Page 8 The Behrend Beacon 13 Friday -11 a.m. - Psychology Chi Heifer for Hope Fundraiser, Reed Fundraising Table 2 ~11 a.m. - Relational Aggression group lunch, Reed Commons ~5 p.m. - Child Care Center holiday party, Logan House -10:30 p.m. - Midnight Bingo, Reed Commons If Tuesday ~8 a.m. - Renovations and Carpet ing, Reed -12:15 p.m. - “Come to the Quiet,” Smith Chapel -2 p.m. - First Year Web Site meet ing, Reed 3 -3 p.m. - Res Life and Student Activities meeting, Reed 3 -5 p.m. - Campus Ministry Women’s Group, Smith Chapel ~8 p.m. - Delta Chi meeting, Reed 3 Get your meetings, activities, announcements, etc, on our Calendar of Events Page! j All submissions must be received by Monday at 5 p.m. for publication in that week’s issue. Send submissions • to the attention of the Calendar of Events Page to\ put information in our campus mail- : box, bottom floor, Reed Union Building, near e-mail kiosk and next to restrooms; or call us at 898-6488. While • you should include all possible information, submissions may be edited due to space constraints; please * contact the Beacon for special requests. I FRIDAY, DEC. 13 THROUGH FRIDAY, DEC. 20 ses will me on y, Jan. 13. ave a 14 Saturday -8 a.m. - Renovations and Carpet ing, Reed -8:30 a.m. - Registration - Tuba Christmas Erie Concert, Reed Wintergarden -9:30 a.m. - Youth Symphony Or chestra board meeting, Reed 3 -10 a.m. - Martial Arts Club, Junker Center -1 p.m. - Ballroom Dance Club, Junker Center -1:30 p.m. - Tuba Christmas Erie Concert, Reed Commons -5 p.m. - Traditional Hall Dinner Dance, Reed Commons WWednesday -8 a.m. - Renovations and Carpet ing, Reed -1:30 p.m. - Student Affairs staff meeting, Smith Chapel -2:30 p.m. - Housing and Resident Life meeting, Reed 3 -3:30 p.m. - RA Perry Staff meeting, Reed 3 -4 p.m. - Commu 325 Break Out Session, Reed Commons ark Your alendars hristmas Happy Year! jIJBL Wr CVCNV9 Friday, December 13, 2002 15 Sunday -8 a.m. - Renovations and Carpet ing, Reed -10 a.m. - PCM Morning Services, Smith Chapel -2 p.m. -,JV Men’s home basketball game, Junker Center -6 p.m. - PCM Evening Services, Smith Chapel -7:30 p.m. - Catholic Mass, Smith Chapel 19 Thursday ~8 a.m. - Renovations and Carpet ing, Reed ~8 a.m. - DUR staff meeting, Logan -12 p.m. - Advisor Roundtable Me.Ung, Smilh! Mi" A fun night of midnight bingo will take place tonight from 10:30 p.m. until 1:30 a.m. in the Reed McGarvey Commons. A free late- night snack will be provided along with free beverages. There is free play all night, and it costs only 75 cents for an extra card, with more than a dozen prizes to win. Erinn Hansen, Calendar Page Editor A Closer Look IldiffM BSng© Monday -8 a.m. - Renovations and Carpet ing, Reed -11:30 a.m. - Work-study Lunch, Smith Chapel -4 p.m. - Religious/Spiritual Life committee, Smith Chapel -5:30 p.m. - Men’s Bible Study, Smith Chapel ' , V» — 2B Friday PlWf
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