FROM FRONT PAGE CHAD HERSHEY. Hershey wants to bring in Hollywood agents to lure up-and-coming models and artists. ‘The Chad Hershey Show'" would also include a bar, a sit-in dinner theater restaurant, and a dance floor unlike any other in Hrie. Modeling it after the West Coast club scene, the club will include a big screen TV, industrial size fans, and lighting galore, '■'['heme" nights would be tailored to attract an array of people Hershey wants high school, college, and family nights. In addition, Hershey is currently courting local radio station Star 104 to broadcast daily from his establishment, as well as hiring a full time DJ. Hershey also plans on sponsoring regular dance competitions. ‘To keep kids off the street” is a fundamental drive of Hershey's, and with what he plans to offer, it would be hard to resist the tug. Hershey was attracted to the vacated warehouse of the now closed Don Pablos Mexican Restaurant at the Pavilion at the Millcreek Mall when the restaurant closed a month ago. 1 lershey is now involved in the arduous process of acquiring the lease, a tall order to say the least. A $250,000 security deposit is required, and getting ownership of the former Mexican restaurant is akin to a juggling act. Then, after dealing with such disparate tasks as obtaining the liquor licease and complying Entrepreneur Chad Hershey is looking into turning the Don Pablos restaurant building in the Millcreek Mall Pavilion into a nightclub. CLASS RING MYS THE CUSS RING IS A SYMBOL OF YOUR ACHIEVEMENT, THE DIPLOMA YOU WEAR. A JOSTENS' CUSS RING REPRESENTATIVE WILL BE AT THE PENN STATE - BEHREND BOOKSTORE: ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15 FROM 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM PLEASE STOP BY AND SEE THEIR URGE SELECTION OF CUSS RINGS. with Millcreek zoning board regulations, Hershey hopes to have “The Chad Hershey Show” up and running in about three months, with a staff of 100. For almost a decade, Hershey has been steadily gaining business expertise. When he was 12, Hershey embraced the spirit of entrepreneurship when he started his own landscaping company. Chad Hershey Outdoor Service became his full time job which he devoted himself to while attending McDowell High School. Hershey now holds contracts in New York, Ohio, and Erie County and employs as many as 30 people. He intends to let his involvement in his first company slacken a bit as he fully takes up the reigns of his newest brainchild. Hershey humbly attributes his success to the practical and spiritual aid of his family. “My grandpa and my father helped me get started in life. It is so important to have backing behind you especially when you get started at a young age.” So, with his latest venture, Chad Hershey is wagering that “If you build it, they will come.” Hershey’s philosophy echoes the magical cornfield murmurs in the movie Field of Dreams ; with the "Chad Hershey Show,” the aspiring entrepreneur has a vision that could beat even Kevin Costner’s dream. Dreaming the way t Learning advisor suggests methods for achieving students' college goals by Joanna Carman staff writer Having trouble dragging yourself off the couch to read 65 pages of Sociology? This is college, so mom and dad aren’t going to pester you to get the job done. This is something students have to do on their own. Some experts say the key to success in college is as simple as daydreaming your way to the top. Adele Lynn, proprietor of Lynn Learning Systems in Belle Vernon, Pa., advises students to imagine their most passionate dreams and goals in order to get their work done. “The single most important self motivator for me is to have a long term dream that I am passionate about. It makes all the little stuff bearable,” she said. She recalls not having a clear passion as a student in college, but she knew she wanted to graduate. For Lynn, that was enough to keep her motivated. “I received no great joy from doing my chemistry homework. All classes in the weight room and gym will still be held in Erie Hall until further NEWS However, I did have a goal and a dream, and I knew that if I could complete one assignment at a time, “The single most important motivator for me is to have a long-term dream that I am passionate about. It makes all the little stuff bearable.” I was getting closer to my dream,” she said. International seminar facilitator and trainer Marsha Petrie Sue agrees that dreams are the best notice. Independent project In i faculty lab will expose rising juniors tod union to graduate school life. $3OOO stipend for 10-week program. Applications doe March 1,2001. Program description rad application available at: http://www.dean med.ptttedn/BIOMED/nnde: Qvutiout Contort: Stair* Hoakk (412) 64*4786 or stndn^DCdicboolpttteda self- Adele Lynn, proprietor of Lynn Learning Systems, Belle Vernon, Pa. INTERESTED IN RESEARCH IN THE BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES? SUMMER UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH PROGRAM > Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics > Cell Biology and Molecular Physiology > Cellular and Molecular Pathology > Immunology > Mfriecnlar Virology and Microbiology motivators. She recommends that students visualize themselves in caps and gowns, how it feels to hold a diploma in their hands. For those who have trouble painting those pictures in their minds, Sue suggests constructing their dreams in a tangible form a motivation board. The board can be made with cutout pictures and phrases that represent the student’s personal goals. With such a board hanging in study areas, Sue said students are likely to be motivated to get the job done. Students can also get interactive with their dreams, talking to other students or professionals in the field they wish to enter. Lynn said this method also helps her in her career. She and several other business members make up a “Dream Team” that meets to encourage each others’ dreams. “I find what I say I want to do in front of my Dream Team members are the things in my life and my business that are really important to me,” Lynn said. niIEIUIC All swimming classes will now be held in the Athletics and Recreation Center. University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Biomedical Graduate Studies FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2001 osuccess “They help me stay focused.” In the same respect, students should steer clear of friends and acquaintances who are not goal oriented, or who are aimless and unmotivated, according to Lynn. Socializing with such people may lead a student into a trap where they begin to slack off. Finally, she said students might benefit from a two-track system of goal setting that includes both long-term and short-term goals and rewards. “There are days when I really don’t want to work on a proposal or finish a column, but I know these little steps have a long term reward,” she said. Short-term rewards can include a self-promise of fun. For example, if an assignment is completed by a certain time, students may reward themselves with watching a movie, eating ice cream or going out with friends, depending on their interests. “Such celebrations are reinforcing and can serve to keep you focused," Lynn said. rad.html
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