H FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2000 Malone contacts Kennedy about Dodger by Jason Reid Los Angeles Times LOS ANGELES - Apparently ignor ing team policy, General Manager Kevin Malone recently contacted baseball analyst Kevin Kennedy about becoming the next Dodger man ager, the Los Angeles Times has learned. Malone has spoken with Kennedy - a respected commentator for Fox Sports and former major league man ager - frequently about succeeding Manager Davey Johnson, who is ex pected to be fired after the season. Although Malone has not offered the job to his longtime friend, with whom he worked in the Montreal Expo organization, sources said he plans to strongly support Kennedy, a finalist for the position that Johnson filled in 1998. Yet the overtures from Malone go directly against the edicts of Chair man Bob Daly and President Bob Graziano, who have instructed Dodger officials to wait until baseball operations decisions have been made before contacting prospective candi dates. Daly and Graziano say they have not reached a conclusion on Johnson's Bout of gout sidelines Wells for start against Yankees by Bob Herzog September 20, 2000 Newsday TORONTO - The gout got David Wells, canceling Tuesday night's scheduled rematch against Andy Pettitte. The two left-handers put on a dazzling show last week, each leav ing the game after eight innings with the score tied at I. Instead, right hander Steve Trachsel, who was scheduled to start Thursday, replaced Wells. "The gout started bothering him the other day. His right big toe was red i .. „ HELP WANTED () Hiring for evenings N and days in all D positions. t i Cook Prep R. Buffet Dish 0 Cashier -- Servers 4444 Buffalo Road 899-8856 STOP IN TO PICK UP AN APPLICATION APPLY TODAY! future, and in August, to quell esca lating rumors of the Dodger manager's pending ouster, they instructed Malone to announce that Johnson would finish out the season in his job. But the courting of Kennedy has un dermined Johnson again, stirring questions about Malone's role in help ing Daly and Graziano evaluate Johnson. Contacted Monday at Fox studios, Kennedy declined comment about the position and his discussions with Malone Malone acknowledged he had spo ken with Kennedy, but insisted that managing the Dodgers has not been among their discussion topics. "I talk to plenty of people in the me dia all the time, but that doesn't mean anything," Malone said. "1 talk to Peter Gammons and Harold Reynolds (of ESPN), I talk to writers and TV people every day, but I've had no dis cussions with anyone about, as far as job opportunities are concerned, our baseball operations. "I've known Kevin Kennedy since 1992, and he's a friend of mine. But like I said, I have a lot of friends in the media. We have a manager, and it would not be appropriate for me to discuss that job. If you follow this and inflamed," Blue Jays Manager Jim Fregosi said. "He's on medication. If it works, we'll pitch him Thursday." That would give Wells (19-6) three more scheduled starts in his quest to win 20 games for the first time. Wells, irked by his condition, declined to talk with writers before the game. Chuck Knoblauch still is trying to regain his batting stroke and provide the Yankees with a productive lead off hitter. The second baseman, who went on the disabled list for the first time in his career Aug. 7 with elbow tendinitis, has gone a woeful 6-for-42 since returning to the lineup Sept. 6. -...„,..;,..., ..,.,„::„•,,,,,:„.„_:,„..,,„:.,.:,..,:„.,:„., .....--v , . 4'..re , :',:i - - AlVli. , g, .'1.1 . ,' ', , .. m. ~,, , ,4 ,, , 4.1 oh 4 - 4 g, 'VA . ."" ' tap .;1 410;" . .•,,, A i .41 , .., ...., ...,,,,.... . Join Our Community of Caring! CNAs NURSES' AIDES COOKS DIETARY AIDES Be part of a unique residential setting. Westlake Woods, Erie's Unique Assisted Living Community, is seeking full &part time CNAs, Nurses' Aides, Cooks and Dietary Aides. Regular and short shifts are available. Be part of a caring team in a comfortable environment. Competitive wages with benefits. Send resume to: Westlake Woods 3302 West Lake Road Erie, PA 16505 V• 4 - az 4 01 Al k whici...4 414 Mir Ell Join the Beacon! NATIONAL crPO - P F -1 job logic, Peter Gammons might be up for a position in our baseball opera- Lions." Malone seeks opinions from many outsiders about the club's problems, but sources said his conversations with Kennedy have focused on the manager's job. Malone has sought Kennedy's evaluation of players, ask ing how Kennedy would improve the disappointing club. He regularly calls Kennedy at Fox and has consulted with him at games while in luxury suites. Malone said he is not concerned about appearances. "I don't know what anyone's job as pirations are, but I like to get a lot of opinions," Malone said. "I don't see anything wrong with that." Daly and Graziano might. They had hoped to handle Johnson's difficult situation as profes sionally as possible, waiting until af ter the season had ended before mak- ing a decision. Kennedy, 534-373 from 1984-91 as a manager in the Dodger farm sys tem, led the Texas Rangers to first place in the American League West in the strike-shortened '94 season, and the Boston Red Sox to the '95 AL East division championship. His average has fallen to .274 Joe Torre remained unconcerned before Tuesday night's game. "It's good that he's able to play every day,' the manager said. "He feels he's get ting closer. So do I. It's like with Bernie (Williams). At this time of the year, you don't get frustrated when your batting average goes down af ter an 0-for-4. Stats don't matter now." Knoblauch's fielding hasn't been horrible since his return, but he threw a ball in the dirt in the first inning that was ruled an error on first baseman Tino Martinez, leading to a run. PIZZA BOY - Always looking for a reliable crew! We are looking for a cashier, prep cook Call (814) 864-9266 "BEST CALZONE" EASTSIDE TAVERN ENTERTAINMENT LEGAL BEVERAGES WEDNESDAYS & SATURDAYS, SEPTEMBER 16 & 23, 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. ING FOR A JOB? 3924 Main Street Lawrence Park (814) *KARAOKE* *LIVE BANDS* FRIDAYS IN SEPTEMBER 899-2000 GOOD FOOD GAMES IMcDonalcis 111 a* HIRING $6.00 per hour -must be available to close 2-4 nights per week or have weekday shift of ability. Call Karen, 899-1000. 4316 Buffalo Road APPLY TODAY
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