Major Traufman Honored Major Konrad W. Traut man, former Vietnam pris oner of war and current Capitol Campus junior, re ceived the Purple Heart, The Silver Star, the Dis tinguished Flying Cross and four other awards during afternoon ceremonies in the Gallery Lounge on April 3. The medals were present ed by Colonel Alan Grill, professor of aerospace studies at University Park and Captain Thomas Ken nington read the following citation prior to the awarding of the Silver Star: “Captain Konrad W. Trautman distinguished himself by gallantry in connection with military operations against an op posing force over North Vietnam on October 5, 1967. On that date, Cap tain Trautman was the leader of a flight of four FlO5 Thunderchiefs in an air attack against an in tensely defended cause way.” “Although his aircraft was struck repeatedly by accurate and tracking flak, Captain Trautman courageously pressed the attack and devastated the target with his ordnance. By his gallantry to duty, Captain Trautman has re flected great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.” It was during this action Trautman was shot down and heid prisoner until his release on March 18, 1973, following the end of official United States in volvement in the war. In brief remarks after the ceremony, Major Trautman said his imprisonment had given him a new perspec tive on the value of edu cation and he is “honored and grateful to be a member of Capitol Cam pus.” RITE’S O Bright silk-screen on COST: $1.50 each To place order call: Rich, 944-0158 Carmella or Irene, 944-0898 Before Saturday, April 27,1974 -AfJril 25,1974 Baseball Team Sets Record In two hard-fought season openers, the Capitol Campus baseball team has defeated the Air Force National Guard, setting a school record of two wins in one season The first game, played April 6 under rainy skies at Indiantown Gap, was called after five innings which resulted in a 4-3 Capitol victory. Pitcher Den Hlavaty struck out ten batters and Barry Deacon provided the hit which brought Nick Cherrish home for the winning point. A game with Messiah College the following Wednesday was post poned due to poor conditions at the Oak Hills field in Middletown Oak Hills will be Capitol's home turf as the on-campus field lacks the depth needed for such mighty hitters as Barry Baur, Chuck Dettrey and Huck Hession. An April 15 rematch with the Air Force National Guard proved the first game had not been a fluke. With Joe Kalista driving in three runs, some excellent base running and poor fielding by the Guard, Capitol won a resounding 8-3 victory. The Hot Line is presently closed, but if you have a problem or you just want to rap with someone you can call any resident assistant or : Pat Murphy - 944-b498 Terry Turnbaugh - 944-0274 Jerry South - 944-5890 Ed Beck - 533-5393 or Just drop in at the Counseling Office, W-117. * Are you a son of a B? Or a daughter of a B? If so, you may also have group B blood, which means you could earn up to $lOO per month as a plasma donor. Why not call to see if you qualify, 232-1901 Sera-fec Bloloilcals 260 REILY STREET HARRISBURG, PA. 17102- want F SPRING shirt Spring front & back c: C. READER READER CLASSIFIEDS For Sale FOR SALE: One beige carpet that runs from wall to wall in the living rooms of the smaller houses in The Heights and one blue carpet suitable for living room or bedroom. $6.00 ea. Phone 944-1645. Ask for Fred. FOR SALE: Dynaco stereo power amplifier, 60 watts RMS per channel. New. Used two or three times only. Sell for $l2O. Contact Dan in C-134 or call 944-9338. Will also give a guarantee. FOR SALE: Brand new ladies hair dryers with attachable hood and brush. $24. value yours for $9.00 Phone 944-1645. Ask for Fred. FOR SALE General Electric Color TV. Needs some repair. Best Offer. Also, two speed RCA Portable Tape Recorder, $2O. Will Deal for sale of both. Call A. Frame, 944-4363 FOR SALE: Commodore 8 digit desk top calculator, one year old, constant and floating decimal. Call 944-3829. FOR SALE: 1965 Chevy Malibu, automatic transmission, radio, new muffler, snow tires plus 2 new tires, good engine, needs some work but passed last inspection. Reliable transportation. Asking $395 or best offer. Contact Ed Beck, Counseling Office, W-117, or call 533-5393, evenings. FOR SALE: Couch, good condition Best offer. Call 944-0708 FOR SALE: Van, 1966 Ford, in great shape. Has 240 engine, fully carpeted, and extra seat in rear. Ideal for camping. Call Dick at 566-8280. FOR SALE Girl's 3-speed bike (Iveyson), Excellent Condition, Only 6 months old, Reasonable Price—Contact Jo-Fran, 944-1974 FOR SALE One Dunlop Gold Seal w/wall 560-14 tire. Will fit MG-B's. Also tail light lenses for PRE 1970 Model R.C.A. two speed tape portable tape recorder, $20.00. Call A. Frame, 944-4363 Attention Gr adu ating Seniors It is important that you check with your advisor to see that you have the necessary 18 units of credit to graduate, as well as any required or core courses com pleted. Check now and save yourself a hassle at commence ment time. It would be a good idea also to check with the records office to make sure that they have the correct list of courses you have completed. A few people have run into hassles this year along these lines, so be safe and check out how you stand. Do it today! Color Wanted NON-SMOKERS: Cigarette smoke is filling and killing your lungs. Breathe easier. Submit suggestions to S.G.A. office W-104. One suggestion is that smoking not be allowed in the classrooms. HEADS WANTED - If you are interested in meeting with other beings from the same planet or just want to rap, come to the Head Shop meeting at the Middle Earth every Monday night at 7:30. WANTED: Someone to share furnished apartment—2 bedrooms Fiummelstown. Write to: 331 W. Main Apartment 2 Hummelstown, Pa. 17036 $75.00 [includes everything] Services Radio - T-V repairs, will make house calls, guarentee service, very reasonable. Call John at 944-3078 or 925 B Flickenger. Rug shampooers for rent - special discounts to Penn State student:, whh ID! Call 944-4262 ask for Tom. Expert auto repairs. All makes and models, foreign and domestic. Expert motorcycle repairs, also. All work guaranteed. Contact Ed at 8468 Kirtland Ave. in the Heights, or call 944-0532, reasonable prices. TERM PAPERS typed, 50 cents a page. Start early! Call Lynn at 944-0708. Lost and Found Check it out in 114, Gorgeous ladies 17 jewel watch on March 9, Saturday night in area of 900 Weaver Ave. Has great sentimental value. REWARD. Call Pauline at 944-0866. UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Part time jobs available For now and This Summer from 10 pm to 2:30 am Monday through Friday $3.35 per hour to start $3.70 after 30 working days Applications will he accepted anytime el 1121 s. mth si., Hhg. Phone 939-0311 ~ P ag6 6 LOST Panasonic Calculator in gray carrying case with white trim. Taken from Room E-244 on last Friday of March. Reward. Call John, 944-1556. Lost: Personal Finance Book I can’t afford another one. Contact Peter, 907 Weaver Ave., 944-0367 Personals Would the world be in such a mess if more of us played a game of chess? Capitol Campus chess club meets Wednesday noons in the Gallery Lounge. Bender Bros, will be interviewing perspective members for the 1974-75 school year, Tuesday, April 30. At 9:30 p.m. All interested please contact Bender Bros. Club House. Phone 944-0391 or 944-9470 before Tuesday, April 30. Members and interested applicants only!! Thanks to registration for staying open at noon. Glad to see not everything shuts down at lunch time. I'd like to see other departments take the hint. A concerned and downtrodden student. Gee, BJ, I’m just doing my best. JB PERSONAL: To the Mad Bomber: We are concerned for the safety and welfare of the campus residents and therefore, strongly oppose the use of fireworks on campus. Taking for granted that certain fireworks are illegal in Pennsylvania and ignoring the law is your choice. However, the real possibility of permanent injuries to yourself and others which may result from fireworks' explosions is our greatest concern. Additionally, the explosions dur ing quiet hours disturbs many residents, other than ourselves, and this further offsets the momentary thrill or pleasure you seek at others expense. Joe, Brad, and Bernie
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