Page 18 Super Crossword HEATHER LOCKLEAR Reads the Collegian Magic Maze F SEP I PGABCTRPMK I S SENREVN I I FDCB YWNDCUSROOMTA I G 1311=i1CF TDB I LLN ZSDNALHGIHNWEEX WUSBNTOONOONEAC LJHUSFFDDGSDDGC AYWRMVTESORTNOM SQPGENLAIELKUIH FECHNALBBHZYDWV USRQCGPANMCLJ I H Find the listed words in the diagram. They run in all directions-forward, backward, up, down and diagonally. Aberdeen Clansmen Glasgow Kilts Caledonia Dundee Glens Montrose Celtic Edinburgh Highlands Penh Chieftains Gaelic Inverness ind at least six differences in Puzzles SCOTLAND Vision Teaser tails between panels ACROSS 1 Teases for the Monsters? 45 Tomlin of provocatively 6 Not refined 11 Ulysses S. comedy 46 Bill of fare 47 Seaport in Grant's real Colombia 48 Literary first name 16 "Swan Lake" or "Giselle" 17 Caesars tongue 18 Where the ark landed 20 Where to see 68 Across 21 Pizzeria fixtures 22 Hawaiian caricature 51 Actor Olan of old-time radio 52 Polynesian language 56 Get up on the soapbox 57 Psych or pod follower 58 Low spirits 59 Lyric poem 60 Desert fruit 61 De Mille or Moorehead 62 Having a pleasing taste 63 The Ugly Duckling, seaport 24 Auk genus 25 Tricky rascals 27 Emerald Isle 29 Wrestling needs 30 Classic car 31 Scottish Highland Celt 32 Biblical giants 33 Branch of actually 64 Spanish gold 65 Spicy stews 66 Units of force 67 Characteris tic form 68 Active Hawaiian dol. for Linnaeus 34 Riding whip 36 Russian communities 37 Raise in relief 39 Loose, earthy deposit 40 Capital of volcano 70 City on the Rhone 71 Loses conscious ness 72 Where to find Canton 73 Expert Hawaii 42 London prisons 43 Family car 74 Author Vidal KIDS' WORLD CHESS X-RAYI Jot down the names of the six subjects pictured in the diagram at right. Circle initial letters. If you have identified these subjects properly, initial letters in order will form the six-letter name of a certain chess man. How quickly can you name the piece in question? P.S.: It's a piece that can leap Over other pieces. 0000 ctt o o o 1 - 18 ot o 0 o°oo ALTERNATE SIDE PARKING Missing numbers 1-18 may be inserted in the blank spaces of the configuration above so that each three some consisting of two numbers already in place plus their in-between com panion total exactly 27. For example: 15 inserted between 5 and 7 form a 27 threesome, and likewise 9 inserted between 5 arxll3. Object is to continue until all missing numbers are included. Remember. only three• somes described above are to figure in the count. Time 'mit 2 min. • L'LL'e '9l 11'81 ' I 'Z 'll 'VOL *VI 11 :ewsupop 'dcg ww r 1 111 ,11N0 " - 0 1 ‘ l / 4 -4 Q Q 1 :7 o , t 1 . ..., 111°- 13 on ... .... . g t 0 16 V. - 01 4r411 r0 • / ok ''' - # _ ft 0 4 mi1__............. ~., „ „ ~,;..., . - . i ll i , . .. ..:. , . ... , • i. ve , 0 'PPP* si 04179 - 141Malliii! &ON* V - 'l•Ziiii it illiA ir"0114:1110J Anviii t infies! eirasimul j maNwito Thursday, March 25, 1993 demand 108 Lock of hair 109 Lumps of clay DOWN 1 Piccard's means of travel 2 Lotion 75 Disposable hankie 78 Silly or mischievous 79 State flower of Hawaii 83 Cleveland's lake 84 Motherless calves 86 Manipulates fraudulently 87 Unmusical clang 88 Sleep study acronym 89 Hawaiian feast 90 Dance enjoyed at 89 Across 91 Souvenir from 89 Across 92 Arthurian lady 94 Sly, sidelong look 95 The Shadow's first name 97 Apple growing chemical 98 Active crater on 68 Across 100 Where to find Lincoln and Washington 102 VIP in Hawaii 104 It might be magic? 105 Radar's relative 106 Nonmetallic element 107 Union ingredient 3 Son or class 4 Valuable wood 5 In a parsimo mous manner 6 Pungent spices 7 "Shehera zade" composer 8 Shoshones 9 Loud, sus tained noise 10 Musical group 11 Moslem judges 12 It was formerly Persia 13 Fan's call 14 Jack-in-the Pulpit 15 Coastal region in India 16 Composition by 7 Down 19 Teaches privately 20 Surname of the "Little Women" 23 Agave fiber 26 Egyptian abode of the c , Afaci HEAR YEI In Carlyle's words, it is well said to be the speech of angels.* Longfellow called it the universal language of mankind.* What's that? 1 " - -- I " - OVER SIGHT! A crowning touch ismissing from this graduation scene. To complete picture, draw dot to dot. dead 28 Bravo and Grande 32 Ham it up 35 Considerate 36 Lounging slipper 37 Ahead of roll call 38 Exhibited 39 Hawaiian island 41 Spend them 63 Most wary 65 Island of 40 Across 66 Word before circle or parade .... 67 Zsa Zsa's real first name 69 Pry inquisi tively 70 Montmartre farewell 71 Watch in Venice 42 Wild oxen of India 44 Greek under pockets 73 Beekeeper 74 Colossal 75 Old World ground 46 Sheep sandpiper 76 Pacific 77 Very much shelters 47 On the (under like 78 Chills and fever 79 Hawaiian consider ation) 48 Lot tied this seaport 80 Joan, Jackie or Judy 81 Disquiet 82 Maxi or mini 85 Chemical salt 86 Unconfirmed reports 90 laugh-track city 49 Palm cockatoo 50 Giant armadillo 51 Capital of 52 Lange and Steadman 53 Native of Des Moines 54 Conform 55 Hawaiian geese 57 Ice house 58 French sounds 93 Biblical name 94 Marvin and Majors 95 Narrow street 96 Box or shed lead-in 97 Barren 99 News org. 101 June beetle 103 Japanese shrub impressionist 61 Associated by treaty 62 Slender, graceful girl reroa, ~•~. :Wm. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers