PAGE FOUR ;11 7 , 0] 'l•] Black, shadowy figures against a rainbow hue Glistening in the sun, diamonds amid the dew Whence they come, where they go - they want you. White, blazing fingers blind all here Wiping out darkness erasing all fear Where you go, so do I - Faith is always near Vacuum, void lingers and is all around. Black has found white, quiet greets sound But none remain: life's met Death - Now Heaven's Ground New Gallery Lounge Exhibited \IIDI)LETOWN, PA.--The newly remodeled Gallery Lounge at Penn State-Capitol Campus in Middletown has been inaugurated by a three person art show. Three out standing Harrisburg artists currently have their works of ,it on display until Friday, wtober 25th. Sheron Ament, Toni Truesdale, and Gene Suchma are the talented ar tists. All three have exhibited !heir art in galleries ihroughoul the state. Sheron Ament, a graduate of Penn State University, teaches art photography in the I larrisburg School Dii;trict and !he Harrisburg Department of Hecreation. She has given one •,oman shows at Pettee Library at University Park Frank Deyo joined ROT by Romeo Trajanus and has exhibited in the Gallery Doshi, The Tangerine Gallery and the Harrisburg Women's Center. Ms. Ament's speciality is modern realistic painting as well as photography and the best of her work will be at Penn State- Capitol Campus. Gene Suchma, a graduate of ihe University of Dayton in Art Education, is a modern painter and cartoonist. He has exhibited at the Oten Gallery, the Wayne Art Theatre, and the University of Dayton. He has received much recognition for his work and deservedly so. Toni Truesdale is a free lance illustrator and a special art instructor in the Harrisburg school system. She has exhibited in the Tangerine C. C. READER Sign up for All-University Day, November 2. Football and Concert tickets are available in W-110 of the Main Building. Football tickets are $2.00. Loggins and Messina tickets are $4.00 with a deadline of October 18. Football deadline is October 11. ACADEMIC RESEARCH LIBRARY Thousands of Topics $2.75 per page Send for your up-to-date, 176-page, mail order catalog of 5500 topics. Enclose $l.OO to cover postage (1-2 days delivery time). 519 GLENROCK AVE. SUITE #203 LOS ANGELES, CA. 90024 Our materials are sold for research purposes only Galley, the Inter-Graphik, East Berlin, German (G.D.R.), Andover School in Massachusetts, and Detroit Artists Market. Ms. Truesdale was assigned by the Detriot Free Press to do the Cour troom Illustration of the "Harrisburg 7 Trial." She is a most extraordinary illustrator and mural artist. Ms. Ament, Mr. Suchma, and Ms. Truesdale were honored at a reception on Thursday, October 3, at 7:00 p.m. in the Gallery Lounge at Penn State-Capitol Campus. The public was invited. Why don't you Frank is an Army veteran. He entered the Adv Program immediately and started drawing $lOO each m of the school year. Why not follow Frank's example and have another ployment option available to you when you graduate? Call 243-5121 ext 221-222, collect, and investigate the A ROTC program at Dickinson College. The Desolution Of despite the dimness of the day and emotion of her manner neither rainbows in the fog or a red and white silk banner could save her from the fate and resignation of the sacred when they face their final act destroyed by the pact and given nearly everything they n sandpaper or chrone i am not alone and the lateness of the hour destroys my only home in an amazing harmony could even be a rapsody was it really meant for me there is nothing to admit about the party papers which have fallen to the floor like big vanilla wafers obscuring all the rug save a patch of blue and gold which makes me feel quite old is there life after death? fie, foe and fum drink some coke and gin the hour is so late it is time to begin a uniform of blue but is it worth the cost are the sea scrolls really lost aaaahhh, how can this be so? billboards on the road your mother is a toad? but what about the load? How much am I owed? you live by a code written on a sinus node about to explode and destroy my abode aaaaahhhhhhhh, this must be the .e "Today's Students- Tomorrow's Leaders" Major in Leadership ARMY ROTC J. Win
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers