Page 8 The Behrend Beacon 31 Friday -7 a.m. - Union Steward election, Reed 114 ~8 a.m. - National Society of Black Engineers summit, Reed 113,114 -8 a.m. - Prayer box - Protestant Campus Ministry, Reed fundraising card table 1 -10:30 a.m. - ROTC, Reed fundraising table 2 -11 a.m. -1 Betcha Will, Reed fundraising table 2 -11 a.m. - Delta Chi DVD player raffle, Reed fundraiser table 4 -11 a.m. - Ticket sale - Valentine’s dance, Reed fundraising table 3 -6 p.m. - National Society of Black Engineers summit, Reed 117 -10 p.m. - Movie: “Red Dragon,” Reed 117 f 4 Tuesday -8 a.m. - Prayer box, Reed fundraising card Table 1 -8:30 a.m. - Doctoral Research - Tom Wortman, Academic 69 -11 a.m. - Delta Chi DVD player raffle, Reed fundraising table 4 -11 a.m. - Ticket sale - Valentine’s dance, Reed fundraising table 3 -11 a.m. -1 Betcha Will, Reed fundraising table 1 -12 p.m. - Delta Sigma Pi rush event, Reed backroom -12 p.m. - Marketing Club info table, Reed fundraising table 2 -3 p.m. - Student Activities meeting, Reed 3 -4:45 p.m - Campus Ministry Women’s Group, Smith Chapel -5 p.m. - Panhellen/c meeting, Reed 114 -5:20 p.m. - Marketing Club meeting, Reed 112 -6 p.m. - Chapter President’s meeting, Reed 114 -7 p.m. - Omicron Delta Kappa meeting, Reed 114 The Rhythm of Life Series at Penn State Behrend will feature muMs, poet and performer on HBO’s Emmy-nominated drama series “Oz,” on Tuesday, Feb. 11, at 7:30 p.m. in the Reed McGarvey Commons. The event is free and open to the public. Penn State Behrend will sponsor semiformal Valentine’s Day Dance on Saturday, Feb. 15, from 8 p.m. -1 a.m. in the Reed McGarvey Commons. Tickets are $lO per couple; $6 per individual, and can be purchased outside of Bruno’s today, and February 3 through 7 from 11 a.m. -1 p.m. If you have any questions, email or Sponsored by the Lion Entertainment Board, and funded by the Student Activity Fee. Get your meetings, acttviues, announcements! etc. on our Calendar of Events Panel j All submissions must be received by Monday at 5 p.m. for publication in that week’s issue. Send submissions : to the attention of the Calendar of Events Page to; put information in our campus math • box, bottom floor, Reed Union Building, near e-mail kiosk and next to restrooms; or call us at 898-6488. While • you should include all possible information, submissions may be edited due to space constraints; please : contact the Beacon for special requests. • FRIDAY, JAN. 31 THROUGH FRIDAY, FEB. 7 Mark Your Calendars “ m WIM © 99 1 Saturday -8 a.m. - Prayer box - Protestant Campus Ministry, Reed fundraising card table 1 -8 a.m. - Alumni Society board meeting and dinner, Logan -10 a.m. - Martial Arts Club, Junker Center -11:30 a.m. - Women’s Basketball alumni game, Junker Center -1 p.m. - Varsity Swimming and Diving vs Grove City, Junker Center pool -2 p.m. - Women’s Varsity Basketball vs Penn State Altoona, Junker Center -4 p.m. - Men’s Varsity Basketball vs. Penn State Altoona, Junker Center -7 p.m. - Gospel comedian: Alcindor Hawkins, Reed 117 -9 p.m. - Comedian: Michael Collins, Bruno’s -10 p.m. - Movie: “Red Dragon,” Reed 117 Wednesday -8 a.m. - Prayer box, Reed fundraising card table 1 ~loa.m. - Student Affairs Directors meeting, Reed 113 -11 a.m. - Delta Chi DVD player raffle, Reed fundraising table 4 -11 a.m. - Ticket sale - Valentine’s dance, Reed fundraising table 3 -12 p.m. - Guitarist - Adam Richman, Bruno’s -12 p.m. - Erie Power Technologies lunch, Logan -1:30 p.m. - Student Affairs Staff meeting, Reed 113 -4 p.m. - Bruno's employee meeting, Reed 113 -5:20 p.m. - SGA meeting, Reed 114 -6 p.m. - CEO interview, Logan -6 p.m. -Ping pong tournament, Reed Commons -6 p.m. - Alpha Phi Omega meeting, Reed 3 -7:30 p.m. - Career Dev. Center FBI careers info session, Reed 114 -8:30 p.m. - Joint Residence Council meeting, Reed 112 ® 9 OFEWNfTS Friday, January3l, 2003 2 Sunday ~8 a.m. - Prayer box, Reed fundraising card Table 1 ~11 a.m. -1 Betcha Will, Reed fundraising table 1 ~2 p.m. - Women’s Varsity Basket ball vs. Buffalo State, Junker Center -6 p.m. - Protestant Campus Minis try worship service, Smith Chapel ~6 p.m. - CEO interview, Logan ~6 p.m. - Association of Women in Communications meeting, Reed 3 -7:30 p.m. - Catholic Mass, Smith 6 Thursday -0 a.m. - CEO interview, Smith Chapel -8 a.m. - Prayer Box, Reed fundraising card table 1 -11 a.m. - Ticket Sale - Valentine's dance, Reed fundraising table 3 -11 a.m. - Delta Chi DVD player raffle, Reed fundraising table 4 -12:15 p.m. - Society of Undergraduate Economists meeting. Reed 113 -12:15 p.m. - College Republicans. Reed 112 -12:15 p.m. - Finance Club meeting, Reed 3 -12:30 p.m. - Commuter Council meeting, Commuter Council office -2 p.m. - CEO interview, Smith Chapel -2:30 p.m. - Lion Ambassador tour training, Reed 114 -2:30 p.m. - Bruno's employee meeting, Reed 113 -4 p.m. - Student Activity Fee Committee meeting, Reed 112 -6 p.m. - Trigon - Sex Cabaret, Reed Wintergarden -7 p.m. - Lion Entertainment Board meeting, Reed 113 -7 p.m. - Sailing Club meeting, Reed 3 '7:15 p.m. * Intervarsity Christian Fellowship meeting, Smith Chapel -9 p.m. - Delta Sigma Pi meeting, Reed 114 -9:30 p.m. - Movie: “Rules of Attraction," Reed 117 /"\ A Closer Look The Association for Womfen in Communications will hold an informational meeting on Sunday from 6 - 7 p.m. in Reed 3. All genders, races, and majors are welcome to come and see what we are about. For more information, contact Christine at The Behrend Sailing Club will meet on Thursday at 7 p.m. Reed 112. All are welcome to at Erinn Hansen, Calendar Page Editor AWC Sailing Club tend. 3 Monday -7:30 a.m. - CEO interview, Logan -8 a.m. - Prayer box, Reed fundraising card table 1 -8 a.m. - CEO interview, Smith Chapel -11 a.m. -1 Betcha Will, Reed fundraising table 1 -11 a.m. - Delta Chi DVD player raffle, Reed fundraising table 4 -11 a.m. - Ticket sale - Valentine’s dance, Reed fundraising table 3 -12 p.m. - Marketing Club info table, Reed fundraising table 2 - CEO interview, Smith Chapel -2 p.m -4 p.m. - Lion Ambassador tour training, Reed 114 I Friday -8 a.m. - Prayer box, Reed fundraising card table 1 ~11 a.m. - Delta Chi DVD player raffle, Reed fundraising table 4 -11 a.m. - Ticket sale - Valentine’s dance, Reed fundraising table 3 -10 p.m. - Movie: “Rules of Attrac tion, Reed 117 -10:30 p.m. - Midnight bingo, Reed Commons
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