Expuitnr. CARLX,ST.in, PAi .WERNESDAY, SEPT. 23, 1857 Union State _Ticket, For G overnor. DAYIR I FILpIOT; of BriOlford Co. ;;For Ju d ges of the Sup'reme Court. JAMES' VEECH,`of Fayette . Co: JOSEPH - .LEWIS, — of Chester For Canal CoMmissioner.. WILLIAM MILLWARD of ,Philad'a Union Count ESEIM n ROBERT M,, HENDERSON, of dulls'', JESSE KENNEDY,Torry . Comity. • , .. j • •:: Prothonotary, , BTEP.II6, I ' , ..KEEPEDS, of Car Halo.. .., • Cleric of the Courts;. I§AIkfUEL iIYEE.S, of Dio 'noon. Register, J. B. HOSTF . 4TE:ft, of 3feohnoriosbu'rg 'Trodurer, JAMES LOUDON, of Carlisle Commissioner, ' THOMAS A. MoKINNEY; of Nowvillo . - Director-of the Poor, .:\ JACOB.. MUMMA, of Silier Spring. urllio.r, . • WILLIAM Arp,CEUM4I, of Shippensburg. CENTRAL commiTTnic 2 .Tii President of the late American Repub: lioewConvention has appointed the following , State Central Cdnimitteo,• viz.: • , LE.MUEI; TODD, Chairman, Simon Cameron, Joseph Casey, John J. Clyde, George Bergner, John M. Sullivan, William D. Kelly, Joseph B. Myers, I. M;Sellers, Henry White, Jameslldwarcle ,: Lindley smith, J. Lancaster, P..C, Elhnnkor, Jacob L. °osier ' • IL,L.'Benner, .- Edward C. Knight, . David Newport, Edward Darlington, • ll.:,Kehn, Wils'on - Coswell,, _ Peter Martin, ' T. J. Worth, • Peter S. Michler, • Sa,mitel E. Dimmock, Thomas E. Cochran, David E. Small. .. ,33. C. McPherson,_, B..Rusli Petriken, John Penn Jones,: -W. P.• Miner, • . John Laporte, • • L. P. Williston, ' D. Gillespie, C. B. Curtis, Jain N. Purview, D. L. Eaton, , Robert - P.-McDowell, D. E. Finney," • John 11. Welle, . J. It. Edie, V. J. Coffey, . ,A: J. Fuller, • John Condo, • Robt. M.Palmer.. To Rendera and Correspondents have appropriated alargc portion of our Stet page to the proeeeditige of 'the Conveap Lion,., recently held at thc 'fanners' o lligh. tliohool, in Centre'ell'?TintY, -for, the election of throe Truetooc. ThO rot:narks of addge Watts, in reply to a vote of thtOka fr,ofir the Convention, will be found extremely intoresting and 'practical; and .• the spirit which Seems Co have animated the representatives of.the several county societies, shows-that the people nro waking up An-dhe Importance of this . enterprise. ' To the liberality of Gen. Irvin, Judge Watts and few other choie epirits, in Pennsylvania, this'lnslitution awes_every—th'ing-at - prOffir 3t rests the people tiow to second their ef forts; if this is done, it will not be long until a Nodel Them School will IC established in our State, on n firm basis, tho beneficial result's of which will be felt through every grade of so ciety. MASS METING 11 ; AT CAR-LISLE, On TRE'SOILY afternoon, the 20th Inut 'oWing to the inability of Judge Wil •znot, from want of time, to meet all the .engagements made for him, previous to the elcction,the State Central Committee, have found it nocessaryito withdraw the "appoiYitinent made for Meehanic:sburg, on the 28th and have thought •proper to unite the two'appointinents;by a general Mass Meeting at Carlisle' on Tuesday afternoon, the 29th of this month, when Mr. Wilmot. will address his follow 'citizens Of •Cumberland • County. Lot every one feel that it is his duty to be present on that occasion. Let no effort ho spared to §ccure a large atten dance . 'The cause of 'Wilmot is the cause of tho people. •Como then and hear the truth from the man who is not afraid to • dOne hiS position on the Stump. Let his reception be worthy of the man and the cause. Come, -old Lino whigs, Americans, Republicans and Democrats . . Cane all who wish to hoar a full and eloquent exposition, of the patriotic prin ciples ,of- the Republican party, by, -the groatAtchampion-of-the—North;"-:-.llako' one grand rally and thenTgo to work matA• 7 fully hp elect the ticket. • • wiLnia,rr cbub. An adjouructl mooting of the. Wilmot' Club wee hold nt'Glae§'s Dotel on Saturday even ing, the 19th inst. Jaoob Rliecm woo called to the chair, and C. P. Ilumricb, Esc/ , ap . pointedSccretary. Georgo Zinn from tbo committee appointed at a previous meeting, reported the following gentlemtn us partn.ineet cilicors.oft,tho'Club.