Page 10 The Behrend Beacon The King's Rook, 1921 Peach St., is one of the major clubs in Erie E4:12; -:,- CUICIII I TiIiARIT! ! - WANNA HAVE FON?? im YOU WANNA DANCE??!!!!! p....AND Afrr PEOPLE FROM OTHER ((UM Duty AU NWT LONG ON ONO OF MR 0 POOL MaleS-FREEM sum Rams ZOOR CLUB COLIMI N Er s N 1 G HT DHICY • PUMPS . HIP H • P,Rilit iTECHNO THROUGH • :; • 1 A' r f N i • `I • LO AA i I hA h SEE THE MOST INTENSE LIGHT SHOW AROUND r 77 MUST RE" AT LEAST 17 IRS. OR OLDER !Mil PROPER I. OR lERIFICATION OF LOCATED IN DOWNTOWN ERIE HIGHER ED 1 V HON BASALLY f 20THi PE AC( T OORTO R RHE RIC HEAD) THE RINGS ROOK CLUB.I9II PEACH STREET Hot Spots in Erie The King's Rook Uffl2M ARTIN AT 9 P.M. Behrend Beacon Rounding Up an Advertising Staff students with an interest in advertising are needed on the Beacon's staff. Duties would include: oliciting advertisers, organizing advertisements for each week's publication, and preparing ads for publication. Gain experience today that will look great on a 488 or e-mail behrcolls@aoLcom 'A 770 N -NON-ALCONOLIC Len resume! Friday, September 28, 2001 NON ALCOHOL!! PARTY by Paige Miles assistant managing editor With flashing lights, lasers, and three floors, the King's Rook Club, located on 1921 Peach St., provides a wild night of dancing and socializing. The Rook is typically a members only club/bar, but on Wednesday night, it is open to the college crowd. College students age 17 and older are admitted with proper college ID or proof of acceptance. The cover charge is $5 per person for five hours of danc ing. The night begins at 9 p.m., how ever the club doesn't really fill up until after 11. Women, dressed in their most re vealing clubbing clothes, typically go with a group of their friends while guys, generally clad in American Eagle and such, go with their friends in attempt to see who can dance with the most people in one night. On a busy night, the dance floor is elbow to elbow with people, giving plenty of opportunity to meet someone. The music is loud and pumping. Henry GQ, DJ extraordinaire, "spins the grooves"—usually popular songs re-mixed, techno, or rap music per fect for dancing. The energy level is high; the music and dancing don't stop until 2 a.m, when Henry GQ plays a slow, romantic song to cap off' the evening. The night is alcohol-free due to the amount of underagers in the club, but pop and water are served at the bar for those parched from shaking their booties. Also, the kitchen is closed for the night. Regardless, a Wednesday night at the Rook is a great time to hang out with friends and for those under 21 to dance where they nor mally wouldn't be let in. The music, the fun, and the energy make the FILE PHOTO King's Rook Club a definite Hot Spot Do you need to take that special girl on the perfect date, but find that you're strapped for cash? If so, this is the perfect date for you. I call it the "white trash date." 1. Take your "soon to be girlfriend" to Hickory Farms a ask for a few samples of smoked ham. Upon finishing your meal, hit the nearest drinking fountain. 2. Now is the time to entertain her. Take her to the neare Best Buy and treat her to a movie on the TV in the video section. If you play your cards right you'll be experiencing a nig cap in the Serta Mattress store if you know what I mean! Anyone caught c+eating Kart's Ideas witt be attacked by rabid Yetis and +hen, after tie Ins mauted, +hey witt be thrown into a pile of rvtanure...face clown. We wetcome your humorous submissions. Send them +o behrconeao(.com Kool Karl's Kraz Here is what the guy can do: Kool Karl's 'CO Karamel Kakes Ingredients: 1/2 cup butter 3/4 cup white corn syrup 1 cup packed brown sugar 1 cup chopped pecans 1 cup almonds 1 (12 ounce) package crispy corn and «~.~r~ J _!._ "White Trash Date" Karl Benacci, Features Edi rice cereal Kool Karl says: Figure this one out on your own guys. Just don't catch anything on fire. ~~~ ~ Korner! behrcolls @ aol.c w ~~
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