PAGE 4 Collegiate Journalism Changing Long Beach, Calif. [I.P.] In an attempt to get the California State University, Long Beach, Department of Journalism accredited, a compromise to establish a laboratory student news paper by Sept. 1, J 975 has been agreed upon by administrators, Associated Students’ officers and rep resentatives of the "Forty- Niner.” M.L. Stein, chairman of the department, explained in a memo clarifying the compromise. According to the memo, the editorial director can prevent publi cation only “for reasons of possible libel, obsenity, good taste and the failure of any item to meet profes sional journalistic stan dards.” Jim Tortolano, editor-in chief for the spring semes ter,, isn’t completely satis fied with this item and feels it needs more sDecific REMEMBER SftIGQN I remember a few years ago when I was in Saigon. When I was in a trench fighting the Viet Cong. And then, I used to ask my self many times why am I here? Because my home is nowhere near. My country finally decided to get meout of that place. The one of bloody disgrace. I still remember many of my friends lying theredead< Some of them, with a bullet put through their head. I remember the hard work that I have done, But it is worse there now, than before I began. Why? Because the fighting has started again, And I wonder if we're going back, and if so, when? definition as to “good taste”* For Sale- Anyone interested and “professional journal- in buying a 390 cu. in in Ford istic standards.” $ engine or parts. Please call As a second item Of the ask for Joe. Price of compromise, a board, con-^ motor $75.00, parts negotiable, sisting of three it works any other members and two journalism students, will be established * to determine the news- * For Sa,e North Face Sierra paper’s policy and editorial * Tent - Z'PPered door backed by routine. A separate, If second door of mosquito net. student-dominated board ’ tt Mosc l uito netted window, rain will determine the editorial * fly side P ullout s, single A content of the newspaper # Frame P° les ' extra stakes. The lab newspaper is only * height: 6 lbs. 2 ozs. Used three one phase of many to ready *'' mes ' excellent condition, the department for accredi- price: $155.00. Sale tation by the American S Pr >ce: $125.00. Peter M. Council tor Education in « Yaff ee, Box 183, Fed. Sq. Journalism. Stein considers * station ' Harrisburg 17108. the change essential. “I felt * Phone 717-652-1933. that the Journalism Depart- * _ „ , ... ment could not continue to * . For . Sa Artey F,ute give academic credit for j£ pie “J. w,th „ case ' in 9°° d (student work on) the *c°" dd '°n *’°. Call 566-8568. Ask Forty-Niner unless there was £. or Pa ' - faculty supervision,” he F said. “I can’t justify giving * . Sal ® 'l° adu,t home up to Six units when student sl f * 3 ° r . $7S J°[ aIL reporters are supervised and if' 3 56^'8568 - Ask for Pat edited by other students.” por sg| e *1970 Chevrolet Camaro * automatic, mags much If more. Excellent condition $1595. * Brian 652-6715 & For Sale - Ross 10 Speed Bike, like new, paid $lOO, will *sell for $6O. Call Hutch 944-7795. * * For Sale - Motorcycle helmet * with tinted face shield, new, * $25.00. See Mark at 833 A Nelson Dr. a Sale $ Mercury *63 Power brakes, 2 S , i*w tires: Runs good. MS- S' jotiate price or just give me S i/4 lb. Mexican Check out. £ lathi, f (965 Chevrolet Impale. Just ? napected. Good running con ? iitlon. Radial tires air con » dilioning. p.s. p.b. Radio 8 $350.00. Call C.Wley 898-2366 J after 4:00 weekdays * If For Sate - Mens Florsheim Golf shoes, 10-D, *s2. Almost unused Women's Ice Skates, White, BV2, $~ * * * For Sale- Well constructed * mobile home, B'x32', located 8 If minutes from campus, well H maintained, electrical and heating systems, comfortable rooms, natural wood paneling, ■jfr new washer, new electric * dryer, carfree living for * graduate or returning un it dergraduates, call Michael C.C. READER * * * * * * * Reader Classifieds M- **' - ' 1 — •' *— -pot. >of your Stolen i L * Monday thru Thursday after favorite person? A favorite $lOO reward for the return of a* * 5:00 PM ' 944-7004. snap-shot turned into a work 1972 Kawasaki 500, orange gasjl Mr Stereo Sale- AKAI PreMain of art? A unique poster? ; ta " k > chrome fenders, tuned 4 cha "" el "JS* 5 from «fy ptStograp! ffi“j