ayyy Things we do for love by Kelly Walsh & Valerie Hammond staff writers Last year my boyfriend came to my dorm with a box of roses for me. There were only five in the box, but I didn't really notice the odd number until the lead singer of a local band at Cuppachinos asked for me by name from the microphone. He gave me the sixth rose and sang "Can't Help Falling in Love with You," previously sung by Elvis Presley. Kathy Garnavish, 04, Plastics Engi neering My mother and father were fighting, and my father left before their dinner date. I went out and picked up an other dozen roses for my mom and treated her and my girlfriend to the best restaurant in Butler. Ryan Parker, 04, MIS I don't have any sweet stories from previous Valentine's Days, but this year I am taking the backseat on plan ning V-Day romance. All I know is that I had better be ready at 6:30 p.m. sharp and plan on missing all of my classes the next day. Matt Meyer, 10, Bio/Psych When I was in fourth grade, a boy named John gave me a life-size Valentine's card. On the front it said "Happy Valentine's Day." On the in side was a map he had drawn from my house to his. Katie Przepyszny, 02, LA The night before Valentine's Day, I went outside my girlfriend's dorm, braving the bitter cold, and built a frosty V-Day snowman complete with a message of my love. It said, "I love you, Edie." Not only was she sur prised when she saw it the next morn ing, everyone on campus had seen it and was talking about it. Let me tell you, anything that you do for girls like that they love. Little things mean a lot. Those little things really add up. Today we are happily married with a baby girl. Scott Archer, 06, EET My junior year in high school, my boyfriend was totally broke. He bought construction paper and pipe cleaners and made flowers. He put them in my room, my locker, and my car. When I gathered them up, there were so many that I didn't know what Cupid's arrows or Hallmark's cards? Guys & girls give opinions on the day of lovers By Traci Hamm & Tracy Jones Staff writers February 14. What does this day mean to people? It's a common assumption that girls love this holiday as much as guys loathe it. It's time to turn that around be cause, contrary to popular belief, men and women alike have similar opinions about Cupid and his arrows. There are guys who think that this day is made for be ing with the one you love. "Valentine's Day is a day to show your appreciation and go that extra mile to show your loved one how much you care," says /10 111, Chris Chimera, 06 EET. Some think that it only counts if you have a special someone. Patrick Kramer, 06 Management, had this to say, "If you're not in a rela tionship, it doesn't mean anything. It's a holiday for couples." Jim Buzzard, 06, EET, agreed, saying, "Valentine's Day is depress ing if you don't have some one special to share it with." Many girls feel that it is a day for being with the one you love. "I love Valentine's Day. It's a happy holiday— to do with them. I put them into a big bowl and had a huge bouquet. Stephanie Falcone, 04, Political Sci ence I made a perfect Valentine's Day pic nic for my girlfriend one year. We had a romantic dinner that I cooked myself, on a red blanket covered in rose petals on the living room floor. After dinner we had her favorite, strawberry cheesecake, that I made with a little help from my favorite granny. Mike Downey, 06, Plastics Engineer- One Valentine's Day my im poverished boyfriend showed up at my house with a big heart-shaped rice crispy treat that he made all by himself. Susie Inman, 06, Marketing My boyfriend, Jake, showed up at my house, and, to my surprise, gave me ten hours to prepare for a week long trip in Florida. He paid for the entire trip. Needless to say we are still together. Staci Shawgo, 07, Psych One year my boyfriend wrote me a song. We went out to a restaurant, the same one that we had gone to on our first date. While we were wait ing the 30 minutes for our table, we went out to the car where he gave me a dozen, long stem red roses, got out his guitar and sang me a song that he had written for me. Liz Cho, 02, DUS When I was a senior in high school, the girl that I was seeing gave me a goldfish with a big red heart sticker on the bowl and baked me a ton of different kinds of cookies. Danny Walsh, 04, Business I got my girlfriend's locker combina tion and put two roses in it along with a poem that I had written. That night we went out to Spinner McGee's where I gave her a dozen roses. Joe Stazer, 02, Accounting Just before Valentine's Day, my boy friend had his wisdom teeth out. I, of course, had to baby him and nurse him back to health. On Sunday night, I had a Valentine's Day dance. He sur prised me by picking me up with a dozen red roses in hand and taking me to the dance. I was so surprised. I didn't think he could go. Christine Kleck, 02, COMMBD s ict. 7•or • ----; "'"`N * r --„*. . ....... A. .. , _.. L. • / yi \HE ART 03. , • ( 17 \9 • iTh /,,,, _ l `. fr ib. 1 AO tat, 1 :J;N. -- z - ,: s '• * • 1 ) **:‘ rii i , %O il -.. "1;r1.1 tt a .,, icA s )1 ( •q4 1 14+ ' ( v i‘% ... ) 7 9 Candy hearts: they're for more than sucking ~,...._ by Leanne Acklin and #2 "Be good"—this heart may be useful if your #l2 "It's true" • ,- ~..._„, Angela Majoris insensitive significant other happens to leave you staff writers for a night of partying with friends. 