Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 13, 1856, Image 7

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a ;
For tlxo Her:pd.
;,The Power aof Coogrels to LoOslate
ork Slavery.
NV .
. _ •
The. Legislation for, the• Territory of Oregoa ,
Itirniebes Bevimal ; instances of a conclusive,
'nature relf,tive.tolhe vicws, of CongresS •on
',the iiii!etioc of constitutional, pOwer:,
-- A bill ofeating a Territorial government,
(cif ititivp,-(in, containing this " That
there shall ueither , be shivery or involuntary
'— serv it u d e in said Teiritory, otherwise than in
the punishment ef critne.N.Wltetrfthe party
? Uive. been"duly
_convicted'," •'passed the,
Ouse of Representatives,. Btl "of Feb. 1845,
Q 3 - 140 . yeas tariff „nays, • When the question
Was put, on the adopthin of this anti-Slavery'
• clause,, there:appeared 129 votes in favor.of
and 69 agaitiat it. Among the yeas were
found - fA Soetbern members, and among the
nays only fiso Northern... Democrats. Oa the
fith of August, 1846, the Oregon 'bill being
under consideration, thelelloWing amendment
was read the' 10th line of section 12,
after the word Oregon, insert,' " and neither
slavery nor involuntary servitude 'Shall ever
exist it , ! s aid , territory, except for crime
whereof tbe•party shall have been
_dilly 'con
.victed." The 'question being put: Will the
House agroe-tberete? it was -decided fin the
affirmative : seats 108, nays 44. 'Six members
fiont the South Voted for this • aggreasioa.-7--
. Again, August 2,
.1848,. upon, agreeing with
the, committee of the whole striking out that
part of the 12th section which extends
ordipanee'of 1787 over the Oregbp, Territory,
the yeas were 88, nays 114 . And. a proposi•
in' the Senate, 10th of Aayst, to
embrnaeshu.lllissouri_Conliromise in -this bill
was carried by the !Zito:Awing _vote
. I Yeas.—Nielisrs Atchiiion, Badger;Dell;Bcii
13errien; - Borland, Bright,....liatier c . gal
hottni „Cameron; Davis:ClD.) Dickinson, -Dou
glas, Downs, .Fitzgerald, Foote, llannegan,
Hottston, Hunter, Johnson, (MS.) Johnson,
'(La.) Johnson, (Ga.) King, Lewis,' Morgan,
Mason, Metcalfe, Pearco, BeinstitiniSpruance,
Sturgeon, Turneyand.Underwood-88 -
ais.--Mesers. Allen, Atherton. Baldwin,
Bradbury . , Breese, Clarke,' Corwin, Davis,
(Mass.) Dayton, Dii, Dodge, .Feloh, Greene,
774rrei-Dhelps, Upham.
Welker W
itud'-ein• - : - ., ' • -
-As til etg Inkjl bp; nu -' eta, b ut that those
Seuatdr`s 4./hti . ,vetad , , in t negative were iu
qi kti
favor .4'fflegialeilaii, but f a different kini.
the Wilmot Proviso—the,vote may be regar
ded is an-expression of the entire , Senate in
- favor at the, rigit.of congress - to Legislate on
SlaverYiu.the' Territories, and the rote in
the .11onso on the motion to concur lir extend:
ing the 1415seuri Coarpromiee also. proves Its
tumplui4;in favor of such a light. It stood,
" yeas B'4; taye'l2l, Southern members voting
in the affirtnative; and Freesoilers in. the neg
ative..- Thia,bill. finally
. passed tho Senate,
- 'with.-the Wilmot proviso, and became a law
~. by receiving the signature of •James K. Polk.
, *here note. more .thatrany,sloce the:govern
, Moat, evin,oe the full aiiiifidenci 'ot'ali parties
1 '
and all sections in tlifi;elieectaae of the power
whioh'ih'dy assert. It was well understood,
.. . .
that, Slavery could not establish itself in Ore
' goM and therefOre its yrohibition was. valu
• • able' only 'ae:
, a tlifclitratioU of au lers.ct
right., It. was-also 'entirely unnecessary to
' 4144 , 01 e. Missouri itestriaticier:since no pert:
' . .of the 'Or,iktiirllay, nontErtif that
,line, except
tia'Ainfire - defiler - 411On- ei - , -- a -- . - priuoipleywbioh
- • wouhiliacibfi.the.,S):o l 444: . I4eing a mere SID"
. . '' '- ' ). ' ' ' b th4;die'lliete' into ao excuse/
• a...419 14 .9P elt ,R , , ~. '.. , „,., - , - , 1
lo,r, either party to violate Conititution. And
does . it seem, reasonable : 1 4 1 4 7 inim e;,ho . fell;
.:Ittat r ..the Conetitution vested them with au-."
-- - tbarity to regiilate,Slavery, and the pro:"
t. I Poatid3T4ulatiOns WrinhilrepulOn,,na, practical
! iiiiiiitil4 the. iiothitii.,;:weiald stilt he. , 15 . OV5i
1 :; -- 40iii,„4. ,k;',...4tiiiitNPii_!toi.oott w h ich
r , i#et #4 owtio,f,o,il4opor.l Had there bin
' , our lipprelieodens,.'4. Slavery . -heeemiag,, es t
ii io 444o l '.;iii 3 Oitstei -* * Wil m ot , proviso-all-'•
ireeite's 'iroat:),"' haT&TSeate 4- exeusa ~ for'there.
4:, e . iielstion of- the QopOitettea,. it ;pie-. hlkssourA ,
rh LlCatiiprtimlae irgiqd'-,liivirkitiTO,Onl'it.,`Oltiajouvti
' '.'i the Teiritislit lif sold , bete Apses. in 4 ihdaoe
':':-,-?':htt. tiYi9r4Pro-eittrWetethheri,lo;;lti,eht oldie ;; ,
gTes9l/400:440j0§ilit Pir if there .
