PAGE 2 Rec/Ath Information RECREATION /ATHLETICS SCHEDULE FEBRUARY 24 Fencing demonstration in auditorium beginning at 2:00 p.m.; featuring Max Garrett, head coach of PSU and member of his varsity fencing squad. FEBRUARY 27 Table tennis demonstration in the student center beginning at 6:15 p.m. Highlights of evening: Capitol's Ellis Alley matching skills against Robert Van Zandt, instructor in table tennis, and his son Tom Van Zandt, a ranked junior table tennis player. VARSITY BASKETBALL RESULTS: [Week of Feb.lo] Lackawanna 115, C.C. 83 Mont Alto Campus 99, C.C. 74 Stevens Trade School 91, C.C. 80 With the 1974-75 season coming to a close, (two games left), the Capitol Campus "Five" stands at 5 wins, 12 losses. A real bright spot this year has been the outstanding play of Jim Baker, who has done more than anyone could ever hope for from a basketball player. To date he has scored a record 594 points (35 per game), and leads the club with 183 rebounds. Ik 1 V 1 11 DI Lkl3 tilil DI ti AEe you going to be at the GPP Casino night? The XGl's will be there and will be running 3 tables. You can try your luck at the crap table or at 5 card stud. Casino Night will be on Tuesday, February 25 at 8 PM in the student center and will provide funds for the spring concert. On January 31st, a two car caravan arrived in Scranton for a frolicking ski-weekend on the slopes. The night started with a wine drinking contest, with Tom Wick being winner - No one else drank! Tom McMillen almost got to drink some in his sleep! Rich Szezurowski rounded up the girls from Delaware U. while Bill Lupton showed his beginning skills on the slopes. Elections of officers is Feb 27, so let's get to that meeting and vote! A few reminders - The Coatesville VA Hospital trip is for 7:30 p.m., Feb 28. We hope to see you there to visit those guys! Also, the sign up boards are in the lounge for baseball games, UP softball game, and the brewery tour. There are some date conflicts, so get in there and indicate your preference! The brewery tour is at 8 p.m. on April 25. With the group that's going so far, Schaefers had better have plenty of extra kegs ready to tap!! XGI Reporter Jorn Jensen . . RANDOM NOTES COULD YOU TELL ME WHAT IS SO EARTH SHATTERINGLY IMPORTANT ACADEMICALLY WITH THE OUESTIONAIRE HANDED OUT WITH SPRING REGISTRATION MATERIALS. THE ADMINISTRATION MUST READ The Reader BECAUSE THE ROADS DURING THE LAST FEW SNOW FALLS HAVE BEEN EASIER TO TRAVEL ON. RAYMOND JOHNSON IS A FLUID PERSON JUST WATCH HIM MOVE FRIDAY NIGHT IN THE AUDITORIUM. KEEP THOSE CARDS AND LETTERS COMING INTO THE C.C.READER FOLKS! WE JUST LOVE 'EM. CHINGUS KHAN ;WHERE ARE YOU NOW THAT WE NEED YOU: REMEMBER ALFRED E. NEUMAN'LAST WORDS "WHAT' ME WORRY?" OA r 4 t i p a lis .2 .1* "r - N• - VI I ` t 4 em a 11„ pi ~t, M S e t 4 11 T 6• Capitol Campus Reader The C. C. Reader is published by the students of the Pennsylvania State University at Capitol Campus, Middletown, Pa., and is printed by the Middletown Press & Journal during the Fall, Winter and Spring Terms. Opinions expressed by the editors and staff are not necessarily those of the University Administration, Faculty or Students. Editor-in-Chief Associate Editor Associate & Photography Editor Business Manager .. Assistant Business Mgr Business Deot Photographer Layout SGA Correspondents Hot Lion Coordinator Graphics On-Campus Typesetter Advisor Faculty Advisor ... Jim Bollinger Doug Gibboney .Fred Prouser .Ken Hessian ....Steve Nonn Bob Pobiak, Robert Eroh, John Michalyshin Joe Minnici, Gene T. Eddy Romeo Trajanus, Ronnie Wer, Phyllis Schaeffer, P.R.J. Smith, " • Mark Feldman Doug & Jim & Phyllis Mike McAllister, Russ Hogg Dave Nicholas Diane Cressler Eileen Hogg Jim Ferrier Dr. Betty Thorne C.C.READER Continued from page one concerns of your own that together we can work to solve. Since the chapter is just beginning to organize you can help lay the foun dations with some of your own ideas. If you have any questions or )orblems which arise before the meeting on Feb 28 please call either Anne Kless at 234-8514 or Peggy Dillon at 944-1997, or write to us through the C.C.Reader. JOIN US NOW!!!! Susan Wohibruck STUDENT GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS THURSDAY APRIL 3RD IF YOU ARE A JUNIOR AND WISH TO RUN FOR OFFICE PICK UP A PETITION IN THE S.G.A. OFFICE. STARS BARS BY Susan Wohlbruck An old farmhouse, The leaves were green. Should she read and write Or write and read? The chair she sat in, Polished gray, Had wheels attached Madam, goodday It was written up in Time magazine, I saw it. It said hey, Jack, what's happenin'? We want to hear your story So here it is: Sam, I'm doin' fine Got three squares a day, nice pad, One thing though...Abeout these bars They get in my way when I try to leave Good-bye, Jack, and thanks, Madam Please, close the curtain, Sam. ISN'T IT DISGUSTING THAT NO MATTER HOW OLD YOU GET,HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS STILL LOOK THE SAME. VMl7fffffYM 4. el. \??' . . NUSail KANSAS vr.PgrecTlN ' •'ir • SAT.,FEB.22- BPM STAR FARM SHOW ARENA HARRISBURG, PA. $ 4.50 in advance 5.50 at door Tickets all TiCkiElliCIIN locations. Music Scene Sight & Sound. Music Fair. IN CARLISLE lsraels IN YORK Central Ticket Agency. MAIL ORDERS Send to Electric Factory Concerts. 18th & Lombard Sts.. Phila., Pa. 19146 Produced by Spivak'-Magid THIS SAT.