0 4'o #3 "I do"—is a wonderful way to answer nu ll' Thinking about sending your sweet thang a merous "Do you?," or "Does anyone" questions mushy valentine with some disgustingly cute without speaking. i?` i i -,, ,, message? Instead, why not send the one you love #4 "More"—this heart could be useful for the ' ii , r ' (or at least, the one you can stand the most) a increase of numerous things...from asking for 7I(- ' to sweet 'fil note—literally. money to encouraging extra food on your plate 1 . ; Enter conversation candy. From candy hearts at Dobbins. . to jelly beans, these bite size words can speak #s"Love him"—offering this heart to some- DARLING volumes. A little frosting is all that would be one may be useful if you happen to be a male needed to take these words and stick suffering from the over-attentiveness of a cer "•,, . f . 'em... straight into a piece of suitable card mak- tain person, (otherwise known as a stalker). Bring • • ing material, like construction paper for example. your best friend along, give your stalker the • ?„„ im . If you're not in the card-making mood, at least heart...maybe she'll get the idea. / 4 ,140 i. join the honey and get creative juices flowing #6 "Let's kiss"—self explanatory, but after that - '- with the sweets ( that's to say, rearrange the first date it may be easier to initiate things this ( '".4lr words and come up with cute messages...) Now way, instead of running face first into the door that's a tasty way to share some time, a smile, after waiting to long to say goodnight. opdea r "—this maybe even a giggle this Valentines day. #8 "Yes, heart was designed for Enjoy! *\ 4, 4 /0 47 ....) those who want to keep themselves out of c trouble, or for the ones that are so whipped they ('-', The following table has been constructed from get tired of saying it. r 440,,,, . a combination of Necco and Farley's conversa- #9"My way"—a strongly suggestive heart, and ° MI hearts. If applied to the correct situation, daringly demanding. A nice way to sugar coat the "conversational"part of the hearts may be that whatever the receiver of the heart is doing -.-- ••%' quite useful. "their way" is obviously "the wrong way." #lO "Get Real" —one of several "shut down" N.(-°Ji:'February's Favorite Fourteen hearts, that take care of saying "no" to "Will you _ 0---- #1 "For You"—may be used if the person you be my Valentine?" while amazingly leaving you What's next? Candy hearts have entered the ',--- ..:- ...- are most attracted to is dense enough that, if you • handed the heart directly to him/her, she/he still of the holiday. me," "fax me" and "e-mail me" hearts. Now 1:0S iL Pi , might not understand that you mean for them to feeling guiltless because you kept in the spirit information age with the addition of "page #ll "Be my icon"—a nice and easy way to there's a whole new way the one you want say, "I want to stalk you." can be virtually yours. t t h iw , a t i o p 3_,,.2;• / a.4i r ; __---, \_---*, 0(, 4 o 4 ... - . s * s Las ; t 4 - 14 - Atio, 4 „ 1., b *.,c• ......., k ?, „, • o o rk ,l , _• • 1•+• unless you're alone," Mackenzie Baird, 06, Pol Sci. The general consensus is that Valentine's Day is not as important as everyone thinks. It is simplicity that matters. This holds true for many people. According to Carrie Spaulding, 08, Bio, "All I want is flowers." As for Jamie Lewis, 06, Pol Sci, "It's overrated. All a girl needs is a box of chocolates and a stuffed animal." Dustin McKay, 04, Busi ness, believes that "Valentine's Day is a day girls made up so that guys have to get them more stuff." He also thinks that "It's a good way to get out of trouble by going someplace nice." All in all, Valentine's Day is a day to appre- ciate the people that you love. "Even if you don't have someone to spend it with, you can spend it with your friends," said Allison Bear, 04, Education. Whether you're spending Whether you are spending Valentine's Day alone or with that special someone, remember to appreciate all those you love, or listen to the advice of Sandy Austin, 02, Bio: "It's a good day for nookie." Warm wishes and SCoyyy (Kisses "Good Morning Boy," Thanks for making my trips to Bruno's MUCH more interesting...and hotter...B-Call Love, "Perry Munchkin" Hey, Bongos— Thanks for all your support last week! Love ya all, Sweet Cake To Ayo, my best friend, Words cannot express my love for you and the relationship we share. My feelings cannot reach the highest peak because they're already there. Others cannot relate because we are just the perfect pair. Thank you for all the effort you have shown as a true friend. For a true friend these days, is very rare. Always and Forever, Danielle To Primetime, my boo, You have been there for me in so many ways. I feel like I can talk to you, laugh with you, or joke with you about anything. Thanks for k'iag a iriie friend to me since we first met. You are a rare jewel and I will treasure our friendship forever. Love Always, Danielle To M.E.Y., You are worthy of all the praises. I love you because you first loved me. Thanks for filling the empty space in my heart. Happy Valentine's Day. Love, your best friend. Bongo wishes everybody a Happy Valentine's Day! Nudge, nudge, wink, wink To Ultimate Praise, Jesus is the reason for every season. He is also the reason why we have all come together to sing his praises. I just want you all to know that I thank you for allowing God to direct you here to Behrend. Our choir would