page 2 - The Behrend College Beacon - March 4, 1999 AMCC continued from page 1 All-Conference players as three Lions were slighted to the second team. First team consisted of Kristy Hiben - Laßoche, Amy Schmuck - Pitt- Greensburg, Shannon Rexrode (Player of the Year) - Frostburg, and Mandy Lindsay and Lora Figley - Pitt- Bradtord. Brianne Krebs - Pitt- Greensburg and Natalie Nuzzo - Pitt- Bradtord joined Carrie Nestor, Erin Phillips and Jen O’Lare of Behrend on the second team. Phillips was also Books continued from page 1 ties. It also goes into reducing operat ing expenses and helps keep tuition down. 10% is devoted to the salaries and benefits of the bookstore employ ees. The 2.5 cents that remains is used by the bookstore to pay for its direct expenses such as, taxes, equipment, maintenance repairs, supplies, etc. Af ter paying these expenses, what is left over is the bookstore’s profit on the new textbook. Behrend students still feel nega tively about the prices. "The prices fall on the bad side of high." noted Andrew Moore, 02, A&A-CMN YR ART MAJ. Wunmi Okupe. 02, EE, said, “1 think Astronomy continued from page solar system that lies within this zone. Earth is also tilted 23.5 degrees on its axis causing seasons; however, if a planet is tilted too much, for ex ample Uranus, temperature changes would be dramatic and make it nearly impossible for life to survive. The craft of curiosity then took a quick zip past the moon, which does lie in the “Habitable Zone”, where it was discovered that life could not exist due to its lack of an atmosphere. Venus was then studied, and it too, can not support life. Even though it has an um.o.->phere, it is too thick and causes the temperature of Venus is to high and would cause liquid water to immediately evaporate. The only other planet in our solar system has even the slightest potential of sup porting life is on one of Saturn’s Rhythms of history Ayodele Jones managing editor On Wednesday, March 03, The Multi-Cultural Council treated stu dents to a night of dance, and song, when Philadelphia’s own Freedom Theatre’s Traveling Black History Show, performed a retrospective of black history through the rhythmic sounds of music . Despite the inclem ent weather, “The Freedom Theratre” received a warm welcolme from those in attendance, many of who were look ing forward to experiencing the history of African-Americans with a different twist. The theatre provided students witha welcome reprieve fiom stress and studying. “Rhythms of History” is a dramatic musical and dance presentation featur ing which spanned two centuries of invention, African American women and men, writers, explorers, perform ers and scientists. The show began with the “grandfather of rap,” Paul Laurence Dunbar, the popular poet who often described his antebellum subjects with a rhythmic dialect. Asked by the performers to particpate, the audience shouted "Jump Back Honey Jump Back,” a refrain from one of one of Dunbar’s famous poems. Jumping a couple of years into the future, the African-American per former, Josephine Baker, brought to life by Nora Martin, was prasied for being a trendsetter in the United States and abroad. Baker who would not play to segregated audiences in the United States conquered Europe with a world tour. Declaring that she was “black and named AMCC Newcomer of the Year and 100-win coach Roz Fornari shared the AMCC Coach of the Year with A 1 Mielcarek of Lake Erie. Overall the weekend was a success with much fan participation, not only in Behrend games, but also in other contests. Benim commented on the fan participation saying, "It's as many people I've seen in Erie Hall. Con sistently that whole weekend, this place was packed and it was very the prices are outrageous.” The bookstore has a contract with Behrend guaranteeing that it will be the only bookstore on campus. How ever, many students feel this is un fair. Michelle Lazor, 04, Marketing, commented, “Other bookstores should be available to students. The bookstore we have is an monopoly because we have only one place to buy most of our books.” Another stu dent. Melinda Frank, 06. History, stated. “Sometimes you can go to Barnes and Noble and get the books you need for half the price. Websites also allow students to get books cheaper." moons called Titan. Titan is ex tremely far away from the sun, but it does contain an atmosphere thicker than Earth's. More will be known of Titan after July 2004, when images of the of the moon’s surface will be sent to Earth. Then the quest for the discovery of life took the crowd completely out of our solar system. Deep into space, several stars were discovered to have planets orbiting them, Two of these stars have one Jupiter-sized planet orbiting in the ’Habitable Zone.” The planets may even have habitable, earth-sized moons encircling them. Planets around other stars are too dim to see directly so astronomers must detect the slight wobble of stars caused by orbiting planets. In the future our technology may be able to detect free in France and that she could dance in the streets." Baker declared that she would not play the expected role of a maid in Hollywood, how ever Patty McDaniel who played just another maid in “Gone With The Wind" was the first African-Ameri can to win an Academy Award. Mariyln Brewington Larsen who played McDaniel remarked” I’d rather be paid $7OOO to play a maid, rather than being a maid and being paid seven dollars a week.” Miguel Duane Osborne acted as Jackie Robinson, when he led the Brooklyn dodgers to the Champion ships and his recognition as Most Valauble Player of the year by the National League.. Robinson paved the way for players of color and he forever changed the face of sports. Osborne, cried “we gotta fight for the small things, because if we don’t fight for the small things, we’ll lose the small things and then we’lll lose the big things.” The highlight of the evening was when Larsen impersonated Ma Mabley, an African-American woman comedian. She remarked that “she attended a funeral when the under taker told her husband that he does not need to leave this place....well you’re supposed to say something good about the dead well good he’s dead!!!! the audience erupted with laughter as, Larsen sashayed across the stage in Reed Commons. From the lyrical genius of Paul Laurence Dubbar to the mastered “skat” of Ella Fitzgerald, the Freedom Theatre “rhythined” through hisitory good for the college, very good for the conference. Very good atmo- sphere." The Behrend Lady Lions left Erie Hall with the AMCC hardware as the men left with a chance at the ECAC hardware, this week. The success of both teams put Behrend on the map for having strong basketball pro grams and a bright future in the AMCC and perhaps beyond. Another controversial issue has been the text book buyback program that the bookstore runs. Heidi Sav age, manager of the Penn State Book store, explained that, “the professors give a list of books that will be used that following semester. The reused books are bought back for half of the price.” The prices for used books are set by the used book company. If a book is not going to be used for a following term, a student may receive little to no money for it as determined by the used book company. Some students find this explana tion unsatisfactory. Erica Cobb, 02, science, summed it up with, “They get you coming and they get you go ing." small planets but now only very large ones can be found. Finally the vessel containing people of all ages from the Erie area then returned back to room 101 in the Otto Behrend Science building, thus, ending the incredible journey, the knowledge gained that night was enough to stir anyone’s curiosity and imagination. The leader of the curi ous crew, Captain Williams, took his spectators on an unforgettable ride: the quest for habitable planets. The next departure for fascination and imagination is March 25. So, to con clude our time together today; call your travel agent no (even though it’s free, and everyone is welcome) and make plans to journey through space. and gave Behrend the opportunity to ride along on this adventure, the Freedom Theatre was founded by John E Allen Jr., the theatre is an out growth of discipline which empha sizes artistic and intellectual excel lence. Larsen urged the audience to "love the most important person in your life....yourself.” Keep a flame burning for the rhythms of history because the rhythms you make are as old as historyand as new as today, urged Osborne. The Freedom Theratre Traveling Black History show gave students, faculty and staff the opportunity take a musical ride through the history of African Americans and sociey as a whole. Mariyln Brewington Larsen, Miguel Duane Osborne, Nora Mar tin and the music of Damon Bennett provided the audience with an evening of rhythmic history and en richment. Michael ross, 02 Political Science Freedom Theatre was a very scintil lating experience that the various as pects of history with a twist. Matt Elias, 05 Meteorology I thought that FreedomTheatre’s pre sentation was educational and enter taining. It’s jsuts sad that that there wasn’ta bigger turnout because many people on this campus can use the awarness of other cultures. Heather Robinsonm 02 DUS It was interesting to listen the rhtymic tellings of AFrican-American history not told in textbook class. News 2/25/99 Someone discharged a fire extinguisher in a hallway in Eric Hall 2/25/99 Complainant reported recieving harassing phone call on there voice mail 2/26/99 Vehicle was found with a lost or stolen permit 2/26/99 Student reported keys stolen 2/26/99 Complainant reported damge to their vehicle 2/27/99 Two people tried moving the No Parking signs on Aquurious Dii\e near the east side of the dumpster. Individuals were both underage drinkers. 2/27/99 Window was reported broken on the front door of Porcupine 2/28/99 Complainant reported receiving threatening phone calls Folice And Safety REPO Who Would You Like to See Speak At Beherend Next Year And Why? “Monica Lewinsky, so we could find out what really happend to that cigar.” -R.J. Franz, 02, Mgmt. “Steven Hawking, because he’s amazingly intellegent.” -Aaron Foley, 02, ME “Tom Ridge, because he has to do with Pennsylvania, and well we arc at Penn State.” -Clint Skillen, 05. MET “Tori Amos, I’ve always wanted to met her, she is my favorite pianist.” -Sondra Kareyva, 03, Bio “I would like to have some Victoria Secret girls to come talke to us about their politcal views.” -Eric Bayless, 06, Hist
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