Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 23, 1857, Image 2

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.WERNESDAY, SEPT. 23, 1857
Union State _Ticket,
For G overnor.
DAYIR I FILpIOT; of BriOlford Co.
;;For Ju d ges of the Sup'reme Court.
JAMES' VEECH,`of Fayette . Co:
JOSEPH - .LEWIS, — of Chester
For Canal CoMmissioner..
Union Count
ROBERT M,, HENDERSON, of dulls'',
JESSE KENNEDY,Torry . Comity. • ,
j • •:: Prothonotary, ,
BTEP.II6, I ' , ..KEEPEDS, of Car Halo..
• Cleric of the Courts;.
I§AIkfUEL iIYEE.S, of Dio 'noon.
J. B. HOSTF . 4TE:ft, of 3feohnoriosbu'rg
JAMES LOUDON, of Carlisle
Commissioner, '
THOMAS A. MoKINNEY; of Nowvillo
. - Director-of the Poor,
.:\ JACOB.. MUMMA, of Silier Spring.
. • WILLIAM Arp,CEUM4I, of Shippensburg.
CENTRAL commiTTnic
2 .Tii President of the late American Repub:
lioewConvention has appointed the following
, State Central Cdnimitteo,• viz.: •
, LE.MUEI; TODD, Chairman,
Simon Cameron, Joseph Casey,
John J. Clyde, George Bergner,
John M. Sullivan, William D. Kelly,
Joseph B. Myers, I. M;Sellers,
Henry White, Jameslldwarcle ,:
Lindley smith, J. Lancaster,
P..C, Elhnnkor, Jacob L. °osier '
• IL,L.'Benner, .- Edward C. Knight,
. David Newport, Edward Darlington, •
ll.:,Kehn, Wils'on - Coswell,, _
Peter Martin, ' T. J. Worth, •
Peter S. Michler, • Sa,mitel E. Dimmock,
Thomas E. Cochran, David E. Small. ..
,33. C. McPherson,_, B..Rusli Petriken,
John Penn Jones,: -W. P.• Miner, •
. John Laporte, • • L. P. Williston, '
D. Gillespie, C. B. Curtis,
Jain N. Purview, D. L. Eaton, ,
Robert - P.-McDowell, D. E. Finney," •
John 11. Welle, . J. It. Edie,
V. J. Coffey, . ,A: J. Fuller, •
John Condo, • Robt. M.Palmer..
To Rendera and Correspondents
have appropriated alargc portion of our
Stet page to the proeeeditige of 'the Conveap
Lion,., recently held at thc 'fanners' o lligh.
tliohool, in Centre'ell'?TintY, -for, the election of
throe Truetooc.
ThO rot:narks of addge Watts, in reply to a
vote of thtOka fr,ofir the Convention, will be
found extremely intoresting and 'practical; and
.• the spirit which Seems Co have animated the
representatives of.the several county societies,
shows-that the people nro waking up An-dhe
Importance of this . enterprise.
' To the liberality of Gen. Irvin, Judge Watts
and few other choie epirits, in Pennsylvania,
this'lnslitution awes_every—th'ing-at - prOffir
3t rests the people tiow to second their ef
forts; if this is done, it will not be long until
a Nodel Them School will IC established in our
State, on n firm basis, tho beneficial result's of
which will be felt through every grade of so
11 ;
On TRE'SOILY afternoon, the 20th Inut
'oWing to the inability of Judge Wil
•znot, from want of time, to meet all the
.engagements made for him, previous to
the elcction,the State Central Committee,
have found it nocessaryito withdraw the
"appoiYitinent made for Meehanic:sburg, on
the 28th and have thought •proper to
unite the two'appointinents;by a general
Mass Meeting at Carlisle' on Tuesday
afternoon, the 29th of this month,
when Mr. Wilmot. will address his follow
'citizens Of •Cumberland • County.
Lot every one feel that it is his duty
to be present on that occasion. Let no
effort ho spared to §ccure a large atten
. 'The cause of 'Wilmot is the cause of
tho people. •Como then and hear the
truth from the man who is not afraid to
• dOne hiS position on the Stump.
Let his reception be worthy of the man
and the cause. Come, -old Lino whigs,
Americans, Republicans and Democrats . .
Cane all who wish to hoar a full and
eloquent exposition, of the patriotic prin
,of- the Republican party, by, -the
one grand rally and thenTgo to work matA• 7
fully hp elect the ticket. • •
wiLnia,rr cbub.
An adjouructl mooting of the. Wilmot' Club
wee hold nt'Glae§'s Dotel on Saturday even
ing, the 19th inst. Jaoob Rliecm woo called
to the chair, and C. P. Ilumricb, Esc/ , ap
. pointedSccretary.
Georgo Zinn from tbo committee appointed
at a previous meeting, reported the following
gentlemtn us partn.ineet cilicors.oft,tho'Club.„
Piesident—Jaemb Elem.
Mire Presidents Samuel 'Wetzel, darles
reager, • ,
Secretaries—E. Beatty, T. D. Mahon.
Treasurer—John D. Gorgas.
Ex-Committee Jas. S. Colwell, William
Bentz, Joe. D. Blair, A. Loudon, Joan B.
Turner. ._ . .
The report was unanimously adopted;" and
the meeting was addressed by C. P. Ilumrioh,
Jacob Itheem and others, after which the Club
adjourned to meet at Ifeiser'e on next Satur
4ay evening...
annual exhibition of the York. county
tural Society, will.oomnience at York, PA., on
Wednesday tho 7th of October, to continue
four days. The list of pyerniun3S•offer rare
inducements to coMpetitors without regard to
.locality, and artioles intended for tho exhibi
tion will be trausported by the several rail
road Companies, free of expense..
Our old friend Dr. Wm. S. Roland, is the
. Bearetary of the Socrety, to whom .wo aro un
' der obligations for a oomplimentary ticket
We hope C,umberlatl.oounty will be well rep.
resented at.the York County. Fair,_ as It will
enable thorn to, extend invitations to the York
'County .Agrioulftiristato visit . the t xhibition
of the Cumberland County oocloty at Carlisle;
On the 14th of (Mohr. •
The Locofoco papers, from' one end of the
State to the other,. during the entire, canvase
have been busy irt , denouneing' David Wilmot
And the RePublioan parti, as abolitionists.
