Oct. 9, 1975 New Faculty Announced Dr. George D. Wolf has announced the appointment of the following new faculty at Capitol Campus begin ning September 1975. Dr. Jacob De Rooy has been named assistant pro fessor of economics. Dr. De Rooy received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Rutgers University where he also received his doctorate degree in economics. He attended the Universtat Karlsruhe, West Germany, as a participant in the NATO Advanced Studies Institute in Regional Science. Mr. Melvin Blumberg has been named an instructor of management. Mr. Blum berg, a graduate of Widener College with a degree in engineering, received his master’s degree in business administration from the University of Pittsburgh. He is presently completing his doctorate at Penn State University at University Park with a concentration on organization behavior. forward and repeat. Brand new shape, only one month i I old - $55 cash firm. Contact j Bob at 9358 Mars Drive, j Meade Heights. I SAVE THIS COUPON 50* OFF I (1) Baby Carriage, collap- I sable with many uses, I $35.00; (2) Infant seat, 1 adjustable positions, heavy | duty, $6.00; (3) Child’s | (15-25 lbs) pink snowsult, I $10.00; (4) Child’s portable j feeding/play table, $5.00; • | (5) Kitchen chairs (2) $5.00; | j (6) Large diaper pail, $3.00; ———————————J (7) Assorted baby’s clothing and accessories. Esther We will be saving space in Beck 533.5393. each issue of the READER for free classified ads from c _ lir c e . students, faculty and staff. I° U r S 'L G fI T f ° r Ad forms are available in the iri 0 ,. r READER office, W-129, and 1 i !" ’ , t 0 flt GM i in u. lin cars. Call Jensen at in W-HO. 944-0355. rcumosmr shop™ I 117 E. Main St. X I Middletown 944-0370 i J Trade Beads, Chokers 1 L w Snake Chains, etc. X Good Used Odds & l-Large or l-Small PIZZA NAPLE’S PIZZA 25 S. Union St., Middletown Mr. Blumberg is a member of the Academy of Manage ment and has served as a consultant for the National Productivity Commission since June, 1974. Dr. Robert C. Posatko has been named Assistant Pro fessor of economics. A graduate of King’s College, Dr. Posatko received his master’s and doctorate de grees in economics from Penn State University. Mr. Charles D. Pringle has been designated instructor of management. Mr. Reader Classifieds For Sale Stereo Equipment. Quad CD-4 SQ. Mint Condition. AKAI AMP, JUC Disc Demodulator, Lafayette Tuner and Decoder. Call 944-5677, George. Must sell. 936 Mars. Motorola car stereo - features power booster, fast Wanted Honda ATC 90’s in any shape. Contact Sludge at 232-7084. letter. FAff 01 4 C.G.'^jaader* Pringle, presently working on his doctorate degree, re ceived his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Bay lor University majoring in management. Mr. Gregory D. Barnes has been named Assistant Pro fessor of accounting. Mr. Barnes, a Certified Public Accountant, received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Maryland. Ms. Lola A. Dudley has been named as an instructor in Accounting. A graduate of Arkansas A & M College, Ms. Dudley received her master’s degree from the University of Arkansas in Business Administration. Mr. Sidney C. Dudley has been named as an instructor in Marketing. Mr. Dudley, a graduate of Mississippi State University, has earned his master’s degree in Business Administration, Marketing, from the Uni versity of Arkansas. Mr. Gerald P. Madden has been designated as an instructor in Finance. Mr. Madden obtained his bache lor’s degree in accounting at St. Joseph's College and his master’s degree in finance at Temple University. Dr. Ronald J. Webb has been appointed Associate Professor of Management in the Business Administration program. A graduate of Wheaton Col leg, Dr. Webb received his master’s and doctorate degrees in man agement from the University of Maryland. He is a member of the Academy of Management and has spent the last two years as an assistant professor at the Abadan Institute of Technol ogy, Abadan, Iran. Chess Club meetings. Mondays, 1:30 p.m., Gal lery Lounge. The Chess Club is open to beginners as well as experienced players. "Ufa 66MTO ftfWM TAKE: THit> BACK p ] Gcrr rr Ati P mt / cm't AffCfTP CAM HELP FLO Two weeks ago was the second time that The Capitol Campus has been called upon to provide help to the communities surrounding the campus. The reason this help was needed was the same as it was three years ago. As the Susquehanna River rose, due to the torrential rains of Hurricane Eloise, the people of Lower Swatara Township, Middle town, and Highspire looked to the campus as a possible refuge and evacuation cent er. Likewise, they looked to the students and faculty of the campus as people who would provide them with help in a time of trouble. As in 1972, the students, faculty, and staff of The Capitol Campus responded in a very willing and energetic fashion. This willingness to help our neighbors should, I feel, not go unnoticed. Because the names of those who joined in helping our neighbors is too extensive to list, it seems to me appropriate that special credit be given to several student groups. First of all, those students from the residence areas, both Meade Heights and the dormitories, who chose to stay on campus and lend a hand should be recognized. Secondly, the members of the Chi Gamma lota Fratern ity deserve credit for their efforts in helping evacuate families from Pineford and the lower parts of Middle town. Another group of students who willingly gave their own time are the members of the campus student security The only thing you get from bending over backwards is a pain in the neck. that m-ie m&p A 030E6E <eAKti PUS S I N O D force. These individuals were of great assistance in responding to inquiries that were addressed to the campus and in helping ready the campus for the expected arrival of evacuees. Fortunately, the river didn’t get high enough to necessi tate evacuating many famil ies. Thus the campus was not used as an evacuation center as it was in 1972. Non e the less because of the efforts of our faculty and students and staff, the campus would have been ready had it been needed. It is also appropriate at this time that I give credit to the members of the faculty and staff as well who came to the campus that Friday in order that the campus could be kept operating during the course of the weekend. Many of these individuals came to the campus even though their own homes were endangered by the flood waters. The staff members of the Housing and Food services and the Maintenance Department are to be especially commended for their fine efforts. Too often we forget to give credit to the efforts of these fine people who do so much for the campus. Even though the campus was not used as an evacuation center; even though we will not have another flood village located on the knoll in front of the Main Building; our campus was ready to help because.as people, you cared about your neighbors. You have my thanks and my congratul ations for a iob well done. By Robert McDermott, Provost I thought this time it might be different But the game never changes, only the rules. I’ve heard that wisdom is a prize to be won; But I’ve learned that experi ence is a trophy for fools. %men- Open 24 Hours 7 Days / Week “Just around the corner On The Square in Middletown
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