*^*l*»||«<l#%l#>l»l . * * 5 YOU CAN HELP SAVE THE # * i * STATE THEATRE BLDG !!!!! J It * To Register your support, send a * $• Post Card with your name and address % i '°- | 6 * %■ Historic Harrisburg Assn. # ■SE 133 Herr Street * Harrisburg, Pa. 17102 £ It * * Then ask two friends to do the same. * * * Residents and Friends of Harrisburg. « * PETITIONS ALSO ACCEPTED * * * , *p v* vvv - l*^^*|^^*|**l k . Mofddt cv* HaWl-Dtj>|>£<l, PLUS: JtaXu THVuf, fiydx/vuU, (Lafhotoyif JoLpp&io, [otfidJbL'‘turtdsMi, [momajl, tto. >fe@ ®fS"Stefe JSb&Bßs WHAP » U «»«»i* ■st;tti«u» Page 4 MaMij Cobrs ■Esidiw READER CLASSIFIEDS As a feature to our paper we are accepting classified ads. The ads are free but limited to forty words per ad. They will run for two weeks. Ads must include your name, address, telephone number All ads must be printed and submitted to the Reader Office in WlO4. CHEAP CAMERA: 214 Yashica Mat 125, (w/meter) also 10 filters, 2 close-up attachments. Like new, some free film included, asking $120; Also, cheap: bowling ball, grease gun. Call John (Hbg) 234-4344, or 232-6794., leave message. /war DAT yi M * S University Park, Pa., -- A couple of sisters from Pittsburgh are attracting attention as majorettes with thefaststepping Penn State Blue Band. They are Kathleen Ann Medich, 20 and her younger sister, Cynthia Jean, 19. And at home, there are three younger sisters, also majorettes. Patricia Ann, 14, and Lynda Lee, 13 are twirlers in the Golden Triangles, a baton and drum corps in Pittsburgh. And last but not least is Kristen Ann, 3, who has begun training as the fifth family twirler. Kathy and Cindy, both majoring in Individual and Family Studies at the University, began their twirling career with the Swissvale Hurricanes, a neighborhood corps, a t the ages of seven and eight. Two years of private lessons at the Val-Mar Dance Studios of Swissvale prepared the sisters for C.C. Reader For Sale Come to the Organizational Keggar. Tuesday Night, 9 p.m., January 15 at THE STUDENT CENTER. Dancing to a real "Live" Band, RAVEN, and free beer for all those of age. Admission is 50 cents for the fair (it's to help us cover the cost of a great band.) Twirling Medich Sisters FOR SALE: One tire for MGB Dunlop Gold Seal, whitewalls, 564-14. Also tail light lens and bracket for same car. One RCA 2-spd tape recorder for $25. Services Need a pickup truck to move that large, bulky, too - big - for - the - car - item? Let the gentleman of the light hauling industry make your next move easy, call Paul anytime at 944-5845 for convenient arrangements and estimates. Wanted WANTED: Young Gemini female to share small London Flat. Contact fine German Fellow. their next five years with the Golden Triangles, directed by Larry Cervi who serves as majorette choreograph for the 13 Penn State twirlers. With this professional touring corps which has been champions for nine years at conventions in the eastern states, the girls performed at the Macy’s Day Parade in New York, N.Y., and the American Legion Contest in Niagara Falls, N.Y. While attending Churchill Area High School, Pittsburgh, Kathy was a drum majorette with the school band during her senior year, and Cindy for both her junior and senior year. Despite all the training and experience, Kathy and Cindy practice nine hours each week with the Marching Blue Band and four hours on Sunday afternoons with the other majorettes. Kathy, the first to express interest in baton - twirling, says, January 10,1974 WANTED: One chief of security who is not a number of the Gestapo or other Fascist organization to replace one individual presently impersonating a security officer. See Dick Smith, XGI office, W-104. WANTED: One used National College Football Championship trophy. Willing to trade. Have one Cotton Bowl and three Orange Bowl trophies as collateral. Contact Joe, State College. WANTED TO HIDE: Several thousand feet of tape. Siberian retreat or Pacific Ocean trench preferable. Top dollar. For more info, contact Dick, 1400 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.C. Rec-Ath News INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL Dr. Hugh M. Spall is interested in forming a faculty / staff team. Any one interested, please call him at 787-7746. The following sports activities are planned for the Winter Term. Your response will depend upon their success. Anyone interested in any of the listed activities stop by the Recreation / Athletics Building or call 787-7751: INDOOR TENNIS BADMITON, VOLLEY BALL, JUDO CLUB. MARTIAL ARTS, and WRESTLING. BOWLING COLD OUTSIDE? MOVE INSIDEI! The Middletown Bowling Lanes will again offer Capitol Campus League Bowling, Wednesday nites at 9:15 p.m. Start the New Year bowling! Participate in America’s No. 1 indoor sport. Contact the Recreation / Athletics Building for further details - 787-7751. RESEARCH Thousands of Topics $2.75 per page Send for your up-to-date, 160-page, mail order catalog. Enclose $l.OO ,to cover postage (delivery time is 1 to 2 days). RESEARCH ASSISTANCE, INC. 11941 WILSHIRE BLVD., SUITE #2 LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90025 (213) 477-8474 or 477-5493 Our research material is sold for research assistance only. “My parents thought twirling would be good for coordination and discipline. I don’t think that they had any idea at the time that all of us would want to be twirlers.” The sisters agree that they have helped each other with baton twirling. Cindy says, “Kathy is better at it then I am and has often scored higher at try-outs. I always go to her for pointers.” “Cindy’s really helped me. She can see things that I can’t see myself while I’m twirling,” Kathy adds. When Kathy and Cindy graduate, the Marching Blue Band should have no concern. The rest of the twirling Medich sisters may just decide to follow in their older sisters’ footsteps. ** * *
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