:has formedlthe key noto for locofoco 'baron.;
gnu frem tho rostrum, __ and . locofoco loaders
from the press, as the 'result of a concerted ef
fort to gull,tho people into the bolief that Judge
• Wilmot :and those who sustain, him, are idonti
fled with the fariaiia'al Party known. as aboli
tionists... ,To quiet , these gentlemen; we. give'
the Republican creed, no defined by David Wit . -
MR, himself, in his speech "at Philadelpiiiii:
It harmonises with every sentiment uttered by
the Republican press of .I.3nnsylvanta And 'the
man who opposes it is a heretic to . .the -politi
cal faith of his 'fathers. '
/ am a 'State's ltight -- trfair - ffp fo the alp.—
[Applause.] I, am a State's Rights tnan . of
the old Jefferson school. linen, that question ;
/hold that under the constitution of the Unit
ed States, we have no right to meddle With the
question of Slavery in States where it already
exists':. it is a' State institution and it can only
be controlled
,by State laws, and we in Penn
sylvania have no more right to legislate for
Upon the auhjeet of Slavery Man
Virgiaia has the'right to 'legislate for Penn
sylvania upon the' subject'of cominon schools.
[Tremendous and long. continued tqoplausel
lint fellow citizens, in the torritorities the
question is different. The territories ore the
common property of the Union,' and we.havo,
the common right to control theln. Tracing.;
ed applause.] - - • •
• There is in this,,no trampling on the right's
of the South, no abolition progress, but the
* affirmation of a - l'ree and unanimous act of
Southern as well as not-thorn statesmen, in
the 9idinanoe of 1787. • The history of the
country Jffufwir-thit-slavery-lfa-s-beenTamt
will be carridd 'where :it •is not prohibited.
"The South haS again, and. again. violated the
pledge' of the Fathers of the Republic and the
North hire again and again yielded to-that vio
lation, and given. up State after .Slate to 'sla
very-until' her numerical preponderanco is
annihilated. • , •
• To yield more would be dishonor; 'on this
issue the position of the Republiban Party is
impregnable. They view Slavery no a local
, institution, recognized by State, laws, and clainX
no right to interfere with it.<witei - e - H•.exiats,
bilt•in:the language of Judge Wilinot-f. The
. Territorries are the common property 'of the
Union, and we have the common right to con.
trol •
„ From this position, neither threats, Kent
ises•n,oralandersishall cause the Wilmot party'
to swerve en inch. However much they may
differ on minor questions,..while s lide great
-- question of the extension of -- 81avery remains
, unsettled, they ,will do battle together in a
Common" effort to YiIIgERIR TRUTH and RIEILT
and ritzzoo/u, while there is a foe to contend
• against or enough.of free-sail - left tb give them,
a foot-held, • -. • •
• with the.doclaration
Judge WI mot,:whlch we liav'e-quoted - itholki;)
as a !.Btato's Right" man, take the substance
of the resolutions adopted by the convention
which placed Wilmot in nomination fat: bov
ornor, stud. see -how ,they squ - are.
Other. ' "
„ • •
That'the_umintonance of the prin
ciplee in the Declaration of ln
',dependence, and.embodied in the Fedora) Con
-. stitution',..i's 'essential to - the preservation Of
our Republican institutions, that the Federal:,
—Constitutioni -- theAlbortitaTi - xf - tlitThieoPle, the
sovereign rights of. the States, and the Union
4.We States, most and shall bo preserved. •
• ,, Resolved, That our Republican fathers able`
ishOd Slavery in•all the national territory,:aud
ordained, in the- ConstitUtiOn ..Aetna person.
shall be deprived of life, liberty 'or property
without the duo procesa of liw," it becomes
our duty to maintain this i_r - ovition-ofihe•Ceti.
stitutiontigainst all attorpipts to violate it, for
' the•purpofie of establishing Slavery in the
territories of the United States. That wetle
ny the authority of Congress, of-the Supreme
- Court, of a Territorriul Legislature, pf any
individual or association, of individuals, to
give legal oxistalice to Slavery in any territory
of the United States, while the Constitution
.. ; aliall-be maintained.
-- :Resolued,--That the Constitution-oonfers-upon
Congress sovereign power over the Territories
of the United States, for their govermnent; a
•powernot controverted for the first f ixty years
of our national existenee„but exercised by the
general occurrence of all departments 'of the
Doverninent, through every Administration
from ; WASIIINgTOI , I 7'o POLK.; and, that in the
exercise of this' unquestionable power; it is
the fluty of Congress to - prohibit in ,the Tor.
• - 1-Aqries, those twin relies of barbarism , rolyg.
Resolved, THAT ITE ARE YET NipEliME:si, and s
that while we retain the, inestimable rights of
freemen, securedto us by the sacrifices, suffer
ing and blood of our revolutionary fathers, we'
will not submit to-have a new Constitution im.
posed upon us by tho extrajudicial opinions
of Judges 0.1. he Supremo Court—opinions aub-
versivd of the rights of humun nature—in eon
flict with the truth of history. With tho on
broken actionof government and the law of
the land, an heretofore pronounced •by tho.
Federal Judiciary, and, the Courts of nearly
ovary State in the American Union. .
Revived, That the recent opinions of the
majority of the Judges of the Supremo Court,
in a Cabe over...which they decided the Court'
had no jurisdiction, and therefore no authority.
to pronounce the law arising therein, is but
another step in' consummation of that conspir
acy against our free institutions which had its
inception in the repeal of the Missouri Com-
protnieo ; that ! itis tho direct result of tho hits
triumph of llio slave power in the election of
its candidate, JAMMEI BUCIIANAN - , -- t0 the Pres
idency, unit unless promptly rebuked by the
people at the ballot box, may be followed by
other us'urpations fatal to the independence
of the Free States, and the liberties of our
, people..
Resolved, That the constitutional rights .of
tho people of kansas hayo been fradulentlx
andhrioleutlrtalrerilront"thani: - Tlfeir — T 'Orr 1-
terry has been invaded, by an armed force;
spurious and pretended -legislative, judicial
and ezeoutivA Miasma have been set over them
by ivhose usurped authority sustainedby the
military power; of the Feddra, o'vertudent,
tyrauical end unconstitutional laws have been
enacted s and enforced; the rights of the people
to keep - add boar arms has been infringed;
teat oaths of an extraordinary, and entangling
nature have been imposed' ati , :ia,:tondition of
exercising suffrage and' holUidg Wilco; the
right of au accused person to h speedy. and
public trial by an impa'rtial jury his, been do•
nied; cruel and - unusual punishments have
been inflicted upon`the innocent, while tnur-
dors, robberies and arsons have been instigated
and encouraged, and the offenders have -been
allowed to go unpunished! the right of the
people to be sooure,in their persons, Louses,
papers and effeets against unreasonable"searob-
es and ac ' .urea, has been violated; they .have
boen l 'depr rod of life, liberty and property;
'Without d e process of law ; the freedom of
speech and of the press has been abridged;
the right to choose their representativee has
been made of bong - effect; That, all these
things hav,e been done-with the knowledge,
sanction and procurement of the Federal Gov
ernment, in - violation-of the plainest mandates
of the Constitution That the - usurpation by
which a spurious Legislature was imposed
upon Kansas, and its people subjected to a
code of laiis unparialled, for bruclty hi the
history of civilized nations, is still in full force
,tind the people are_denied.thli rightpeaoefully
to assemble and petition for a rkdroaa of tiviev
anoesvihe National Executive has permitted
two Governoia of his appoiutinent to ho driven
=train -the Teeritory under four of tionnesiuntion
. • • •
and has not dared to IS :cut its power for their
protection ngainet the lawless minions of Sin.
very, whilijudicial.Monsters and men whose
.. . ..
