MAY 1, 1975 Computer Employment Service S? " contracted with American Posters have been fur- * * Personnel and are currently nished to the President of*, nrivirkn%TnY^ working to make this service the Student Council, withV i, O IUDILiN io Af AIIVS r RKINGr available to all of their take-ones attached. These ■Xy' client/users, over twenty informational posters are*9T'|l HfllOlV AT 1 ¥HVIVRRmFTV PAP\ thousand strong, employers placed in traffic areas of X f'/XEU of almost all types of campus. * And Capitol Campus * positions known. With the end of the*i < „ / As an example, the school year fast approach-\j^/_ J personnel officer of a large ing, the need has never beenW*3ooo PENN STATE STUDENTS MAY BE FORCED TOv* corporation (say U.S. Steel) more acute for students to DROP OUT OF SCHOOL DUE TO LACK OF MONFy\A rtSua.rin° n “ ,BSlr Pro,eSSlonal GOVERNOR S C HA°P^ D BUD T GE^IS K PASSED N ItM enaineerina for their facility fSmSBSZ? - * . jy* AY ,Y MAY ® E BEST FRIEND. in Dallas, Texas. The officer M CAN YOU AFFORD A TUITION INCREASE OF $l5O '*] then feeds the computer the YEAR? CAN YOU AFFORD 10 MINUTES OF*i/ # appropriate job re- ‘tl * *j|KYOUR TIME TO WRITE A LETTER TO YOUR quirements. At this point m 'A V*LEGISLATOR? YOU CAN’T AFFORD NOT TO. the officer is unaware of the o v t *' START UP NOW. fn sex, age, creed, color, P r | p * ‘ r,\* religion, name or addres of 1 * - * the applicants. His choice is made only on background and skills. The selected applicants are then sent an invitation via the computer to call the officer for an interview. Since the applicant has detailed in the resume the job character istics he or she demands, they know that the position offered meets or exceed those demands. The one tiem total charge to the applicant for twelve full months of exposure is only $25.00. This is the only fee the student pays and the employer will pay no fee; the only expense to the em ployer will be computer time to look at resumes. The charge for this should average less than a small want ad in the local newspaper. An Open Letter to the Student Body, Recently, computer ex perts have devised a system that will expose student applications for employment to over twenty thousand employers from coast to coast and twenty foreign countries. The concept is very simple. A large number of companies find it convenient to lease computer time for their own use (called time sharing or remote batch usage) from computer ser vice companies set up for just this purpose. Through computer terminals in their offices, they have access to a fantastic amount of knowledge and service at very inexpensive rates. As a matter of fact, virtually all of the Fortune Top 1300 companies are either ven dors or user. Through the use of extremely thorough and complete resumes, Ameri can Personnel Systmes Corporation is forming the most complete and exten sive personnel bank in history. This data bank is being made available to every corporation with a terminal facility. All major vendors of computer time, including General Electric, University Computing, Con trol Data Corporation, United Computing, Service Bureau Corporation, McDonnel Douglas, and others, have CROSS A 1 Form of “to be” Money for a tortilla Russian news service Actor Barker, one-time film Tarzan Norse god code phoning aid Blackbird Brooch Moldable material Comfort Coiffure “cover-up” Part of the psyche Resister to the last: hyph. wd. Turin’s river 15. 16. 17. EDET STUDENT/FACULT OUTING The lEEE Student Branclf' invites all EDET students,* faculty and their families or* girlfriends to attend this firsV student/faculty outing oi Saturday, May 10 at 2 pnft until ? at Elizabethtown Community Park. The * branch asks ail who to pack their own lunch foHtt the day. Beer, soda andH charcoal will be provided. Ant pavillion and four charcoar* pits are on reserve for the., day. v ii Facilities include: ress rooms, softball field, play ground, pavillion w/ tables,! parking area, volleyball net, horseshoe beds. The success of this outing' depends on you. So let’s, have a good time! J Made a slip Tom, Dick and Harry Plus 31 33 35. Specified TV’s “ Squad” Frosts Spanish “Robin Hood”- type hero Toward Heavenly crescent: 2 wds. 3,5, or 7 Pronoun Filibuster tactic 43. 45. 46. 49. 52. 53. 54. Test TV show VIP at Peking Antagonist Writer Ambler Hindu teacher C.C. READER Before Orbit Leave out 56. 57. 58. 59. Cerise DOWN 1. Woe is me! 2. Nevada city 3. Banish 4. Theater snack 5. Miss Adams 6. Sermon theme 7. Light-switch word 8. Instructed 9. Actor Carney 10. Between “ready” and “go” 11. Speak 17. Dish of 24 blackbirds 19. Bringer of wisdom, in the Orient 20. More extensive 22. Imp 23. Branch 24. Donnybrook 25. Silly bird 26. Discomfort 27. At some time 29. Barber’s tool 32. line, Arctic radar system 34. Teen-age quitter 37. Kiss; pet 39. Pindar’s forte 42. Strike three! 44. Put off 46. Dress in Delhi 47. “Nitty-gritty” 48. Listen to 49. Vim 50. Man’s name 51. Ignited 52. Flower, for short 55. Start off House of Representatives Main Capitol Building Harrisburg, Pa. 17120 Dear Representative. As a student at Penn State University, I j am concerned about the proposed rise* ini tuition for next year, an expected $l5O. In crease in total college expenses for 75-76 academic year is predicted. This increase \ will present an extreme financial burden on J myself and my family. Last year there was a 1 $9O. tuition increase, and if tuition goes up \ again, this year, especially with the present J economic crisis, it may be difficult for me tovj complete my education. j Governor Shapp’s budget proposal for Penn State is far below the amount requested by my university. If the univ**- ' doesn’t get the money it need 1 dents will have to pay the differei ference that many of us cannot would be tragic if even one forced to drop out of school bi tuition that is too high in a st university. Students’ futures are so i urge you to please vote the r funds for Penn State in order to tuition increase. MODEL LETTER - REWRITE \ • O'?* * NTMi Sincerely yours, Joe Student PAGE your address date
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