Oct. 23, 1975 Gregoreski Elected By Keitha Kessler Staff Writer Chet Gregoreski, a 10th term business major from Scranton, was elected to a seat in the University Faculty Senate. Gregoreski repre sents the students who attend the branch campuses of Penn State. Both faculty and students serve on the Senate. University Faculty Senate is the highest form of government in the Penn State system. The senate has three main functions: Legislative function serves as as legislative body representing the university faculty. This function deals with instructional programs, graduation requirements, scholarships and honors, academic admissions standards, and programs of study. “Old Fort” Makes National Registry The Swatara Ferry House, more popularly known as the “Old Fort”, was recently approved for inclusion in the National Registry of Historic Places. Dr. Irwin Richman, co ordinator *of the graduate program in American Stud ies at Capitol fulfilled an important role in the structure’s inclusion while serving as Architectural Historian and adviser to the Middletown Historic Comm ission. He examined the site for authenticity, structural style and period. Dr. Richman is a member of the Society of Architect ural Historians and is a well-known authority on the early history and culture of the area. He says the structure “was not fort, but a ferry keeper’s house. The part closest to the river dates from the late 18th century, while the second addition dates from the early 19th century.” He continued, “They are both traditional three-room Penn sylvania German floor plans" and the addition was Visit The Batab iWarttn STORE During Our 80th Anniversary Sale Starting Oct. 9 “Clothing the Men In This Area Since 1895“ Babib jfflarttn STORE 52 E. Emaus St. Middletown . v,< ■>a To Senate Seat The second function of the senate is the Advisory and Consultative function which acts as the advisory and consultative body to the “probably built as a tenant house.” The decision to include the site, ultimately reached by the U.S. Department of the Interior, culminates nearly two years of surveying and communication between Middletown Borough, the Historic Commission, the Pennsylvania Redevelopment Authority, the Pennsylvania Historic and Museum Commission and HUD. Maranatha Bible Study The Maranatha Bible Study meets every Wed nesday from 12:00 to 1.00 P.M. in Room W 202. All are welcome to join our dis cussions . The group studies and discusses the Word of God, the Holy Bible, believing it to be the “Good News” that man needs today. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that who soever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." (John 3:16). Halloween Party PSPE and the Social Committee are presenting a “Halloween Costume Party” on Thursday, October 30, at 8:00 p.m. in the Student Center. Features will include the band “Bush”, costume judging, games, prizes, hot cider, and a haunted house. Also included will be a dunking booth starring Gerald M. Brey, Twyla King. Roberta McLeod, Bob Kormanik, Terry Turnbaugh, Pat Murphy, John Harman, Bud Smitley, and various students. Admission $.50 or free with student activities card. Meetings are held every second Tuesday of the month in the Graduate building at University Park. Senate meetings are open to the public. regoreski First Impressions The Penn State-Capitol Cam pus has struck home. An overwhelming happiness runs loose through its corridors and halls. Students are no longer mere students. They're extensions of life. Veterans and middle-aged people have come to gain insight and practical knowl edge. Even families troop the halls in splendid array with kids trickling along behind. It’s an atmosphere most exquisite and unique. Yet it mirrors the expectations and fulfillment of the Capitol Campus experience-the place that has so much meaning. Open Meeting On Epilepsy The South Central Service Unit of the Pennsylvania Epilepsy Division will hold an open meeting at the William Penn Museum, Room 24, on Sunday, November 2,1975, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. The meeting Is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about, epilepsy