Lauds are red with innocent blood, are retain
- ed in office, to curry on the, work ofaubjeating
' free territory to the curse of Slaverk. Kansas
. has been denied admission under a fretf (ion•
atitution, and fraudulent means ,are now in
progress to scours Us admission as a Slave
State at the next session of Congress. Against
.this, stupendous wrongote protest, in the_
' name of Oen A D /11DIANITYby all that is
glorions in our. istory, and by the memory
of the great,an good men who established our
ount.anb guuntg 3,ltatters:
Meteorological Register for the week
Ending September filet', 1857. _ -
Thermo- I
Rain. I Remarks
inciter.* ••
,Tuoeduy. L y.
72 - 00
Ice 00
179 ock
2 Friasw. .
r , ` 99
1 .
69 do
; •• \
Mean. 1
66 00 1:20. 1
*. The degreo of heat in the above regieter
le the daily atrerage'of three obeer.vatiorie.
1E46 We - have been obliged to remove our
Power Preis, this week to the new press-room
for the perpoCe of running it by steam, and
the delay consequent upon the removal, has few hours behind,, our wind time,
of publioqtion. °
With a complete Joh Oillee, a large nesort
teent of Type, and a Stare Power Press, we
are novreeabled to dciony amountof job and
book work with despoloh. Persons" in' 'want
of anything in that line, are gido
us aomit
.ition . of the students of White Nall 4ouclemy,
will . be held on Thursday, evening, the 24th
inst. This Institution is under the charge of
Mr.- D. Denlingor, and•is in a flourishing con-.
dition., The next session will commence on
Monday, November 2d.
last four weeks, more beef and stock cattle,
sheep, iSzo„ . have passed through our borough
than was 'over known in any previous season.
:Flocks of the-most splendid sheep, drovcs•of
the finespat cattle; as well as stock. cattle,'
Jiaveteenconstantly pouring down tho`Nal,.
nut Bottom•Rooid, on their way to the Eastern
markets. With such' an abundant, supply, it_
is astonishing that.our city friend's have to Pay
from 18 to 25 per cent for beef. '• Here, in the'
country, our butchers can rarely purchase
biillock from 'a drover, as the cattle are t all
.Owned by speoulaters in-the East: '
perceive that our efficient street Cenitiesion•
'br, Mr. IVORLEY, has just &niched
grading and piking the southern part of Ilan;
noves..!ffireet. wasinue . h.needed 7 . as that
- eection - of the berOugh is morn traveled.than
any other.. The work is deo° in a most, rib
stantial and scientific manner, and., reflects
much credit Wpm'," the workmanship of Mr. M,
-and those-in his, oniploy. On the same street.
from tho. Post Office to flantiori's.' Town, the
street Commissioner has .jusf. commenced op
erations, and in a short time that portion of
Scui"th dlnnover treet,._will present• a very
_beautiful appearance. While on the Subject
of imprOVoments; -we foci like ',Oiling the at
tention of the Street Commissioner to the north
offfiddford street ; it is in such a condi
tion that repairs would net, benefit- it, it re...
quiretEregular grading. and paving along an .
entire square. nut as it is perhaps foe lat e
to ',Olomouc° the work this fall, if ought ,to
.rocivo the
attention of the borough au
thorities nest Spring. .
Pennsylvania Synod of' the Lutheran Church, -
commences its annual Boehm ip Rev. ,Mr.
Fay's 'church in this place, on to-morrow eve-,
ning. -- 'Alargo'numbpcorvisitors - gro - expeot= -
cd, and the deliberations of the "body will
doubtless bo important- During the meetings
of the Synod, public services will be bold in
the church every evening. , On to-morrow
evening, Rev. Dr. Lochmnn, of York, Proholl'es
the Synodical sermon. On Saturday evening,
the Missionary and Education Societies of the
SynOd will hold their anniversa'yy. ACidresses
will be delivered by. Rey. Hill, of Gettys
burg, and Rev. Mr. Lilly, of-York. Cu Mon
day evening the services connected with the
licensuro and ordination of candidates to the
ministry will take place. Sermon by Rev.
Dr. Sob pucker, of.Gatty.i4nirk. • Services may
also be eipeoted on Friday evening, and three
times on thO Sabbath. •
underhand that J0(150 Kennedy .Esq ~the col
league of R. M. Ilenderron Esq., on the Ifition
Ticket, was in town last week. We had net the
pleasure of meeting him. but several of our
friends tube made his acquaintance, speak of
Lim in the highest terms ain't intelligent gen
tleman, who is in every respect entitled the
confidence of the people and well worthy the
support of the voters of this district for the
Mr. Kennedy is' a native of Cumberland and"
intends to. return, previous to thO election, to
canvass parts of the county, where lie Is not.
already known. The Perry Freeindit thus
speaks of him. , •
the Vaniti °Mho people,. We are not aware
that he ever held any civil 'office. ',•Re is an.
active, energetic young mall ' with a well bal 9
anced mind and, excellent juilgine'nt, and has
-the ability-to-speak-neatly-in-public whenever
it is proper for hint to do so.- Ills personal
character is without a. stain ; "and 'we learn
that in his neighborhood he is universally re •
speoted by all who know him, as a man, neigh
bor and citizen: Ile has fair qualifications to
make an efficient and intelligent Representa
tive. , _
friends throughout the county, wo Lope, will
hear in Mind that the Hon. David Wilmot will
be hero on Tuesday afternoon, the 20th inst.,
when they will have an opportunity of hearing
from the nominee of the American Republican
party, a fair and candid exporfition' of Lie
viewe r on the exciting questions of the day,
and 'after hearing fur themselves, to make up
their' own minds, irhothei - or' not, Le ie worthy
of their sum rt, without being influenced by
dictation from interested parties.
The right of suffrage is a sacred right which
belongs to you exclusively, and cannot, be ex
ercised by•praxy. It is important therefore,
that you should "pin your faith to no" man's
sleeve," but bear and judge 'for yourselves.
'The locofoo6 leaders; have
discussion, and their candidate is afflicted with
lockjaw, but Wilmot is "after them with a
hot stink." la the canvass Of the State', 'his
course has been cheered by the approval of
thotisands; and Cymbeiland must not be IM
11nti her sister counties, in giiiog the great . l
Champion of the people,' , On enthuslastio
come. • •
igt.. Mr. P. Aughinbatigh, who keeps the .
largo boarding house, corner of Hanoyer and
X,outher streets, left at our office the other day,
a tomato, of hie own raising that , weighs It
pounds, and measures 17 • inches round. So
-much forthatiegetablofirho-aiui bed Ur—v.—
7henionetary or!:ps+-: Ferrel of large hoitses
proposekli*est t 1 evil—A . sad
r of drozoninoWfitrder of a woman .in
.Fourth street and arrest of the supposed
steriouq" tof
. box, of pa.
pers - from the. Philadelp r hia - Pank and its
reco tiery--Theatres and things theatrical.