- 4 • isaii , hieu danger soteelmosedieg thruef,,eNing
I:: it ;.fir ~ 4 , i k 41 , - ` I which . ; could
_ ,r, 1.„,,
. tobill 7 _ ~ iiie Ilniatni, have
*lWieol4)so,o4tireeeegtutrbeel:';io — Sel
''''''''''t* . .-fithelhieis4 4 * *llO )1 -1 04.ggtitetd:, fer'siek i
-..,...:,L , ,, , ,..a iL agi e.,,,,,,,,,, ,•,_ _ -,....,t-,- - 2 . .- -- •' ,: 4-1 t
' Pl,94e.tli,Pil!,*."<potair c!Ftitieet•conriderstiowl ,
'.:' , : : -:- .l S.'o4ll , # , AtOt h ir • l iti!ettal. ~ 't!eitt' could bPrii!
,;'' '.i"..,':074:1`514"!?41- .ir:4-Vol:::4ol',',l:iatioitiinol;-; in,
,;, ,A At;kinoil*Aistoiootoiiit3t v)iii . sikdii•' , '
~,,,,,,,,,qtr z i t ; : 4;,-„...,..)::,! _ ,,,1d.,, , 1,i,- ,-. ,,., - --,,,„ „,..i fq
" 'tieSidei3'l4thijiir,i4.-ii,v41,4,, iiiit'lc-`,.
..1.10.1 ' VM. ' ' It , r, or, . , flit.
i:-.0 . do l l 9,11P,4P Mexica n Iva' MOW have
Vl.-.°l" ill ' k'r. 41 111 474r t 1 0. 4 t 1 . 44 ; - .
i n th
uil ,„PA- witP,,, , ,,..l,4),:irtel'ilm.ineoiiii - dis'
6i‘loi.i. . , iiclif'i 4--- u -
ion. .. ~_ 1-,_.
- , ••nntaeut ak law , ffs i , f , , ~,_ ~..
~.., t
- 7-7,7fr...i.M.„.. - , - 7,..r.7 11 5 7 # ' , Awl.
''4 Al' ''' 144 r.,Mlr4igi i vi . 7V. o f #ilbu ~' 01 , 10 li , ttii
,-.:. 1.- f itantWied4if-. a '- . Satttb, , aiiill;d6
. • .
Inlit*ededittlpfislibilitynta ' lity'istablielling
. -„
.. 1;.
itself in any•ofihnite'Teiritoti4io;the abtitrnof
right of exolnsion was:Lived.
The ComProelise ritensiires of 1850; perniit=
ting the people of the acquired Territories.. to:
regulate their own :Institutions, - never `eould
haye ina . law, they not
reoeitod the
suPPO'4 •of Clay tinil 'Aloha' ter, and their ' s tiP •
port would never have been': fifen had
supposed the to — spread - 1110 -
•liusitek :Webster , said; When
speaklnicifthe extension of slavery, "I`re. , ,
glird slavery as a great'moral,".Sonial nod Po
litical spit, arid : ter One: I neisiwouldOentient;
and never have aoosetited;' that tiitero should
be,nne foot ef,SinveTerritory beyond what the
old thirteen States had at the time of the for.-
of 'Union I Never! ',Never !: Nei
• . •
yr; Altb'man.cautiot show, his face to me an
say that he can provb• that I ever departed
from,that doctrine." :And Mr. Clay said, "It
would be an Wort not to propagate right, but
s l.must say, tei - egort to , propagate wrong in,
the l 'aititories dint; acquired froni
I havo.taid tiutt..l never could vote for it, and
I re?eat that I never can, and never will vote'
for it ; and no earthly pOwer,shall 'ever:make"
me vote to punt slavery where slavery (1004
not exist."
*hen the two million bill came' up for con•
sideration in the Senate, 10th August ' , 1846,
bout halran hour.before the time, fixed, for
udjou ent, a motion vas . sfrike out
tho Wilm Proviso, which had been attached
in the Hou e. - Mr. Davie, of Massachusetts,
ook.the floor, and spoke against the motion
ill within a few minutes of adjournment, and
be bill 'ells lost for want of time. Gen. Cass
said with much earnestness, in the presence
of several Senators,. ...that .he regretted much
that Mr. his speech prevented a
vote from• being Oaken ; that he, -(Cass,). and
every Democrat front theFTeii - Siiiie wetild have
voted to sesta,in the Proviso: he W4S very
sorry that ho had been deprived of the opvr 7 ,
tunity" of-voting-upon it; tbat would_have
Amttled-the_tuatter. - " llo_w_strangely_Atewif!._
dered the father of non•intervention wasthen,
And in 1849rwhen thc.agitatiOn of this,ques ,-
dun Was at its very height, every one of the
non-slaveholding States and one of the slave
States, (Delaware,) had instructed their mem
hers in Congress to pass a restriction upon
slavery. These instructions proceeded upon
the idea that Congress had the power _, neoes-
anry to, accomplish this end. What a wide
spread delusion prevailed 'at this period, if
the new doctrine of the Democratic) ilarty is
truo-Wdelusion controlling the Legislators
of every free State in the Confederacy.
It hi also a matter of history that the South
iii 1850 favored the extension of the Missouri
Compromise to the Pitoifie; that it strenuous•
ly resisted , the admission of California', ,be.
intuit) Congress not ~legislate: slaved
in direct conflict with' the will of the' 'people
,of California,_soletunly,exiressed in their on.
stitution, and thatten Senators: signed a.Pro
test against its admi4eion, beciause •• the right
of the sluye.holding States
.to a common en.
joyment of the Territory. of the. Union had
been defeated."
