PrrEIVED . - . _ dil: Ps e The Pete Rose (•, \ . NSBE wins regional . lig. . •., ~...„...„ , ik , • ,k i , , 09 9 V t.,4 •ti Y i r '- Debate ' , l 0 award . ..• . - • - • .. vlt twi ~, , )i L EfiE i' \ PAGE 2 • LIBPARY .; 1 •: - • • .. ) PAGE 13 ~,, - • •• i •• ;•_,-:.•••• ....--.• I . _• • *. •I•i;"1"46••••:. • • -0----0.- •-------- rlre,6 - - • v.dir .1. leferki,... tirir- ,-" 71, 1 .__ - ,--,.. -. . ~ 4.. .: .. . .., . .s. BEACON ....,._,,.._>,... .......„....:,.. Vol. XLVIII No. 11 14 pages Campaign issues on display by Shannon Weber and Matt Wiertel news and sports editor On Tuesday, November 9, James Carville went head-to-head with An gela "Bay" Buchanan in the debate, "A Look at American Politics," held in the Reed Commons at Behrend. Democrat James Carville, who is currently serving as a senior politi cal advisor to President Clinton, has managed numerous political cam paigns throughout the United States. Carville, along with his wife Mary Matalin, wrote the bestselling politi cal memoir All's Fair: Love, War and Running for President. Recently, he has been working on Mexican and Israeli campaigns. Bay Buchanan began her political career as the national treasurer of Ronald Reagan's presidential cam paigns in 1980 and 1984, and later became the Treasurer of the United States. Buchanan has served as the campaign chairman for both presi dential campaigns of her brother, Pat Buchanan. She was recognized by George Magazine as one of the top 20 political women in the nation. The day's activities began with a press conference at 3:45 in Reed 114. Several representatives from the lo cal news media were in attendance and they had the opportunity to ask the participants questions. At the press conference, Buchanan re sponded to the accusations posed to wards her brother Pat Buchanan; con cerning his new book, A Republic: Nut an Empire. Buchanan stated that the accusations are totally false and that they are merely part of an intimida tion campaign to smear her brother. James Carville also commented on the smear tactics. Carville said that be cause he is no longer convenient to the Republican party, he is now a threat to their power and consequently UNLIKE Men's soccer takes AMCC title with upset victory over Frostburg by Matt Wiertel sports editor The Penn State Behrend men's soccer team claimed the Allegheny Mountain Collegiate Conference (AMCC) championship on Sunday. The Lions defeated AMCC rival Frostburg State by a score of 2-1 en route to claiming the championship. Frostburg drew first blood when Greg Patti scored at the ten-minute mark. Behrend's leading scorer Chris Lightner tied the game at one a piece in the twenty-fifth minute. The game was tied until Chris Kennelly scored the winning goal for Penn State Behrend at the five minute mark. Kennelly's goal was the eventual deciding factor in the championship game. Tommy Seig, junior co-captain of the Behrend Li- :~ 7~j! they have engaged in an all out smear campaign against him. Following the press con ference was a dinner at Logan House where stu dents, faculty and honored guests were invited to have dinner at Logan House with James Carville and Bay Buchanan. Dessert provided an opportunity for those in attendance to voice their questions and concerns to Buchanan and Carvi Ile. The debate began with Carville and Buchanan stating their opinion about the state of politics today. Buchanan won the coin toss to begin the night's de bate. "I get the impression that they would like to see a feisty debate," said Buchanan to opponent in her opening statement, "In fact I think they would like to see blood." Buchanan said that par ties now decide who the candidates are and that the people have no say. Buchanan hopes to re vamp the political process by mov ing to the Reform party. Unlike the Democratic and Republican parties, the Reform party is geared towards voter involvement by using grassroots political methods to swell interests. These would include a se ries of debates and causes. "American people want to hear their issues discussed," she stated to the overcrowded Reed Commons. Buchanan said that the leaders do not discuss issues any more. "The issues are what is missing. People are just focused on winning." Buchanan said that the idealism is ons, had an outstanding game be tween the pipes, playing an impor tant role in the team's victory by lim iting the Bobcats to only one goal. Men's soccer coach Dan Perritano was excited about winning a second AMCC illegheny Mountain Collegiate Confere•ncc AMCC championship. "Our play ers displayed a positive and enthusi astic spirit in this tournament," Perritano said. On Sunday, "we put away our chances to