Pniinuaramrs., Sept. 21, 1867. '
t,llaAn llaitar,u: The monetary „panic has
continued duriag increased fury.
Failures, susponeions, and assignments have,
occurred •eiery . day aim:en:Y . lost letter was
penned, and I regret to say that a large ma.
jorlt • of 'our lending_ business_h_o_uses„Jmy_c_
1 . .
been compelled to allow their Paper:to go to
protest.• It Is but necessary to mention We
failures of such houses as Joseph' Ripka, lice-.
kine, Ilieskill & Co., Navin S. Lippincott,
llaCker, Lea & Co., John Farnum & Co., and
Thomas P.Remingtou-& Cr., to show therex
tent of the Present financial crisis. The know
ing ones gave us to understand 'each day that
the panic bad reached itabeighi,. but each
succeeding day brought denial to these Raker
lions, and en Saturday more inaper was pro
tested than over before in this city.. I under
stand it• is contemplated to call a meeting of
merchants 'for the purpose of discussing thii
best means of relief frOm the present deplora
ble stale of financialeffairs, One of the means
In - posed in . ,to get the' Inlnks to stop namio
payments; end I have been told it mcibts the
approbation-of the entire business, community.
It'is, certainly a desperate remedy,.but_then
the case re desperate. - •
One of out Sunday papers, in . speaking of
that appallingonlamity, the loss of the Central
America,- says: "It lo an indication of the
present prevailing and fearful money and bit
sinesS panic, that when the news first arrived
of the lose of the Central America, the first
general enquiry was, of bow many lives ore
lost, butktow much golf has beensunk 1. Itlen's
hearts all around are failing them for
,fear ;
the least touch of misfortune strikes a hollow
sound of foreboding throughout all ... monetary_
circles; the myriad hands of business are 'out
stretched .and clutching eagerly for money.
No iondei, then, that the' great heart of the
business_world 'Stink and fainted at the barest
apprehension of the utter lees of milliqua of
that.golden treasure, whose advent it was with I
tuith eager anxiety awaiting." This, indeed,
shove the desperation -of our business cons- -
munity, when thc_loss of . dollares has become
CO . them -more imPortant.thanthe lbss of lives
A sad draining ease •occurred on Wedries
dey afterhoot, which resulted' in the death' of
two estimable young - m'eu, whose ages wero
remetively eighteen end nineteen. They had,
gone on boardpf the steamboat Richard,Stock
. ton e. lying nto,Walnut street wharf, land,one of
them accidentally, fell into -- the river, 'Ks
comp - anion, With devOied heroism, jumped in
. to rescue his 'friend, liutotafortunately, both..
were drowned. .
• .A: "woman of the towia 3 f' viral found at a
very' e'er& hour on - Thursday morning,- lying
'upon the pavement in front of Colbert's;envel.
opo manufactory in - Fourtli street, below Ong-
Shewas- bleeding • profusely from stolid
inflicted upon her wrist, by ivltichibefireetietr
had behn—aevered, and from Which &Beth 'sub
sequintly hnslied. :Colbert. bas. beenOrested
as the Murderer; ho has herptofore borne
good pharacter. •
of her most inter
-paling characters. John Logan, better known
as the "Taah.:With the Military walk," was ar
rested and placed oil 04'1, charged with arson,
..but acquitted hu the ground of insanity. lie
hae been Bent to the Insane Asylum, much to
the regret of those interesting bipeds, yolept
"State House Patriots," to whom Logan of-.
forded great amusement by his stiff and Mill
--tary-peregrinationx upon-the pavement in.front
of the Statellquse-
On the ;11tli•instant a tin box, flootaining
valuable papers, belonging to Metbre. Hacker
& Tools, was stolen from the; Philadolphis,
Dunk uhder mysterious circumstances. The
firm offered a reward of one hundred dollars.
and '"no queetioris naked" in case the stolen
property woe returned. On Saturday a gen
teel looking man called & T.
and enquired if the promise to oak tio quee.
.lions world bo adhered to: Upon receiving
an rAirinative reply, he requested the gentle
man- to go with him to the Franklin
wlifoh they': did, and received- tbo missing-pa
petit upon payment of-the one hundred dollars
reward.. - gather a cool transaction. •
J. B. MoDoiiough hay performed a
round of Shaluipereau ammeters at tho Wal
nut, during the week, to indifferent houses.
Lester. Wallaok is announced as the this
house for this-week.
There hifriiiitlFtyptifithiiirliew produced
at the Arch. .Tbe excellent cyjatpany at that
establishment have delighted large audiences
by their fine performance of standard plays.
Mr.. and Mrs. IV. J. Florence have played
several of their favorite Irialrand Yankee
characters at liurtoti's National since I last
wrote. They will be-succeeded 10-night by
Miss Klmherli, nu actress of fair abilities.
The grand opeiatio ballot, called "Foust,"
(after Needle's priduction,) was presented at
the Aca 41p, of Music on Wednesday .. _nigh by.
the Rouzuni Billet.Troupo. It will likely be
`run all this week. The ballet is splendidly
put upon the stage and well, performed by the
compauys which .- comprises over two hundred
Yours, A
PROSPECTS tY psalm—Our friends in Perry
County, are strong in the faith, and spolik in
Ohboring - terms' of the prospect Of- electing
their ticket. . The proceedings of.theConvon
Lion were marked by harmony add good feel.
logs and as a natural consequence the ticket
satisfaetiou to the people.
The Peril County :Freeinati c Otter speaking
in strong terms of the qualifications orate
candidates, thus urges the necessity of vigi
lance. - -
A word in cOnolusion. Go to work for- tlit
ticket. "Allude more slumber, a little-more
folding of tho hands," may pr6h fatal.' Per
Lionel exertion,will accomplish much. Organ
ize. We mean by organize, to use the beat ox •
pedients the circumstances of the case admits
to get to the polls iu support of your ticket the
largest vote possible.—Never mind big meet•
ings- 7 get out . every voter. Gas and talking
may answer for some purposes, but they are
out of place now.. Go to work intelligently.,
ThesDemooratty- boat the bitches and littyeool
.portenrs : they have a - Food - drill ; sep Unit
you ; ossess Limius And indnetry to do your
amid ticket the justice it
,sbutntl• ho've. Use
.your political opponeate t aourteously, but work
for the majority of tittotes. Do all this and
every thing else you ould do, and you will
succeed; neglect Or refuse to work-for success,
and you will be defeated • "A word- tolhe
: •
wise Is sufficient."'
` .iffir•We call the attention of our ma
' 'dere to tho choice farm Mods, offered for sale,
by the Itlihdls Central Rail Road Company.
The pipes range from 6,. to 80 dollars, only
8 per amt. intereatana - ,a diloount Of 20 per
cont. for :For parlioulare
,00naufr -the
advoilitielnent iaother;
Correepondeoce of the IlmXld
- .York, Boston atalyhiladelphla ktiow perfectly
well that it le more for their intereetifto opine
• after than Lefore , tho,loaril pape'rs in the coon
'try.; A mart.: , whadtasu't local pride - and ,pub
licapirit enough to give adequate support to
own county papers, nod thereby build up,
the. character of his place, isn't 'very likely on_
the whole to - do Much good to himself ar any
body also either. . :
Bannll G. Drake, pp. 720, Boston, &
Bradley. We arb indebted to the kindness of
a•friepd, for the perusal of this very elaborate
and iughliii — ntryouve work, wbibh Rua rea y
'gone 'through eleven editions: 4 ' The anther
commences with an alphablitical enumeration
and Ideation of all the Indian tribes and Na
Cone in North America, which, with a learned
gi,„kqui'sition on the origin, antiquities, 'man-
ners and customs of tbeJudians, including lib
eral quotations frain all the writers on this
subject, Is comprised in Book I, Books II and
111, are devoted to the history and biography of
the Nevi England Indiana, Book IV to the his
tory and n biography of the Southern Indiana,.
and Book' V'to the Iroquois, or five nations;
and other tribes of the west, embracing a large
fund of information in regard to the various
wars and treaties betweeit the Indians and the
settlers, with .incidents' of border life, anec
dotes-arid personal Teminicencen'of celebrated
Indian chiefs, and English and American offi
cers from the earliest settlement of tho coun
try, to the close of the " Black hawk"
The work is complete in ono volume, and il
lustrated With numerous engravings, among
which are portraits of Benjamin Church, Sir
William Riltheon,'Pocationtas, Red Jacket, Os
ceola, &0., &o. It is certainly one of the, most
tacinating books'we have ever read, and should
find a place in every library. It can be ex
emitted at Piper's Bookstore, where orders may
be left by-thoe who' wish copies.
T. B. PETEICSON, 'SOO cheenutet. Phila. line
now in Preen, The loaf Daughter, by Mrs. Caro
line Lee ileniz. The Work will be issued on
Saturday Sept. 26, complete in one large duo
decimo bound in cloth ut.51,25 or in two
volumes, paper cover for one dollar.
"Linda," " Marcus iVarlond,"
Rad other sketches by Mrs. !Lentz, roquiro no
other inducement to procure a copy of " The
lost daughter," than au announcement that it
is for sale..
Mr. Peterson has nisi. in Prose, to be , pub
lished ou the 811 of Oe ".fi'ecep*,lor-the
DRMop," by Mr,. Sarah .T. hale. Ibis work ,
contains four .thousand five hundred afitrorii
five receipts, facts,&e., &m, iu the useful 'lino
mootsl and domestic arts, being a complete
family directory and house-hold•guide. Com
plete in ono large volume, of near 800 pages
boun4 in cloth, at $1,25 a . copy.
Mrs. lisle is so favorably known to the resi
ding public, thionl, the columnsuf 11MLady's
Book that we have-no doubt a work on this
subject, compiled by her, will have a rattily
. The Publisher gives notice, that either of
the above works will be sent to any part of
the United States free of postage, ou remitting .
the price by mail,
Mr. Peterson has also published a duodeci
mo editiOn of the complete works of Charles
Dickens, splendidly illustrated with over five
hundredeteel and .wood engravinge, in twenty
,five volumes, and supplies what has long been
wanted, on edition of ChOrlee-Dickens' works,
that should combine the advent:4,es Of portable
size, large and readable type; sod uniformity"
with other standard English author's..
Price of a eett in twenty five volumes, hound
in black cloth gilt .$31,25. He has oleo the
People; Editairof D:okeos works complete in
tlMteen volumes, at one dollar and fifty, cents
a volume, or niateen dollars and fifty cents
per sett. Each volume having two filustra-
Single volumes of either .edition or the full
sett will be eent to any' ' fig 'Of the United
States foie of postage, on remitting the price to
Bur 3300 ft Eaofe.
`anmum , B ILLvireiptTED. Bil-AOAziNE.-- The
Odtobor nutnber of this popular,..filagazine le
already out, with Its well fille d , pager', and
beitutiful emhollishOwiets giving. :pleasure 40
scores .ef,reeders throughout the country.
Thi_o'nu s iinber lutsa contlnuation ' of. the story
' ".Jaufry the Knighl' , and the' fair Brunie
tiondo;'' the " Two pictures" .. by Clarence
de,Padilla" tiy Jos. J. Reed,.the,
"Jet Ring" by Parke Cliftop, with poetry,
snatches and anecdote's without number:. The
Edifdr - C. LelanAinThli" easy talk," le as
sprightly as ever,,embrocing more .ftin, sent
meat and practical good sense, than is mina
ly found en the same number of pages en
wbete else
Take, for instanoe,his remarks on113;fol
lowing article; which. be acisaorized from an
exoliange piper.
, ..
(47xtract front Grahon's Nayazine:) - ' .
PATRONIZE . Your. OWN. Though it is
sometimes neceseary to go abroad to wide, yet
wherit• it can consistently be done, we should
• give the preference to ourmerchnnie and-me
chanics. epocinlly should this tinily to the
numerous traveling pedlars, and ..t.mock-at.o•
Con' vagabonds, who will probably cheat you
even if you get their ware for with a
gift thrown in. At any rare, we shall be 'ea
fertu dealing with anise we know to be hon.,
cot and fair iu theiy.dealings, or where, - if the
work prove , faulty we may find redress.. •
. • The safest home for children is the paternal
board ; and when our own sidiools are not ef
the first.order, the beet way is to make them
Kt& ; •
IF we • speak - 713' newapnpers in this cone - titian,
iE will be said—. alt.l pee now, he has un • axe
to grind.' Yet mecannot withhold_ our lion 4
eat-oonitiotions that-the-people of-everyi village
largo enough. to sustain 'a local newspaper,
'will find themselves amply compensated, in
giving it a liberal and ungrudging patronage.
'For lie win; takes the'papera' ,
• And pays his 1,111 when due,
' • Can live in pease with Ood rind than
Mid with the printer too.'"
