Page 8 - Thursday, October 15, 1998 - The Behrend College Beacon ACROSS 1 Impudent 6 Peak in Thessaly 10 Delta deposit- r -14 In reserve 15 Western tribe 16 Black bird i 7 Once more 18 Afternoon affairs 19 Freight jumper 20 Hoarfrosts 21 Evergreen droppings 23 Viewed 24 Jose 25 Actor Mineo 26 Motorcycle’s little brother :9 Walked worriedly 33 Maximum mph 36 Wander 37 Rainbow shape 38 Sandra or Ruby 39 Corn holder 41 Unused 42 Weight capacity 44 With scorn 47 Colorado Park 49 Bartender 50 Gear tooth 52 Portuguese saint 53 Grovels 56 Fail to wake 60 Washington sound 61 Provoke 62 Hand-cream ingredient 63 Exhilarate 64 Patient to a doctor 65 Disparaging remark 66 Enjoy avidly 67 Shakespearean lament i 8 Matched groups 9 Makes ready, for short DOWN Glides high Ms. Dickinson Blue-eyed feline Methodological discipline © 1998 Tribune Media Services. Inc. All rights reserved. 5 Desires 6 Kind of medical clinic 7 Feminist writer Gloria 8 Penn of “Dead Man Walking” 9 Fools 10 Learned individual 11 Pressing appliance 12 Ear part 13 Pairs 22 Top off 24 Parts of shoes 27 Strange 28 Surfaces for pen-and-ink drawings 30 Gather together 31 Daredevil Knievel 32 Freshly moist 33 Mall event 34 Big leaguers 35 Human trunk 40 Memory unit eek: can play the It’s a high ily'withpret- forrecipies, led “Crunch When I was I .fQund one Cookies” (I seethe words toother). health facts? andyou’Jl on nutrition. antmake it to take a real Edicts Remove with care Vague Distress signal Drinking vessel Outfit Staircase French film has shocking ending Will Jordan news editor This past Monday in Reed 117, the School of Humanities and Social Sciences and The Mary Be hrend Fund sponsored the showing of La Ceremonie which is a French film that was directed by Claude Chabrol. Dr. Kathryn Wolfe, associate profes sor of French, introduced the film. This film was part of the foreign film scries here at Behrcnd. Claude Chabrol is one of many notable directors to emerge from the French New Wave of the late 19505. Chabrol is often referred to as the “French Hitchcock” because of his reputation with his class-conscious suspense thrillers. Dr. Wolfe said, “Chabrol works like a chess player: he assembles a group of characters, each of whom has come from afar and turns out to have a guilty secret to hide, plunks them down in a remote region of Brittany in northwestern France, and then moves them like pawns, so that their interactions slowly transform the innocuous ba nalities of everyday life into the per fect setting for a ritualistic setting when they arc violated.” The title of the film. La Ceremonie. refers to the word that 56 Killer whale 57 Glass container 58 Actress Lanchester 59 Fashion magazine 60 Furtive glance Features French gangsters used for the struc tured ritual of events leading up to an execution by the guillotine. About the film itself, Dr. Wolfe said, “La Ceremonie came out in 1995 and is Charol’s take on Crime and Punish ment.” From beginning to end the film constitutes a “ceremony.” There fore, there is a structured investiga tion into what is the crime that is com mitted, who is the criminal, and what becomes the punishment of the crimi nal. However, through out the film, the phrase “no one could ever prove anything” arises, Through this it is pos- sible to think that the criminal will get off The film La Ceremonie is based on the novel A Judgment in Stone by Ruth Rendell. In the film, the main character is Sophie. Sophie is a self- as sured, but emotionless young housekeeper who is hired by the Lelievre family. The Charm with a view By Roger Burlingame staff writer I recently visited the Water front restaurant located at the very bottom of State St. here in Erie. If you are going on a date and you want to make a good impression, this is definitely one of the places you should go. We were seated in the lounge and it had a very pleasant atmosphere, it also boasted some of the most origi nal window art I’ve seen. The res taurant commands a beautiful view of Presque Isle as it is located right on the water. The Waterfront has recently proposed to the Port Authority that they take over the building next to theirs, so soon they may be doubling in size. The first thing I was happy to see was an extensive wine list. Al though it was a little overpriced, there 10/15/98 Throughout the film, Sophie tries to hide the fact that she is illiterate from her new employers. She eventually becomes friends with the post office worker, Jeanne. Together they get into some mischief which involves the town church as well as the Lelievre family. Toward the end of the movie, the daughter of the Lelievres discov ers that Sophie is illiterate. Almost simultaneously, Sophie discovers that the daughter is pregnant. After try c^ c 1/2 Hour FREE Waterfront Restaurant: were so many excellent wines it would have been almost impossible to make a bad choice. The restaurant’s specialty is seafood, and the seafood bisque was truly excellent. For an appetizer, we enjoyed the Mushroom Rockefeller. These are mushrooms stuffed with spinach, bacon, parmesan, and feta cheese. These were good, but I thought the taste of spinach was a bit overpowering. I have heard wonder ful things about their steaks so I had the New York Strip, and it was e„ ceptional. It was as close to perfect as any steak I’ve had. My date had the Apricot Glazed Shrimp. This dish is a masterpiece. The glazed shrimp are placed on a bed of buttery rice served with boc choi. The flavors blended so well that I am determined ■ ■ THE LOGAN WINTERGARDEN SERIES THE DAPONTE STRING QUARTET TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20 BRING YOUR LUNCH TO THE PENN STATE BEHREND WINTERGARDEN AND ENjOY WORLD CLASS PERFORMANCES IN AN INFORMAL SETTING. ADMISSION IS FREE. PENNSTATE ing to blackmail the daughter, Sophie is fired. In a shocking ending to the film, Sophie and Jeanne return to the home of the Lelievres and execute the entire family. Soon after the pair murder the family, Jeanne dies in a car accident. However, after clean ing the house of fingerprints, Sophie gets away with murder. for l Player Good Anytime Day or Night (Except Friday & Saturday 6 p.m. to close) Limit One Coupon per Player per Visit ' Peach & Liberty ] to go to the Waterfront a second time and have this dish myself. For des sert, the Cherries Jubilee Flambe is something I would recommend, but their dessert menu was so large that there is certainly something for every one. All in all there were a couple of things I wasn’t ecstatic about. One thing: we seemed to be a little crowded at our table. Between the serving plates already on the table v.hen you ore seated and the main course there is hardly room for a glass of water. Two: some of the items were a little pricy, but they are so good that this establishment can get away with it. The Waterfront is definitely one of the best restaurants I’ve been to in Erie. CoMege'" 1 "' 1
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