Friday, February 11, 2005 Who do you want to win big at the Grammys? "Green Day is going to win the best album for American Idiot." Morgan Hansen, CENBD 06 Business By Sarah Weber copy editor Dennis Ranalli, first vice president and financial advisor with Merrill Lynch Consumer Markets will be enlightening business majors on the ins and outs of finance Thursday in 069 Kochel. Ranalli, a 21-year employee of Merrill Lynch is one of 200 financial advisors approved by Merrill Lynch for consulting services. He is also a member of Merrill Lynch's "Circle of Excellence" which "recognizes superior customer service and performance." Ranalli is a member of the Investment Management Consultants Association and the , a' 411 4,1 ' e *ll'4' NOW LEASING!!! BUT THEY ARE GOING FAST ...... STOP IN BEFORE YOU LEAVE FOR SPRING BREAK w merroian school hosts Merrill Lynch adviser Estate Planning Council of Erie. He serves on the Boards of the Children's Advocacy Center of Erie County, the Warner Theatre Preservation Trust and a variety of community committees. He and his wife, Mary, are chairper sons for the 2005 American Heart Association Heart Gala. This presentation is being hosted by the Sam and Irene Black School of Business. John Magenau, director of the busi ness school, is a personal acquaintance of Ranalli and says the presentation would offer a lot of helpful information to business majors. "We are focusing this particu lar presentation on accounting, economics and finance majors, but any students who are inter ested can.come," said Magenau. FULLY FURNISHED APPARTMENTS *GREAT RATES *Study Lounge STARTING AT `- '&1') *Fitness Room *Super Location *Laundry on-site *Spacious Floor Plans *Across from campus *Free Cable TV on collar aVenile "Usher because he has a couples of hit songs." Maulin Ghandhi, FNC 04 Suggestions for Question of the Week? E-mail your ideas to Behrendß m kma m WITH US WIN A YEAR'S FREE RENT 646 East College Avenue State College, PA 16801 814 231-9000 "He will be talking about how he got into business and day to day what it's like." According to, Merrill Lynch is one of the world's leading fmancial man agement and advisory compa nies. It was founded in 1914 as Charles E. Merrill and Co. and now employs over 48,000 peo ple. It is also ranked 58 among the Fortune 500 and has loca tions in 36 countries. The presentation will be in coordination with a lunch that will begin at 12:20 p.m. A ques tion and discussion session will follow at 12:50 p.m. Students who would like to attend must RSVP by Monday. The lunch will be limited to 40 attendees. To reserve a spot, call Janet Cipriani at 898-6560. •• • • "Destiny's Child because they are really talented and they are back togeth- er again." Deepti Soni, POLSC 04 '1• J Merrill Lynch Pr6fil: 401 s any e Founded: 1914 (Charles E. Merrill & Co) Employees: 50,600 Net Revenue: SUS 22 billion Total Client Assets: SUS 1.6 trillion Assets Under Management: SUS 501 bn Total Stockholders' Equity: SUS 31.4 bn* Fortune 500: Ranked N 0.58 Stock Symbol: MER Global Markets: 36 countries SOURCE: MERRILL LYNCH (ML.COM > > Grant C. Travis, Esquire (-i 3 "Linkin Park because their songs are original. They have very special rhythm." Jaaro Carrasquero, ME 02 Car Accidents Drunk Driving Defense Criminal Defense www.duilawyerpa.corn The Behrend Beacon I "Green Day because they are the best of the It's Never Too Late To Start Learn layout, design and copy editing. And there's FREE PIZZA. Behrend Beacon Open Layout Night All students interested in joining the Beacon are invited Thursday at 6 p.m. The Behrend Beacon Office 100 State Street Suite 210 Erie, PA16507 455-3839 worst." Andres R. Quinones Acosta, SEBD 05
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