertainment. From what I saw it was lousy. But the card is worth my money because I like to drink. Graduate I think an activity card is a good idea. Activity fees are justified if each student can participate fully in events and organizations. How ever, for those with specific interests, it is unfair to pay a full fee. bills. The campaign began as a result of the upcoming voting on these issues in the House of Representatives. Terry Gallager and John Sternick, Junior SGA sena tors organized the event. C.C. Reader an additional cost, why wasn’t it mentioned in the College Catalogue? Stu dents should have been informed of this expense before filling out financial aid forms and computing expenses for the term. Marta Nelson-9th term-Sec Ed.-Soc. Sci. I did not buy a card. From what I see of the activities (Keggars), I have no interest in purchasing one. During registration we should be given an activities schedule so we can see what the card is buying. Also, what’s wrong with including an activities fee in our tuition? Lecture Today A lecture entitled “The Handwriting on the Wall” will be given today at 12 noon in the auditorium. The presentation will deal with future energy needs and conservation policies. It explains what G.M. is doing in these fields in both their plants and products. TOWER OF POWER and special guest attraction SKY KING will appear at Mayser Gymnasium, Franklin & Marshall College, Saturday, November 8 at 7:30. The show is being presented by Budget Disc- O-Tape Concert Company. Tickets are $5.50 in advance. For more informa tion on the concert, call (717) 845-9222 or (717) 234-4106. Fellini’s ‘The Clowns’ Reviewed By Susan Wohlbruck Watching a Fellini film is not a form of passive entertainment; thousands of his personal symbols are hurled at the audience from the screen, encouraging the viewer to try to find meaning in his often bewildering imagery. “The Clowns,” now playing at the Hill Theater in Camp Hill, is no exception to this Fellini rule. Although Fellini is demanding, the audience is generously rewarded for its effort. Fellini is often funny, often shocking, often outrageous, seldom boring. Fellini himself is in the film; he calls himself “a gentle white clown." In “The Clowns,” Fellini uses a technique that was used in the Truffaut flick “Day Por Night,” in which the camera crew is shown filming the film. Fellini and his camera crew are shown filming “The Clowns.” Fellini calls himself a clown, and he and his crew watch motion pictures of clowns during the film. Hmmm, wonder what that means? Fellini’s statement regarding women is not always flattering. He shows the “woman as whore”, the “woman as Amazon”, the “frigid woman” and the “woman as a midget nun” who “lives half in the convent, half in the madhouse.” Hmmm, wonder what he means by that? “The Clowns” is a bittersweet story, sometimes laughing on the outside, crying on the inside; sometimes crying on the outside, laughing on the inside. Fascism is displayed as a stationmaster cursing a rebellious child, smiling at an obedient child who gives him the Nazi salute. I wonder what he means by that? From left are Dave Wolf, Lew Ruffing and Del Dosch posing for the Reader camera at the recent SGA Junior elections. CHI RHO Chi Rho is a social action organization whose purpose is the building of a Christian community at Capitol Campus. On October 31, a Gabfest on the topic of “Devils and Demons” was held in the Gallery Lounge. This was the first of the planned Chi Rho activities. This Tuesday, November 11, a guest lecturer, Father Keiley, will speak on “Third World Liberation Theology” in the Black Cultural Arts Center at 1:00 pm. Other planned activities include religious movies in late November, a food drive Activities for a poor family in the area at Thanksgiving and Advent Prayer Services in Decemb- er. In addition, a wine and cheese festival for members and associates of Chi Rho is planned for later in the year. Mass and Confession are held in the Student Activities Center every Sunday at 1:00 pm and on Holy Days and other days as deemed necessary. The Student Activities Office has an offer you can’t refuse!! 44 Chrome picture frames available for needle point, photographs, etc. Various sizes. $5.00 for a complete set. Your Complete Family Drug Store RUSSELL STOVER CANDIES CARDS
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