April 3, 1975 Utters To The Editor' Tits And Ass Blasted Dear Mr. Bollinger: I am astounded by the article in the C.C. Reader paae 9, March 14, 1975 titled "Tits and Ass". I realize your paper is in an embryonic stage as well as understaffed, but a little more care should be taken to carefully analyze the use of someone elses techniques of communicating and the reasons why this technique has been used such as in the case of Lenny Bruce. Your coverage is not only unfair to the artist, but also unfair to all the students who worked hard and planned the "Casino Night" so that it would be successful. Perhaps, if your paper had helped to plan this event you would have known that "Tits and Ass" was not the key to the successof the program, but the hard cooperative work of many students. The "Casino Night" was a first for Capitol Campus in that there was no competitive social planning done anywhere else on this campus that night. Instead we had all studentorganizations working together to plan this particular program and make it work.• It is extremely important that you and your staff expand beyond your own personal interpretations of an event and search out the facts which cause the event to be possible and write an article that is bipartisan and educational for those who did not attend the "Casino Night." I don't know if you understand the legal implications such as "defamation of character" and "libel and slander." Nyzta could file suit against Penn State University, Capitol Campus, the Student Activities Office, the photographer and all persons responsible for the layout of this paper. This could be very costly and embarassing to the University. I hope it does not happen, but it could. Nyzta volunteered her time to come to our campus, because I invited her. The whole idea was to present a program which was educational and enjoyable for everyone in the Campus Community. She is a professional dancer, an actress and she teaches dance. She brought to this campus a dance form which is often misinterpreted. We had hoped that her appearance here would have enlightened the Campus about the art of belly dancing. She told the audience before she danced that, "belly dancing really is a dance of Eastern Mediterranean origin and has been accepted as an art form for many centuries and many countries." However, it has been misinterpreted by Americans and often confused with "strip tease." When Lenny Bruce made the statement about "Tits and Ass" in Las Vegas, I can assure you from my visit there that he wasn'A talking about "Belly dancing." Lenny Bruce lived a very lonely life, because of his sarcasm. He insulted many people. However, Lenny Bruce was an expert at what he was doing and many people consider him a "genius." Now, however, I don't think our newspaper staff has reached the maturity in journalism to even attempt to in terpret Lenny Bruce. The press is an important and necessary means of communication and is protected under the Ist and 14th amendments to the Constitution. However, it has been held in numerous supreme court cases that freedom of the press is the right to know and to disseminate information to the public. But, where there is discretion exercisable by the press concerning the dissemination of slanderous and libelous information without the opportunity to rebut or refute the information, it has been held that this is a denial of due process. Freedom of the press does not give the press complete freedom to fraudulently deceive other people by lying to them or about them, nor does it give us the right to commit libel or slander - "you have the right to say and print what you want, provided it does not injure the rights of other people "(and conflict with the welfare of society)" Butts Vs. N.Y. Times. This has been a learning experience to many people on this campus and I hope we have all learned something from this incident. I am in support of what you and your staff are trying to do and I am here to help whenever I possibly can. Roberta McLeod Coordinator Of Student Activities Dear Highacres Club: We tried to contact you to let you know we've misplaced your kite article. Sorry about that. However, we really want to print that thing, so we are eagerly awaiting another copy with baited breath. Thanks for your 4 ,1111/ // , ,/ -THE EDITORS "•••..N \ It's Time to FERTILIZE C.C. Reader Remember The Lamp Post? Remember all the nights spent at the Lamp Post; all the beer and ale consumed; all the money passed their way? The Lamp Post became the friendly neigh borhood bar for the residents at Capitol. But when it came down to doing something for us, they could not. They could not manage to take out a twenty-five dollar ad for the yearbook. Personally with the amount of money they have gained from the campus, they should have taken a hun dred-dollar ad. Habits are hard to change but the habitat of the drinkers and gathers at the Lamp Post should change to an establishment more appreciative of their clientele. This