Kevin Fiorenzo & Amy Frizzell, S 1 orts Editors On Deck Behrend Athletic Events Saturday Men's and Women's Swimming & Diving @ Edinboro 1 p.m. Women's Basketball vs. Frostburg 2 p.m. (TV GAME) Men's Basketball vs. Frostburg 4 p.m. (TV GAME) Tuesday Men's Basketball @ Medaille 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Women's Basketball vs. Mt. Aloysius 7 p.m. Men's and Women's Swimming and Diving @ Grove City 6 p.m. Club Schedule Sunday Men's Hockey vs. Case Western Reserve 7:45 p.m. Intramural Schedule Men's, Women's and COED Ping-Pong Entry Deadline Jan. 30 Play begins Feb. 9 Men's and Women's Arena Football ousing & Food Service Athlete of the Week Lady Lions No. 1 spot in AMCC Team defeats Lake Erie and Altoona en route by Amy Frizzell and Kevin Fiorenzo sports editors The women's basketball team maintained its win ning streak this past week when they defeated Lake Erie. The team traveled to Lake Erie on Wednesday night for their third AMCC matchup. The Lady Lions were in control the entire game and domi nated the Lady Storm offensivilly throughout, win ning by a rout, 79-31. Leading the way for the Lady Lions was fresh man forward Tenesha Aden with 26 points. Fol lowing Aden was freshman guard Brittany Mays with 17 points, and sophomore guard Nikki Pacinelli, scoring 11 points. This win boosted them to a 10-4 overall record with a perfect 3-0 conference record. Just before the end of break on Saturday, the Lady Lions hosted Penn State Altoona in front of a near sellout crowd. After jumping out to a 36-20 lead at halftime, Altoona slowly made its way back into the game. A lack of offense and untimely turnovers allowed Altoona to come within two points with less than a minute remaining. At 63-61, though, senior guard Erika Mozdy hit a three pointer to seal the deal, 66- 61. Along with her game winner, Mozdy finished with a total of 13 points, leading Behrend in points that game. Just behind her was Mays with 11 points and sophomore forward Angela Pellegrino, giving up 10 points. Next the ladies traveled to Thiel College for yet another win at 78-55. The Lady Lions led for the entire game and Thiel was unable to get any offensive production against Behrend's defense. Aden led the way once more with 17 points along with 16 points from Mozdy. Senior guard Carly Cochran sunk 11 points for the Lions. Along with leading the AMCC, the Behrend squad is excelling in several conference statistic categories. by Samantha Cibula staff writer Freshman Whitney Marshall embarked on a trip over winter break to sunny Vero Beach, Fla. escaping the cold Pennsylvania weather in hopes of working on her tan. However, head swim coach Jen Slack had challenging plans for Marshall and the rest of the women's and men's swimmers while in Florida Jan. 3 through this past Sunday. The sun shined a warming 75 degrees each day at the beach, but sunbathing wasn't an option for the swimmers. The swimmers had a routine they followed each day that was coordinated to the second by Slack and assistant swim coach Joe Tristan. The typical routine consisted of a two-hour morning swim practice, followed immediately by a one-hour dry land workout and then two additional hours of hard and fast-paced swimming. "The practices were so strenuous that it wasn't ndoor Track teams take their mark by Adam Massaro staff writer The inches may be accumulating outside, but the men's and women's indoor track teams are just be ginning to heat up inside for their first invitational of the year. The Lions will make the trek to the Slippery Rock Invitational on Jan. 24th for their first of four invitationals this season. The Lions also had to overcome the hurdle of an interrupted practice schedule due to the winter break. Preseason practice began two weeks prior James Curren SPORTS Friday, January 16, 2004 , nference with a perfect record of 3-0. They next will take on Frostburg State at home, on Saturday at 2 p.m. in the Junker Center. The Lady Lions are leading the conference in scoring defense and are second in field goal per centage and rebounding defense. Individually, Aden is third in the conference in scoring with 12.4 ppg. Also, Mays is currently lead ing in free throw pct. (.875). unusual to see someone puking once or twice a practice," said senior captain Sarah McGarvey. "We did things that we wouldn't normally do in Erie, like jumping over beach chairs and picnic tables. The dry land exercises became twice as hard in the enjoyable sun that wasn't so enjoyable during dry land workouts." "The workouts were definitely a test of our own confidence in what we could do in each workout," said freshman Justin Ryder. "Being a freshman I didn't know what to expect accept that it would be a lot of hard work, and it was. The training trip met every expectation I had even some fun in the sun." The majority of each day was dedicated to training but midweek the swimmers found themselves with a little break. "In the middle of the week we had the swimmers just complete the morning practice and then we gave them the day to go to Universal Studios," said Slack. "Going to Universal was fun because it gave us a break from all the hard training we had been doing and everyone could just relax and have to fall semester finals and practice resumed at the beginning of January. "Right now, the team is looking very enthusias tic and the workouts are being completed well," said head coach Dave Cooper. "We have a nice mix of successful veterans and very talented freshmen." To prevent a layoff over the winter break, Coo per and his staff devised a workout regiment for all the athletes to follow over the break. Cooper hopes this season's team will be able to improve upon existing Behrend records, as current members already hold 18 records. In the past the Lions have set their sights on the SPORT: ~ PROGRAM BY BREAKING MEN S T : L Lk ; , SKI'S RECORD OF C S D I ' , 4 r s • POINTS DATE: j v -12, 0 ' • - RREN HAS „,.. ..... EER POINTS 1F.41450N. iCW.THE BLUE rTE WILL BE A CONFERENCE AGAINST ON SATURDAY AT 4 P.M. CURREN MADE PEN STATE BEHREND MEN BASKETBALL HISTOR THIS PAST WEEKEN" AGAINST PENN STAT' ALTOONA BECOMING NO. 1 SCORER FOR THE Mays was also named the AMCC player of the week on Dec. 15. She averages 11.9 ppg and 5.9 The Lady Lions look to defend their AMCC No. 1 ranking on Saturday again Frostburg State at home. fun," said freshman Alexis Puhala. "I really think going to Universal Studios helped us to come together as a team more than the practices did because it gave us time to get to know each other without the stress of practicing and working out," said junior captain Joe Deely., Deely wasn't the only one that felt team bonding during the trip. Marshall also could see a stronger bond forming as practices got more difficult and the team stuck together to help each other get through each day. "The swimmers did come closer together in Florida. I saw them encourage each other as they pushed past the soreness and went on training hard and fast," said Slack. "After the week was over, as we were on our 23-hour bus ride back to Erie, I really felt that all of the hard work was worth it," said Marshall. "We as a team succeeded and I am really excited to see how our hard work pays off at the season's end." The Behrend men and women return to action this weekend, competing Friday at Mount Union and Saturday against Edinboro. Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference (ECAC) indoor championships; however, they will forgo the championships this year as they travel to Florida for preseason practice for the outdoor season. With the indoor track season segueing into the outdoor season, the Lions will be able to continue progress throughout the year. "Our indoor season and outdoor season basically complement one another," said Cooper. "We train our athletes in such a way as to get improved performances from the first meet indoors through to the last meet of the outdoor season." Page 11 The Behrend Beacon
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