PAGE THREE READER CLASSIFIEDS Free Ad Forms Available In WllO For Sale '6B Datsun 2000 Roadster. OHC, roll bar, R&H, 5- speed, No. 3 inspection, asking $lOOO. Call Denny, 944-1937. For Sale 1971 Red Fiat 850 Con vertible. Best offer over $900.00. Call 561-0630 after 5 p.m. For Sale Macrame plant hangers made to your choice of colors and lengths. Ray 944- 1205. Grass and speed for sale Seek and ye shall find. Wanted Ride to New Castle Area (West Pa.) Near Ohio. Any where near there for Thanksgiving. Call 944-7071 or stop at 931 B Mars. Ask for Andy. Want to Buy Starter for 1965 Ford Mustang, needed desperately. Also needed; birdbath, 10 lbs. of peanuts, a park bench and one old, dirty, down and out Bum who is adept at opening peanut shells. Contact Walter Pidgeon, c-o The Scranton Inn. Coo'oo Coo'oo. Riders Wanted To Scranton. Leave Capitol Campus every Friday between 3-5 p.m. Return from Scranton (Via In terstate 81) Between 7 p.m. & 9 p.m. Will share ex penses. Call this number. Ask for Jack. 944-7076. Riders Wanted To East Stroudsburg area. Leave every Friday from Capitol Campus between 3 p.m. -5 p.m. Return from East Stroudsburg between 6 p.m.-Bp.m. Will share ex penses. (Via Rte 81 N. to 80 E.) Call Al at 944-7076. MUSICIANS: Away from your group while going to college? Want to get together this year and jam? Russ 944-1986. Personal I would like to thank the students in Wrisberg Hall and Everybody else that offered a helping hand. My Father passed away Friday Sept. 27th. Special Thanks to Mr. Aaron for helping me register. Joseph Sabol 215 W. PLAY CHESS with the Capitol Campus Chess Club. Meetings: Tuesday and Wednesday, 12 noon, Gallery Lounge. SERVICES—WiII type term papers and other material. Experienced typist. IBM. Electric. Very low cost. If interested call Mrs. Beaver at 564-0414. Do not be con cerned about pick-up and delivery I have a contact on campus. Services Radio T.V. Repairs. Black and White and color, tape players etc. All work is guarranteed for 90 days. Reasonable. Call John. House calls 944-2401. Want a portrait done of your favorite person? A favorite snap-shotturned into a work of art? A unique poster? I work from any photograph (if legible). Your choice of media. Rates relative to media and 4ime con sumption - but Low! P.R.J. Smith, 73 Roop St., Highspire. 939-3040. Free Kittens - Very mellow, to help keep you warm this winter. Call Kathy 944-0053. Jobs Available Appalachian School of Experience, (A Wilderness Experience School) working under the outward bound philosophy, is looking for individuals interested in instructing. Must be in terested in some hard work and have a genuine love for people. If interested please call 1-249-7039. Transmission from 1965 Mustang. Wandered off sometime between the hours of 2 and 6 p.m. on Nov. 16. Believed to still be on campus. Please help me find it before Mr. Paul does. (it doesn't have a parking sticker). Contact Walter Pidgeon co The Scrantor Inn. Personal Friends of boxing in con junction with the Scranton Inn, will present it's first fight card of the year on Tuesday, Nov., 26th. Headlining the program will be a 12 round heavyweight bout between ' "Steg" Kearney and Andy "I can't get it up" script. Personal Jacque (Secretary at Student Affairs) Thank you for typing Hot Lion last week Harpo. Services Typing done in my Mid dletown home. IBM slectric machine. Fast accurate service. Reasonable rates. 944-0943. Manuscripts, Thesis publications ac cepted. Mrs. • Jerome P. Fatcheric, 1001 N. Spring St. Apt. P-3, Middletown, Pa. C.C. READER 000 •••• 0000 ••••••••• • • • • • • I I I I • a a a a a a a a a a a • Nov. 22 - BASKETBALL - Capitol vs. Lan g/ caster Bible College, at Capitol Campus • 7:30 p.m. &Nov. 22-23 - "THE DISINTEGRATION OF w JAMES CHERRY" sponsored by Draufh IP Club (musical entertainment before the The Hot Lion is a weekly newsletter published to keep the Capitol Campus community informed of all activities on, or concerned with, the Campus. Everyone should please feel free to use this service by obtaining the entry cards in the Student Affairs Office (W 105). filling them out and leaving them there. Deadline is Friday, Noon, week prior to date of publication. November 22 - December 7, 1974 • show beginning at 7:30 p.m.) Curtain at 8 p.m. - Aud., "James Cherry" is