and its problems, or who is affected by the condition in any way. Dr. Robert Brennan, Chief, Division of Neurology, Hershey Medical Center, will speak on the medical aspects of epilepsy, and a film on epilepsy will follow. After the formal program, rap sessions of small groups will be held. • C.C. Reader university president on any matter that may affect the > outcome of the educational! objectives of the university. The third function of the senate is the Foresnic function which serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas among the members of the university faculty. The senate is also divided into specialized committees, Each committee deals with certain programs. Gregoreski serves on the undergraduate instructional committee. They deal with only the undergraduate and his problems. by Michael Barnett HOTIJON^^^ The Hot Lion is published to inform the Capitol Campus community of all activities on, or concerned with, the Campus. Everyone should feel free to use this service by completing the entry cards available in the Student Affairs Office [WlO5]. Deadline is Thursday Noon, the week prior to date of publication. 8:30 A.M. - 3:30 P.M. - Representatives will be on campus for students who want to purchase class rings - Vendorville NOW presents “Alice Doesn’t!” (Movie and Refreshments E 330) 2:0083:15. 0CT.24 - Film - “Murmer of the Heart" 0CT.25 Penn State vs. Army - Home 9:00 A.M. - 3:30 P.M. - An Antique Seminar - Rooms 212 and 216. HACC - 8:00 P.M OCT. 26 - Mass - Student Center OCT. 27 1:00 P.M Veteran’s Day. Chess Club Meeting -1:30- Gallery Lounae OCT. 28 HACC - Mid-semester grades are mailed to students 3:00 P.M (Away) 4:30 P.M. - Cross Country Elizabethtown College (Away). Last day for Graduate programs to certify completion of Master Papers. 1:30 - Gallery Lounge - Chess Club Meeting OCT. 30 - Soccer - Capitol Campus vs. Messiah College 12:00 P.M. - Leccture - Anna Cervenak - “Thoroughly Modern Millies” presented in cooperation with Bell of Pennsylvania - Aud. 4.00 P.M. - Soccer - Capitol Campus vs. Lancaster Bible College - (Home). 9:00 - Halloween Costume Dance - Student Center - PSPE OCT. 31 Halloween HACC - 7:00 P.M. - Two Films - and “Absent Minded Professor.” Faculty Notes v E rsr ßus,ness and O^sion^U Suburbs SCfn £L?" C ~"<* Ra " a " al by the Bureau of Governmental Research i b^? n a ? cep,Bd ,or publication monograph will be thlHiratm a °' Maryland. Dr. Skoks published by the University. Occasional Papers in Public Affairs to be Program!** f a< Aging* Nut*hion < an?^o!^ai,*2*l*o** p T u«K^ the Jewish Community * membef of ,he 8«»arcl of Directors of ,° > *^®*ce < educsU^o r n ,^n, the schools radio " You «*• ■« Happ«f moderator o, this program In,o.l^*^^^ ’ h * and Public Housing: Who! Where ana @ Why Are i b °° k Problem Tennants issue of Sociology. "" Br »ena wnyAre They ? This review appeared in the July M? ’£t£! R H r^ iC f Ideological anO,merest Group Reviews of New Books Al,ord * ppeared in ,he Ju| V ‘®sue of Sociology: Coliseum”'UmondaVHH 75 ,rade ah °" a < »» Nassau of me £ Har°sb A ° n 30,h 10 ,he Professional Group Their Achievements and Dilemmas " P *** S ° me American Womßn liters as Ag^ntl^Change-ffth^AmerrcaiTsoc’iokfn^i'i l6 ' l " A,,irma,ive Agents Officers Francisco August 21-29. Sociological Association meetings held in San and Esther Mctohan°pswk; o Sch!) , 01 / 'svstßm 7 r- Pflo f CS ' SOn BARNARD BISSINGER. Hershe; Medical School and Pennsvlvanfi <s? a ? e °n SU an - t 0 ,he Provosl ' attended the Clinicaj Nutrition at the Hershey Medical School V sponsored symposium on Architecture." His progt^snnectiottwim aT * A Survey °' 19,h Centur y Historic Harrisburg Association. * ° W,h a lec,ure series sponsored by the Pennsylvania/win'at?overall^tven’statio^ToT tht p 3 series on business in Network (including WITF, channel 33 Hershlv? starting nr/ o*™? Public Telev 'S'°n weekly on Thursday nights at 7:30 p.m. y s arl ng ° cl 9 11 'nil be broadcast °' '*!? Series He will als ° be M*"’ ' $mreh '* fia WWfrWWHWWWff OCT. 23 OCT. 29 Capitol Campus vs “Mickey Mouse Cartoons” Page 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers