FEBRUARY 7, 1975 Reader Classifieds Consumers clutch purses Free Ad Forms Available In WllO For Sale 1971 Red Fiat 850 Con vertible. Best offer over $900.00. Call 561-0630 after 5 p.m. FOR SALE Older model Buick and Olds owners also Volks wagon owners: two stud ded snow tires 6:50 x 13, two regular tires 6:50 x 13, all four mounted and in good condition. Price negotiable. Ken Ulrich, 652-5456 FOR SA LE 1971 MG Midget, Dark Blue excellent condition $1550. Brian 652-6715 For Sale 1970 Chevrolet Camaro automatic, mags much more. Excellent condition $1595. Brian 652-6715 For Sale Harmony Elec. Guitar, tremlo bar w-case: Amp: 2- 15" speakers, 4 input tremlo foot pedal 70 Amps w-cover. Used twice. Best Offer over $l5O. Call Cath: After 3 p.m. - 944-0202. FOR SALE Must Sell! 1968 Suzuki 500 cc - Exc. Cond. - Engine re built - only 200 mi. - Best Offer - Call Ken 533-6561 or W-138. FOR SALE Golf Clubs Factory sale steel shafts, forged heads fully matched sets. 4 woods, 9 irons $125. Normal Retail $375-400. Can buy either woods or irons set $65 each. Top Qua I it y see Bob Stumpf. Room 209 W MTTF 2nd period or Call 1-299-3294. Free parts from a junked Malibu. See or call Tony at 944-9277. Cheap! It is the gas hog he calls a car. Housing Medical student and small family looking for apt. or house to sublet or exchange with their Phila. (vicinity) home from 6-15-75 until 8-15- 75. Call Mike Stadium, 215- F L 2-1150. HOUSING Responsible married couple with one child look ing for an apartment or small house for rent. Please contact Shirley at 944-2351 (message phone) or in Student Affairs office on Capitol Campus. FOR SALE 1965 Red Corvair Monza. Very good condition, snow tires and other extras (would you believe a tachometer(. Four on the floor, excellent gas mile age. Good for in-town driving -$475. Yvonne, 944-2413 Services Radio T.V. Repairs. Black and. White and color, tape players etc. All work Is guarranteed for 90 days. Reasonable. Call John. House calls 044-2401. HOUSING Wanted female roommate for large Hbg. area house. May have one child. $65 -70 monthly util. inc. Call 234- 8514 after 4:00 MUSICIANS: Away from your group while going to college? Want to get together this year and lam? Russ 944-1986. SERVICES—WiII type term papers and other material. Experienced typist. IBM. Electric. Very low cost. If interested call Mrs. Beaver at 564-0414. Do not be con cerned about pick-up and delivery I have a contact on campus. SERVICES 5-String Banjo Lessons. Scruggs-style, 3-finger Bluegrass. Old-time frail ing. Call Mark 944-0053 Want a portrait done of your favorite person? A favorite snap-shotturned into a work of art? A unique poster? I work from any photograph (if legible). Your choice of media. Rates relative to media and time con sumption - but Low! P. R.J. Smith, 73 Roop St., Highspire. 939-3040. Typing done in my Mid dletown home. IBM siectric machine. Fast accurate service. Reasonable rates. 944-0943. Manuscripts, Thesis publications ac cepted. Mrs. Jerome P. Fatcheric, 1001 N. Spring St. Apt. P-3, Middletown, Pa. LOST Five-month old female kitten, black with white markings and four white feet. Her name is Pookie. If found, please contact Maryann at 944-1952. RIDERS WANTED To East Stroudsburg area. Leave every Friday from! Capitol Campus between 3pm -spm. Return Sunday' between 6pm-Bpm (via Route 78E, 22E to 33N). Call Al at 944-7076. PERSONAL To our Lewd and Licentious Friend. We just want to let you know that we are behind you 100 percent. We've got our fingers crossed so good luck and to hell with Harry - we'll have none of this "Lem" stuff, it'll be Dr. Lem from now on. If you have any more problems let us know and we'll have the "boys" take care of it!!! Eileen, Fred and Cathy PERSONAL Boycott French Products!! PERSONAL: OUR COVER: #9 Doggie Dream -Jim C.C. READER University Park---Consum ers are holding on to their money this winter, but they'll be "tempted into" spending it on such things as housing and