Psychology majors present their research at undergraduate conference by Anne Rajotte managing editor Last weekend, Behrend psychol ogy majors were given the opportu nity to present their research to other psychology majors and professors at the Twenty-Sixth Annual Western Pennsylvania Undergraduate Psy chology Conference. The conference was held at Allegheny College in Meadville. The students who presented were “I had a good time. I learned that everyone was in the same boat.” all part of Dr. Dawn Blasko’s Psy chology 431 W class. Psychology 431 W teaches research methods and culminates with a presentation at this conference. Roxzana Kelly, 08 psy chology, participated in last year’s conference at Edinboro. She stated that, “each group designed their own study, which is the main purpose of 431.” Her presentation last year was entitled “Influence of Violent and Nonviolent Behavior on Decision Making.” Kelly emphasized that, “the Psychology Department de serves so much credit for the work they put into the conference.” Schools from all over Western Pennsylvania participated in this photo courtesy of Dr. Dawn Blasko Behrend students who participated in the Twenty-Sixth Annual Western Pennsylvania Undergraduate Psychology Conference. photo courtesy of Dr. Dawn Blasko Three of Behrend’s students whopresented research: (left to right) Jamie Curry, Dawn Chapel, and Erica Jackson.' . US SENATOR RICK SANTORUM TO HOLD A TOWN HALL MONDAY, APR1L 27, 1998,10:00a.m, REED 117 Santorum will be discussing the future and preservation of social security. He will participate in a question and answer session with the general public. All members of the Behrend community are invited to attend • Andrea Furman 06, Psychology Tim Smith, Marde Shander, and Gary Caldwell stand in front of their research results at the Western Pennsylvania Undergraduate Psychology Conference. event, including all of the colleges and universities in Erie County: Gannon, Mercyhurst, and Edinboro. Steve Johnson, 06 psychology, commented, “It was a great oppor tunity for all undergraduate students to participate. As a psychology ma jor, this is one thing you wouldn’t want to pass up.” Andrea Furman, 06 psychology, and Tara Brown, 06 psychology, pre SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT sented their research, entitled, “The Effects of Clothing Color on the Evaluation of Personality Traits.” Furman stated, “I had a good time. I learned that everyone was in the same boat.” She went on to say that they got a lot of feedback from dif ferent people at the convention. They had the opportunity to defend their research to other psychology stu dents and professors. News photo courtesy of Dr. Dawn Blasko President Buck Goedicke -unopposed Vice President Andrea DiPlacido -unopposed Secretary Michelle Benjamin-unopposed Commencement Preview Spring Fever and Finals Blowout Coverage Visit to campus of US Senator Rick Santorum “Sex and the Presidency” forum Bowling club forms on campus SGA budget appeals Dorm problems and complaints New Engineering School programs The Collegian’s new editorial board New Kochel scholarships Campus religious groups Film and music reviews Problems in the upper parking lot Erie’s Bicentennial Tower Men !s baseball Women’s softball AMCC playoffs Behrend’s new track and field program All our regular features Editorials and wire service stories ...And a lot, lot more NEXT WEEK IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO WISH GRADUATES GOOD LUCK OR TO WISH ALL YOUR FRIENDS A HAPPY SUMMER. SEND ANY MESSAGE OF 25 WORDS OR LESS TO BEHRCOLL4@AOL.COM BY TUESDAY, APRIL 28, AT 5 PM FOR PUBLICATION IN NEXT WEEK’S COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS. SG A Election Results COMING IN NEXT WEEK’S ISSUE THE LAST ISSUE OF THE YEAR! FREE CLASSIFIEDS The Behrend College Collegian. Thursday, April 23, 1998 - R>lice A.nd Safety 04/15/98 Complainant was injured while getting out of bed. 04/15/98 Observed a student handling a paint gun in U lot. 04/15/98 Complainant was concerned about an older, gruffy looking man in the 088 Building. She said the man walked around the building for about an hour. He was driving a grey blue van with lots of bondo. 04/16/98 Unknown complainant reported a disturbance First Floor East Perry Hall. Found two males and one female sitting on the floor in the hallway waiting for a resident to get out of the shower. 04/17/98 While in K-lot officers heard explosions in S-l While investigating, a vehicle pulled away and wouldn’t stop. Car was stopped and during investigation found small amount of marijuana and paraphernalia. 04/18/98 Student was sleeping in her car in H-lot Senator Julie Meyers 146* Kelly Pahel 137* E. RitaCamillo 135* Stacy Erzen 130* Cori Lesniak 129* Stacy Lane 120* Brian Adams 119* Jobe Piemme 110* E P O George Leshnock 107* Kris Pavlinsky 98* Channasa Taylor 97* Carl Grande 96 Lori Viola 81 Charles Testrake 67 Morgan Saeler 62 Matt Parson 56 Bernadette Baumeister *won a Senate seat
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