„ Piesident—Jaemb Elem. Mire Presidents Samuel 'Wetzel, darles reager, • , • Secretaries—E. Beatty, T. D. Mahon. Treasurer—John D. Gorgas. Ex-Committee Jas. S. Colwell, William Bentz, Joe. D. Blair, A. Loudon, Joan B. Turner. ._ . . The report was unanimously adopted;" and the meeting was addressed by C. P. Ilumrioh, Jacob Itheem and others, after which the Club adjourned to meet at Ifeiser'e on next Satur 4ay evening... YORE COWITY AaBICULTURAL annual exhibition of the York. county Agrioul tural Society, will.oomnience at York, PA., on Wednesday tho 7th of October, to continue four days. The list of pyerniun3S•offer rare . inducements to coMpetitors without regard to .locality, and artioles intended for tho exhibi tion will be trausported by the several rail road Companies, free of expense.. Our old friend Dr. Wm. S. Roland, is the . Bearetary of the Socrety, to whom .wo aro un ' der obligations for a oomplimentary ticket We hope C,umberlatl.oounty will be well rep. resented at.the York County. Fair,_ as It will enable thorn to, extend invitations to the York 'County .Agrioulftiristato visit . the t xhibition of the Cumberland County oocloty at Carlisle; On the 14th of (Mohr. • TINE REPUBLICAN CREED The Locofoco papers, from' one end of the State to the other,. during the entire, canvase have been busy irt , denouneing' David Wilmot And the RePublioan parti, as abolitionists. :has formedlthe key noto for locofoco 'baron.; gnu frem tho rostrum, __ and . locofoco loaders from the press, as the 'result of a concerted ef fort to gull,tho people into the bolief that Judge • Wilmot :and those who sustain, him, are idonti fled with the fariaiia'al Party known. as aboli tionists... ,To quiet , these gentlemen; we. give' the Republican creed, no defined by David Wit . - MR, himself, in his speech "at Philadelpiiiii: It harmonises with every sentiment uttered by the Republican press of .I.3nnsylvanta And 'the man who opposes it is a heretic to . .the -politi cal faith of his 'fathers. ' Ticket , / am a 'State's ltight -- trfair - ffp fo the alp.— [Applause.] I, am a State's Rights tnan . of the old Jefferson school. linen, that question ; /hold that under the constitution of the Unit ed States, we have no right to meddle With the question of Slavery in States where it already exists':. it is a' State institution and it can only be controlled ,by State laws, and we in Penn sylvania have no more right to legislate for Upon the auhjeet of Slavery Man Virgiaia has the'right to 'legislate for Penn sylvania upon the' subject'of cominon schools. [Tremendous and long. continued tqoplausel lint fellow citizens, in the torritorities the question is different. The territories ore the common property of the Union,' and we.havo, the common right to control theln. Tracing.; ed applause.] - - • • • There is in this,,no trampling on the right's of the South, no abolition progress, but the * affirmation of a - l'ree and unanimous act of Southern as well as not-thorn statesmen, in the 9idinanoe of 1787. • The history of the country Jffufwir-thit-slavery-lfa-s-beenTamt will be carridd 'where :it •is not prohibited. "The South haS again, and. again. violated the pledge' of the Fathers of the Republic and the North hire again and again yielded to-that vio lation, and given. up State after .Slate to 'sla very-until' her numerical preponderanco is annihilated. • , • • To yield more would be dishonor; 'on this issue the position of the Republiban Party is impregnable. They view Slavery no a local , institution, recognized by State, laws, and clainX no right to interfere with it. On the 23,1 Inst.. by the Ho,. J. C. Burlier, Mr. HEN RY HARTZ, to MIAs ESTHER, daughter of Mr. Peter Baker, nil of Monroe township Cumberland Co. • • ..,-...0n..th0d1il tit-lust Da p§ - TUS N.. ELLINGER of York. Co, to Miss AGNES A. DILLER, daughter of Joseph Diller, of Ctuaborland Co )eatl - . In this Borough/on Surntnyibehltug last, blr.4scon .BeAsowt, aged about 82 yours. The deceased was au esteemed, honest, useful, and upright citizen of CAP. 11416, whore, during a long - life, ha enjoyed Ih•t respect nuitconlidence to which his virtues untitled blot, and his death, tholufh In a HIM old age, is mourned by a fame and affectionate family, and a numerous circle of friends and acquaintances, . . 3tetu Ilhoertisements riI:AKE NOTICE.—The Africah Methodist Episcopal people nro holding n CAMP LETINO 3 tulles north of Noweillo, on the Doubling (lop Sulphur Springs Road, nod have concluded to ono 'lune it ocer too Sabbath. • - JACOB' IiItOCKS. Elt.er In charge. FALL 0 0 D S Sept. 23, 147, 1 t.s) CM ' JUST RECTIVNilt.'nn assortment of handsome and cheap FALL GOODS, to which the attention of the ladles is respectfully lui r.legant Shawls, New Style Drers Unnds, Eutlirolderles, kc. Call and see them at the cheap were of . .wo Supt. 23, 18574 CILAS. OW LOY. if.o.REA'S CELEBRATFD • . • . mg= GLUE, ,TIIE GREAT ADHESIVE. Mont useful article aver Int °Med, for hotise, stare and aka, flummoxing In utility ovary other glue, gum, Mucilage, pute or " , cement over knowu. IALWAYSItEADY44II APPLICATION— . • Adhesive on paper, cloth,leather, furrtitotre, pone. laineehina, marble or glass. • {kw manufacturing Fancy Articles, Toys, ete., It has no superior, not only possessing greater strength than any other known.artlele, but adheres more quickly, leaving out stain where the parts ore hlued.- Nivea ° Within the last three years, upwards of 250,000 bet. Cos of this Justly celebrated LIQUID CLUE bare keen soldrand the great convenience which It has proved In every rose, has deservedly secured for It a domand whieh, the minuthrturer has found' It, at times, cult to unlit: acknowledged by y al) who have used it, that its merits IN far ab nn fitly artlcWor inaL lotion ever offered to" the public. • Atit-This GLUE miiv 13,1 y counterfelted-iobserve the table, 1 - iticltealt"Colebrated - Liquid (Cue, the went Adhesive." Take no other. • TVENTY-FIVE CENTS A BOTTLE. . . BlanUfaCtured:and Sold; Wholesidd and Retail, by WAL O. IllultEAi • No. 007. Chestnut Strsot.,,Philadelphia o '• "113-Liberal inducements °flitted to' poysoni'desirous of Felling the above artlele.• .' • • puqL-.),LE READ s VSTATE • . -TN TILE-,‘: - • COUNTY OF - CUIRIBERL o i:ND; FIRST QUALITY Oi.LIMESTONE,LANDS, • — HIGHLY - IItIFROVED.:.' . . I will sell at PubileSalp, on . the premise's, about one - M - cello west of Carlisle on the turnpike road, at 11 o'clock A. M., of Thursday the 22tid of October, 1857, two first rate LIMESTONE FAIIMI4. • No. 1, Containing .about 310 Acres, of which spout 240 acres are cleared, cultivated, and well enclosed with post tenet); and tho..residue, about 70 sterns, is - covered .with prime timber of-the-boat quality. The:- moats on this tract aro a good HOUSE. BARN, OR CHARD, and CRIBS; and there has Lem; about 2500 bushels of lime land a large quantity of barn-yard Manure put upon the land thin aensim. No. 2. The - farm adjoining above and lying on the State rood to Newville, and bounded by tho Cumber land Valley Railroad, containing 210 Acres. There Is a, , gOtqI. II9II S...E. , JiARN,:amt.CRII.O3-upon-this-farrtrand'. - great deal of post ranee. . Before the day of pale these:tor; tracts, whirls lie In ono body, will be surveyed and divided into .three or more forms of about 100 acres loch, and will then be .11 old ail togothor or in pike, as will beat suit purchasers. I will - soil' on the same day at 2% o'clock, P. M., on • the pupates; • • • • . No. 3 That elegant farm, which - in situated within tho Borough, of Carlisle, on the Weggonerqt flop road. cobtaining 137 acres, more or less, 'all of width is highly improved ,and under poet fenco, having a first rate BANK BARN, HOUSE, and other Improvements there; on erected Moo, No. 4. A Field of 20 acres; nn tlio Waggoner's Gap road; and adjoining the farm of George Waggoner, and • which is about and mile northwest of Carlisle, and - which IN also limestone land of the test quality. • No 5.. A FARM in North Middleton township, bound ed by lands of Irvitie's heirs, John Noble, Abraham linttrick, and the ConOtiogulnet creek, containing about 224 acres, a large pert of whirl, Is clenred.and in a good • state of cultivation, and the residue l 0 thriving timber: Then, la an excellont DOUSE, UAW, and other value. bioimproventents on this farm. No. 0. That valuablollOUSE and LOT. OP GROUND, aft feet .111 front, on Main street, and 240 feet lon Pitt . Street, in CA illsle. This property is most advantageous ly situated for any public .businesti, being hinnediately - ett - the - depor - of - the'Cumberlatid - VaTleTßallialid - Can . . No. L.:All thalline fern, situate In liforth,3llddletou township. about I,li miles from CarlDje, on ' the north aide of the Chnodoguinet creek, imniimilately opposita tho " Muni," nod which is bounded by lands o(PeCea Howard, Alex. Cori:man, and others, cOntain , lug about WO acres' of good date land, n part of which is cleared, and a large part le In fine thnber;:hofdre the stiTrthin farm will he divided, and sold in parts or alto gather as will beet suit purchasers. Thu properties No. I and be sold on the Prem. lsoft No, 1, and all the other properties will ho 'gold on the prondees No': 3. at the houratuentioned. The titles to oil these proportion are Indisputable /ma will Int modo -to Alto. purchasore dear of all incundir— nixes, end possession will be given on the I st of April, 105 H. Any information on the suljert of tile proptrty or titles, VIII be obtained by reference- to Frederick, Watts, req.. Carlisle, • The tonne of Sole, which will To tondo easy for the purchasors, will be wade known on the day of sale by .10801°C W. PATTON. • - Att'y in fact for Armstrong Noble and Itoliel't Noble. - Carlisiptemb - er 21,' - • • Lancaster Examiner and Lancaster Intelligeneer pnblish tilksale and send bills to this omen. • • A It ~11 E P P.O TTJNI I T Y.. ri The subscriber, desiring to remove to - the - West, °Hors at private sole, all that valuable property, fdtuato• on the North-west corner of thollibile _Efoutru, and di sectly opposite tire Carlisle Deposit Bank, In the bore' of Carlisle. For a private residence, or place of Busi ness, it cannot be surpassed. Thu HOUSE Is large and eommodiouti, the lower part of the front house is occw, by the subscriber as a Family Irorery and OtieenswareiEtore._ This Stifle Boffin Is finished in thole:stand_ .most contentent manner,. tho shots . Ing being all unclosed with glass can- • •Ing. The cellar In large, with walls and rolling plaster cd, end Boor planked. The second story r of front house . - contains two very large rooms, with finished attic. 'tire BACK BUILDING is entirely new, forty foot long, (not including . kitchen)atid three sturies•bigh, containing seven large rooms, all papered and in:the best order. The KITCHEN is ono and n half stories 'high. Water In the )(Whorl and_ hydrantAn the-yard; andy - st large *lrk cistern. The Gas is introduced Into every room. hoth front and bark buildings. On the lower opd of the lot, which is 1111 enclosed with high brick' walls - , there is erected n ono and a half story. warehouse. • • . Any-person desirOus of securing for themselves one of the most desirable locations In our borough, - can do so me reasonable terms, by calling on the subscriber nt his store or reeitionce.whlch is the property described. ' ''JOBEEII -- D. lIALBERIV• 26626 _C!trll.l - 0,. Fvpt. PHYSIC.IAN!S LEGACY TO YOUNG' MEN. • "The glory of a young man is his strength:6 (Front t h e Sunday Dispatch, Now York, Aug. 2, '57.) Our renders nre aware that we seldom, Waver, rococo• mend any medical publication, if not endorsed by the very highest authority: As such an lmitance mention DR CUIXERSTELL'S now publication on Noreen. Debility and other weaknesses, the result 'of early in discretion." It Is a email but valuable pamphlet. His proparationn the `•llEfirtiEltAToll," NERVINZ" aro now cOnsbiered the solo anti...only effectual remedies ex taut for the complaints referred to. • Le. CI:LW:MULL • Seminal, Regenerator dad - 11oynl - Nervlue, the Rovertign,ronetlieVor,Sentinal 'iVenkness Sexual Debility, .Impotent/, - .ltivoluntry Emlsnlims, Ac., are for suds by most of the lending Druggists lu the country. - "Do, _Ca