PAGE 4 Recycle Your Reader Dear Everyone: Have you ever wondered what the C.C.READER could be used for after you've finished reading it (if you read it) ? Well, I think I've found a few novel and worthwhile uses for it. It can be used for: lining cat-pans making paper-airplanes making paper-hats confetti, after it's shredded in a Watergate manner practicing trash-can basketball making spit-balls (if you're so inclined) scribbling obscenities on toilet-paper (in emergencies. Watch out if the ink's still wet) packing-paper house-breaking your dog (extremely good for this) as a poor man's door-mat (you'll need several) as a dust-collector (keeps shelves clean) scrap book material (if you're a dedicated Capitol :student) or you can just throw it away (which is something they aven't done yet in the Readeroff ice). At any rate, I hope 've been able to help you in deciding how you're going to •o your bit for ecology and recycle the C.C. Reader. Oh, eah - one more thing: you can stick it up whatever part of ho's ever anatomy you wish. It's bio-degradeable. Diane Cressler Is This Any Way To Run A University? To the Editor Although I do not consider the C.C.READER a top quality, literary production, I do read it each week and find it suits my needs in knowing the events on campus. As I was on my way out the door to go home, I grabbed this week's edition, stopped at the door, and went back to get the rest of it. When I returned to the pile, I sawthat I had all there was of it. I thought, "Well, they must be using cheaper paper (there's a shortage of everything now adays)". However, upon reading the paper, I saw the article • from the "Head Reader Honcho" with his explanation. ' lam not familiar with how the newspaper is funded, but it would seem to me that the University should finance its publication. To me, the C.C.READERIS AN OUTLET FOR THE STUDENTS TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS AS WELL AS GIVING THOSE WHOSE INTERESTS ARE CITED IN OURNALISWI A CHANCE TO SEE THEIR WORKS IN PRINT. The trend at Capitol Campus seems to be stifling the interests of the students instead of being an inspiration. his follows suit not only with the C.C.READER but with .ny student initiated production. I have always believed that education was not useful unless it could be applied. "Knowlege through Experience". At Capitol, we are gaining nowlege but not given the chance to apply that nowledge. It seems as though the teachers and admini strators are saying you have the knowledge and you can .pply it once you are in the outside world; so for now, oon't bother us. Are they only getting paid to teach or are hey getting paid to teach as well as show an interest in tudent planned programs. Is this any way to run a University? ona Praxiteles P.S. I am probably one of the few who knows the true identity of the mysterious Chingus Khan; simply because I .m one of the few decent chicks that he mentioned.... P.P.S. As Chingus Khan knows, there are very few decent •uys at Capitol. In fact there probably are not enough decent guys to go around for all the decent chicks. GOOD PEOPLES PRODUCTIONS REMINDS YOU CASINO NIGHT IS COMING!!! Tues., Feb. 25-8:00 PM AT THE STUDENT CENTER FEATURING PRIZES, MUSIC, GAMES, REFRESHMENTS, BELLY-DANCERS , BETTING, AND LOTS OF OTHER SUPRIZES , ' 1 ALL PROCEEDS GO TO THE SPRING CONCERT REMEMBER - YOU ARE G P P Coordinated b y : NEAD --) ( I \l/ 1 Social Committee & SNOP 71.\ C.C. READER To the Editor Responding to the "Letter to the Editor" which appeared in the Feb 6th edition of the C.C.READER regarding weekend hours at the base gym and the rec/Ath Building. An attendant is on duty at both of these buildings Saturday and Sunday from 4:00 to 9:00 p.m. (Incidentally, these building hours are determined by results from previous frequency use charts!!!) It has been the policy in the past that any student, faculty and/or staff member could use the gym at other times if it was not pre-scheduled. Arrangements for its use were to be made Monday through Friday by contacting either myself or Mrs. Arehart at the Rec/Ath building. (This policy was understood by many of the students at Capitol Campus. In fact, the Captain of the Court Jesters, the team who wrote the letter to the editor, has personally signed the key out to the base gym on numerous occasions!) I agree that the gym should be used as much as possible every day of the week, and, for the most part, I feel that the policy at Capitol Campus permits this. order to make things more convenient for those wanting to use the gym during unscheduled times, the following policy will be effective immediately: Monday Thru Friday - the key to the base gym is available (as always) at the Rec/Ath Bldg. Your ID must be left at the R/A Bldg. Saturday and Sunday - the key to the base gym will be available at the residence of Kenneth Hession - 840 A Jones Street, Meade Heights, or call 944-5814. ID