. Placing in by -gotio ears' penned more than
one article, eveawherotve 110 V eit,.on this sub
. ject, we' feel a right_ to recui•_ko•it. . . ALsome
what intimate acquaintance the ,great
• mass of Anierican local.impers, sand'a 'careful
'study of theirmany 'rind Temarkablerchartio—
toiistics,•eniibles us to assert 'that us it is an
axiom, in statistics, (vide
. .tieischmann,) .that
the quantity .of auger consumed in. a oommu-
Unify is always in propertien ic l the amount of
expenditure,'or of money changing hands for
goods, just ft.:) the progress of a town at• the
keient day, is invariably and exactly in pro
portion fo'the,ainount of encouragement ex-'
.tended to its local. press. The more We''ap—
Prom% the P'Orteotly new settlements;'the more ,
does the rule hold good. -Read your local pa
per whatever you do,-and above' all advertise
in it, for more inspired by a knoWI-..
edgecof what is buying and selling—in , other
,by the market-than by' any. other
cause. After that, if youi please, take•a good,
ffeity paper." The chanoes.sre that if you
are intel4ent the one will Teed to the other,
becoming eo well understood, thdt
public ere of widely circulaling iiapdre
THE HOME MAGAZINE.—The October • 111t0.
ber,o thischarming monthly, IS on our table,
beaut i fully eiabtdfished and tilled: with •choice
reacting. 4 'of "Ouir':Ner Literati," .by
.1.,......... 74.
Ilfillowny,:ii trodu es the..-young poet, .T. 8..
Aldrich; torte Lenders:of the home Magazine,
from whose'writingsore made seine .ektraoti
lei the Hernltliast week. There iialso a sto-'
, .. „ .
Ty of:," Love' 'and Passion" by . Nattle N..
Grnvep,;"Golog into The country" by - Caprice,
.' Look out" chaiters 23 and,24, by Virginia
F. Townsend, -" Toileroind work Table," with
the .octobor nallione, by Genio . C, ficottrend
a large a - men - M . 6f other matter, original and
selected, which we have not splice to gunmen
ate.. Go to Piper's Book'store and buy It
y 1 • . :
STATE 46111.10UFUR4L readers
- are - ietninded . thtietheiteventtrAkitifinltibibV
tion of the State • Agricltlturol •Sooiety, will be
held at Philadelphia, on - the 29th and 80th
.days of September and the leiand-2d days of
October.. Faro on the - railroads will he re—
duced one half. ail usual,^ fortho l round ; tit),
and no freight charged on stook sent for exhi
hition. ' • •
The officers of the Society, imp using every
exertron to make-the hall meeting of 1867, the
largest, and most complete, that has yet been
held in.the State.
Coos.—We elipTroin an exchange theTol
lowing editorial notice, which • decidsdly
cool. There are maqeditOrs to whom these
,retnarlikyOuld' apply. l ; • • .
,river for a few days. All goodi,articles,•fa
cetioas remarlis,.all4-400graPhical
errors, pay be-attri b ate& aids absence.
order to.give variety and vigor to our paper,
he will frequently leave town for a week or
two. It is to be hoped that the readers .of
this -journal will .appreciate his •encleavors."
' CAILLI§ie,
,Wednesdny,Septembep 15, HU.
FLoun Superfine, per bbl. -•-• • $ 5 ;49
do Extra, do - • 6,75
do. Family - do • -' • - :6,00
Rye . do: 4;00
d o de . • - -
Ryu `...„.• • do 80
CORN - ' .70
Oats ,do .33
CLOVERSEED ." do- ' • -• . • 6,50
TIAIOTRYSEED. do , 2,50:
• -
PLITLADELPUIA, Sept. 16, 1867.
FLoui,•per barrel, $5 7506 00
Shipping brands, ' - 576
Extra'family flour, • ' 7 0007 60
Corn Meal, 4 00
Witrar, best white, per bushol,• 1 40@1 45
Primo red wheat, • 1 .80®1 85
Rye: per bushel, .
Corn, "
Outs, .
Cloverseed, per pound,
Whiskey, per-gallon
pmantouz,'Sept: 4:1, 18571
$.6 60
FLottiti per barrel,
Nollg offering for shipping.
Extra filthily flour,• T 6 5006 75
l _lrye Flour '
- • : --,• 5 26
Corn Meal, 6.50®4 00,
• -
11'tniaT, boat white per-bushel, . .1 260)1 50
Pei me - reit wheat, - I 20®1 80
Rye; per bushel,
, T __ ' r 66®80
. -
Corn, -".. • - ' -- 70®75.
. .
Oats; ,T... ' ' 26®35
Clov T erseed, per bushel, - 7 50®,6 00'
iybishey, per gallon, T - „28025"
..... ~
Wood, the renowned dlaccverer of the Invalualgoyllelr
Reale - rattle, still Lontlnuus to lubor Ibehalf of the
116 medicines aro universally admitted by tho Ame
rican press to be far superior to all ethers for causing
tho hair ou the aged that has.been silvered for many
years, to grow forth with as much rigor and luxuriance
_as when-blessed-with thoadvantages of-youth.-
There rod be no doubt that it is ono uf, thn greatest
discoveries In the medical world. It restores perms.
nently gray halt to Its original color, nod makes it as
sume a beautiful silky texture, which has been very
desirable lu all ages of the world.--lit. Louis Morning
-RATOIt Is recommended to tfi,Fnilific, relying upon Its
Intrinsic excellence to hectare it favor.
For nil Bilious attacks, it may be truly and safely 're.
lied.upon as being fully capable of removing the dig
eases for which It is recommended, and, for giving tone
nod Igor to the general system. •-; --• -------
Ito qualitle., have been 'Dilly tested Inn long prae
lice, by the proprietor, Through the urgent solicits•
tiros of many, who
,have been Induced to •place it be
fore the public. For all !MMus Derangements, Sick
liondaeh. Chronic Diarrhoea, Habitual Costiveness; 11l
liens Chelk, Dyspepsia, Palo In
,thet.: • toinad,_,anci..D ow .
els, General Debility, Fenialti.Weakness, ac.
For sale by druggists-generally.
"Cosines" lint, Roach, &e. Exterminator; "COslar's"
Bed Bug Exterminator; "Costar's" Electric Powder,
for Ante, Insets; &c., (Um only Infallble Remedies
.4ib3 — q7ostnr" sends by mall, prepaid, a Bamplo Box
of tho lint. Roach, kr. Este:initiator to any address in
tho United States. on the receipt of $1; or the Electric
Powder for He. ha Bed Bug Ex., being a liquid, can
not be sent by malt.)
.1*•••• Costar" will 'furnish Druggists, Dealers,,,,and
Bturo.keepers„ a $lO Sr mplo Pact:ago of his various pre,
pamtions (assorted) with Circulars, 'llllls, Posters,
ou receipt of $5, (leaving balance of $5 due when sold)
in order that they May tent their merits.
tag._See AdVertisoniont. For Circulars, &c.,
Address .. CUSTAII," No. ISO Broadway, N, Y.
Riarriage r p.
On the THltinst., by the Rex.. Kramer, Mr.
