JANUARY 31, 1975 Know, Inc continued from pg. 4 ically updated. The working unit of KNOW is COLLECTIVE. Early in our operations we had difficulty with volunteerism-in philos ophy as well as in practice. We now pay each worker equally for their time. As a working group we find it possible to operate a feminist business with the needs of the employees as a primary concern. The jobs we are doing are new to us all, and our goal is for each of us to be able to take responsibility for decision-making for every job. In April, 1972, we took a giant step, moving from our cozy basement to a roomy storefront. We've rapidly ex panded to fill the space, and are nearly bursting at the seams again. With your con tinued support our growth potential is unlimited. Another aspect of KNOW s expansion is our new Washington, D.C. " bra nc h" - Susan Sojourner, who used to work with us here, is in the process of opening a feminist bookshop "First Things First" She has all our materials, plus a variety of feminist books from other publishers. Write to her at home, 23 Seventh St.S. E. , Washing ton, D.C. 20003 or call (202) 546-4951. Our greatest problem is lack of capital-for equipment, for the materials and labor involved in any sizable pub lishing venture. Even though we are a (barely) self-sustain ing business, we are non profit, and we need help, especially in the form of tax-deductible contributions. In summary, we have three objectives: 1. To disseminate literature concerning the women's movement to women and men at a cost they can afford. 2. To con struct an information network to be used to propagate social change. 3. To be successful enough as a bus iness enterprise to pay people, especially women, for their work in the women's movement. -presented by C.C. Chapter of NOW rimummummimons COFFEE • ■ HOUSE i ■ SERIES ■ ■ musk by • igarrett ■ ■ ■8:30 pm I ■ FEB, 4th: STUDENT CENTER ■ ADMISSION ■ ■ $1 I I I Sponsored by ■ ■ Soilia! Committee • Ilimemmommiummill Sorry about the keggar concellation on Jan. 18! The new date of the keggar is Saturday, Feb. 1, from 9PM to 1 AM at the Middletown Hunters & Anglers Club. Once again, "Amberjack" will be there to provide the entertainment. We hope for better weather and we also hope to see YOUthere! The fraternity wishes to thank the Dean of Faculty, Dr. Wolf, for his guest appearance at the fraternity meeting on Jan. 21. There was a good deal of football, Com' s and " barracuda" talk, but also an informative question & answer session on campus operations. Once again, thank-you Dean Wolf!! On the sports scene, the XGI bowlig team is in Ist place with a 7 to 1 record and the basketball team has 2 wins and 1 loss. Also, XGl's desiring to play softball at UP, should start to form a team to play there on May 2,3,and 4. Check on it in the XGI lounge. On f rat service projects, 59 pints of blood were col lected in the fall term, boosting the blood bank standing to around 150 pints. Also, the winter term project to go to the Coatsville V.A. hospital is still in the planning stages. The "You're in Lion Country" banner project should be finished this term. It will occupy an 8' x 20' wall section of Vendorville. It was voted that the fraternity will participate in the GPP "Casino Night" on Feb. 25 at the Student Center. It only seems fitting since many of the brothers gained gambling finesse in the service. We hope to see a lot of general participation in this event. Once again, don't forget the keggar on Saturday night--good times!! P.S.Frat members--try to make it to the next meeting Nominations for offices will be made at that meeting! XGI REPORTER Jorn Jensen Damn The Lyes! A C.C. Reader Green Paper Last Sunday, I was casually (at best) leafing thru the Sunday Patriot News when I chanced upon a newsy item purporting to tell the full truth about the lye in the Susquehanna. After carefully scrutinizing the entire article, I realized that there is really very little truth concerning the lye in the river. So decided to investigate and even go beyond the lye to seek the truth in the river. Well, I sailed for hours on end, through streams and reams of wretched refuse and human waste until I found a verdant isle of varnish somewhere betwixt here and Sunbury. If you've ever tried sailing thru varnish, you can appreciate my predicament. I put on a vehemently volatile veneer in an attempt to expell the expeditious extrapolation that was sticking to my vehicle. In other words, I was stuck. With a little help from my co-pilot Dordo, I was able to extricate myself from aforementioned attachment. After another hour, I finally caught sight of what I thought must surely be the truth in the river. Wrong again. It was just another lye. Caught in swift southern currents, I was forced off-course and back to Middletown. Suddenly a tidal wave caught our wretched raft and flung us past the farthest reaches of Meade Heights, and finally into the land of Heiniken Dildos. It was there that I finally gained the knowledge to the truth in the river. The truth is that there isn't any lye in the river, but there's one hell of a lot of varnish. And Shit. The combination produced one big shiny, smelly mess that is slowly making its way toward the Capitol Campus parking lot. SGA is considering legal action against the Penn Central for their sloppy handling of their railroad. , , ,X.a,9°' I have noticed that more and more people are eating yogurt. To save them money here is a recipe for those Of our readers who would like to make their own yogurt. YOGURT Heat one quart of milk in a 2 quart pan until it