Sept 20, 1975 Faculty And Staff Happenings This Summer Appointments Dr. Daniel M. Poore has been appointed program head of Urban and Regional Planning. A faculty member at Capitol since 1970, Poore will also continue as head of the graduate program in Public Administration, a position he has held since 1972. A graduate of Lafayette College with a bachelor of science degree, Poore holds a master of science in industrial engineering from Lehigh University. He earned his doctorate in business administration from the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. George H. Grenier has been appointed division head of the engineering and technology programs. Since 1969, Grenier has been dean of the college of engineering at the Detroit Institute of Technology. He earned a bachelor’s degree from the Cooper Union Institute in New York, a master’s degree from New York University and a Ph.D. from Montana State Univer sity. Dr. Kenneth Masters has been appointed program head of social sciences. A former director of the Bureau of Statistics in the Pennsylvania Department of Internal Affairs, Masters joined the faculty at Capitol in 1967. He holds a bachelor’s degree in science with a master’s and doctor ate degree in economics from the University of Pennsylvania. Promotions Dr. William A. Decker has been promoted to assistant professor of psychosocial science and psychology. A resident of Harrisburg, Decker earned his doctorare in psychology from the University of Connecticut. He received a bachelor’s degree from Graceland Col lege in lowa and has done graduate work at San Diego State and Wayne State in Detroit. He has taught at Capitol since 1974. Dr. Lemuel Molovlnsky has been named assistant professor of American stud ies and history. Molovlnsky earned his doctorate in history from Temple University where he received bachelor and mas ter degrees. A resident of Philadelphia, he has served on the Capitol faculty since 1972. Dr. Vedula N. Murty, head of the mathematical sci ences program, was pro moted to full professor. Holding a doctorate from Purdue University in mathe matics/statistics, Murty has taught at Capitol since 1970. Five faculty members were promoted to associate pro fessor: Dr. Roy Allison, education; Dr. Duane R. Smith, education; William K. Aungst, engineering; Clifford A. Mason, engineer ing ; and Dr. Terence Brown, business logistics. Promoted to assistant professor were: Philip Buchanan, accounting; David Meeting, accounting and finance; and Dr. Philip Taylor, psycho-social and social science. Ms. Judith Cherry, a resident of Harrisburg and on the staff of Capitol since 1971, was promoted to senior assistant librarian. Mary E. Gundel has been promoted to director of admissions and registrar. Gundel came to Capitol in 1969 as assistant academic services officer. In 1973 she was appointed undergradu ate admissions director. A graduate of Harrisburg’s William Penn High School, Gundel received her B.S. degree in health and physical education and a master’s degree in guidance and counseling from Penn State University at University Park. Sabbaticals Dr. Robert C. Graham, associate professor of humanities and American studies, has been granted a sabatical leave for the fall and winter terms to com plete two research projects. A Penn State faculty member since 1965 and at Capitol since 1969, Graham will conduct research on Southern women in 19th and 20th century American liter ature and on Fanny Kemble’s work as author, actress, abolitionist and early fem inist. A former dean of the faculty and current professor of international relations, Dr. Richard Heindel, has receiv ed a sabbatical leave for the fall and winter terms to write a book. Heindel, a Harrisburg resident and professor at Capitol since 1967, is writing on “The American impact Abroad.” He earned a bachelor degree at Harvard and a master’s and doctorate de gree from the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to joining the faculty at Capitol, Heindel was Presi dent of Pratt Institute in Brooklyn and President of Wagner College in Staten Island. During a 37-year-career in inter national relations, Heindel has served at numerous government and educational positions including the staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and director of the American Embassy Library in London. New Faculty Mr. Troy Thomas has joined the faculty as art historian in the humanities department. A resident of Harrisburg, Thomas holds master de grees in art history and fine arts from Indiana University and the University of Colorado. He earned his bachelor’s degree in fine arts from the Philadelphia Muse um College of Art. He is finishing his doctorate from the University of California at Berkeley. C.C. Reader In addition to university teaching assignments, Thomas has worked at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. According to Dr. Nancy Tischler, program head of the humanities department, Thomas will teach both graduate and undergraduate courses. His speciality is Italian renaissance art. The graduate program in public administration has hired Mr. Robert Munzenrider as coordinator of the field-study program. According to Dr. Daniel Poore, chairman of the public administration pro gram, Munzenrider’s posi tion is possible through a grant of $49,346 from the U.S. Office of Health, Education and Welfare to improve graduate public