cards will be required. Reuben Smitley Athletic Director The Capitalistic Opression Of The Human Spirit Jerry Farber has made the explicit point that "Students are niggers." Read his book and you will understand this quote.Knowlege is only a book away. Don't accept things just because that is the way they are. Question!! People only choose options. They think they are experiencing freedom when in reality the options are assigned to them. Why do you buy Valentine gifts, etc.? Think about it. Does soft music in an automobile factory make the worker happy? Yes, it obviously does - at the expense of individual freedom and creativity. It also fattens the rich who throw tid-bits to workers in the form of wages causing them to exemplify those who exploit them. Why are you in school? Is it for your own personal growth and self-realization and that of the world and the human beings who exist around you? Or areyou here to be trained to exploit people. Can there be a pure human spirit in this state of American affairs?? "There has got to be a way to be "free" without being maniacally and insipidly euphoric, and to be consistent, strong, effective but not tight asses, businesslike and bureaucratic." (Jonathan Kozol) Which side of the fulcrum do you sit on? We realize socialization and institutionalized learning play a part in your total development but you must rise above it if you are to become a conscious, aware, autonomous person. We spit on adjustment. The only thing that is consistent is change. To this day, we celebrate the birthday of a man who was a radical social deviant,Christ, who believed in the innate goodness of the human species. True, we are not as overtly oppressed as was evident in man's immediate and not so immediate past. We have advanced intellectually into a technological subtle suppression where most individuals have no idea whatsoever that they are slaves!! Where's your head? Have you've been had??? Consider the alternatives, not the assigned options. You are a free-willed existing entity with the capacity to think and to take positive actions toward your ideal thoughts. There is only one thing that is unpardonable. That is to sit and smile in some mystical wide-eyed, non-directive, and inscrutable existence- AND DO NOTHING. Wishing you a moment of thoughtful human spirit, Michael McAllister Russ Ho. Field Trip URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING: THE URBAN & REGIONAL PLANNING* AND AMERICAN STUDIES PRO GRAMS WILL CONDUCT A FIELD TRIP BY TRAIN TO PHILADELPHIA ON SATURDAY,MARCH 1. STUDENTS* FACULTY* STAFF AND GUESTS ARE WEL COME TO MAKE THE TRIP. BARGAIN PASSENGER RATE PREVAILS ON TRAIN DEPARTING AT 8:00 A.M. FROM HARRISBURG. ROUND TRIP $11.50. THE TRIP IS BEING SPONSORED BY AMBROSE KLAIN* PROFESSOR OF URBAN & REGIONAL PLANNING* DR. IRWIN RICHMAN• PROFESSOR OF AMERICAN STUDIES* WILL GUIDE THE TOUR. FEBRUARY 14, 1975 Foreign Students' Dreams Destroyed Minneapolis, Minn Foreign students, lack ing a strong organized lobby, are finding life-long dreams and plans destroy ed by policies they cannot oppose. Last summer, the Immigration and Naturali zation Service (INS) began enforcing a new, tougher policy on the granting of summer work permits for foreign students. Prior to that time, the foreign student advisors on college and university cam puses made the decision on foreign-student applica tions for summer work per mits. But last summer such permits were granted only by the INS and the policy willbe in effect again next summer. The policy change was the result of fears by the U.S.Labor Department that foreign students were working while there was high unemployment among low-income minority group members and Vietnam vet erans. Many of the foreign stu dents come from under developed countries and even the wealthiest fami lies cannot accumulate enough money to pay for four years of schooling. Moore said many countries have restrictions on how much money may be taken out of the country and often even large sums of money accumulated in a student's native country become small amounts when exchanged into currency. Moore said the INS is the "prosecutor, judge and jury" in all cases although a student may appeal a de cision. Usually such an appeal may bring a post ponement and allow a stu dent to complet the current school year but without completing his degree goals. And going home without a degree is difficult to accept. CActric laden/ Concerts oresem ..... ... . .. . , . .. .. ... ...... . iiii,. . ~,.* ... 4 . - bidee T. ... KANSAS MAHOGANY RUSH SAT, FEB. 22- BPM STATE FARM SHOW ARENA HARRISBURG, PA. $ 4.50 in advance 5.50 at door Tickets all T/METHIN locations. Music Scene. Sight 8 Sound. Music Fair. IN CARLISLE Ism's. IN YORK: Central Ticket Agency. MAIL OMENS Send to Electric Factory Concerts. 18th 8 Lombard Sts.. Phila., Pa. 19146. Produced by Spivak'-Magid
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