cars later in the year, predicts a banking authority at The Pennsyl vania State University. Dr. David H. McKinley, associate dean and profes sor or banking emeritus in the College of Business Administration, says that while four segments of the economy—housing, auto mobiles, and appliances, business inventories, and business purchases of plant and equipment--look bleak now, things will get better. "The good news is that consumers have started to save in a big way," he says. "These savings are going first into repayment and reduction of consumer debts, and later into sav ings in banks, savings, and loans, and securities. "The effect by mid-1975 will be a revival of housing, which 'was the first GNP segment to collapse two years ago. By the end of 1975, consumers will be tempted into buying new cars by heavy discounts, higher trade-ins,and im proved gasoline economy. Businessmen react fairly quickly to business inven tory surpluses and this should be a problem of the past by the end of the year." Here are some other find ings and observations of Dean McKinley: Total economic output, adjusted for infla tion, has now dropped from an $846 billion annual rate in the fourth quarter of 1973 to $BO4 billion in the last quarter of 1974, a drop of about 5 percent. And a further decrease of nearly 2 percent is on the way. ---The President and Congress should support immediate improvement in corporate profits if they 'd. on . 4 Agent of Trailways Travel Bureau Corp. Tours "HAIR" Feb. 22, 1975 Leave Harrisburg at 2 P.M. Includes Buffet Meal Reserved Seat Transportation '20.00 For Reservations HOT LION THE HOT LION IS A WEEKLY NEWSLETTER PUBLISHED TO KEEP THE CAPITOL CAMPUS COMMUNITY INFORMED OF ALL ACTIVITIES ON,OR CONCERNED WITH,THE CAMPUS. EVERY ONE SHOULD PLEASE FEEL FREE TO USE THIS SERVICE BY OBTAINING THE ENTRY CARDS IN THE STUDENT AFFAIRS OFFICE rWIOS],FILLING THEM OUT AND LEAVING THEM THERE. DEADLINE IS FRIDAY,NOON, WEEK PRIOR TO DATE OF PUBLICATION. feb . 7-Z4 February 7 - Basketball:Cap itol vs Schuylkill Campus (psu at Capitol -7:30 PM. February 9 - Mass - 1 PM- Student Center February 9 - Mass - 1 PM-Stu dent Center. February 10 - Basketball : Cap itol vs. Mont Alto Campus at Mont Alto 7 PM February 10 - Social Corn mittee Meeting -3 PM- Middle Earth February 11 - Chess Club Meeting - WllO "A"-Noon February 11 -Beta Chi Meeting - 3 PM -W315 February 11 - PSPE -EIT Re view -Mechanics of Materials. 6:15 PM-Auditorium. February 11 - Aviation Club Meeting - 7PM-E209 February 11 - lEEE Meeting Guest Speaker - Topic: Modern Radar Systems, 7:30 PM E 244 Snow-cross MY LAST ROSE Susan Wohlbrock Fuck sentimentality; I've picked my last rose, Sighed for the final time over my old love letters, I will cry in my beer, no more. Your last good-bye Shattered my good china, Farewell, you bastard I'm using paper plates. Phone 236-9588 Harrisburg, Pa. February 11- Basketball: Cap itol vs. Lackawanna Jr. Col lege at Capitol 7:30 PM February 11 - B.S.U. Meeting - BCAC - 8 PM February 11 - "Coffee House Series" with music by Loren Peck - sponsored by Social Committee Admission:sl.oo, 9PM Student Center. February 12 - Chess Club Meeting - WllO "A" - Noon February 12 - Photo Club Meeting - TV Lounge- 4PM February 12 - Meade Heights Board of Governor's Meeting 6 PM -Middle Earth February 12 - PSPE-EIT Re view- Mechanics of Materials, 6:15 PM- Auditorium. February 13 - Head Shop Meeting - 6:30 PMMiddle Earth February 13 - Basketball : Cap itol vs. Stevens Trade School 7:30 PM - at Capitol. February 14 - Foreign Film "Tristana" -Auditorium -Free - 6:30 PM Patterns NEW HOURS VENDORYILLE 7:15 A.M. - 7:30 P.M. Grill open until 7:30 P.M 7:15 A.M. - 4:30 P.M Grill'open until 2:30 Nave A Night Class? 4 STOP DOWN IN VEN DORVILLE AND GET A REAL CUP OF COFFEE BEFORE CLASS. THESE NEW EXTENDED HOURS DEPEND ON YOUR CON TINUED PATRONAGE. Housing and Food Service PAGE 3 .__. 0.,(3, Monday - Thursday
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