PAGE 4 *********************************************** * Reader Classifieds Can't Get High, With Your Kite, Anyway Rear C.C. Reader; * Free Ad Forms Available In WllO Letters,,To. he Editor Greetings from high atop Wrisberg Hall to all of you, * especially our penpals No-Tel-Motel, the Trekkies, Mr. -Ir. w For Sale- Anyone interested Olsen, Brown eyes, etc. We finally rewrote our letter of * in several weeks past so w ithout further adue; here it is; buying a 390 Cu. in in Ford * engine or parts. Please call If any anyone ever tells you to go fly a kite you better tell * 944-9277 ask for Joe. Price of them to go shove their kite! Legally that's about all you can :motor $75.00, parts negotiable. do with it at this location. It seems that there are many *Yes, it works any other restrictions on kite flying which could put a good number of *questions7 seemingly innocent kite flyers in the slammer!! Well to make a short story long we might just as well tell the story *For Sale- Available April from the start. * furnished bed sitting room with A few weeks ago, one Wednesday afternoon we felt in- * walking distance of campus dustrious and decided to find something to do that was new, it large yard, parking facilities, interesting, and adventurous. Well after considerable * kitchen and laundry facilities thought we decided there wasn't much to do but fly a kite, so * available $20.00 per week. Call we did. Since it was a nice breezy day we were very suc- * 944-2797 between 5:00 and 7:00 cessful in launching our kite and before long we had ex- * P.M. and ask for Linda. iPncled every bit of string we had into the air, about 1,000 feet. Soon afterwards a security officer came along and told * For Sale- North Face Sierra us The kite had to come down because it was too close to the *Tent. Zippered door backed by airport. Not wanting to cause any trouble we promptly second door of mosquito net retrieved the kite but we were determined to find out just Mosquito netted window, rain Radio TN. Repairs. Sloe* what laws we might be breaking. The next day we went to *fl y side pullouts, single A and White and 1 *Frame poles, extra stakes. For Sale: Pickup Truck, '6O CMCW ' taP -- the library but found only a general outline to FAA rulesplayers etc. All work. I* and regulations which told us that there was something *Weight 6 lbs 2 ozs. Used three Chev., 6 cylinder, good running *times, excellent condition condition, needs no work. Call 11"ran teed fw 90 dalf‘* pertaining to kites but there was not text. We then called the Reasonable. Call Johr * *Original price $155 00 Sale 533-6293. FAA office in Harrisburg where the gentleman was most House calls 044-2401. * cooperative and spent some time to find an answer to our * *Price $125 00 Peter M. ,F Fed Sq. OR SALE * question. As it turned out we discovered these particular At. Yaf fee' Box 183, Must Sell! 1968 Suzuki 500 cc SERVICES : regulations: *Station, Harrisburg 17108 - Exc. Cond. - Engine re- Want a portrait done of y"4 l - A kite or other moored obiect can not be flown within five * Phone 717 652 1933 built only 200 mi. - Best favorite person? A favorite* miles of any airport unless it is no higher than the tallest * For Sale Artley Flute (3 Offer - Call Ken 533-6561 or snap-shotturned into a work* structure within two hundred feet of the flyer. * *piece) with case, in good W-138- of art? A unique poster? 1* A kite can never be flown more than five hundred feet * condition $9O. Call 566-8568.A5k work from any photograph* into the air and if there are clouds present the kite cannot be *for Pat. FOR SALE (if legible). Your choice oft within one hundred feet of the lowest clouds. * BSR Metrotec graphic stereo frequsiwY media. Rates relative to* A kite string may not extend over a power transmission * equalizer Has fhs frequency ranges. For Sale 10 adult home Half a year old. Will sail ta $50.00. media and time cons line.* *Callmovies $lO each or $75 for all. Connecta to any amplifier with tape sumption - but Low! P R J..v. If one is flying a kite on which a person is riding i e a skiing monitor. Call Pets at 114441566 • • I' s. 566 8568 Ask for Pat. Smith, 73 Roop St.,* kite or one moored to a car, there are no regulations ' 1 covering this type of kite.* *For Sale For sale, Mobile home 12 X 00, 2 Highspire. 939-3040. * bedroom $5,800. Call Fred 652-1542, 1 After looking over these few regulations (there are * mile from school. SERVICES : more), you can see that many kite flyers have exceeded *1970 Chevrolet Camaro 5 -String Banjo Lessons. * some of these limits. So what can we say except don't get *automatic, mags much For Sale * Scruggs-style, 3-finger too high II I THE HIGHACR ES CLUB *more . Excellent condition I3owmar calculatorsBs.oo new Bluegrass • Old-time frail- * P S The Highacres Club Unanimously endorses Mr. V Scott 3 .13 8r ° Deardorff for president of SGA. ian 652-6715 Will sell for $45.00. Purchased ing. Call Mark 944-0053 * Sept.l974 only used 1 term. * 'Wharton Avenue : . For Sale Ross 10 Speed Call Louie 944-9277 Room 232, Bike, like new, paid $lOO, will Wrisberg Hall after 6 P.M. Services Don't get ripped off at theme Rebellion' *sell for $6O Call Hutch 944-7795. * For Sale Three kites, two supermarket Amway* products are proven superior and cost up to 50 percent lest * * For Sale Motorcycle helmet new, one used only once! One than supermarket products.