GEO. W. S. W El It I CK, of Carliele, to Miss SARAILANN
KINTEII,*of Franklin township, York Co>
On the 23,1 Inst.. by the Ho,. J. C. Burlier, Mr. HEN
RY HARTZ, to MIAs ESTHER, daughter of Mr. Peter
Baker, nil of Monroe township Cumberland Co.
• •
..,-...0n..th0d1il tit-lust Da p§
- TUS N.. ELLINGER of York. Co, to Miss AGNES A.
DILLER, daughter of Joseph Diller, of Ctuaborland Co
- .
In this Borough/on Surntnyibehltug last, blr.4scon
.BeAsowt, aged about 82 yours. The deceased was au
esteemed, honest, useful, and upright citizen of CAP.
11416, whore, during a long - life, ha enjoyed Ih•t respect
nuitconlidence to which his virtues untitled blot, and
his death, tholufh In a HIM old age, is mourned by a
fame and affectionate family, and a numerous circle of
friends and acquaintances, . .
3tetu Ilhoertisements
riI:AKE NOTICE.—The Africah
Methodist Episcopal people nro holding n CAMP
LETINO 3 tulles north of Noweillo, on the Doubling
(lop Sulphur Springs Road, nod have concluded to ono
'lune it ocer too Sabbath. • -
JACOB' IiItOCKS. In charge.
FALL 0 0 D S
Sept. 23, 147, 1 t.s)
' JUST RECTIVNilt.'nn assortment of handsome
and cheap FALL GOODS, to which the attention of the
ladles is respectfully lui r.legant Shawls, New
Style Drers Unnds, Eutlirolderles, kc.
Call and see them at the cheap were of . .wo
Supt. 23, 18574 CILAS. OW LOY.
• . mg= GLUE,
Mont useful article aver Int °Med, for hotise, stare
and aka, flummoxing In utility ovary other
glue, gum, Mucilage, pute or
" , cement over knowu.
Adhesive on paper, cloth,leather, furrtitotre, pone.
laineehina, marble or glass.
• {kw manufacturing Fancy Articles, Toys, ete., It has
no superior, not only possessing greater strength than
any other known.artlele, but adheres more quickly,
leaving out stain where the parts ore hlued.- Nivea
° Within the last three years, upwards of 250,000 bet.
Cos of this Justly celebrated LIQUID CLUE bare keen
soldrand the great convenience which It has proved In
every rose, has deservedly secured for It a domand
whieh, the minuthrturer has found' It, at times,
cult to unlit: acknowledged by y al) who have used it,
that its merits IN far ab nn fitly artlcWor inaL
lotion ever offered to" the public. •
Atit-This GLUE miiv 13,1 y counterfelted-iobserve
the table, 1 - iticltealt"Colebrated - Liquid (Cue, the went
Adhesive." Take no other. •
. .
BlanUfaCtured:and Sold; Wholesidd and Retail, by
WAL O. IllultEAi
• No. 007. Chestnut Strsot.,,Philadelphia o
'• "113-Liberal inducements °flitted to' poysoni'desirous
of Felling the above artlele.• .' • •
• . -TN TILE-,‘: - •
. .
I will sell at PubileSalp, on . the premise's, about one
- M
- cello west of Carlisle on the turnpike road, at 11 o'clock
A. M., of Thursday the 22tid of October, 1857, two first
No. 1, Containing .about 310 Acres, of which spout
240 acres are cleared, cultivated, and well enclosed with
post tenet); and tho..residue, about 70 sterns, is - covered
.with prime timber of-the-boat quality. The:-
moats on this tract aro a good HOUSE. BARN, OR
CHARD, and CRIBS; and there has Lem; about 2500
bushels of lime land a large quantity of barn-yard
Manure put upon the land thin aensim.
No. 2. The - farm adjoining above and lying on the
State rood to Newville, and bounded by tho Cumber
land Valley Railroad, containing 210 Acres. There Is a,
, gOtqI. II9II S...E. , JiARN,:amt.CRII.O3-upon-this-farrtrand'.
- great deal of post ranee. .
Before the day of pale these:tor; tracts, whirls lie In
ono body, will be surveyed and divided into .three or
more forms of about 100 acres loch, and will then be
.11 old ail togothor or in pike, as will beat suit purchasers.
I will - soil' on the same day at 2% o'clock, P. M., on •
the pupates; • • •
• .
No. 3 That elegant farm, which - in situated within
tho Borough, of Carlisle, on the Weggonerqt flop road.
cobtaining 137 acres, more or less, 'all of width is highly
improved ,and under poet fenco, having a first rate
BANK BARN, HOUSE, and other Improvements there;
on erected Moo,
No. 4. A Field of 20 acres; nn tlio Waggoner's Gap
road; and adjoining the farm of George Waggoner, and •
which is about and mile northwest of Carlisle, and
- which IN also limestone land of the test quality. •
No 5.. A FARM in North Middleton township, bound
ed by lands of Irvitie's heirs, John Noble, Abraham
linttrick, and the ConOtiogulnet creek, containing about
224 acres, a large pert of whirl, Is clenred.and in a good •
state of cultivation, and the residue l 0 thriving timber:
Then, la an excellont DOUSE, UAW, and other value.
bioimproventents on this farm.
No. 0. That valuablollOUSE and LOT. OP GROUND,
aft feet .111 front, on Main street, and 240 feet lon Pitt
. Street, in CA illsle. This property is most advantageous
ly situated for any public .businesti, being hinnediately
- ett - the - depor - of - the'Cumberlatid - VaTleTßallialid - Can
. .
No. L.:All thalline fern, situate In liforth,3llddletou
township. about I,li miles from CarlDje, on ' the north
aide of the Chnodoguinet creek, imniimilately opposita
tho " Muni," nod which is bounded by lands
o(PeCea Howard, Alex. Cori:man, and others, cOntain ,
lug about WO acres' of good date land, n part of which
is cleared, and a large part le In fine thnber;:hofdre the
stiTrthin farm will he divided, and sold in parts or alto
gather as will beet suit purchasers.
Thu properties No. I and be sold on the Prem.
lsoft No, 1, and all the other properties will ho 'gold on
the prondees No': 3. at the houratuentioned.