rises to the top of the pan. Remove from heat and cool the milk to lukewarm. Dissolve 1 Tablespoonful culture (use commercial yogurt for the first culture. Then save 1 Tablespoonful yogurt from each batch to serve as a culture) and 1 /4 to 1 /2 Cup powdered skim milk in 1 Cup of the lukewarm milk, thoroughly mixing this into the remaining milk. Pour the yogurt into a class or china bowl and cover (a clean bath towel will do the job). Leave the yogurt in a warm place for 3 to 5 hours or until it is the texture of pudding. Chill well before using. If it takes more than 5 hours to become solid, you will probably have sour milk. Yogurt will keep well for more than a week in the regrigerator, and its bactericidal qualities will improve up to 8 days after being made. To serve, you can eat with fruit, blended with apple sauce, apricot puree. You can flavor the yogurt with almost any flavor you wish or serve it plain. It can also be used in salad dressing or as a salad dressing. C.C:RtADER ti DI LIII ti II Di ti by Jim Bollinger By Ronnie Wer Isin 3rrelebance [Due to the evidently huge influx of articles appearing in your paper under pen names, I will attempt to place my pen name into posterity-and the C.C. READER- through and by the following sincere and thought-provoking article.] Countless authorities have spent seemingly infinite hours on the question that has puzzled mankind from the very beginnings of recorded history -or, at least it seems that way as perceived from the defensive and/or offensive editorieals and articles commending, praising, explaining, and/or damning the building, institution, system, blessed alma mater, and/or none-of-the-above known as Capitol Campus. As is indicated, perhaps blatantly and tactlessly so, by my title "On Irrelevance" I take a basically negative and cynical view on the question that has stumped even the administrative wizards - What is Capitol Campus? It has been said by some learned men at some time in some place, including the raving pedantic next door in E-334, that one's interpretation of history will indeed be influenced by one's views concerning the nature of man. That is to say that one must make some earth shattering claim such as. .MAN IS EVIL, since the original sin doctrine has permanently and irrevocable damned him for chomping on Eve's apples. Well to paraphrase our great and grand forefathers, we'll have none of this!!!! My thesis shall be based on the assumption that man is basically stupid and at increasing levels of authority the lunacy and insanity of man's condition is also increased in direct proportion with one's level of achievement of the accepted symbols of the trade. Since my prejudices have been bared [I wonder if that'll get me one to five for indecent exposure-only Jimmy Olson will know for sure], I will continue my thesis. During my six term, year and half experience at Capitol Campus, I have seen many events unfold and fold up before my eyes: a few plays, a Rock festival, Rock concerts, Keggars, a number of folk symposiums, a few decent chicks...let me rephrase that-very few decent chicks, lots of academic work in what I believe is a more demanding curriculum, in that not only the results are more intrinsic than most so be the occupational possiblities afterwards. This is not to complain because I know I can't expect anything more from an institution that only demands three-hundred plus a term, seven-fifty for parking, two dollars for drop/add course fees or change of major, one dolar for official and twenty-five cents for unofficial transcripts, ten cents for pinball or three games for a quarter, five center for Xerox copies, not to mention penalties for parking violations, library fines, and other assorted and miscellaneous misdemeanors. Not many places elsewhere can one gel so much economics wrapped around the "free and liberareducation....only at Capitol Cmpus. Maybe it's a sign of the times or the zeitgeist of recession and inflation that has Capitol Campus in its inexorable grip. Hardly, it is but the old cliche of My Lai "we were only following orders." That is to say how can Capitol Campus ever seek autonomy when it is within the bureaucratic hegemony of Pennsylvania State University. Therefore, I say unto you my fellow Americans, blame not the apathy of Capitol Campus students on these same unfortunates that toil from break of day til set of sun but look to the repressive and irresponsible system in which we are but a pinpoint on the heirarchy graph, far from the power source of University Park. Chingis Khan Merely a clue to the unfolding puzzle of my identity. p.s. "Fate has laid in part on me the duty of restraining, as far as my powers will allow, a generation whose destiny seems to be that of losing itself upon the slope which will surely lead to its ruin." Prince Clement Metternich (ed.note: the READERthanks Mr. Khan for his communica tion. In the future, however, his true identity must be made known at least to the editors in order that his writings may continue in the READ Run tttr i szudon mof Khan. mmompommo.modsomoommoil ~eiin¢ ~Tox A flat tire Anguish.... well I know you've heard it before but it's stillthere, my left-over love I've been living awhile now, for the foggy past, the fairy-times in never-never land and going thru the motions of life in the middle of Reality, is a cloud think-do you see a way out? I've looked, but the cloud's too much, lost in the mist on a long dark highway with a flat tire I "e•Ae t eify, -Romeo Trajanus PAGE SEVEN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers