page 10 etvnivelettrirciterSiVet -,- ; COMING SOON FOR SENIORS ONLY... If you ore 7th semester or above FREE F00D... MUSIC AND KARAOKE... DUNKING BOOTH: featuring some of your FAVORITE Behrend personalities... PRIZES: from The Lodge, Jimmy Z's, Taco Bell, and more... Friday, nmetwvwetwirvwvv#-swzz 19121•1•NalaNaloNsjal•N•NelieNNININI•1•14•121•1•1•NoloNNIeleielmielainimin wielitelejeleislotalei•lNlNlNlNl•lNlNH•lajo a, aleiwieleisleimisisisliNelajoHNlNHal CiAltelaui Choortirti/A Mn siVe's'a -- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm *o . ii••••' 000000 ise•UN'••••inse'alsliese••'••••••••••W••••••awits• oo s' oo •••••• ,1•••••••• • oo , 00000000 • 00000000 0 000 0 0 00000000000 0 0 ••,eknisia•••••••••••■••••,•••••••••••••,eno•s•••••■ Cruise Ship Employment Nos* hiring students $3OO/900wkly. Summer/Fall. Tour Guides, Gift Shop Sales, Deck Hands, Bartenders, Casinos Dealers Etc. World travel- Caribbean, Alaska, Europe, Hawaii. No Experience Necessary. Call 1-602-680-0323 * EXTRA INCOME ~93u* Earn $2004500 weekly mailing 1993 UWTI travel brochures. For more information send a self addressed stamped envelope to: Travel INC., P.O. Box 2530 Miami, FL 33161 YOU are Invited to the... Ist ANNUAL LE t 111A,MILON Rprl I 30 In the Wintergreen Cafe Ext. 23 tviirintir) )1 uu 5:00-8:00 PM Wanted EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT FISHERIES - Students Needed! Earn 8600+ per week in canneries or 54,000+ per month on fishing boats. Free transportation! Room Si Board. Over 8,000 openings. No experience necessary. Male or Female. For employment program call 1406-545-4155 ext. A 5250 Student Employment Services Efficiencies 2 bedroom, $241- $3Bl Convenient to Behrend Spiegel Management Phone: 454-2451 ExL33l The Collegian ~„ 4 Wanted CRUISE JOBS Students Needed! Earn 52,000+ per month + world travel Mexico. the Caribbean, etc./ working for Cruise Ships or Tour Companies. Holiday, Summer, and Full-Time employment available. For employment program call: Cruise Employment Services 1206) 634-0461 ext. C 5250 HAPPY ADS Congratulations to the new Alpha Sigma Tau Jamie sweetheart—Keith Congratulations! I knew you'd make it! McFall! Lore, your partner in crime Du n n Matt P.S. What a pastier! Matt, a.k.a. Dorkhead, You're my bud, so take can of me tomorrow. We're even Vic Ivan Neal has put out a lot of fire He's not a firefighter— he's a teacher. But to the kids he's reached, he's a hero. BE A TEACHER. BE A HERO. Call 1-800-45-TEACH. Know how to operate a 35mm SLR camera? Want the best seats in the house? Ms 0 kt; • Ahem remlwagoksm: Join the crew in the a 11... Wanted of--***-1(-1 1 -** THE COLLEGIAN Is looking for stall members for neat semester. Sign up for Commu 001 and make a difference *****- 1 1c 4 0-1‘ Thursday, April 22, 1 Lost/Pound "Found" notices are published for one issue at no charge. This policy does not apply to "University" Keys. If found they can be dropped off at the Office of Police and Safety. *esiFounDosio Police and Safety has a watch, a bracelet charm with a picture, an older class ring, assorted gloves and baseball caps and a lot of computer disks. To claim call 898-6101 FOUND Woman's Gold Ring in the Wintergreen Cafe on 3/22.
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