It must not be forgotten in titte,conneotion,
that Mr. Buchanan, who had voted . for Abe
Missouri Compromis e when applied to Texas,
was'at that period laboring in concert with
Sonthern men to-extend .that line to tho,. Pa
oifie, the effect of which would have been . - Ito
give a large portion of California to the evils
of slavery. He . was then, as we are now, for
intervention. He was then in favor of arlend
iso g , a geographical line" , between • slavery
and treediitn. He seems , to have known noth
ing7,of- &limiter- -sovereignty 7 .nothing of the,
right of ! the yeepte to settle their own, inter
net affairs.. There wasianCinoiniuiti 'platform
then to enligh t en; his apderstanding. What a
pity, since h e lig,irji .. liti - i:l .,, pltipo . • himself on• ii,
I•j€o*Ti'PP.oo:':l,k9t,oootal.'fPut ha 5.4.9.
#°,0,0,,,!0',:014:440'--g,if_jio 'Weenie
•eni)Oed th*Ciiiiigress'hai'lin'''Opititutionel
power to regulate the ;affairs cos:,the Territ4,:e
ilea k li He b4fgot notillo4,o4PoFie• lag Gen..
~ Q4O did, that such is tliell .s*44 , ; by.'':the
way, why plioml4,l4lr,,poolman have labored'
to eeiend'tfintline in Ai Piiiiiior. $lO he re.:
iigt -''
gap' eotepromitioe , as Id: ..nco,
, l 4)r ; !moot
4;el n.fitruir.l,leire'l :'; Dig. Iw ' :noneitlor them :
'subject n'Ahe imililliati . ‘ of pert,Y6 , and I teo , o4ller
o , o:o , l4leseurer: , apemoorsts do : : . !1f: le, did,.
iloi4onl4l,l)ilieNee exiiio44;, - "int,11 1 01 4 ,0t 3,
g904,f9,:r,i00,10iii.'11y.-o,`?o,'Pf-:rfri cation
gniel„f hetet a bleier reverence fat !pineal=
: mil l ' which hatl.theniieen th4).0140
:":04% , peat
44iii , tilitti*tiereTinit eiftedted - TIY, its - 04ena
(.0944 . ft.lh i fer ‘. :C 47l o",
, e ,
.1 6 .7 1 . 0 . 1 Piiire .
il '
airprerthieme7;:bektte aaw„)mtlikes Oa ye !
01141444*511400 1 W0400 4 0 0 .0 411 P1 ie
) IR .l4;4o, l o l :. t9 :#4 e il tli • l', * °l* "l l:*iiil6 '
0- .!'4 6 t.'" l 'i ll r il ' fii °4° oii4 U 94l l B ‘; ',4444'.
,h a te aitiateii iti4o444 l :P' ) i'n i. ;: . ; ' ,; !.' P`'''''
Theseus! ) ,iPifilit 10 0#0 9 * till: 0 ,40: AV_
ieitei:r 4 if ,:;* 1 . ,- ;•;,00 4 -40, 0 0t ,, #;:''00 ,4 :' ,1 ";
*kfilii;#44t l° !: tl- ' li t c. ‘7°#' : * t ' ithl !g :
4000114"410,100.440m410k, 0000,1
litiaaatiti iff i etitib leititatlirfltity4 'cw ritk,
itufkibt• OC II I 4 I - :' .ob ) iatl 9 ° •, - thIL-ox 1 4 0 1tOrist;
!o*iiiiltiliV;),liiiiiiiiii ea, ittitlM roue 0
ilie l eie'4(l4iii,o4ol*.,43olo')l7: o tti s rlow:
iifiiiiiiiioo#oo*ol,B444,-ihic,,i ofit;id!''
ie'priiiky , an evil i: , Viet ;4bie response' mime
• fi =
Icirtti3to 4eralb.
-from the Oonth. .
' Mr. Jeflereon considered slavery as a "blot
on our •eduntrY;' , o.,., eat political end' moral
evil ,:" and itninired; the :liberty of l i
lion be thmight secure when'welinve removed
their only ..firm, conviction the
:ninth; Of the people that these libertistrare the
,gift.ef Gad? That they tire'Mit to la;vilelated .
but-with. -his -wrath'?-;lndeed
my country , when I reflect. thitt,God is ,just,;
that his fuiticoMinnot sleep forever I" .
hlr.:Mndison said; in the Convention- which,
, framed. the. constitution,.: object ,;.to the
WUrd slave' appearing,- in the Cnnstitution,,
which I trust is to be the charte(of. freedom
'to unborn milliOne, uor would I t willinglY per;
petuate the memory of the !tot -art gayer!, -ever
rxisted , in our .cofn try. It is a' great:evil, and,
under the Providence of God, I look forward
tosome'schethe of emancipation Which , shill
free us from it. po not, therefore, let us ap
pear as if . vve regarded it .perpetual by,' using,
in out free Constitution; an'odious word op
posed to everysentimeneof freedom. i ' k.
„ _
r.' = iAN'S PILLS;
The combination of ingredients- in those rills is the re
suit of a long And extensive practice; they are mild in
thbir operation; and certain. of restoring nature, to-i .
proper channel. in every instance have these Pills pro
ved successf al. They open those obstr,uctions
to which Yomales are liable, And bring nature into its
proper channel, Whereby health is restored and the pale
and deathly countenance changed-to healthy ono. - No
female eau enjoy good health unless she is regular; and
whenever an obstruction takes place; Ahether. from ex
posure:cold or any other cause,the general ,health
mediately begins to decline, and the want of such a rem
edy has beep the cause of so many, cotnoimptioMi among
young females. - To hales whose health will not. rermit
of an increase of their family, these pills will prove a val
noble Acquisition, as-'they will prevent pregnancy:—
Headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, 1037
thing of food, and di turbed sleep do most always arise,
from she interruption of nature;, and whenever that is
the case, the pills will invariably remedy All thert evils.