* Dear Edito r. *with tinted face shield, new, thousand , feet of string in - 100 percent money back* I am a member of the "Wharton Avenue Rebellion".O —s2s 00 See Mark at 833 A When this term started, I found that I was too broke to pay * Nelson Dr cluded. For more information guarantee if not complete!) * the $7.50 fora parking sticker. So, in order to dodge a fine by * call the Highacres Club satisfied in every respect the Gustapo, I started to park on Wharton Ave That short * Morally '63 Power brakes, 2 Laundry and home care w walk toand from the main building is a brisk and refreshing ltnew tires. Runs good. No- products. Call Stan. 944-5230 * Wanted To Buy 3or 5 speed * stimulant before classes. The walking distance is not that *gotiate price or just give me bike, in good condition. Call Housing Two bedroom* mlich farther than the main lot to class. *l/4 lb. Mexican Check out. 566 8568 Ask for Pat apartment available first* How can anyone lustify paying $7.50 and getting ripped- *Cathi, * June. Present lease expires * off by Penn State? Just what in the hell do they offer for that * 31st August within walking* Chevrolet Impala. Just money? Noway isall that money being used to improve and * 11965 maintain Capitol Campus's parking facilities. Must of that * nsPeci running con- Wanted Riders Drivers t, distance from Campus. Call* on. Radial tires con- Scranton area to share e , money goes to a central fund for parking lots throughout the :. diti ditlon ing. p.s. p.b air . Radio penses. 944 2402 after 6 P.M.P M Leave Thursday nit( * entire Penn State system, including University Park. How *5350.00. Call C.Wloy 898-2366 Firday morning return o Personal Girls! For a* Absurd! I I * after 4:00 weekdays Sunday. Call 944-5765 ask for harmless evening, for an in-* Here's a challenge to the new student government of- * Frank nocent date, call John 944 9063 * ficers; Get rid of that $7.50 parking fee, or insist upon a * * penny by penny accounting of every cent of that money to* For Sale Mens Florsheim Personal Wanted ride or* be invested ONLY AT CAPITOL CAMPUS. * Brown White Golf shoes, 10-D, Want to Buy- Honda ATC 90' , riders 2nd thru sth period from * : We have been ripped off long enough. What's this I hear : s2.Almost unused Women's in any shape. Contact Sludge Hsbg. Call Anne Kless 234-8514. . v ., about Penn State being a non-profit system? With the way lce Skates, White, 8 1 / 2 , $7 232 7084 Does not have to be regularly their going, we'll soon have to pay to get into the bathrooms. "lic*********************************************** , Then once we're in, there might be a charge for toilet paperg - 'I -by the sheet I have had enough' I ! C ommencement Bulletin Sincerely in a state of Wharton, Gary B. Macchioni The "Tiltin' Hilton" , , We, the hi to commend this fine establishment for satisfying the needs of our students. There has been many a night we have spent there that chips, pretzels, and other fine foods that go hand & hand with beer have been passed out on the house. The proprietor has never treated us in any other way, but first class. So fellow students take heed and channel your thirst to this outstanding cultural establishment. C. C. READER TO ALL GRADUATING STUDENTS! Any student wishing not to attend Commencement exer cises can receive his-her diploma on any normal business day after commencement or have it mailed to them. If a student desires to have the diploma mailed to them a fee of $5.00 should be paid to the FINANCE OFFICE. In either case, a request to graduate in Absentia Form must be obtained from the Records Office, filled out and returned there FIRST. This form is subject to approval by the Records Officer (Mr. Thorne). Affer filling out the form you will be notified only if the form is disapproved. This procedure should be done as early as possible to lessen any aggravation and confusion. Rich Laychock Engineering Senator ) r For Sale- Well constructed mobile home, B'x32', located 8 minutes from campus, well maintained, electrical and heating systems, comfortable rooms, natural wood paneling, new washer, new electric dryer, carfree living for graduate or returning un dergraduates, call Michael, Monday thru Thursday after 5:00 P.M., 944-7004. Stereo Sale- AKAI PreMain Amp $lOO 4 channel 60 watts RMS 8 spkr capacity JVC CD-4 Disk Democulator $5O discrete 4ch for records SQ Decoder 4ch for FM, Records and tapes. George 122 Church 944-5677 ifnoans 944-9338. LA NEMPIOSEAT m OPNCER4 trt „ W ..: FR I _, APRIL 17, 1975 SERVICES--Will type term* papers and other material.* Experienced typist. IBM.* Electric. Very low cost. if* interested call Mrs. Beaver: at 564-0414. Do not be con At . cemed about pick-up andi. delivery I have a contact or,* campus. Weddings and portraits * photographed by profession- * els. Also custom dark room * work for photo essays & term * projects. Color, B&W, and * slides. Push processing. Pro- * fessional quality. Reasonable * rates. Seemarkot 833 A Nelson * Services KNOW YOUR CAR sponsored by e. (N.0.W.) T CAR MAINTENANCE DEMONSTRATION Wed. April 30 1 p.m. Rm. E-253 Donation $.50 Stan Levine of Cameron Auto will teach basic auto maintenance &tell how to avoid being ripped off when you take you car to a service center Call Mureen Ryan (737-5022) for details
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