a con • temporary American absurdist comitragedy - 17 member cast, "James • Cherry" is the only X-rated nightmare. Nov. 24 - MASS -1 p.m. - Student Center •Nov. 25 - Dec. 20 - ART EXHIBIT - James Gallagher and George Fogg in Gallery ., Lounge •Nov. 25 RSC MEETING :Nov.Lounge, Wrisberg Hall, 7:45 p.m * 26 - BASKETBALL - Capitol vs Messiah College at Capitol Campus 7:30 p.m. • Nov. 26 - GRE Closing Date. • Nov. 26 - COMMUNAL DINNER sponsored di by Head Shop, Student Center. • Nov. 27 - Dec. 1 - THANKSGIVING HOLIDAYS - "Happy Thanksgiving". • FACULTY & STAFF PROFESSOR MELVYN J. HABER, Assistant Professor of Humanities and Education, has been ap pointed as Associate member of the faculty of the Graduate School, effective 4 November 1974. DR. CAROLYN R. DEXTER served as a Judge for a student paper competition conducted by the Penn sylvania Sociological Society. And chaired a session on student papers of the Annual Meeting of the Society held November 1-2. DR. DUANE SMITH and DR. ROY ALLISON participated in a presentation "Science For the Seventies and Instructional TV," at the Pennsylvania Learning Resources Association. Meeting held at Hershey Motor Lodge on October 14, 1974. PROFESSOR MICHAEL L. BARTON, Assistant Professor of Social Science, has been appointed an Associate member of the taculty of the Graduate School, effective 4 November 1974. MELVIN H. WOLF will be represented in the 12th edition of the Dictionary of International Biography, scheduled for publication in October, 1975. DR. V. N. MU RTl's biography appeared in the latest (14th Edition) edition of Marquis' Who is Who in the East. YVONNE J. MILSPAW recently presented a paper "Oral History and the Folktale: A Ute Indian Example" at the annual meeting of the American FolklOre Society in Portland, Oregon. She also served as chairperson of a panel on Native American Oral Literature at the same meeting. JAMES R. HUDSON presented a lecture to a graduate seminar of the Division of Urban Affairs of the University of Delaware entitled "The Emergence of the Industrial City in America" on November 6, 1974. DR. ROY ALLISON and DR. DUANE SMITH conducted a concurrent session on "Improving Preservice Teachers' Attitudes Toward Science" at the Western Area Convention of the National Science Teachers Association in Denver, Colorado on November 1, 1974. YVONNE J. MILSPAW participated in the annual meeting of the Pioneer America Society in Abington, Virginia, on November 8-10. JAMES McAREE was interviewed by Gladys Mummau on WGAL-AM. The program was aired November 19 at 19 a.m. AMBROSE KLAIN was featured on "Campus Candids" Tuesday, November 12, at 6:15 p.m. This program is broadcast on WMSP-FM,94.9. MARY GU NDEL discussed "Continuing Education for Women" at the Hannah Penn Chapter, American Business Women's Association, Monday, November 11, at the Eric Restaurant. On November 7th DR. JAMES WHITTAKER was elected President of the Board of Trustees of Harrisburg State Hospital. Dr. Whittaker was appointed to the Board last year by Governor Shapp. •• 00 00000000.000000000000000000 Commencement ceremonies for Fall Term graduates are' ! scheduled to be held December 21, 1974 at 1 p.m. at their I Middletown Area Senior High School in the auditorium. I Faculty and staff should meet in the Chorus Room, located across the hall behind the auditorium stage no later than I First Flair WITHDRAWALS Conrad, George H. —GR Pub. Adm. 10-29-74 —Admin 500 Litner, Henry J. GR Bus. 10-25-74 Econ 405 Southard, Marion GR ED 10-29-74 Ed 5978 Tripp, Robert C. 08 Bus. 10-30-74 Bus 460 NOVEMBER 22, 1974 Dec. 2 - DTK LUNCHEON - Dr. Daniel Poore, Topic: Social Implications of Inflation, 12:15 p.m., Gallery Lounge. Dec. 2 - C.C. READER MEETING, Rm WllO, 3:00 p.m. Dec. 3 - SOCIAL COMMITTEE MEETING - Topic: Keggar 12-14-74, and next Coffee House, 6:00 p.m., Middle Earth. Dec. 3 - BASKETBALL - Capitol Shenandoah at Winchester, Pa. Dec. 4 - PHOTO CLUB MEETING - Earth - 8:30 p.m Dec. 4 - MEADE HEIGHTS BOARD OF GOVERNOR'S MEETING - 7 p.m., Middle Earth. Dec. 5 - SGA MEETING - 7 p.m., Rm E 202. Dec. 6 - BASKETBALL - Capitol vs Lacawanna at Scranton, Pa. 7:30 p.m. Dec. 6 - GREATER HARRISBURG CHAP TER OF THE SWEET ADELINES, 8 p.m., Auditorium. Dec. 7 - LSAT - Exam Date. Middle
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