Jr RMS 8 spkr capacity JVC CD-4 (if legible). Your choice 0 i when riding this bike). Stolen If « Disk Democulator $5O discrete media. Rates relative tc from main building parking lot,* INch for records SQ Decoder 4ch media and time con Friday April 18, between 9:15* £.or™, Records and tapes, .ump Hon - M Low* pS. o“ *George 122 Church 944-5677 Smith, 73 Roop St contact David Thierfelder -%r •'VV****** V*V***P*VVVVVV VVVVV'PV'P* ********* An angry scrawl On tne whitewashed- **\ j * suggests J hatred tor all manki Free Ad Forms Available In WllO For Sale Bike, Men’s 3-speed, Sunbeam Lightweight Frame. Excellent condition. Rarely used. Best offer over $45.00. See Ed Beck, Counseling Center or call 533-5393 evenings. For Sale Men’s Brown Loafer Used Twice 10 1 /2 D. 2.00. Women's Ice Skates White BV2. 5.00. Heindel W-356. 787-7729. For Sale Two Tickets to Aerosmith Concrt May 10. Call Rich 944-0529. For Sale Honda 350 CL Scrambler Motorcycle. Good condition. Will not sell for less than $650. Call 944-5966. Ask for Tom or leave your phone number. For Solo Bowmar calculatorsBs.oo new. Will sell for $45.00. Purchased Sept. 1974 only used 1 term. Call Louie 944-9277 Room 232, Wrisberg Hall after 0 P.M. For Sale - Three kites, two new, one used only once! One thousand feet of string in cluded. For more information call the Highacres Club. For Sale: Pickup Truck, '4O Chev.,6 cylinder, good running condition, needs no work. Call 533-6293. FOR SALE 1970 Kawasaki 350 cc street/ trail motorcycle. Call Rod Minaya at 234-6592 evenings. For Sale 352 Ford engine for sale. Parts negotiable. Also body parts from 64 Galaxie, automatic transmission and much more. Call Joe - 944-9277 or on WATS 8-8-215-372-2184. WANT CHESS CLUB MEMBERS: Attend the emergency meeting in Room WIIOA next Wed nesday, 5/7/75. Wanted To Buy - 3 or 5 speed bike, in good condition. Call 566-8568. Ask for Pat. Want to Buy- Honda ATC 90': in any shape. Contact Sludge 232-7084. Wanted-Riders - Drivers ti- Scranton area to share e' penses. Leave Thursday nlte Firday morning - return or. Sunday. Call 944-5765 ask for Frank. SERVICES Wants irtraitdone ©MM 1 And underneath the scrawl, in smaller letters, Printed inside a heart, rjA Aj The message is left Somebody loves .somebody. MAY 1, 1975 SERVICES—WiII type term papers and other material. Experienced typist. IBM. Electric. Very low cost. It interested call /Mrs. Beaver at 564-0414. Do not be con cemed about pick-up and delivery I have a contact or campus. Services * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,* * * * * * * ii TRA VEL * Girls interested in touring. I need a passenger for a 3 day motorcycle trip down? skyline drive. First weekend in? May. Apply 308 Wrisberg after? 6:00 pm. Cost is about $45.00* for rooms and food. * # Square Dance Singles 20 to 35 are invited UrJfr square dance Tuesday, May 6,* 8:15 pm. at Market Presbyterian Church, burg Pa. Sponsored byjt business and professional? young adults. Further infor-? mation call Julie 233-6163 after? 5 pm. * Radio TrV. Rapairs. Blac' and White and odor, tap playert etc. All work ! guarranteed for 90 days Reasonable. CaH Johr House call* *44-2401. Weddings and portraits photographed by profession als. Also custom dark room work for photo essays ft term projects. Color, BAW, and slides. Push processing. Pro fessional quality. Reasonable rates. SeeMarkst 933 A Nelson SERVICES 5-String Banjo Lessons. jScruggs-style, 3-finger Bluegrass. Old-time frail ing. Call Mark 944-0053 Services Don't get ripped off at the supermarket. Am wav products are proven superic and cost up to 50 percent les than supermarket products 100 percent money bad guarantee if not completely satisfied in every respect Laundry and home carr products. Call Stan. 944-5230 Housing - Two bedroor apartment available firs- June. Present' tease expires 31st August within walkin' distance from Campus. Ca 944-2402 after 6 P.AA. Housing Urgently needed. A one or twe bedroom apartment. Reason able rent. Call 944-0977. Leav< message. Personal - Wanted ride or riders 2nd thru sth period from Hsbg. Call Anne Kless 234-8514. Does not have to be regularly. Let the city worry about it When, next spring a | coat of whitewash fc Will cover it up. 'll | M by Susan Wohlbrucl hlklmlmlh
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers