Page 8 - Thursday,October 29, 1998 - The Behrcnd College Beacon Website of the week By Jon Stubbs features editor Many students probably already know what an .mp 3 file is. It’s a digital music file that is about 4 or 5 megabytes in size that contains an entire song. These files are played with a program called Winamp, which can be downloaded from The best place to find these .mp3s on the web is at a site called Palavista is a search engine that combines ten or so smaller search engines into one big one. Alto gether, the site can search over a hundred different ftp sites very ACROSS Moves up and down Well-grounded Schedule abbr. Skip Walk of life Old card game Do it alone Unproved statement '0 Like some shirts !2 Tear !3 Some rapiers 4 "Rebel Without a Cause” co-star 5 Gray shade 8 Miss a step 9 Cheers 1 Abrupt transitions 3 Word before bag or beetle 4 Get out of bed 6 Rummy 1 Actress Sorvino 0 Dealt in used goods 2 Mortise insertion 3 Take flight 5 Female sheep 7 Obtain 8 Bishops of Rome 9 Entanglement 1 False mannerisms 2 Within reach 7 School settings 9 Scottish Highlander ) You there! I Babbling bird l Seth’s son J Wood and Wynn t Doubleday and others > M. Descartes 11 14 15 16 DOWN Type of pear Melville novel List of charges Snatched 800 shouter Loftier City on the Rhone Hive population quickly. Just about any song on< is looking for can be found ai Palavista. Newer releases seem to be easier to find, however. Now to remain legal, the downloader must delete the .mp 3 file within 24 hours to comply with recently instated copyright laws. However, this is all on the honor system, because no one can really tell how long you are go ing to keep the file. There is no cost to download songs, and even though one is encouraged to pur chase the registered edition of Winamp, the program never ex pires. So, pretty much, one can have access to an unlimited amount of music for absolutely nothing, provided they have ad equate space on their hard drive. © 1998 Tribune Media Services, Inc. All rights reserved. 9 Table supports 10 Period 11 Estranging 12 Andy of "60 Minutes” 13 Repetitious musical themes 19 Roman galley 21 Mimics 24 Floor-cleaning implement 25 Martino and Pacino 26 Matched collection 27 Do holders 29 Is down with 30 Bauxite or galena 32 March forth 33 Cow’s chew 35 Abel to Adam 36 Over the hill 38 Lobster eggs 39 Picnic pest 41 Distress letters 42 Fork-tailed seabird 43 Southwest tribesman 44 Seethed 45 Fill with love 46 Belt locations 49 Main Street structure Pleasantville: than just pleasant By Jon Stubbs features editor Finally moviegoers have an other Oscar contender to go see in the theaters besides Saving Private Ryan. Pleasantville. the new release written, directed and produced by Gary Ross, proves to be more than just pleasant. It is a masterpiece fantasy that exam ines humanity's conceptions of moral ity, hate and discovering one’s true identity. Tobey Maguire stars as David, a 90s student who hasn’t quite vet broken into the popularity ring at his high school: he spends his Friday nights watching the 'sos sitcom Pleasantville, which is almost identi cal to Leave it to Beaver. As he makes preparations to watch the Pleasantville marathon one particular evening, David and his Miss Popularity sister, Jennifer (Reese Witherspoon) find themselves trapped inside the black and white world of Pleasantville. Much to David's delight and much to Jennifer's horror, they discover that they are playing the parts of Bud and Mary Sue Parker, the son and daugh ter of Oz/.ie and Harriet clones George (William H. Macy) and Betty (Joan Allen). In Pleasantville there’s no crime, dinner is always on the table as soon as one comes home to their dot ing housewife, and nobody even knows what sex is. David is quick to observe that his and especially Jennifer’s ’9os attitudes aren’t compat ible with this blissful, conservative town. So he tries to keep his own as well as his sister’s comparatively lib eral views at bay as long as possible. However, the blandness of Pleasantville soon gets under their skin Beer choice Part of U.A.E. Lacerated Cause of ruin Ponce de Otherwise Healing waters Features and they unwittingly begin to introduce new ideas and concepts to the denizens of this quaint little town. As the people are educated and liberated, they begin to develop the one thing that Pleasantville has never had: color. It’s not hard to find connec tions between the revolution that is happening in Pleasantville and various other uprisings and governmental quashings that have taken place in his tory. Whether Mr. Ross did it deliber ately or not, criticism of historical events such as the Chinese Cultural Revolution, Communism and racism in general can be easily spotted in the film. Jeff Daniels, who stars as Mr. Johnson the malt shop owner, manages to be amusing and powerful simulta neously. Joan Allen, who plays Betty, does a wonderful interpretation of a woman who is caught between her own liberation and her duties as a wife and mother. Gary Ross is a brilliant writer as well as a brilliant director. After watching a black and white film for about thirty minutes, the way Ross re introduces color to the audience is spectacular. The viewer almost feels as if she is seeing color for the first time. Pleasantville will make people appre ciate their own lives, the opportunities they have, as well as themselves. How ever, Pleasantville is not just a feel good movie. It’s an essay on human behavior; it’s a study of morality in politics in governments of today and the past. The creativity that went into this film is amazing. If Pleasantville is not at least nominated for Best Screenplay or Best Special Effects, the Academy is as colorblind as the people oFFI TTT - ' ” 10/29/98 more Jeasantville themselves. ★★★★ Place a free classified in the Beacon E-mail to B ehrcoll4 @ aol. com for l Player Good Anytime Day or Night (Except Friday & Saturday 6 p.m. to close) Limit One Coupon per Pfayer per Visit 1/2 Hour FREE
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