Nor - nre the , leSs atilevious in the cure of Leticarrll[ett,
commonly called the "Whites." Thesepills should nev
er be taken during pregnancy, as they would be sure to
cause a miscarriage. Warranted. pu'roly Vegetable, end
free front anything lid ictriou.s tq MU or health. Fulland
explicit-directions at:company:Mitch box. •
.----'fbese pills arc square Hat boxes--Persons
residing where there .ii 3 no agency established:by onilo.
inrOneilollarion-letter,-pro.paid,Ao_Dro suss
u.+:, '0.267, Illeeckerstreet, New York, can have them
sent to their respective addressive by Gail, ._
. .
, __,.. -..
'4; n tADDLEANIfi 7 IcA - RNESS. ...blift.:•-
k j 10. The. Siabscilber cantlnties • tri'cairy- on the .
abovebusiness,in all its,larlons branehos,ln North Ilan
over street, Carlisle.two dooni North. of Loonard's corner
-whore ho intends keeping onliand a general assortinent
In his, lino, consisting of all kinds etfeabionabla SAD
.. - phe.s; Bridielc Martingales, Uirths,
CI rcl 'talcs and Halters, also TR U N li S,
„Q: : :,,,,, , , \. „., \ , trareling and saddle :,..1.. : 1-..1
• - 11, ,\ , ,'4,':•,, - , • bags. 'lie also man- ,-..,1, ~
, , ' l,l lOllV — . ' ufitctures ' the most 1-"! VA 1 .'
' • 1 1 [l 4 .i'ill'l
,'' z ! sprzT2d S*'S `Xi sn , .
• .--.. il # l l l' , !: , (' ;' ' ''
et Stumm ever used In this
, wintry, and-thcotr wishing a band.
' \\Yl'6l I ' : some, - durable and pleasant - saddle
. : 1.: ' will do well to calland see them. Ile'
a :- -also ; manufactures 'liarness,lirldlev,
.. Collars and Whips In all their verbs.
tres, and Confidently believed' from the general approba
tion of' hie claiitoineektliat. he makes the • neatest and
bast gears. in all thole :variety of bredth, that Is made In
the country. Ile also' mikes •n!) kinds of Stair:asses to
order; via: '. Straw, Husk, Curled , ITair and Spring Mat.
tames. lillthe above articles will be made ofthe best
material 5 . 0. workmanship, and with Abe . utmost des.
patch., ' ; 5.0. ',
~. ',' '-• , • • '-, .-. , - :.. WM:OSBORN.
gust lecalved, a lot of Chain fans of Shroines' and
Mohlor's manokixtturo. - .Alsols fine moan:lent e(uty,
;Straw; d 7 Fodder 'Cutters, of four different alfidei; nE
the cheap Mande:are Store of
*has moved his store from the fon - net:amid to his
now building,' immediately opposite, and adjoining. Mr.
C. Introit's Store • lie. hig reado' - ertery,Franitfinent to
preterve Medicines fresh and pure, - and. having
replenished his assortment of carefully Aelectod drugs,
be is now again prepared to attend to bulginess with
are end promptness. ills assortment will . tarnish
almost every,thing that May be' called for, eittuir bythe
physician. or the fluidly. for,dourestio use. The greatest
care and precantien will ,ho observed in the, compound
ing of prescriptions and. dispensing of medicines. • Ills
assortment of Confortionaries and Fancy Is'vigry
- genend, and will enable purchasers to,sult themselves.
May 28, 1856.
With a Splendid inlietjr of ' '
The : - undersigned has just rePlonlitheci his stock of
goodm itdd as. hie Drirgs7arid - Chemicalir, - have been se- -
lected•with groat care, he isprof4teidote till all enters
promptly.2..HisTriouds may, rely upon the genuineness
and 'purity of every article.
His stockA:of CONFACTIONARY•ts large and selected
'with special re:kronen to the iibliday'r. Will agent ,
nni variety persons may deiluk in that liap. tuts a
- meet ef yronchiliertnad and domestic Fancy*
Can Mr, Irish and of the' very'best 4 - itudity.'.Hisns•
holipOtit,„Of W HY-1300D8' is large 'add embraces al.
Ihrost over" tbdirrnapekserr for the Toilet and Family.
Iretriviteis special'attiision to his Fancy Work lidzeoc
haJleeltage,eidollre: 'bottiek Watch' and - Card Trays,
Pert vOims,'.lrOit • .
-41Mielt witlesiresnall 'profits' iftitr strict conehiteney lu
tradeLlitegl eturcZertr,odr-bniiness.-
A J.
111LIJOS 1.-'DAITG : S:JTPRUGS, I :-Friiili
ItfSUPPLY I —I have Just.- cseelsial a MO otook or
rt— ukuovxi t u
kn oo, taw, 00, gc.,' WhlChi Wing
bon p d • erlth.., great. acke at the best city
Ake , ' put deltly recolutuott.:to: Faiailles,
. It 'couatll./ilarr4m4l4.4 l d P. 1 84 1 11.6 11 be'
log broth attdipute .. -.; .-., 1. . • ~, - , , •- • - _ "...
