fA UT UfTTnMQ Behrend ?S|s IT /"A |jlj| j V a X X i. l 3 www.thebehrendbeacon.com | SGA B^htr.itl Quick hits: SGA Election Who: Candidates listed here. What: Students running for positions for the Penn State Behrend Student Government Association. Twelve students are running for ten seats on the Senate, and three unconested races will also occur. When: Voting opens on Wednesday, April 14 and closes on Thursday, April 15. Where: Online. An e-mail will be sent to all Behrend stu dents letting them know where to vote. Also, voting booths will have laptops for voting in Reed and REDC from 11 am-1 pm on the voting days. Why should I care: The Student Government Association is responsible for drafting legislation, much of which centers around the student experience at Penn State Behrend - including how your money is spent at the college. Devin Pierre Platform: To ensure that the student body 's wants and needs are translated into SGA action. Aaron Morelli , Semester: Platform: As an SGA Senator, I will make it my primary objective to place the interests of Penn State Behrend's students and organizations at the top of SGA's agenda. I believe myself to be a valuable asset to Penn State Behrend's SGA because I can provide an unbiased opinion to all of the decisions made in SGA. Also, I promise to be as dedicated as pos sible, work with the other senators well, and work in two of the SGA committees to promote Penn State Behrend's activities and events to all students. As Senator, I hope to improve Penn State Behrend. President / Vice President Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates run together on one ticket This race is uncontested. Stephen Burger/Hannah White Our main objective for next year is to increase student involve ment on campus through: 1. Holding round table discussions weekly that all club execu tives are encouraged to attend. 2. Promoting co-sponsored events involved to all students on behalf of all clubs and organizations. By doing this, each club and SGA Elections for Fall of 2010 will take place on Cassie Kosmal Semester: Major: Undecided has experience in student govern ment and leadership. I want to assist in making decisions to help Penn State Behrend appeal to a wider audience. I would greatly appreciate your vote to keep serving in SGA. Urooj Fakhruddin Major: Business Platform: I wish to empower and represent the student body by actively engaging all students'questions, concerns, and sugges tions to ensure their voice is heard. Such a lead ership position requires an individual with whom students can relate to and who can in spire change. By acting as a bridge, I will do my part to guarantee this process and make my name a recognizable one to the entirety of the student body. As a member of the senate, I hope to enact change and address the wants and needs of the students at Penn State Behrend. Semester: Burger: 6/White: 6 Wednesday, April 14 and Thursday, April 15. There are ten open positions for Senators on SGA. Twelve students have submitted their candidacy. Job Description: Responsible for proposing resolutions, attending commit tees, representing the student population. Senators represent the large voting portion of the Student Government Association and have a direct impact on SGA policy. Semester: Major: Business Platform: I am a student who Semester: 5 Major: Accounting Major: Burger: Finance/White: Biology Platform: organization can fully utilize programs and funding provided by the school. With each club and organization collaboratively working to gether, each organization can achieve maximum success. Also, if clubs and organization work together, we can establish a more coherent and connected campus community. Senator This race is contested. Aharon Robinson Platform: I believe that the SGA is not only re sponsible for building the cant pus community, but maintains the ability to fur ther the progression of the community outside of the boundaries of this university. As senator, i will make sure that the SGA will be proactive in raising awareness about service events outside of Behrend while continuing to advance campus life. Rose Francois Semester: 2 Accounting, Int'l Business Platform: I was a part of the Student Govern ment during my freshmen year and I loved working with everyone on the panel. I was also the co-director of the diversity committee through which we (as a committee) put up dif ferent programs to promote diversity on cam pus. I want to keep on being a part of the SGA because I think that I have a lot more to offer. I want to be able to change Behrend for the bet ter. I want to be able to vote on constitutions and legislations that I know will benefit Behrend. Therefore, I trust that you will make the right decisions in voting me as a SGA sena tor. Jake Randolph Semester: Major: Business campus leaders being there to represent and ful fill the needs of the student body. I am a dedi cated and hard working individual that wants to make Behrend the best place possible for our students. I believe I can help accomplish this by becoming a SGA Senator. I am a very outgoing individual who has a great relationship with fac ulty. If elected, I will dedicate the time and ef fort to satisfy the needs and wants of the student body. Ryan Frankowski Major: this year has been a great, informative experi ence. The student government and I are able to stay connected on current topics