Friday, September 16, 2005 Sex Column: How young is too young? Virginity. What is it? It is physical, spiritual and emotional. When a girl loses her virginity, her hymen is broken, her bond with God is either strengthened or weakened (depending on when she loses it) and there’s something in her mind that clicks and tells her that she’s not the same she was the night before. For men, I don't know, for I am not one and I do not claim to understand them, so I will leave them out for the most part. I recently found out that my 15 year old cousin has lost her “V card” as she so quaintly put it. I was taken aback by this, yet, not surprised in the least. I’ve known through movies and television that today’s youth (those a few years younger than us) is very sexually active. It seems like back in my days as a freshman and sophomore, we were more preoccupied with things like books, music and aca demics, such was the case for me anyway, maybe I was just a little behind. It didn’t seem that sex was then what it is now. My cousin also told me that I’d be "surprised” at how many peo ple in her grade are "doing it." Not to be the mom here, but what are these guys and girls thinking? Don’t they worry about STDs, preg nancy and being taunted? All of those things are reasons why I wait ed until I did. I always imagined that my first time would be roman tic and delightful (it was neither of those, but not for lack of trying). I hardly think that girls think that way anymore, especially at 15. When I was that age, I was stealing shopping carts from Giant Eagle and writing stories. At 15,1 never thought I’d be called “slut,” "whore," and "tramp." I can’t imagine what she is going through, given that other people know, and knowing how fast word travels through high school halls. everyone knows. I don’t know who to blame here, but then it hits me. Ultimately, it is the parents’ faults; they are not paying nearly as much attention to today’s youth as they should be. Young teenagers are growing up way too fast. They are like little adults, many of them have jobs, go to school, often come home to an empty house after school and. in few cases, are asked to start dinner. Regardless, young teenagers are having sex, vaginal and oral. There is not much that we as a society can do. I suppose we can just tell them to be smart and use condoms. We can educate them on the good and the bad aspects of having sex. Fashion Column: Stop the Pop In my 21 years I have witnessed and, in some cases, sadly fallen victim to many "trendy” fashions. Let us all cry silently as we recall such blunders as the high side ponytails, men in belly shirts and the rat tail. Even though these fads have since past, it is common knowledge that history is bound to repeat itself. Such is the case with flared jeans and platform shoes. Popped collars seem to be back for their second wind as well, and with a vengeance- especial ly on Penn State Behrend’s campus. Due to the prevalence of these popped collars, one would assume that they stand at attention in that manner for a specific purpose. I then put off my own studies and for the good of this campus, set out to decipher such a mystery. Initially, my thoughts were quite irra tional and without logic. Maybe the vampire fad had come back around. Maybe popping one’s collar was a cheaper way to keep one’s neck warm- scarves and turtlenecks in the whopping week that Erie tastes warm weather is mildly absurd. Finally, ration set in and my conclusion was reached. Most popped collars I have encountered were seen on members of Behrend’s male population. Thus, said practice must be some primitive mating ritual. While I am not a Biology student. I do know enough to know that human beings are classified as animals. Through my rationale, I believe that this popping of collars can be equated with embellished males seen in animalistic history. Take the peacock for example, when a male peacock wishes to lure his potential mate, his highly decorated feathers will leap into action in a decorated display. Could this not be the case with popped collars on humans? I am not a collar popper, nor do I advocate such practices. I do, however, wish those who are good luck in their search for that spe cial someone, and if nothing else, at least you will make the Fonz proud. What age do you think is appropriate for someone to lose his or her virginity? By Jennifer Haight news editor By De’adra Walker fashion columnist fUDENT LI C\r V-) Cherry Monroe Rocks Reed Lawn Monday evening offered stu dents at Behrend the opportuni ty to listen to one of the biggest up-and-coming bands in the area. With an invite from the Lion Entertainment Board (LEB) and funds from Student Activities Fund (SAF). Cherry Monroe put on an outdoor show the Reed Lawn. Consisting of five young guvs from Pittsburgh. PA and Youngstown. OH. their style has been described as "pop rock" and “nco glam" - but is a sound unique to them. In just over a year, they've built a fan base, released one