FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2000 WCW power drives through Erie by Ryan Russell staff writer Have you ever been to a live pro wrestling event? If you haven't, your once in a blue moon chance to see one just passed by Erie. On Tues day, September 19th, World Cham pionship Wrestling, WCW, came rumbling into the Erie Civic Center for a taping of their television show, "WCW Thunder. - While Thunder isn't WCW's main show, Tuesday's event had all of the top stars there, in what was a very entertaining evening. Many of WCW's current stars, such as Jeff Jarrett, Booker T, Scott Steiner, Vince Russo, Sting, and Mike Awe some, wrestled in matches and helped make the evening enjoyable. Many times, on TV, wrestling doesn't look all that hard, but after seeing it in person, many, if not all, people are left to wonder how these guys get out of bed every day. Some of the moves they perform are sim ply awe-inspiring to see live, such as Jeff Jarrett's finishing move, "The Stroke." which basically smashes his opponent's face first into the mat at IP 1111 cruitsin o cAs h Win $250 Contest Rules Any Behrend student can submit a 300-500 word story about a road trip they have taken since the end of the spring 2000 semester. The trip must be more than 150 miles from the original location. A photo must ac company entry with sufficient proof that the trip was made. Insufficient proof will lessen chances to win contest. If more than one student took part in the road trip, only the student submitting the story is eligible, unless all members send name in with entry. If more than one student name appears on entry, prize will be divided amongst the students who entered. Send in entries as soon as possible to ensure publication in the Beacon. Only entries appearing in the Beacon will be voted on. Beacon members are ineligible and will vote on the winner. Aries (March 21 - April 19). Go out and have some fun this weekend Taurus (April 20 - May 20). Show your Behrend pride, stay home if you're sick. Gemini (May 21 - June 21). Order a pizza one night this week Cancer (June 22 - July 23). Question, why must an English major take twelve credits of French? Can you say irony? Leo (July 24 - August 22) Virgo (August 23 - September 22) -, -, Libra (September 23 - October 23) Scorpio (October 24 - November 21) Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21). Get more sleep. You're too tired Capricorn (December 22 - January 19). Start that finals project an incredible rate of speed. Another move no one would want to be on the receiving end of is called a "powerbomb". This move involves lifting an opponent by his stomach up above your head, and then smash ing him, back first, onto the mat with as much force as possible. The pain is indescribable. However, wrestling is only half of the story. When at a TV taping, in terviews are done, "backstage foot age" is shown, and an unbelievable fireworks display is put on for each wrestler's entrance. The fireworks display is amazing to see live. They are very much an integral part of a wrestler's entrance. For example, even though Goldberg wasn't there that night, when he begins walking down the rampway, everyone in the arena knows it. When his pyro goes off, and he walks out from behind the sparks and exhales the smoke, there is an adrenaline rush that is in describable, and you honestly expect that Goldberg could kill his opponent with his bare hands. Then the chant and another adrenaline rush hits you, You've studied hard this week, do something fun Aquarius (January 20 - February 18). Read a good book. Pisces (February 19 - March 20). You will be getting an invitation to a party soon. 4 4. and you think that if you chant his name he will recover to win the match. Once you calm down though, you re member that wrestling is scripted. That's right, every match's winner is predetermined. One thing not scripted is the inter views. Tuesday night, a wrestler named Mike Awesome had an inter view segment called "Lava Lamp Lounge". Now, if the title didn't give it away, understand that Mike Awe some is stuck in the 70's completely. He wore a leisure suit, had lava lamps around, and listens to disco music. He even wore one of those golden peace necklaces. In his interview segment, he interviewed several really good looking women for an upcoming bi kini contest and tried to use some of the corniest pickup lines ever used in the history of mankind. These lines will not even grace this article. Suf fice it to say that I hope you watched this part on TV Wednesday, as words can't do the interview or the women justice. Since this show has already been on TV, it would be useless to recap all of the matches, but there is a need to talk You'll soon meet that special someone Relax, your hair looks fine Start buying those Christmas presents! -- t gyres about one match: Rey Mysterio, Jr. against Juventud Guerrera. These two pull off some of the most acro batic moves ever seen, not just in a wrestling ring, I mean anywhere. The "luchadors", as they are called, have bodies of silly putty that allow them to do some of the most gravity defy ing stunts, flips, and rollovers that some Olympic gymnasts probably couldn't do. There is a serious dif ference between seeing these moves in person and on TV. On TV, it seems as if these moves require no effort at all, and can be done by anyone. When seen live, one realizes the incredible amount of energy needed to do this the proper way, make it look believ able, and not hurt your opponent, all at the same time. So the next time wrestling comes to Erie, it's highly recommended that you go and have a good time. And the next time someone sees wrestling on TV and cracks a stupid comment, tell them to either see it or try it be fore they knock it. Crossword ACROSS 1 Have dinner 4 Pocket-watch accessory 7 Boxed 14 Pension $ 15 Profound dread 16 Cyclonic wind 17 Becoming set 19 Holds and supports protectively 20 African shrub 22 Actress Ryan 23 Stone or Gless 24 Mental picture 27 Label 28 Alternative to ready? 29 Legendary tale 33 Toy-cube inventor 36 Brute 37 Medicinal applicator 38 Gray and Moran 39 Lemon drink 40 Rental agreement 41 Writer Ferber 42 & others 43 African nation 44 Profuse 45 Car gear: abbr 46 Past 47 Teheran man 49 Romp 53 Monotonous monologue 56 One who refuses 58 Schiff's 61 Take in air 62 Still in bed 63 Municipal vehicle 64 NATO cousin 65 Lou __, Jr. 66 Behold 67 Network of "Nova" DOWN 1 Processes flour 2 Dickens' Heep 3 Cleveland suburb 4 Seven Pines, aka Happenings in Erie September 24 "Mr. Trombone" Harold Betters Concert & Da Sabella's at Historic Union Station, 8:00-10:00 September 27 The Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber, at the W Theatre 7:30 p.m. September 28 Musician Clint Black, at Tullio Arena, 8:00 p. © 2000 Tribune Media Services, Inc. All rights reserved. 5 Possessing 6 Pleads 7 & so forth 8 Scand. country 9 Golfer Stadler 10 Classical guitarist 11 Vender's goal 12 Utopia 13 Spoonful of medicine, perhaps 18 '97 U.S. Open champion 21 Saul's successor 25 Edible mushroom 26 Had lunch 30 Not home 31 Sound shocked 32 Help on a heist 33 Lively dance 34 Pakistani language 35 Open receptacles 36 Like Cheerios September 22 Band "The Brannock Device" at Cup-a-Chino's 9:00 p.m. Solutions 40 Attorneys' jargon 42 Pitcher's stat 46 Accumulate 48 Actress Della 50 Where the victor comes out 51 12-step program 52 Ringlet of hair 53 Narcotic, e.g. 54 Gambling city 55 Paddles 57 Wanes 59 Catch (fish) 60 Blast letters?
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