Page 10 The Behrend Beacon Seattle’s Worst: a coffee addict by Kristen Schrum contributing writer As a diligent student at Behrend, sometimes 1 have to pull the dreaded all nighter in order to complete what is ex pected of me. Papers, projects, and studying for tests until the wee morning hours makes me crave one thing: Cof fee. But 1 have just a few gripes about the brand of coffee that has taken over our school; It's strong, it’s bitter, and several of those little flavored creams are needed to make it go down easier. Because this is a free country, I decided to boycott this coffee and go for the coffee in the machines that are so conveniently located in almost every building in the school. Every building, that is, except for the 24-hour computer lab, where there is not a single coffee machine in sight for those students who are up all night slaving away at the computers. Interesting, huh? Anyway, I thoroughly enjoy the French vanilla cappuccino that is available in these machines. And what’s more, it’s only 40 cents for a cup of this delicious brew. Going Through Withdrawals One day, after pulling an all-nighter working on a paper, by my third class I was dragging. I needed a pick-me-up real bad. Because I knew I couldn’t stomach “that other coffee," I decided to get a cup of that delicious French vanilla cappuccino. Those machines Act now: advice a Super-Senior by Sarah Elson contributing writer Everybody has character flaws. Sometimes these flaws present them- selves in a manner of which an individual 1 wanted mv Drofessors to take an active can learn and grow. Once these flaws have interest in my development as a student and surfaced, a person makes a decision as to an adult. There were times I had scheduled how to act —whether to change the exist ing behavior or continue on with the same destructive behavior. I came to college with many flaws. Someone who did not possess the same faults as I did might even say 1 screwed up. I did the stereotypical college thing: drank (a lot), smoked pot, skipped class, etc., etc. It took me almost to the middle of my se nior year to alter my behavior. I am not per fect now. I still love to party, but I work hard and then play hard. Since I wasted so r mmmm -1 rl Wanna try something new? ; E-mail or call 898-6488. Join the Beacon! Write for credits, meet profes sionals, build your resume, and tell your parents you actually did something in college. take regular money, but they will also accept the little chip that is on our ID cards. And like most students, I don’t carry around change because I have money on my card for convenience. So I entered the Reed Building, passed the computers, and went straight for the coffee machine. I slid my card in and to my disappointment it read, “FAILED TO PROCESS.” I mustered up some energy to try the card again. Once again, the card did not work. So, I marched up to the ID office and explained to them the problem. The lady at the office was very nice and said, “We will just print you out a new card." So I took my shiny new card back downstairs and tried again. Same results. By this time, I was ready to cry. My hands began shaking and my mouth was dry. I needed the caffeine in my veins. Now, I’m forcing my card into the machine and cursing loudly at the damn thing. All of the onlookers at the “computer circle" gasped at the obscenities coming out of my mouth. But I couldn’t help it; I was not myself anymore. I was an addict. My strength was deteriorating, and I decided that 1 must resort to begging. I exclaimed to the group, “Would someone please take pity on a girl who just wants one freaking cup of coffee?!” Luckily, there was a kind man in the group, and he offered me some change. much time in the previous years, I felt stuck. I had no connections for job opportunities and no close association with my profes- However. I was learning. PHOTO COURTESY OF KRTCAMPUS.COM meetings with professors and the first words out of their mouths were, “Well, I only have five minutes.” Now, how was I supposed to schedule classes, choose a profession, and excel in life on a five-minute budget? 1 was frustrated, but I decided to move on and develop relationships with professors I never had for class and teachers outside my major. 