not have been as anointed, or blessed, nor as spiritual if you hadn't followed his plan. God Bless you all and I wish you a Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Your President \ To 2nd Floor Lawrence, Dale, and lermaine, I love y'all to death. You guys have been the most lovable, J outgoing group of freshmen since my class. Ha! Ha! I will miss you all too much when I graduate. Stay sweet and don't ever change. Happy Valentine's Day. Love Always, Danielle 4 . Gretchen (Jabroni) Happy Valentine's Day. Bye, Bye Bye! Love, Scully To Ti j e mo, I am making up for last year. I just wanted you to know that you are cool with me and I wish you a Happy Valentine's Day. One more thing, "shake your booty in the name of JESUS!" Love, Danielle To Tonya, Adrian, Buena, Liz, Sankar, Thank you all for the times when I needed transportation. You guys always came through. I really appreciate it. Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Danielle The story of 4 00: Bobo, table, cereal, no no J— I'd rather be busy with you than anywhere else —J entine s The many histories of Valentine's Day by Christine Kleck staff writer Valentine's Day is right around the corner. With all of the "love in the air" and conversation hearts being ex changed from sweetheart to sweet heart, many of us tend to forget, (or just don't know) the real reason for this February 14th holiday. Although there are many versions of the origins of Valentine's Day, these are the most popular rea- sons that love is in the air during this time of year, accord ing to John Shepler in his book, Writing in a Positive This first origin is said to be a favor- ite of many environmen talists. The romantic and the "I'm sick of winter" of an in dividual is said to most likely be present inside of us around the middle of February (February 14th). These romantic feelings tend to draw us to cuddle with our sweet hearts around cozy fires. The "I'm sick of winter" feeling tends to create a new energy in us to love others and to prepare for the com- ing of the new season of spring. The colors of Valentine's Day (red and white) are said to come from the new red spring tulips that are suppose to start blooming in the snow around the middle of February. Many Christians believe in a sec ond origin of Valentine's Day. They claim that we owe our valentine tra ditions to St. Valentine, a priest in Rome during the rein of Emperor Claudius II in the third century. Claudius was said to be very frus trated at the time, because no one was willing to volunteer to expand the army of Rome. The men of the 2605, believed in the phrase "make love, not —the confession heart. With this you can say, "Umm... while you were gone I...and everything they said that I did really happened," but it will all turn out okay because you confessed so tactfully by using this sweet candy phrase. This heart may also be used on Jerry Springer in a special "I stole s o my boyfriend's, ex- lover's, midget" episode. 2, #l3 "Ask me"—did rumors start about what ? A . you might have done at a party the weekend . • * before V-day? If you catch someone inquir ing, slip them this heart so that you might have Mitoi,. _ the chance to tell the real story (or one made "e/fik up to save face). •••••"" #l4 "Got love"—this heart may either ask - N • • or answer a question. It could be taken as fol lowing the flavor of the "got milk?" ads, but I * * as a sweeter inquiry. However, it could also v i) be used as a way to politely express your non- • single status. Fun combinations 6+9 =if his/her kissing needs to be upgraded *•!-. 3+4 = if kissing isn't enough • 12+3 = they don't believe your story , 13+4 = I'm the teacher's pet 10+x = a creative fill-in-the-blank game that ar may enhance the V-day celebration 4+l = the upside of being single war." No one wanted to leave their wives and families to join the army, for fear that they may never come back. Emperor Claudius ran out of pa tience, so he used his powers to ban engagements and marriages in Rome. He though that if the men couldn't marry then they would have to join the army. This angered many young people. They continued to get married in secret, but only if they could find a exchange vows in silence. Eventually, Valentine was discov ered and brought before the Prefect of Rome who sentenced him to death. As he waited to be executed, his friends came to the jail with flowers and notes of encouragement. One of his most supportive friends talked with Valentine for hours to try to keep his spirits up. The two fell completely in love with each other. On the day he was to die, February 14, 269 AD, Valentine wrote her one final note of thanks for her friendship and loyalty and signed it, "Love from your Valentine." In 4%, Pope Gelasius set aside Feb ruary 14 to honor Valentine as Saint Valentine. As the years went by, Feb ruary 14th became the date for ex changing love messages, and St. Val entine became the patron saint of lov ers. Sending poems and simple gifts such as flowers and candy marks this date. priest that was willing to break the law by mar- rying them Saint Val- entine was one of a few who sup- ported the young people. He met with couples in private areas, lit only by candlelight (this is said to be one of the origins of the "roman tic candlelit dinner for two"). The two would IL: 11 11 )1' "? . t ' 4 i a Iff A IN 4 40 Cr NO
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