Page 8 Letters to the Editor WORSE THAN EVER I've watched quite a few SPC movies in the last three years I've been here. Over that time, the quality of the movies shown has improved. Instead of showing movies that are 20 years out of date, SPC is now showing recent releases. On the surface, it would seem that for once, we are getting what we pay for. However, things are actually worse than ever. The usual movie is a tribute to incompetence. Every week the movie is punctuated with stoppages, sound problems, light flickering. focus problems and anything else that can stop a movie. The movies are cheap Published we*Jy by the stuckints The Pennsylvania. State University at Erie The Behrend Co4dition Matthew D. Cisme Alicia Hartman Bilbao Manager Dark= Stzemic Advisor Cathy Moor The Calvin's editorial opinion is denanined by the editorial stsiX with the editions bolding final responsibility. Opinions expressed in The Collegian are not necessarily those of The Collegian or The Pennsylvania State University. entertainment and it never seemed worth worrying about. Last Friday I went to watch "Glory." I lost count of the number of times the film stopped, sometimes as many as three times within two minutes. The sound was either too quiet to hear or it forced the audience to put their hands over their ears. Until the end credits, the movie was out of focus. The lights were on, off, on, off, on, off, on, off, on So, when they say: "You get what you pay for," they obviously never watched the SPC movie of the week. Mike Duminiak 6th Semester Psychology conk" ma Beau "or""*"": ',row kny Bnmo. Atria Cana .:. how Da Mene.JeuXesinn.JUndtorW Rpm Shawn Glassber, Bill Graham, Gerald Jamm. Miscue hack. Glee knead*, Tonasefo. Pods Kelly, Greg IsialltsilteglAg*Tba Mellon, Paul Marini. Sarah Weldor" Scott Moore, Joe Manilla, Colette Redwine, Jahn Rommemodo, Jeremy Show Iris Spirits. Toubakeris, Paul D. Young. Polo Cooribuitor Holly Beery kn Colvin Ainitant Into* Coordinator Amel Beloit* Photographers: Brian Domnore, Dia Baths, La Nae Hill, Tyrone Jefferson. Stephanie Payne, Roxanne Scott, Patrice Smith, Ron Van Daum. OPINIONS News Editor Hal D. Coffey t Editor Dllletle PIENS, Sports Ibitters Modem D. Ciune Keith E. McFall EJ A EDITORIAL Ad_varthing Iffsmeger DO= Swank IPeetelAmodio: The Collegial pddladmxi wieldy by the stedwie of The Pennsylvania SUPS UtiMillay' at Erie. The Rehrend College; F" it Floor, The J. Elmer Reed Union Building, Sudan Road, Frie. PA 16563. 814- 8911-6488 or 814498-6019 fax. ISSN 1071-92111. CARTOONS Copy Natant Mau Hamm hawse Ricotta TlPkt Oka Jesse & hams Itkcardi his Spinier February 10, 1994 imilnottlyer 6 Letter toilaytiOle 4 4 #044141c emouregai amines awe* editorial cameo and Wean* affairs. I,Amers should be type Written, doible-trpaced and signed by no mom thin two paws. butes thould, he no longer than 400 , words. Letters sleiht iodide the semester st a ff and nu* of the writer. AU hews should prowl& the address and phone number of the writer for veirification of the latter. The Collegian reserves the right to edit letters for length and to reject letters. Letters submitted to The Collegian become property of the newspaper. The Collegian is puldished every Monday der*, the aanheinle year ea recycled paper.
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