The titles to oil these proportion are Indisputable /ma
will Int modo -to Alto. purchasore dear of all incundir—
nixes, end possession will be given on the I st of April,
105 H. Any information on the suljert of tile proptrty
or titles, VIII be obtained by reference- to Frederick,
Watts, req.. Carlisle, •
The tonne of Sole, which will To tondo easy for the
purchasors, will be wade known on the day of sale by
.10801°C W. PATTON. • -
Att'y in fact for Armstrong Noble and Itoliel't Noble. -
Carlisiptemb - er 21,' - •
Lancaster Examiner and Lancaster Intelligeneer
pnblish tilksale and send bills to this omen. • •
A It ~11 E P P.O TTJNI I T Y..
ri The subscriber, desiring to remove to - the - West,
°Hors at private sole, all that valuable property, fdtuato•
on the North-west corner of thollibile _Efoutru, and di
sectly opposite tire Carlisle Deposit Bank, In the bore'
of Carlisle. For a private residence, or place of Busi
ness, it cannot be surpassed. Thu HOUSE Is large and
eommodiouti, the lower part of the front house is occw,
by the subscriber as a Family
Irorery and OtieenswareiEtore._ This
Stifle Boffin Is finished in thole:stand_
.most contentent manner,. tho shots
. Ing being all unclosed with glass can- •
•Ing. The cellar In large, with walls and rolling plaster
cd, end Boor planked. The second story r of front house . -
contains two very large rooms, with finished attic. 'tire
BACK BUILDING is entirely new, forty foot long, (not
including . kitchen)atid three sturies•bigh, containing
seven large rooms, all papered and in:the best order.
The KITCHEN is ono and n half stories 'high. Water
In the )(Whorl and_ hydrantAn the-yard; andy - st large
*lrk cistern. The Gas is introduced Into every room.
hoth front and bark buildings. On the lower opd of
the lot, which is 1111 enclosed with high brick' walls - ,
there is erected n ono and a half story. warehouse. •
• . Any-person desirOus of securing for themselves one
of the most desirable locations In our borough, - can do
so me reasonable terms, by calling on the subscriber nt
his store or reeitionce.whlch is the property described.
_C!trll.l - 0,. Fvpt.
• "The glory of a young man is his strength:6
(Front t h e Sunday Dispatch, Now York, Aug. 2, '57.)
Our renders nre aware that we seldom, Waver, rococo•
mend any medical publication, if not endorsed by the
very highest authority: As such an lmitance
mention DR CUIXERSTELL'S now publication on Noreen.
Debility and other weaknesses, the result 'of early in
discretion." It Is a email but valuable pamphlet. His
proparationn the `•llEfirtiEltAToll," NERVINZ" aro
now cOnsbiered the solo anti...only effectual remedies
ex taut for the complaints referred to. •
Le. CI:LW:MULL • Seminal, Regenerator dad - 11oynl
- Nervlue, the Rovertign,ronetlieVor,Sentinal 'iVenkness
Sexual Debility, .Impotent/, - .ltivoluntry Emlsnlims,
Ac., are for suds by most of the lending Druggists
lu the country. -
_Ca PAMPHLET, ns above containing• full Clticea.
for the cure of Spermntorrhes, .Ic., can be hod In a se ,
cure envelope, by enclosing a stamp to'Dr. Cline .J. O.
itiion,•lxt -Avenue. corner lath Street, NEW YORK,
POST BOX N0:4587..
ustuess u.:ftros
MI ee formerly occupied by Judge_llephurn, on East
Inln street. All business intrusted Lb his cure will be
proniptly attended to.
Dist' 211,11i57.
• /
W I at L L L I , A iN o l ffi e
otu tltrert, li t , t l o , Cy
ACV - Business entrusted to Lint alit be promptly at.
tended to. • Feb, 7.'55.
CI 3 , , IFEJAIRIC 11, Attorney at Lang
.—Omco on North Hanover street; a few do"
south of Glass' Hotel. Alt- business entrusted to Oh
will be promptly attended to. piprll 15.
lAW „NOTtl.l.i REtitornr.,. —W.
,/,31. PENROSE Imo removed his office to the room
tormerly occupied by blot on 3faitt, street a few doors
- cast - of - the MethOdist Churrili whirl — he will promptly
attend-to ell : business entrusted to Win.
August 1,9, 1,557.
has resumed the practice of the Law. Office in
t'eutre"tiquere, wet side, tho First Presbyterian
Aprill3, 1837.•
. ,
1:0_0111ee oppdelte the West cud of the Court Home
Aprll 23, I 556..
DR.5.,13. KIEFFER Office in North
Ihtnover street two doors from Aron & Suns ^-
store. Offire hours, more pat ticularlfr from 7 to U o'clock
A. M., sod from t, to 7.o'clock,
tt Lis Oleo to Contra Square nest. of tho Court
louso; whom he may be sonsultid at any hour of the
day or night. D r . A. has had thirty years exiwrionce
in the profebsion, the last ten of which have been dean.
.ted to the study and practice of homoeopathic medl,
chin May '576m. . • •
South Hanover street,
us>: t-deor..,--to-
Office. . -
paytPlll bo absent from Oailisle the loot • ton days•
oroooll month. • (Aug. 1, '56
DENTIST, fro m
the Dal
- College of Deutalburgery.
ylka-Offlre at the ItTilduncuot Ids mother, }Est lAmthet
street, three doors below Ledford. Itefereore--Dr.(loo
Z.ltretz March le, 16.50—‘tf..
• Limos P. Sarnia, Otio. -
W. K. 3knutLANz, PommylynTWet:-
L. k COOS, nltod• Mond:. .
Bankers and Dealer+, In foal Eidatew . ,
S • • " •
OBIL—A. L. SPONSLEII, - laie liogistatof Comber. i!ic
and coutity, will carefally'attend to tho transaction of .
all - such buslouss as may he entiauded to 'llite,.snah as
tho writing of Doodsi Mortgages' Contracts, do, Ile bill
also davote his attention to the procuring of Land War
rants, Pensions, de. as wall as the purcbasVaud sale
of Real Estate, negotiations ) ofloans, no. VLOIACO on
11;yst High Stroet:'f6ranftrly,o'ccupled, liAt rehrosk. • ,
tisq._noar the liletliadtatThelih.
it ANDREW d. tax. • w. JEPP T1101111.7,_
nave opened an office at St. Joieph, Mo., fop( he par.
chose and sale Of Neal Rotate, buying and e - pillug Land
Warrants, entering Land oh Time, eurveylneand Mop.
plug Towns, Location of Warnuits, arid - oinking invest
ments for nor-residents, paying of Taxes, and alLbusi. •
truss pertaining to a ()imam Land &gel:icy : in MissourL,
;Plums, Nobniska, and lowa. ; - -
sa.,olllco on &mud Strout, North of A.T. BratllA
tanking House. • ' [July 30, 180.
, . .
Charter rerpotual.-400,000 Capital paid In. Office
183% Chest.ut. street.
MAIER TNSURANCE.cIthi;r permanent or Ilmitakagalnet
loss or damage by flro,QU PROPYRTV Cud arrEers of erely
denerlption,'ln torn or ectintry, on the toast reasonable
tonna. Applications made either *socially or blotter,
will be promptly attended to..
O. N BANOKER,Prea't.'
The subscnber Is agent for the above' ctinmany for
•Oarlisla and its vicinity. MI applications for insurance
either by mall or personalip will be promptly attended
to by A. L gf9NBLFE, •
d0c.12,1.5. float Estate Agent and Scrivener.