, uatmts.:NßAtsat BiediOloosik, Mini' , CiieinloabrV 11/Or*
mettle, puieltisentlat 0114 ,Alarba,alld UtractS, Pelee%
grothid &salamis; Ses9lllll•Xerfm. 1 1 na 4te,.. '
CS Lica.
g ad d er . , . , t 4. ' ''
.' ' '
DIVIIIIIII3-. 4 lholloalsi ,Mauders, Su m ac, 'Mau; Leg
lid debt Woodsy 011,yltiloli 0 0 PPers" itaPPY , e• . '
I'Miggir-sWAWIr....t3 Brotheest Pltitlocte,:tlbtaine
t s tl thd (Mow, r PainkandAvOr44,BrPin_ „el; ; 11.1 1g
WhydoirtinuWlgnioed.eui . Impugn% wpm) acid ectitc
Varnish; god Rik Lood.t"otorhiou - wrowsol# at the
very gmeaftitarket rice. ..,.:: ~.,, ol 4. 4 v ~,, ! ''`....'"., ,6:
, . Alio; Altesh is t otlepletuild_aalertutept- ef ,%It'd N;C T ,
000D8,,tiltuite,,,OoltlectIrdaril.1141 inullWa'ble ethef
articles calculated for use, sag :0114414.14, ell of , which'
are cdferedut the„loWesch. peteepeet.the Eticl,twagii
,IleekSuld gittcr Eit. ef Abe nbsoribm'on NOttb l Hain.
t fteiret ft bti ~_u . ~
...1 . ,. 1 -_*! . ., - .),., ..13;11,.: .11ATIPOMOK?
'FitaSWV/tUo s l ol s l) .NraVa b.
' ' ,'lAia-i4--tiorrafjillki*atlrad,,AliTti.ghiladelPhia and,
. "..° ' ' f•001r0r , 94 ,1 . 1 0.41 0 , 4 : 01401ti0n04 " 37 .
AbripP4„ ~ C:IX 0 Te 01 1 4 4 0 1,
77.17 O,AO/li ,, , ;;.., 4,atik o r lo - ' 7 ith
lr!: • MLA: f- "1 151. . /14 111itr . 4 0 1 1114 b:.
lraioW.ti r ith, .. , V I M'
ibil l Yirith : 0144000V0400; . t i ,,- . I IL 1, A., ~,::
skit deteisekttiod,4o4o,ol%, „. : rr e e l lii! ,, li;
All Pals *All. cOOl l l4l- . . 0 . .;* .. „0 4 „
1 54P 44 41 1 g 1 ig:;;;40 64 1: 44 ig
' *lOO 0 . 44,10 01 4,,„ 11.1 VVt r4k" , ~ a T l it t at ' •:;
..,-• : -.7 . ,. , :X ~ 1., 9 ..' •,: ' ,:.', . &d:?-7,1, ‘t: ,, , ^,, . ...T. 1 . %
1 ' kisit
Prug plote6:
Stores .aub 01)opo.
- • i have now on hand and'im , rall'
m y
..!.) :taint on
.41tiin Street, opposite Alarloir an
entirely now antlehigaut stock of .
. • AVATCII ES, .1431'.5L1tt,,• MERALIONS, &c. •
Gold Leve'r Watchelt, hunting and open ease, Silver do, -
Silver Lupine, 9uarter 11,atches, a large variety, .1
Gold Anchors for 1 4 adies crud Gentlemen. •••
Medallions,=uspiendtd asseftnMqt, for Indies and genta.
nsist Pins of every fiattern, and all pricit; -
Gold eliminator resrand'fob, geld earl, ebninti, - • .
Finger Rings, Culf-pins, Studs,.Sleeve Iluttrms, • •
Crosses. Drop and Ilonp Ear.llings, a large variety,
'Silver and Plated.lorlks, ;rabid and Toe Skons,.Butter
Knives • &e:rokrarious styles and prices, • " '
gold Mid Slivrer '
Thiinbles •
Gold, Silver dud Common Speci tales, a large assortihent •
to salt - all . gas, and to which we Invite particular
attention.. , •
Port Monnales, a large assortment at every price,: •
Gold Pone, of the hest,make at various prices,
Fancy Boxes: Port Folios. Amalie - 6ns, Spertoclo cases, • .
liadiesCard Cases, silver tindpearl, at varloxis'prlces,. ,
llracolets, gold and 4ortunon: 'Watch Chains ditto.
'Alsoia Into Varloty of articles In the Jewelry Him,
which I :trill soil at tho lowest prices. All articles:war
'ranted to be what thoy are sold for. '
Partienlar attention paid to the REPAIRING OF
WATCHES and all work warranted. Iteturnine:Thinas
tormy old friends and customers fur foru•rr patronage,
I respectfully solicit a continuance of their fi %bsis
june2o • • . VIOISIAS CONLYN.
~, i °
'ff 5p it0 5,.. .......6 . . 4,'... VEW GROCERY—
RIE-40- J,.. 1 AND VARIETY STOli H. -
The subscriber ivt respectfully inform his friends and
the public gone Ily, that he has just returned *Willie
city, with a larged varied assortment of
FISH, he., &.. which ho offers for sale on tin ib
most reasonable terms, at his Nevr Semi-4"
corner of North Hanover street and the Puf• '. , , -.
lie Sguare,alirectly opposite the Carlisle De. ...
posit Bank. His' stock ombrases everything usually
n - a Grocery add -Variety. store. . .
The public are invited to call and examine his stock
before purch sang elsewhere, 11.4 he feels confident he can
I sell the best goods at the lowest prices.
- ' . - J. D. HALBERT. .
?GROO.3O-30r- eRI ES
. 'rho 91111Beribei" just
added to his former stock h ireutral selection
. of CGOICY.
GROCERIES, its well as all the other variety of articles
+visually kept , in a Grocery Store, embracing ibis
X •t l Colfee--4oristed and green—at 123, and 14 cents
-1 " -11 per Ih.,.Orleaus, Clarified, Crushed and Pulverited .
Sugars, of fine Of/Mies; Chocolates: Spices, Dairy
Salt. and a variety of Fancy articles, all of which are o.
fered at the lowest'eash prices. We are.tbankful for the
fornierstippoit given us., - and invite a further call from
our friends and customers. 0 J. W. EBY.
Marion Ball, '
WARE—OId housekeepers and young, with tlals
also who are expecting to bocenaihousekeepers.are Writ
okto call at ' HALIIRRT'S FABIILY .01:00EltY and .ox
amine-his elegant assortment of Phina glass and queens.
ware and other artieles In the housekeepingline, such
- as - French - and - linglish - ten Sets,-beasy , banded and pleb
,Whito Granite; gilded and blue plain; Dinner sets of riy!_
cry variety end price, bowls and pitchers, tureens. dish
es, &c. Glas.s.ware--centrii table and mantel letups,
Candelabras and olher - hino, groat - verity, trble end bar
tumblers, goblets. &c. "Fruit and preserve . O.shes, son.
rioty. Codar-waro—tubs, buckets, churn s. biitter
'prin ts and mord buckets. &c. Brushes-sweeping,
white wash, scrubbing. band and shoe brushes. dusters,
brooms, Ac. Market. clothes and 'travelling baskets.
Also a choice assortment of Tobacco and Began... Call
he who are fond of choice brands of Segrirs and try the
Prlncipei, Begtillas, .Btoffanonls and other Calst varlet lei',
and' you will find thorn of unitnpeachnble'quality. Also
nor Spanish and Commor gogars, with ehoile snuff and
tobacco ; ' -
• BARGAIN/11l DARGAXNSt ' , •••
Thesithscrlber , has just returned Iron New York and
Philadelphia, and is MM. upening em Immense stOck of
the most splendid • '
ever brought to Carlisle.
'DRESS GOODS:- -- -Itto ladles will and a large assort
mart of beautiful dress goods, of the newest a - 01es and
EMBROIDERIF.S.--Over 100 Needle-worked Collars
and Flouneings, and Insertinge, in great variety.
CARPI:TINOS—An entire new souportrueni Of Imperial
Ingrain, Venitisn. and Stair Carpets.;''_' • ". •
BOOTS AND 8110E8.—A full supply of ladles.'; (lehts'
Boys. Misses'‘. and Children's Shoes, all kinds and
-sises..--1 1 11111s'Ilne .Shoes,for Ladled and Misses_ imthe
assortment. ' , ••
DOMESTIC/1,-4. large stock of Mantis, Cheeks,
Tiekings, do., at the the very lowest, petal:
In short, every article in, the Dry 04 , a line will be
found, In the assortment-zbest quality, newest'style,
and at the very Ipwest pricgs. AILIIf want of .linnd•
some and cheap was will do well to 'call at the old
stand, East Main street.
April 9, 1856,) ' CIIABLESNXIILDY , : .
ATENir 00013 S.—The subsoribei h.aa
L just re&ircd,and is now oponing a large assort
moat of Mk'. 'OOOD3 suited to the scason—,platuge
call and get bargains.
.fios iitting - AnD .Jitactjtitern.
i A I LA ING.—The undersigned would inforlithe .
i\ i
a:' l citizens of Carlisle that he has in du arrange'
inentg to dU tiASFYLVIItia and PLUMBING tt sliOrt no'
tiro, and oit reasonable terms. lie l lino ensti ed the .iforl
vises or a lire. rate bend Item Rhiladelphis, a beiligup
idled hiss elf with an extensive assortment l cif FIXT
G lefts; w,iich will unable him to till all orders rouiptly
All 'work will be warranted.. llis stook otGas Pixturv.
will 1 e-Cound-in-the roomaaartly opposite his_Tinillug_
establishment =North am:Lover street, where he invites
• TINNING, SPOUTING, ilic.—lle Is alsorepared .Bi:
furnish, of make to over, every article of T IN WA pt
usod by housekeepers/slid others. „Ila will ilici :Gild
ThankfUl for the patreneg with "Illicit he hailaliT4lo/
-- _
bee* favored, he;roipscilkti
theisatne. " -
•- - -
• ' ' ' CARLISLE ‘F.CUiqDRY. , .:-..
41 11 11_,,„, AND MACHINE SIION
,::-.). / 7,1 " 4 ". tor suticeiber hes An? satistactiOn of in.
: .5 ... at ; MIL: tonnin bls old il . leixdp sad piOnns tliel ``
, ~.Wil sspk nt,ls italn In # Ore QS
ted.! a, nen...bidldloo lisTinii,* ll erected 412416111 e lan '
di isC stops axe lunliAlltAlloif 01:11gla*tini Vitin . tids• '
plete working adwn- lornsOl, Ige th_erefeen, retike#4l)l. 4 ,
Bandied for, eek In his, line•'*dek ?OF 1"' one 3"
Duns end Inine best simmer.' ' , ' • -:: 7•-
r . ". 1 1•17„ tyrSAISI,BNQUiga ,TAIlPir 'Ai' *HOW' 1 " ' "'-'
`and lipelnidi• • AlllO4llOO Ytintd4elf
sin" P l l*'ltiEs; -4
Cleist - tdills end , Itsonnlefs n'OlPinxl ,M!ift //fneMl l
ris k a
Spindles dreseed and tOrnelT. ,•= .. = ' :. 1 . - 1 , r
.11ORSE, ROWEIMELVIO 7 : B O;ttitYAO *EA.., V 1
curb se SeTli Seer Santeseres.,Penkan 0 w t rW I T
Vont , gone And Tno./ i /NSNois, 9 ' Ito'
esitandflensiniene eptmOe _e ' &nand , '
EnWIMAIWWWW4iOI loPliglrriVn -14 ; 41 r
"thdidtaktert . o*)iid as . 94 03 04 , 41 1 4 I alaritN4 ‘,
Spur)seutdievilL;lininelL , fineseenK, 4, , w Plo ',‘
cothaigsicittwkl4ol ,,, , , 'neat ' :Box. k
oillpindlesi......„ll ..,,,,,.. e luneelno, 4.
Oa band nlinlinnuilfhig I 1 14 E% # _ ' 000 4'
INO STOVES, ono is,tioio y ns weind StiOielo
.oyeksionilegionind r tormfq,_„,,koA 9f w o c d , ton t r i t°
Steeenilitides.' 4l l‘7 • _ Ri e rlAilikaP4 ail kindei? *1 ',
thltiettitAll kinds ex 21,403ici , ll4oooor tato ,
a opeduallovlbri Nati -.-., :, 1 - 07 -,, , ~ ~
.......v ~,
of 4 i0,r ,, 7 *.si •- ,• r 4.111. ' 0 '., ~. GANO* III '''''
`4l# l lll#ii , S LOOK' #,t ,
7. THREMINO )1011111V8 s
inthiwiteses Atsige, to ingwn Owners PtA l 7 4 ;
tioitablatOtbtrottil!rfoOtlMVl 40 are ebn
Of - es loth tPknerinvih,
' Patrrat i tlr t rrttbiWatli witidgedi. 10 bit
Ow OW. alt 91. 14 %?O'f,Stk drot r ir.
n0ri..(?.t4,41,4400#4, 5 traw
attend to stAtt:rPl l 4l,,g # . 4 0 7" 1/11 - 411 0 411 Zr
the, est winner, se , MOM" St
tory+ on North ItnAnaver i etmt * ,,,llretyl7`lerlersite the,,.
restdeuee of Geerg -litetrgtril; l 4. • ' t 4 ••
. August e , 0:47 • • "P/8 & -•Pl=
c • „
--- •
V- rer-of
Coarse, Medium ail Fine in mesh . : large, middle , sli..
and small in dituneter.. 0.- •
• . METALL° •CLOI LIS CR Wt.ll' Mg. WIRE, . •
of the boat qualities. 10110116 FIZThRbt mesh, from Nos.
to SU inclusive, and from one to six feet in width.
' They are numbered so Many elpaceate the lineal
and cut to snit. ' ' • " • ;•-•
The subscriber also Unepa ennstantly.cri hand,
for' coal, saud-ore, - .llmo, grain, gravel. guarwil.stim:
sugar. salt, hone, coffee, fpice, drugs. dye-stuffss '
Together with nn--asiortnent •of ithiCipTi . AND.
-- All the abut: , sold whoio..,
and retail by J. Ai 'NEADLES.,', I .,
, - 64 Front Street, Phila.
. Juno 4,1650.—1 y. • , ,
I ) ENSLOW & .0 . 7;t:00/gb i ll.SSI0, 1
:114ClIANTS,. •
. , and WhOleaule Domlorwin all tatohfot <• •"
• 21 South Froutstroot. PhiladOphitt. , :
. .
ImPortors of Fine Ifavana Sogars, of the ch 0 1, ,.:: •
growths 'of the' Vueltwnbnjo. : A largo asrortmeni
which aro kept consanttly on band, and for utle at
small cuiva co on cost of-importation. . .
trail nments respectfully solicited, on - mbi. ,,
' liberal adca es 1,111 be Mod() vvhon desired.
-- Special atto tion iron to ordors for purchnse on 0
titistdon of To aceo. is MAO every deseriptiori ofslerch: •••
diso. for accOuntr partial living at a distance from t
market. . - •
trii.Sole 'Ago i for F:A.Goetzes ,colebrated , Oern . -
Smoking 'rota , •o, comprising thirty different vorieti. : •
- April 23, - 18.'• '.—ly,. „ .
• •
..T.—The subi;Criliers having removed to their ' • . --
• No. 2i'S . Chestnut Street; fourth door above Tenth. • •
Arc now prepareitto offer a large and well selected sii . ' •
of the Billowing fresh and desirable goods. principall3 '
their. owti importation, or bought at auction, win
they...aro . ahle 'to sell at the importer's' priees, and..
• which they cordially invite the attention et — Count . •
'Merchants, lintel Keepers, and families generally. .
.. _
1111aulT.sGicreyoanna4nidrAriselinLittin7nWsihneedetwinSgh, 71 4 1, , n t;4 g. ,
11 , •2- • % . • . •
4„. y 1„4
. - Bolster nd PilloW.Linens of several choice bleachr , ,
and all wldthicfriim 38 to 54 inches. ' ...'
bed Blanketsof all rises and qualities. .. ; •
Crib and radio Blankets. ' • , •
lied Quilts of the following. varieties. viz:' Marselll • : '
Welting; Knotted..RegisterrAlhatithla,_4llendide a.
bannister, (Anil the desirable sires. • '
Bureau Cetera, Table Covers, WindevcCurtainlilus l • ..
Towels and Toweling of every variety, Damask Tate .-
Cloths:old Napkinii.-Shirtlng Linens and Muslin: Cai
brie Haudkerchlefli, Embaolderies, Hosiery, Ac. - Bre ,
tel, Damasks, :Rumens, Enbroidered Lace and Ildusii
Curtains, Gilt Corniced. Bands, Gimps,'Cord; A.e.
Importers and Dealers in - Linea and House Pornii...
lug Goods. - • , _ , .
April rAIBSII-6m.
, .
'rho undersigned would retfully call the atte
tion of Country Merchant/land
d those In want of Stoi.
to their extensivo stock of .
entnprising a greater assortment than carthe found •
any other Fiore Irrtlie United States.
Purchaserswill find it ,an advanhfge to give tte a IT
&lora buying - eleTwbere: - For salelVbolesalo and I •
-tail op thomost liberatterms.,
N. E. Corner 2nd and Bac: 'lreets;
N 'Di—Also agents, • for the, calcine
Mating gtoviak • - April 30. 5&-3
. •
14,0*11451i 4
, RitlB:
lj~ln~cl~~j;;~ ,
N- 0 N
Wholesale and Rend ? .
N 0.76 South Second St., Cower of Carter st.
The establishment has been enlarged end•impnn., ,
and is supplied with the largest and best 'Retail St,
in the City; principally of his own nuinufactur , .. Hit) '
c h oice assortment from the . best Eastern lturl'et
bracing Ladies,' Gents', and Children's ~
Of every' description, style- and quality, embracing t I
best stylei and qualities in this or any other marl;
This stock cannot •be excelled for Quality Style a,
rked at the very lowest;ppsall
Cheapness. t,
.Each article- la marked at,
price, trout which no.deviation Wlll,Jui made.. Fre
trayagant statements will be needed, mid noun Lunde
effect salete.r.
Goodyear's 09111 in all - variettes. - Para Gauni,
scarce In, the market, always on hand. - - 'The 'publit
respKtlully invited tcheall. LAlli II 1, Issl.
..._ .
Mathematical Drawing Instrinneult, Separate and
cases, such its Dividers, Parallel Itules s lvorycliox.w , ,
and: l'Aper Scales, .1' Squares; "Prituagles, , Bow Pe
Drawing Pone, Protractors, Ounter'i' Scales; Tape M.
ures, Motalle Surve yor's e Engineer's
and - 4 Polo.,
and 100 f o ot, ComPaSses, Engineer's Le%
aud , Trinsits, Target Rods '&c., &c. Maple - Lanternr'
the bolt 'cotiatruction. Scriptural Magmas, Astromi , .
Natural ilistory, "tumorous, Chioniatrope ex Artitli
Fire works, Dissolving Views, Magnets., Poloramas, 1'
Vamps, Electrical apparatus, Galvanic apparatus an ,
large collection of Philosophical Instruments, suit,
• for colleges and schools. Also, Spectricies,, Spy Glare
'lillcrosteves, Thermometers, Barometera "Iteadingitle ,
sex Lc. - • • ; —,:, ' , - i :.,.,"*., • • ••e
Having' received the 'agency 'fiiir #ko7'sale of Ilf
Ilitilflit'S , SOROOLIAPPA.RATUS;4' , ..tini „ ,pepared
'furnish Teachers with an Or ry, a Tollgihra, a Nunn.
i l ia* , a 6 Inch 010 * a miSkltare (Hobe, a set
Geometrical - S o lids, a Diagne and Text Book , all pact
in a box with luck and ke for 40 0 . 5 4litpttotod L.
ikra.td4atalognes forwsrd rotte. •• , ,:, .: .
' . ' • ' . ,„
JAMES VV;:1111:1EEN,
264 Chesnut St,• Philadelphia, Rant ; of 10th St
FR EN C H TRUS S ES, —Hernia
ItilittOresucocestally peated,ap*lxim . tort ins u re.
Y use or the elegant :French Trtriaisti, itatForted by t •
subscriber, and tossle to Order exprerailylartls sales.
All •utiong loth Rupture to ten
that the oceasion,uoirdfferai to procur e a Truss comlo •
SAS .liFtreldri,Thchtlatassevdtts Oise, diratility and corr ,
099Straction,lp lieu of the cumbrous and unconafor
blvailirleandally sold. An exteasiveastortmen
on hand, adapted to every variety of Rupture in ado
add childnftralad - roriale at a range to suit I.
. Cost Of Stogie. Trosses, , li2, "taut 5 a.- Dmitadi 4:
S4.' ta, stud S • • •
Pawns at a dastancaean. havea, auat
dress by remittlag the amoUnt, sending measure mai
tb6 hips. acid stating aids Waded.
': For Faio Wholesale and Retail hysha Warr: ..‘r I s,‘
- I . t,cumigg
SAC sor . o'ftwelle* *Rue ladelphia. -
Depot Dr:patininetisapratS Brs.
wiped. ,ry cops and ‘ go,
porta., Liidlee-p.oule: with , competent:tad/ attendeco
, ~.<: ,:[ , *pail 11. ,
. „ , , , , ~
'FAQ 10.0t.E! ,
::,A . B 8 0 e 1;44q 0 IN
• "•_.l'
. Zilialkiterx,,ANN9lienT
' , i t i;l'''' • iiiiui ikelktedlaticfliVoistr , “ 2 - 411040 --
, 11
4WWE , =Eli irglift,i9gi,:tWOPT&
-,. :.
t ioV . ::I • . ter s. p ~ ira4l'
?'.aitiß4)lo,itL .; • . 044 . Alk 1 1 1 ' tf t
which' ..
kligused,by naxam •.. se -
__ . ( I_,
),?rp A thred 011 Mks Clasat, pc. .1 3 1.g i v i ; 03 w74
iligwkeks,,opfisa i a,'4.,•‘ 12, assne .0 1 1 .1;; ,
11) attlTWaqql4 _ , A ..., w ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
.. g .
itfcti4,(4lo43ur_kreltll,,,, l e a * r46, arc " P r o .
anti a 1141640.3144,‘4 , • •, d suirsorw_
habits of-ittliatakatathaiiiitin,
to VORNItill bizotatlON - inta ~.., , naaii .. sion ,
irhallawald Amocist 7 . 1 11 b M, 4ii e ja it.
sstablialtadAy 'pedal onwill t zs li , __ llThillimt
and Pr
; a sad ; $ll 4 l / = 1 :41W . 24,.„.....ti1i0 ft." *t ri i ,' .
, n - "fialt titor3 : 16311 , 1 t 1111011111*. a,,w b
i... 1,
Lk • ".Vtilitigoriuillukil th .
, mo;zrtiio . tr4( , it , ra ,
,irti t4o4lb i.,:voietti,„ -et 7;4;4 "?L'''2.:,,;, f,
' ' r IZO.A..D. ItgAtlTlVEitilread4iPt.
.1:.! .,-- 41 , h; -• .: • .i, , .,A 6100. sorigFo t Secretary.