Page Six New Security Frank Nowak works at his desk as Behrend's new Security Officer. Nowak forsees a new positive image for the security force in the new role at Behrend. Nowak Endorses Fair Security A new image and atmosphere is being promoted for the security system by Frank Nowak, Chief of Campus Security. He believes that the security system is here for our protection and safety, but more than that, he would like to establish a working relationship with all the students. Nowak feels that "everyone should be given a fair chance", and he wants to see his policy carried out. He believes there is no need to persecute a student for acts of mischief if it can be worked out by discussion giving him another chance. According to Nowak, the ad ministration is cooperating very well, with his ideas of dealing with students in this manner. With no outside interference he can establish a better relation- Hotline An Organizational meeting for Hotline will be held Monday, October 25. at 7 p.m. in the RUB Quiet Lounge_ Gary Fairchild, chairman of Hotline, will be in charge of the meeting. Anyone interested, please attend! Eastway Bowling Lanes 4110 Buffalo Road Open Bowling Mon. Thru Fri. 10:00 a.m: to 5:00 p.m. Tues. evening 9:00p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Ph. 899-9855 17 -114=it ;s4==xx=xx=4:4==a4==c 11 NIXON THEATRE i ONE WEEK BEGINNING 956 LIBERTY AVENUE 11 MON - SAT., NOV. s.Th P e ITTSBU o R r Gr a,s PA.IS222 Foremost Mentalis't" NOV.. 11 The Amazing DKRESKIN 11 .44NER. ESP" Mon. thru Thurs. Eves.-8:30 P.M.; Fri. & Sat.-7:15 & 10:15 PRICES: ORCH. $5.00; MEZZ. $4.00; BALCONY $3.00 OBOX OFFICE OPENS OCT. 25 MAIL ORDERS & MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: NIXON THEATRE, 956 LIBERTY AVE., PITTSBURGH. PA., 15222 11 WITH STAMPED. SELF-ADDRESSED RETURN ENVELOPE. I==el Special Student Discount " SAVE 1/2 ON AU. TICKETS IF PURCHASED BY MAIL OR BUY NOWT • AT BOX OFFICE BY NOV. 6 ...x0.?#1110 0, ship, and can do things as he thinks they should be done. One thing that bothered him was the fact that the majority of students didn't care about security. "I want the students to think of the guards as people who respond, not as `pigs'." He wants students with a problem of any kind to feel free to come to him in confidence. Possibly something could be worked out by talking it over together. "If you're fair to me and work with me, I'll be fair and work with you." Bayview Auto EDWARD Supply PARK'S 3860 Peach Street SIZO/Zedage= 26 Peninsula Drive High Performance Center 3 Locations 1842 West 12th K -MART PLAZA (East) 8:30-5:30 Mon.thru Sat. Evenings 7:00-9:00 Downtown, 702 State Mon. through Fri. West Erie Plasa Discount to all students Erie's only exclusive 1 Craft Store W. 7 Bt l2 h S~ecl3o' cra t Street PHONE .454-7897 center Open Monday And Friday Complete Line of All Evening Until 9:00 p.m. Popular Craft and Art Supplies Behrend Collegian Religious Interest Promoted on G■npus Those who frequent the Sunday Folk Mass in the RUB had those interested sign up for various committees to get more religious interest on campus. A Parish Council,consisting of Carla Bossart, Nadine Alex, Frank Crissy, Joe Engerski, Carol Jamison, Mary Ann Kozlowski, Art Muchow, Nancy Nilson, Erick Peters, Donna Scassera, and Reese Friedman, formed to help. At their first meeting with Father Pat the group talked about a Liturgy Group which is to be formed to help find meaningful readings and poems to be used at the Mass. Also formed was a Folk Choir which will help lead the songs at the Mass. Father Pat is trying to Sensitivity Experience At least two different types of group workshop experiences can be available to Behrend students. The first is a series of 6 to 8 weekly sessions focused on sensory awareness and in terpersonal communication exercises, which would meet on campus in late afternoon or early evening, beginning later this term or early Winter Term. The group leader will be Warren Hohwald, Shelley Liebling, or Nelson Smith. The other types of group ex periences are conducted at the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland. Activities scheduled during this academic year are (1) Experiences in Community (2) Creative Life Planning (3) On Being a Woman, and (4) Story- Telling Workshop. Fees range from $l.OO to $70.00, plus room and board. For further in formation contact Mr. Hohwald, Room 134, Behrend. October 21,1971 get the students into the Mass and to forget their fears and shyness and join in. Through out the year the group will present Film-Rap sessions where films to stimulate discussion will be shown. Also a Dorm-Prayer Group will meet in the TV room of Perry East at 10 o'clock Tuesday nights. All are invited. Kre - skin Performs The amazing Kreskin, the world's forethost mentalist and ESP performer will be coming to the Nixon Theatre, in Pittsburgh November 8 -13, at 8:30 p.m., and Friday and Saturday evenings at 7:15 p.m. and 10:00p.m. Kreskin has been in ternationally acclaimed for his exploration in the science of thought perception and he has spelibounded audiences from coast to coast. He has appeared on TV with Mery Griffin, Johnny Carson, Mike Douglas, Steve Allen and the Phyllis Diller show. Kreskin has been called cun ning, tantalizing and bewitching, and he has held his audience in the palm of his hand. His mystic talents convinced with wit and humor give you an extraordinary evening with an extraordinary man. AUSTRIAN SKI TRIP only $349.00! If classrooms, and books, and the old college grind are getting you down, maybe what you need is a nice inexpensive, adventure vacation. We know students aren't the richest people in the world, so we put together some special trips you'll be interested in. AUSTRIAN SKI TRIP Now taking reservations (throughout October). - Jan. 2—Jan. 9, 1972. From Erie, complete pkg.: $349.00. INCLUDES 111 Round-trip air transportation from Erie Hotels M 2 meals per day (continental breakfast; table d'hotel dinner daily) 11 transfers S tips and taxes FREE SKI PASS FOR UNLIMITED USE ON ALL LIFTS IN THE WILDSHONAV HIGH-VALLEY • . . OR!! JUST LOAF AROUND EUROPE! All cities listed are round-trip from N.Y. City for anyone from 18-25 (inclusive) years of age. London $190.00 Amsterdam $200.00 Milan $199.00 Brussels $200.00 Rome $199.00 Athens $286.00 Frankfurt $210.00 Geneva Coppenhagen Zurich $210.00 Oslo Luxembourg $165.00 Stockholm $210.00 (via Iceland Airlines only) plus $3.00 federal tax $50.00 round-trip student fare, Erie/New York City ALL FARES CONFIRMED RESERVATIONS For reservations or further information see or call; Call Boston Store Ph. 453-5686 TRAVEL AiSWAIC7- THE ERIE BOOK STORE 717 FRENCH STREET 452-3354 .7!..' . - . r..- .- ' ik.' 1 • 1; :.--_. ..\\) .-.-. Mt' "........ g- 4 1 -4- hi „ I _ ooD CARTH 1008 Peach Modern Leather Design " Custom Jewelry, Pipes and Candles 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mon. Sat. C.J. DUSCKAS FUNERAL HOME 2607 Buffalo Rd. 899-2812 "SeAveo.9 z•ee mice /946"
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