-8 P.M. TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE D00R755.50 Letters To The Edit q. What Is A "Decent" Guy Or Chick? Chaste, pure in heart, acceptable, reasonable, and tolerable are the synonyms given by Roget's thesarus for the word "decent". In the last issue of C.C.Reader (February 14, 1975) a letter in this column used the word "decent" as an adjective to describe guys and chicks. If Ms. Praxiteles and Mr. Khan were using this word as a synonym for chaste, and pure in heart, we agree whole heartedly that there are very few people (male or female) who are chaste and pure in heart by the time they reach their junior and senior years in college. If by using the word "decent" Ms. Praxiteles and Mr. Khan meant acceptable, reasonable, or tolerable, at least Mr. Khan was right when he said there are only a few decent chicks. On the other hand, we dispute Ms. Praxiteles statement that there probably are not enough decent guys to go around for all the decent chicks. Our observation has been that the extremely charming and attractive females on this campus are either engaged or going steady with a guy back home, and really don't care whether the guys here are decent or indecent. Then there are the "decent" chicks, who consider a guy with shoulder length hair, full beard, faded jeans, flannel shirt, and a cake of hash in his pocket decent; while others want a decent guy with white walls, clean shaven face, who doesn't smoke or never ever gets horny. Surely, each of the decent girls at Capitol Campus has an idea of what her perfect man should be like, and at a campus where the ratio is usually over five guys to one girl, there is probably at least one reasonable facsimile of that perfect man for each of the decent chicks. The Decent Guys dear dave 1;7 1 F7.1 '' ‘77 1 7 My heed bleeds for yoti I daft think that rd tde yar jab as chaimen of the Social Camino ern if they wanted to pay me. After hearing you talk at the past &G.A. meeting, I got the general impassion that you have been beating your heal against the cold &der-block wells d labitd °emus. The problem of getting stab* support is a sedan one, and you haverft been too successful. Gad entertaimerd costs mdse pews, and waking Witt a fixed amcurd of money is hod to do. But Nee we two other mesons for the meant non-support of soda! events at the pet d az student body. You we probably well ts were ci these items, but let ITS tell you again. Rust, the nejaity d the people living in the dome as engin. swing majors (at West we think we we enginews). Car pro lessors have beat clawing mak on us faster than a Nixed dumps snow on the Ondan fiddler. Most d this netedal is new to is, and it noires a good bit of time at hone to keep us. I personally by to get aver to the cadent canter for yar social events, but daft count an me for perfect attendance. Still them we ahem floatkv anent hwe who have nothing better tocb then watch television The line Skews" and "SRN Tnie we aaldemkally accerdecl and can be used as pemequisitbe to many apses hens at Capitol, but too much T.V. lends to weep the nind. Considbring just these hen things, ell went you ttet resi dent pedicipdion is not too gat. Secatily, we have a sedan problem in the dome which ie. inmelab Menke bum Resident Fat Somme fagot to add the femde cd the epodes (in equal marten at least) to the Golden of Eden. No eater may sensible person dews ad of hem on Ridgy afternoons. We enough to the you up the well! Who wants to go to the Student Center to dive and talk with their buddies from the mom used door? Golly gee Mt 1116 weed pits to talk to ad to dime with and to mete edemas to ad etc. etc.etc. It tequilas a alone, bud it is not inpoesitia Daft feel bid though, It tuft yar fait that boys as nub Net way. I mud COITOMerd you on some of the paps that wee her. Sim Boas was gad ad Aline Bnzkett was Wm*. Maybe if the posted one gid to semen guys mlia we ahead, we wail have more inoenthe to ben ad to domed soda' aunts. Thanks for your time. Hlgharies abb Thini Roar IMistetg[east] DRAMA CLUB Thursday evening, I witnessed the delightful production of the Humanities 410 Drama Club. I would just like to say, that I am glad theater is finally reaching notoriety at Capitol among students but where is the faculty? I might say to the faculty, administrators and the rest of the unaware student body, these plays are not done just for the self satisfaction of the actors, but to add to the culture and entertainment at Capitol. I was really shocked not to see more students and at least a slight representation of the faculty at this performance. I overheard that one professor stated that he did not wish to see an amateur production, [a humanities professor, no less]. Granted these people are not professionals; if they were they certainly would not be at Capitol. But that is beside the point, for in reality all professionals were once amateurs; the only difference here is those professionals had support as amateurs; something which does not exist at Capitol. Basketball Schedule DATE OPPONENT Feb. 21 - Delaware Campus (PSU), CAPITOL CAMPUS Feb. 26 - Wilmington College, New Castle, Del. NEXT WEEK JOHN DEAN SPEAKS FEBRUARY 21, 1975 PLACE OF CONTEST I. M. Proxy 8:00 pm 8:00 •m
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