service programs. Munzenrider holds bache lor and master degrees from the University of Georgia and is finishing a doctorate at the same University. A Phi Beta Kappa scholar, Munzenrider has taught at the Universities of Florida and Georgia. New Staff Christine M. Reinhardt has been appointed financial aid counselor. A graduate of Indiana University in Bloomington with a master of science in education, Reinhardt has worked in student affairs for the past several years. She earned a bachelor of arts degree at Douglass College of Rutgers University. Reinhardt is a specialist in student personnel adminis tration, and will work in the office of admissions. Fellowships Awarded Five students have been awarded Public Service Education Fellowships in the Master of Public Administration program. The five fellowship recipi ents are Anne M. Cornelius of Trenton, N.J., a graduate in English from Chestnut Hill College; Merry G. Samuel, of Brooklyn, N.Y., a sociology graduate from Lincoln University; Gerald Seeber of Levittown, Pa., a political science graduate from Marquette University; Jamie M. Whitty of Harris burg, a social science graduate from Capitol; and Thomas Zellner of Lehigh ton, Pa., a graduate in water resources engineering tech nology also from Capitol. Special Election Scheduled Oct. 7 A special election will be held Tuesday, Oct. 7 near the Round Table to vote on an amendment to the Student Government Asso ciation (SGA) constitution. The proposed amendment, passed out at registration, will give graduate students representation in SGA. All full time undergraduate and graduate students may vote. Evening voting will be available. The Hot Lion is published to inform the Capitol Campus community of all activities on, or concerned with, the Campus. Everyone should feel free to use this service by completing the entry cards available in the Student Affairs Office [WlO5]. Deadline is Thursday Noon, the week prior to date of publication. SEPT. 20-OCT. 10 Art Exhibit, Gallery Lounge - Painter/Sculptor SEPT. 20 NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION 9:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. - ARRIVAL AND ROOM ASSIGNMENTS for new residence students at Meade Heights and Wrisberg Hall. 6:00 P.M. - 7:30 PM. - DINNER/ENTERTAINMENT (all students in Residence Halls) - New commuter students invited - Dining Hall. 9:00 P.M. - COFFEE HOUSE/DANCE - Featuring “Latent Image” - Student Center NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION CONTINUES 4:00 P.M.' - 6:00 P.M. - PROGRAM MEETINGS (see Orientation brochure for Room scheduling) 6:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. - INFORMAL RECEPTION AND PICNIC - all new students, staff, faculty - Student Center Lawri. 8:00 P.M. - JAZZ CONCERT - “The Third Stream” Student Center SEPT. 22 Undergraduate Registration - Check Master Schedule for appropriate time. NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION CONTINUES 2:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. - ORGANIZATIONAL FAIR - Vendorville Closina date for aoDlication for GRE. SEPT. 23 Undergraduate Registration - Check Master Schedule for appropriate time. 8:30 A.M. - 3:30 P.M. - Computer Workshop - E-307. NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION CONTINUES 8:15 P.M. - MOVIES - West of Pesos (Speedy Gonzales), Champion (Charlie Chaplin), Pigskin Capers (Marx Brothers), Big Thumb (W. C. Fields) and others - Student Center. SEPT. 24 8:00 A.M. - Classes begin. 6:30 P.M. - 10:00 P.M. - American Institute of Steel Construction - Seminar - E-338. September 24 - October 3 - drop/add period SEPT. 26 - Film - “Jezebel” HACC - 8 :00 P.M Knestrick Gets P.P.A. Office Dr. James L. Knestrick, assistant professor of social science and psychology, is President-elect of the Divis ion of Community Psychol ogy of the Pennsylvania Psychological Association. A native of Washinton, Pa., Knestrick is also coordinator of the master’s degree program in commu nity psychology. Knestrick received a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Penn State. He has served as director of psychological training at Harrisburg State Hospital, and has been consulting clinical psychol ogist at Central School District in York, Pa. since 1970. We will be saving space in students, faculty and staff, each issue of the READER Ad forms are available in for free classified ads from the READER office, W-129. Oth mar Carli SEPT. 21 Kunkle Fund Scholarships Awarded Scholarships from the Bayard D. and Ethel M. Kunkle Fund were recently awarded to ten undergradu ate students for the 1975-76 academic year. According to Dr. Robert McDermott, provost, the Ithe Kunkle awards made this year by Capitol totaled $4,950. Individual awards ranged up to $925. The purpose of the Kunkle scholarship fund is to aid and recognize outstanding undergraduate students at Penn State’s Commonwealth Campuses who have a need for funds to meet necessary college expenses. Recipients of the Kunkle scholarships for the coming year are: Robert Bennett of Midday, Pa., Debra Duttry of Millersburg, Pa., Patrick Hospodavis of Masontown, Pa., James C. Kicinski of Pittsburgh, James Leighton of Harrisburg, Valerie Miles of Philadelphia, Carl Puschak of Glenside, Pa., Charles Roy of York, Pa., Douglas Ryman of Hershey, and Thomas E. Tucker of Freeland, Pa. Page 3
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