defeat a very talented team," added Coach Perritano. In addition to winning the AMCC tktIOM'4M See page 2 for full POLICE AND SAFETY PAGE 2 weekend forecast. Y CHAMPS )t. • NEWS PAGE 1 CALENDAR PAGE 5 EDITORIAL PAGE 6 . • , .... _ s Top: James Carville and Angela Bay Buchanan debate in the Reed Commons this past Tuesday. Right: Carville signs books and speaks to the people in attendance after the debate. gone in most of the campaigns. The tion process. brother would be that kind of presi- American people need to know what "Please tell us what you believe dent. Carville, however strongly dis the candidates really believe. It has and believe what you tell us," she agreed. become a money versus money elec- said, and stated that she believes her "I believe that Pat Buchanan championship, several Behrend players were named to the AMCC All-Conference squad. Defender Rob Parendes, forward Chris Lightner, and midfielder James Mar tin, all were named to this year's squad. Chris Lightner and James Martin are making the team for the sec- and time in their ten ure at Behrend. Behrend's Matt Saunders and James Martin also were named as the Co- Most Valuable Players in the AMCC. This is the second time that the Behrend Lions have defeated Frostburg en route to the AMCC title. Frostburg fell to the Lions in the inaugural championship 1-0 af ter Behrend posted a 12-8 season. m i. I. Friday, November 12, 1999 PHOTOS BY JASON SNYDER Last year, the Lions set a school record by ending the season 13-9, but fell to Frostburg in the AMCC cham pionship game, 4-0. Overall, the Penn State athletic program has experienced immense success this fall. Both the men's and wornen's soccer teams captured their respective AMCC titles. In addition, the women's team advanced to the semifinals of the ECAC playoffs, but fell to Johns Hopkins. The women's tennis team also ended their season by capturing the AMCC title. They dominated the AMCC with a 10-0 conference record and an overall 17- 2 record. Behrend has dominated the AMCC All-Conference teams with several players being named to the team from each sport. UMM MEM WORLD AND NATION PAGE 7 NATIONAL CAMPUS NEWS PAGE 8 PENNSTATE w Erie lass FEATURES PAGE 9 SPORTS PAGE 11 COURTESY OF STUDIO THEATRE Teibele and Her Demon opens tonight at the Studio Theatre. See story on page 9. Engineering director named After a six month search for a new Director of the School of Engineering and Engineering Technology, Behrend has hired Dr. Robert Simoneau of Carnegie Mellon University to fill the position. Simoneau brings much experience to Behrend atter many years of teach ing and research in the field. From 1963-1996, he had a successful career as a research scientist at NASA's Lewis Research Center. Previously, he taught at North Carolina State University. Dr. Simoneau currently teaches courses in heat transfer, thermodynamics Director continued on page 2 A Penn State Erie Student Publication means everything he says. I believe he will do everything he says if he gets in office. And that's why he scares the daylights out of me," Carville said. "I don't question his sincerity. I doubt his sanity." Disagreements like this between Carvi le and Buchanan received big laughs and applause from the audi ence. They did, however, see eye to-eye on one thing: the American public is too apathetic about politics and it needs to get involved. "As different as we are in politics, we both are in politics. We both have the same kind of concern that we see young people drifting away and be ing apathetic," Carvil le said. "Unless you give yourself and participate, you will never have the satisfaction of seeing something you did leave a mark." Carville voiced this position pri marily to the students. He said that they do have the right not to vote, but he said that there is a difference between a right and the right thing to do. He pointed out that the people can not say that what politicians do is not important. "They are going to make decisions that decide the quality of water in that lake. They are going to decide the funding - iif the Mil univer sity. They are going to decide on abortion.- "One of the things you have to be careful about is wanting things from politics that politics is not designed to give you, Carville said. Buchanan expressed how she felt that there should he an increase of tariffs on imports to try and increase the number of jobs in America. In order to accomplish this, she said that the president needs to he a tough ne gotiator and represent America's workers, and not corporate friends. Debate continued on page 2 by Jason Snyder editor-in-chief
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