PAMPHLET, ns above containing• full Clticea. for the cure of Spermntorrhes, .Ic., can be hod In a se , cure envelope, by enclosing a stamp to'Dr. Cline .J. O. itiion,•lxt -Avenue. corner lath Street, NEW YORK, POST BOX N0:4587.. ustuess u.:ftros UGUSTUS M. , s._.AlirYE.lt, ATTORNEY AT LAW: , • MI ee formerly occupied by Judge_llephurn, on East Inln street. All business intrusted Lb his cure will be proniptly attended to. Dist' 211,11i57. • / W I at L L L I , A iN o l ffi e )I,f otu tltrert, li t , t l o , Cy ACV - Business entrusted to Lint alit be promptly at. tended to. • Feb, 7.'55. CI 3 , , IFEJAIRIC 11, Attorney at Lang .—Omco on North Hanover street; a few do" south of Glass' Hotel. Alt- business entrusted to Oh will be promptly attended to. piprll 15. lAW „NOTtl.l.i REtitornr.,. —W. ,/,31. PENROSE Imo removed his office to the room tormerly occupied by blot on 3faitt, street a few doors - cast - of - the MethOdist Churrili whirl — he will promptly attend-to ell : business entrusted to Win. August 1,9, 1,557. ---LAW OFFICE.-LEMUEL TODD, has resumed the practice of the Law. Office in t'eutre"tiquere, wet side, u.hr tho First Presbyterian Church. Aprill3, 1837.• 1E M IDE M II JUSTICE OF THE FACE . , 1:0_0111ee oppdelte the West cud of the Court Home Aprll 23, I 556.. • DR.5.,13. KIEFFER Office in North Ihtnover street two doors from Aron & Suns ^- store. Offire hours, more pat ticularlfr from 7 to U o'clock A. M., sod from t, to 7.o'clock, OCTOR ARAISTRONG r-einov tt Lis Oleo to Contra Square nest. of tho Court louso; whom he may be sonsultid at any hour of the day or night. D r . A. has had thirty years exiwrionce in the profebsion, the last ten of which have been dean. .ted to the study and practice of homoeopathic medl, chin May '576m. . • • I.C.LOOMIS South Hanover street, us>: t-deor..,--to- Office. . - paytPlll bo absent from Oailisle the loot • ton days• oroooll month. • (Aug. 1, '56 GEORGE S. • SEA DENTIST, fro m the Dal - College of Deutalburgery. ylka-Offlre at the ItTilduncuot Ids mother, }Est lAmthet street, three doors below Ledford. Itefereore--Dr.(loo Z.ltretz March le, 16.50—‘tf.. • Limos P. Sarnia, Otio. - W. K. 3knutLANz, PommylynTWet:- L. k COOS, nltod• Mond:. . NY D E IWFAI . ttAND,. AND COOK,. Bankers and Dealer+, In foal Eidatew . , MINNIiAPOLII3, Juno3,lBf4,—ly S • • " • CRIVENER • AND: CONVEYAN- ".- OBIL—A. L. SPONSLEII, - laie liogistatof Comber. i!ic and coutity, will carefally'attend to tho transaction of . all - such buslouss as may he entiauded to 'llite,.snah as tho writing of Doodsi Mortgages' Contracts, do, Ile bill also davote his attention to the procuring of Land War rants, Pensions, de. as wall as the purcbasVaud sale of Real Estate, negotiations ) ofloans, no. VLOIACO on 11;yst High Stroet:'f6ranftrly,o'ccupled, liAt rehrosk. • , tisq._noar the liletliadtatThelih. pEAL. ESTATE . AGENCY.; it ANDREW d. tax. • w. JEPP T1101111.7,_ MOO & THOMPSON, - • nave opened an office at St. Joieph, Mo., fop( he par. chose and sale Of Neal Rotate, buying and e - pillug Land Warrants, entering Land oh Time, eurveylneand Mop. plug Towns, Location of Warnuits, arid - oinking invest ments for nor-residents, paying of Taxes, and alLbusi. • truss pertaining to a ()imam Land &gel:icy : in MissourL, ;Plums, Nobniska, and lowa. ; - - sa.,olllco on &mud Strout, North of A.T. BratllA tanking House. • ' [July 30, 180. • RILL I-S•L E A V, FOIIINIiIIIINITY, AGAINST 101/88 RY FlltE. 7 !no FRANKLIN MIRE INSURANCE Co'Y., • : OF PHILADELPHIA. , . . Charter rerpotual.-400,000 Capital paid In. Office 183% Chest.ut. street. , MAIER TNSURANCE.cIthi;r permanent or Ilmitakagalnet loss or damage by flro,QU PROPYRTV Cud arrEers of erely denerlption,'ln torn or ectintry, on the toast reasonable tonna. Applications made either *socially or blotter, will be promptly attended to.. O. N BANOKER,Prea't.' The subscnber Is agent for the above' ctinmany for •Oarlisla and its vicinity. MI applications for insurance either by mall or personalip will be promptly attended to by A. L gf9NBLFE, • d0c.12,1.5. float Estate Agent and Scrivener. , =