Friday, April 22, 2005 How will off-campus apartments be an asset to Behrend? “Provide more hous ing for students.” Hope Lindengergen, BUSBD 02 Storm cloud pauses over Erie Meteorologists predict that this weekend will bring rain and snow showers with tempera tures just above freezing. This time last year, rain showers were common but snow showers were long gone, much to the delight of Erie residents. The city of Erie was just about over the winter and thought it had gone out with a bang with our last snowstorm a few weeks ago when we received two feet in two days. These last two weeks have been filled with sunshine and warm temperatures. Students cruised around town with their sunroofs and windows open. They wore shorts, sandals and tank tops. Many students were enjoying the warm weather. People walked around campus, laid out in the grass and enjoyed playing pick up games on the Behrend fields. “I laid on the roof of my house in shorts and a tank top to get some sun and enjoy the warm weather which I was glad to see,” said Elissa Duke, ELISH 08. “I went for ice cream with my roommates and enjoyed walking around outside.” This weekend there will not be much walking around or lying out with the predicted snow showers and definite rainfall. The constant warm and sunny weather cannot come soon enough for some students. “I’m looking forward to working in the sun at the country club back home,” said Charity Marsh, Operations 08 from Dußois. “I’m ready for the sunny weather and the blue skies.” Unfortunately, the blue skies that we saw this week were only a teaser as the snow this week end will be followed with rain, rain and more rain. A few dry, cloudy days are expected but the rain and snow concerns Erie residents this week. 3-week session May 11-June 1 8-week session June 15-August 3 Late summer 3-week session August 8-26 pennState pennstntebehrend. psu. edu By Maureen Archer staff writer College “Apartments that are off-campus but aren’t.” Alexis Torres, HISTBD 02 Suggestions for question of the week? Who cares? Eat it. E-mail brs 191 For a complete course listing visit For Information, call or e-mail the Division of Undergraduate Studies 898-6260 TE VY “Great opportunity for better off-campus housing.” Brian Walker, CENDBD 06 Arts receive little attention Spring concert around the corner: open your heart to art In college, students can become so focused on the sciences that they forget about the arts, which is why programs such as the Spring Concert help to give students a well rounded edu cation. It provides students with the opportunity to participate in the world of performing arts and watch their peers perform as well. “The choir is just a group of people who sing because they love to sing,” commented Dr. Barnard. “It is important for students to have the opportunity to see their peers perform instead of professionals I want students to realize there is more to life, more to college, than math, science and English; the arts have an important role in our lives as well.” Many of the songs being performed at the concert have an international setting. There is an Irish piece, “Dulaman,” arranged by David Mooney, as well as a Spanish piece and a Canadian piece, among others. The Behrend College Choir will be performing at their annual Spring Concert April 28 in McGarvery Commons. Admission is five dollars for adults and three dollars for students; however, Penn State students may pick up free tickets with their IDs until sp.m. on the date of the performance at the Rub Desk. Students who enjoy jazz music will be delighted to know that the Behrend Studio Singers are performing at this concert as well. Save Our School Beacon staff and make ‘Great idea, you will pay less for better facilities.” DeAdra Walker, ENGBD 06 S.O.S. Join the Behrend a difference. ams63l @ By Crystal Chisholm staff writer Contact The Behrend Beacon I “More housing for guys.” Barbara Johnson, FNARTS 02
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