Provost McDermott discusses the University’s tight money situation with member of Capitol's Penn PIRG. A nice day for basking in the sun and the partly-clouds for over 10,000 people. slightly De... boredom on this feline's face, as it refuses to take part in its human’s frivolity. Tuition Rally Small But Effective C.C. READER tuition hike allies Dean Wolf with protesting The proposei students. students during an afternoon rally held May 16 behind the Main Bldg. Greg Weikel supervises the administration of the letters. Pounding out a beat to stir the hearts of the half-dazed May 29, 1975 VENDORVILLE HOURS Monday - Thursday 7:15 A.M. - 7:30 P.M. Grill open until 7:30 P.M 7:15 A.M. - 4:30 P.M Grill open until 2:30 Have (rfy Night H? Class? STOP DOWN IN VEN DORVILLE AND GET A REAL CUP OF COFFEE BEFORE CLASS. THESE NEW EXTENDED HOURS DEPEND ON YOUR CON TINUED PATRONAGE. Housing and Food Service
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