little piece of in formation has come from the yearbook. We are out trying to secure ads to meet the expenses of the book. And we feel that places like the Lamp Post should be willing to give us an ad. Sure, times are rough, but we do give them business and we help them secure their annual profit. Now for the conclusion, we will ask for your help in lowering the cost of the yearbook. If you know of any business that you feel would place an ad in the yearbook, please leave the name and address or phone number in the SGA office in the CAPITOLITE mail box. Jamie Whitty Editor, Capitol ite Capitol To Be Doused With Cold Water Capitol To Be In Cold Water This June. The central heating plant will be shut down from June Bth to June 16th for annual maintenance. There will be no domestic hot water available in the Main Building, Dormitories, Dining Hall, Student Center, University Apartments or Placement Center during the shut-down. Suggested brands of im ported hot water usually available during this time period are Thermos brand for washing you hands, Yellow Arches for quick and easy coffee, and Laudromat Blues for washing clothes. All of these imported waters are within easy reach of the Capitol Community during this fluid period. Dr. John W. Lostcause, President of Penn State, was interviewed last week by the C.C. Reader in order to find out his personal feelings toward Capitol Campus. Away from all the distracting diplomatic obfuscation, Dr. Lost cause wasquite candid with me in the privacy of his humble 42-room home in the midst of the Pocono Mountains. Feeling secure in the center of his 300-acre estate which represents the meager reward for his lengthy academic beaureaucratic career, Dr. Lostcause shared the following views of Capitol Campus with us: C Riag r E E. Dr. u L 7 ostcause, what is your personal opinion off L•s cause: It's a shit-heap Reader: And what of its relation to the rest of the University? Dr. Lostcause: Capitol is the anal orifice thru which the University passes all its excretia. As such, it is a vital part of the University. Reader: How are the students at Capitol regarded b administration and faculty of University Park? Dr. Lostcause: The students at Capitol are held in the highest esteem consistent with their achievements in academia. We all feel Capitol students should be lauded for their picayune abilities and their enhancement of Capitol's nugatory value to the University community. Reader: Is it true that the Park would prefer having ransfer students enrolled there? Dr. Lostca use: Oh, quite the contrary. Although it is true that many of Capitol's students could not qualify for ad mission anywhere else, it is not true that we discourage qualified applicants from going to Capitol Campus. In fact, we encourage all of our most jejune junior college transfers to go to Capitol. Reader: Is it true that, given the current University budget crisis, plans for the construction of Capitol's multi purpose building will be discarded to make room for relatively minor University Park considerations? Dr. Lostcause: This proposed multi-purpose building, the first such structure whose construction was originally in tended for academic purposes at Capitol Campus, is a major landmark in your history. I can state with unqualified ceratinty that superstruction of this edifice will be averted at all cost to the University. You have my guarantee. Reader: Rumor has it that the University is considering changing the name of Capitol Campus. The most prevalent new name being circulated is Penn State University at Harrisburg. Is any part of this rumor true? Dr. Lostcause: Although it hasn't yet been confirmed by the trustees, a namechange is indeed imminent. However, the final form is still debatable. The choice is between the name you mentioned and "Penn State-Prodigal Campus". Reader: Many administrative people at Capitol are proud .f the amount of autonomy our campus has gained from the Park. However, many students soon find that "University Policy" does little to help them and usually does nothing but hassle them. The parking fee is a prime example. Will Capitol ever gain more than a modicum of autonomy from the Park? ;cause: That's a good question, and I'd like to; answer it, but I'm afraid the time allocated for this in- terview has un fortunately run out. I am due for a banquet in 0 Philadelphia in twenty minutes, and my personal helicopter is ready to leave now. I enjoyed our little conversation, and I hope I've helped to clear-up alot of issues for your readers. Ilf you need any more information, I'm sure you can glean it ;from these Public Information releases. It's been a I !pleasure talking to you. Goodbye. Dr. Lost Reader: Thanks... Dr. Lostcause, you forgot your coat! We at the Reader would like to thank Dr. Lostcause for his insightful statements. The equivocation afforded by his nubilous interview makes us all feel gratuitous. page
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