Page 2 The Behrend Beacon WEEKLY WEATHER FORECAST PENN STATE NEWS Several students may have received access account experiation notice in error On Monday, Jan. 12, a mistake in accounting processes resulted in some Penn State students being sent-in error-a notice that their Penn State Access Account was about to expire. The error was quickly detected, and students already have been e-mailed with a letter of correction and apology. Table tennis olympic qualifying tournament comes to Thirty-five top table tennis players from across the country will converge on Penn State's University Park campus with hopes to qualify for the 2004 Olympic games. The table tennis Olympic quali fying tournament will begin on began Tuesday and will continue through Sun. at Penn State's Intramural Building. The top-ranking three male and three female competitors will then go on to compete in the North America Tournament later this winter to secure a place in the 2004 summer Olympic games in Athens, Greece. New web site helps students make informed decisions about living off campus Behrend students who transfer to Penn State University Park of ten have trouble finding quality housing for an affordable price, in part because 28,000 students that live off campus at UP. Penn State has started a new Website dedicated to helping students through the process of finding just the right place to call home. Visit the Office of Off-Campus Living at: POLICE AND SAFETY NO REPORT AVAILABLE AT TIME OF PRINTING CLASSIFIED "Life's most persistent and urgent question is 'What are you doing for others?'"- Martin Luther King Jr. Janet Neff Sample Center for Manners dr Civility Penn State Z 1 4Tibl Frida , Janua 16, 2004 _ ittman, rig _..Prence Jng wit ;el om NCAA mascot J.J. Jumper, his skits and give -a-ways at Saturday's basketball games Leacy Sauer, COMBA 04, and RJ Mogel EETBD 02, inthe background, serve customers smiles and Skittles from the Junker Center concession stand during Saturday's basketball games. The Behrend Lion has joined the rest of the campus in a quest to look his best for spring break FOCAL POINTS D 04, and Joe Persang, Justin Curry, News Editor 04, rind themselves hitting the books ie area were entertain
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