related to Penn State Behrend, such as the future renovations to the Reed Union Building and the potential plans for Dobbins Dining Hall. The student body is who I am trying to work for each week at SGA meet ings. As a leader, I obtain information from ac tivities on campus so that I can vote upon what I feel you, my peers, want to see changed on cam pus. My curriculum includes engineering, partic ipating in clubs, cross country, track & field, writing for the Behrend Beacon, and participat ing in the Resident Assistant course. Job Description: Responsible for everyday logistical duties of the Student Government Associa tion, including keeping minutes and keeping members aware of and updated on all resolutions. Briana Newstrom University Faculty Senate Rep. This race is uncontested. Job Description: This position is a student representative from Behrend that travels to University Park to represent Penn State Behrend's student body on the University Faculty Senate. I hope to be appointed University Faculty Senate Representative to become an advocate for Behrend students. If chosen, I hope to alleviate issues between students and faculty, and also bring up topics of concern to better our career at college. I believe that Behrend needs someone to represent the student body in a positive light, and I believe I can do that and more. If I am granted this position, I will do all that I can to represent the Behrend student body in the best manner, make the relationship between faculty and students even more harmonious, and to bring up and solve matters that will make our ex- Semester: 6 Major: Marketing Platform: When I think of student govern ment, I think of Semester: . ' 2 Major: Industrial Engineering Platform: Being a part of the Student Govern ment Association Platform: My goal as Secretary next year is to increase involvement in the SGA Senate as well as other student groups on campus. I will do this by: 1. Working with other students on the Senate and promoting club activities. 2.1 will do my best to help clubs and organizations promote their goals and activities in order to get more students interested. 3.1 will promote SGA as a whole and work with SGA senators to make SGA the best it can be. Harshal Patel Semester: 6 Platform: perience at Behrend unforgettable. Ryan Voris Platform: I should be on SGA because I always look at things ana lytically and consider all options before making decisions. I would vote based on the ethics and beliefs of the student body as a whole. I can't promise to make your wildest dreams come true, but I can definitely promise that I will do what ever I can to make the campus a better place to live, learn, and have fun. Almedina Alicusic Platform: Being a part of SGA in the past year helped me learn and helped me teach others about SGA while also showing and proving that our differ ences are what makes us (something I learned from my position as Diversity Director in SGA). I would like to show this same thing next year, more so I would like to represent that there are people on this campus that are not like the ma jority, and I would like to give voice to them. Alii Heitzenrater Platform: I believe I would make a great sena tor for many rea sons. I want to make every student's college experience worthwhile. In addition, as a sister of Alpha Sigma Tau, I strive everyday to live by its motto, "Active, Self-Reliant, Trustworthy". If elected as a senator, I will continue to carry that motto while considering the student body. I am hard working and very organized. I am dedi- cated to everything I am involved with and will continue to do so as a senator. Because I would represent the voice of the student body, I vow to be as dedicated as possible. Secretary This race is uncontested. Semester: 6 Major: Supply Chain & Information Systems Briana Newstrom Semester: Major: Computer Science mem in SGA Senate as well as other groups on campus. I will promote SGA to students not on the senate by advertising SGA and giving out in formation. I will work with other SGA senators to help dubs create more interest from students. I will work hard to make SGA the best it can be. Andrew Sywyj Semester: Major: English Lit. better the Penn State Behrend community for both on and off campus students. I plan to help PSB create more activities for students to partici pate in on weekmghts as well as weekends. Next year s renovations of the Reed Union Building will definitely contribute to these efforts. I look forward to helping the SGA improve the oppor tunities for student involvement at Behrend. Jennifer Siane Semester: 4 Major: Creative Writing Senator because: I.lam currently the co chair of publicity for Concert Committee where I have gained experi ence with Student Activities as well as develop ing my skills of leadership & teamwork. 2. If elected, I will work to make sure that SGAs best interests is that of Penn State Behrend's students. 3.A150, I will work to promote SGA commit tees and activities to the Penn State Behrend community. Major: Psychology SGA Hfhrend •Jt Semester: Major: Psychology Platform: My goal as an Up perclassman Sena tor next year is to increase involve Semester: 2 Major: Business Platform: I believe you should vote for me because I want to Semester: " ‘2 Major: Psychology Platform: Platform: I believe that I will be a well qualified SGA
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