self-titled album and toured sev eral states including Pennsylvania. Ohio. Wisconsin, Writing for the Beacon: A newsworthy activity Part of what makes your time in college so interesting is dis covering who you are and what you really want from your life. One of the best ways to do this is to integrate yourself with everything that's happening around you. Meet new people and take part in campus events- only by doing so Last year while at Edinboro. I can you fully enjoy had been interested in its student what many consider to be the paper, but did not actively pur best years of your life. sue participating in it. This is a Before I came to Penn State decision that I've come to regret. Erie as a transfer student from Not until I was offered a paid Edinboro, I did not make much position with a web-based polit of an effort to explore my ical publication did I seriously options. I majored in physics consider writing as a worth and chemistry because I had while activity, been good at them in high I accepted the job as a politi- Lead singer. Matt Toka, hells out a long high note during Cherry Monroe’s Monday September 12 concert on the front lawn ol the Reed Lnion Ifuildmg By Garrett Culver contributing writer By Patrick Webster staff writer Illinois and Indiana. Their sophomore album, "The Good, the Bad and the Beautiful," released the day after their stop at Behrend. includes several songs from the first, self-titled album, including "At the Stars” and “Satellites." Lyrics from their songs reach a broad audience. but are undoubtedly targeted at college age-twenty-somethings. Not having been the first time that I heard Cherry Monroe in action. I expected them to get the crowd amped and put on a very fun show. The acoustics of being outdoors worked nicely. The large crowd helped keep the band on top of their game and they repeatedly thanked the Erie fans for their positive showing, even acknowledging a few fans they recognized from previous school. I thought that those subjects were what I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing and only after experiencing them in a working environment did I discover that they were not what I expected. Eventually I switched majors to something that I'd always been interested in as a hobby but never thought of as a career: history and political science. r; r; p! p! shows Between songs, during the show, a random crowd member remarked to a friend "the song Painkillers is awesome live" - the lead singer turned around and said “no, man. I heard that one sucks live." Crowd enter tainment continued through the whole night with random jokes and comments, many of which can not be printed! The show was held as a Penhellenic Rush event, and all Sororities made a good show ing. Kristin Mook of Theta Phi Alpha said that “it was a good turnout and we had a great time.” A large turnout was indeed one of the biggest bene fits to the entire show. Vice President of Panhellenie recruitment Siobhan Conway (Communications, ’O7) was cal humorist and proceeded to have a blast picking on our cele brated contemporary political figures. I never set out to be a writer; rather, it was something that I only found was enjoyable to do once I tried it. Writing is fun and there is the added thrill of knowing that you're exposing thousands of people to your words and ideas. Before I had even arrived in Computers, games, on-cam- Erie to start my first semester pus events—it doesn't matter, we here, I made a point to find can find a something to get involved with, place for it in the paper. If Upon seeing the Beacon, listed there's something you're inter in the student groups section, I ested in, here's a made an effort to get involved way to share it with everyone on and that is not a decision that campus, has given me any regrets. Don't miss your opportunity Let yourself explore your to make your mark here and future. Get involved. Do you gain valuable published-work know of something happening experience. Come see us today! The Behrend Beacon I there promoting Alpha Sigma Alpha. “The band was awe some and we're excited about the turnout," she said. The large crowd of Behrend students enjoyed the show and sang along. "The girls in the crowd I’ve talked to tonight have been really cool, and they loved the band. 1 can't wait to hear their new CD" said Alpha Sigma Tau's Katie Sweeney (Political Science. ’O6). Jennifer Hughes. (Biology. 08). another Theta-Phi and long-time Cherry Monroe fan, said she was pleased with the event and ended her night there with: "Panhellenec rocked, but not as hard as Cherry Monroe!” For more information on Cherry Monroe, visit their weh- on campus that you'd like to share with others? Do you like being educated in current events or would like to spread informa tion to an increasingly news aware public? By all means, come down to the Behrend Beacon office in the Reed Union Building or email Annie Sevin at and see what we're all about.
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