1 believe it is important to remember that just because an advisor is assigned to you on paper, there are other options available. Friday, December 13, 2002 tales from Getting the Fix I put the change in and carefully made my selection. I stared at the machine with anticipation. Then, I turned my head for just one tiny second, and I looked back just in time to see the machine spit out my coffee cup SIDEWAYS. Three-quarters of my long-awaited coffee slipped down into the drain. I fell to the floor sobbing. It wouldn’t be long before someone found me there and threw me into detox, so I decided to pick up the measly cup of coffee and devour it. Luckily, this was enough of a fix to last me until I could get to a more cooperative coffee machine. I dragged myself to my next class but the teacher told me to go home because I looked terrible. I went to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror. My eyes were bloodshot and my face was pale. This is when I realized I had a problem. Fighting Towards Recovery Two months later, I have not fully recovered from this incident. Sometimes, I stay awake all night, thinking about trying my card in that machine just one more time. But I know this is not healthy, and I need to move on. Thanks to CA (Caffeine Anonymous) I have now been off coffee for one month, 28 days and 12 hours. My advice to the other students who love the coffee in those machines: They are useless, so just give up. Stick with Seattle's Worst. rom Do not think you are bound by restrictions. I just started talking with anyone who would listen. 1 don’t think it matters if you start small and work big or vice versa. Just getting your name and accomplishments out to anyone is vital. This is networking— the key to a progressive career. I started by contacting a family friend who works for the USA Today. He was more than happy to help me and in turn gave me a list of people to contact. I tried it and every last person re sponded to me. I began go ing on the Internet and post ing my resume. I also con tacted managers and editors who had no idea who I was, but they still got back to me. I talked to more people and received more feedback than I did in the previous four years. It is not even dif ficult to do. You just need a bit of enthusiasm to get the ball rolling. Take advantage of what the university has to offer. When you are in class, out at a bar, in church, liter ally anywhere, talk with people about your interests. You will make a connection with someone that will em power you to activate your life. It only takes one person to make a difference in your life. However, if you wait for opportunities to come to you, you may waste a lifetime. All that you have to do is love what you do, always be willing to learn more, and pretend you have motivation—even if you don’t. Start talking to others and never for get to listen closely to what people have to say. Knowledge is located in crevices and can often be passed by. I ”1 i Through the looking glass by Mike Pingree, KRT Campus After being convicted of driving without a license for the third time, a man left the courthouse in Hamburg, Germany, got into his car and drove off, followed in short order by the police officer who had just testified against him. The cop caught up with him and took away his car keys. HOLD ON, OFFICER, I HAVE A CALL Police saw a man rob a woman of her cell phone at gunpoint in East London, South Africa, and chased him down, but he told them he didn’t have it. So one of the cops called the number. They heard the phone ring in his underpants. A warm summer in southern Norway has led to an unusually bounti ful growth of fruit but, because of the early winter, much of it has been left to ferment on the trees. As a result, moose in the region have gotten very drunk from eating apples from the branches. They have been spotted staggering through the forest, and some have become aggressive toward people passing through. DITHERED TW?TS by Stan Waling “Ingenious. And what do you call your invention, Mr. Barfbag?" Crossword ACROSS 1 Ovine remark 4 Mediocre 8 Endured 14 H.S. subj. 15 “Diana" singer 16 Black Sea port 17 Color changer 18 Coffin stand 19 Welcomes 20 Robin Hood's weapon 22 Uttered 23 Of Chilean mountains 24 Wedding scatterings 28 Intended 29 Is able 30 Fall behind 31 BTUword 34 Submerge 35 Vegetable ball 38 Rained icily 40 Guitarist Paul 41 Vessels for ashes 43 Czech Republic region 45 Prepare to take notice? 47 Spanish article 48 Sweater type 52 Intensify 54 Puzzling question 55 Departs 56 More domineering 57 Climb 60 Caron title role 61 Shaft projection 62 Stirred up 63 Toast topper 64 Angle starter? 65 Respectful knee bend 66 Gull relative 67 Sonic boomer, briefly DOWN 1 Pandemonium 2 Tennis partner? 3 Order of business 4 Days of worship 5 Vidalia, e.g. 6 Distort 7 Shell propeller Karl Benacci, Features Editor OK, WHAT DID I DO THIS TIME? WHAT ARE YOU LOOKIN’ AT!? The Wedding Rings / txo you sar *MV SKS FAT GROSK . WeDOINGV. All right! rMorvtd. 8 Boston airport Solutions 9 Floating freely 10 Sowers 11 Half a fly? 12 Winter hrs. in Boston 13 Kapital" 21 Chap 22 Instrumental compositions 24 “Titanic" director 25 Missing part of a Manx 26 Prong 27 Kinds 29 Louisianans of French ancestry 32 Shade tree 33 Third bk. of the Bible 35 Shove 36 Pennsylvania conjunctions port Calls 37 Not in favor of Decrees 39 Arithmetic 50 Frees from operation suspicion 42 Propose 51 Henson’s frog 44 Common 53 Trustbuster by Sprwgtlrotyer* Peel* Roosevelt 54 Slugger Marls 56 Peevishness 57 Circle segment 58 Old coin 59 Mongrel 60 Acquired
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