FEBRUARY 28, 1975 HA CC's Marsha Hocker returns to the pool after a five minute break, mid-way thru setting a world's record for treading water. Photo by Prouser Johnson Dances WRW i1'77• 7 ./. 1 7/ Millersville State College Photo by Prouser Raymond Johnson instructing a dance class during his stay at Capitol as Dancer in Residency. ymond Johnson presented a dance concert last Friday in the Auditorium C.C. READER JOHN DEAN SPEAKS r . . •Sitti:.oo • 111101' itftl Dean spoke alone on the podium, fielding question after question from the audience of 1,500 persons. Photo by Prouser Jon film crew ~ ~ . . '~ ..~~`~ ~ ~~~~i Photo by PAGE four won PIMP IP. 11=M Lem Tucker, reporter for the ABC Evening News, appears tired after chasing John Dean from airport to airport trying to get a statement from Dean regarding the recent sentencing of the four Watergate defendants. Photo by Prouser Photo by Bollinger
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers