El a ; otiUcaL For tlxo Her:pd. ;,The Power aof Coogrels to LoOslate ork Slavery. NV . . _ • The. Legislation for, the• Territory of Oregoa , Itirniebes Bevimal ; instances of a conclusive, 'nature relf,tive.tolhe vicws, of CongresS •on ',the iiii!etioc of constitutional, pOwer:, -- A bill ofeating a Territorial government, (cif ititivp,-(in, containing this " That there shall ueither , be shivery or involuntary '— serv it u d e in said Teiritory, otherwise than in • the punishment ef critne.N.Wltetrfthe party ? Uive. been"duly _convicted'," •'passed the, Ouse of Representatives,. Btl "of Feb. 1845, Q 3 - 140 . yeas tariff „nays, • When the question Was put, on the adopthin of this anti-Slavery' • clause,, there:appeared 129 votes in favor.of it and 69 agaitiat it. Among the yeas were found - fA Soetbern members, and among the . nays only fiso Northern... Democrats. Oa the fith of August, 1846, the Oregon 'bill being under consideration, thelelloWing amendment was read the' 10th line of section 12, after the word Oregon, insert,' " and neither slavery nor involuntary servitude 'Shall ever exist it , ! s aid , territory, except for crime whereof tbe•party shall have been _dilly 'con ... .victed." The 'question being put: Will the • House agroe-tberete? it was -decided fin the affirmative : seats 108, nays 44. 'Six members fiont the South Voted for this • aggreasioa.-7-- . Again, August 2, .1848,. upon, agreeing with the, committee of the whole striking out that part of the 12th section which extends ,the ordipanee'of 1787 over the Oregbp, Territory, the yeas were 88, nays 114 . And. a proposi• in' the Senate, 10th of Aayst, to embrnaeshu.lllissouri_Conliromise in -this bill was carried by the !Zito:Awing _vote . I Yeas.—Nielisrs Atchiiion, Badger;Dell;Bcii . ton, 13errien; - Borland, Bright,....liatier c . gal hottni „Cameron; Davis:ClD.) Dickinson, -Dou glas, Downs, .Fitzgerald, Foote, llannegan, Hottston, Hunter, Johnson, (MS.) Johnson, '(La.) Johnson, (Ga.) King, Lewis,' Morgan, Mason, Metcalfe, Pearco, BeinstitiniSpruance, Sturgeon, Turneyand.Underwood-88 - ais.--Mesers. Allen, Atherton. Baldwin, Bradbury . , Breese, Clarke,' Corwin, Davis, (Mass.) Dayton, Dii, Dodge, .Feloh, Greene, 774rrei-Dhelps, Upham. .. Welker W itud'-ein• - : - ., ' • - -As til etg Inkjl bp; nu -' eta, b ut that those Seuatdr`s 4./hti . ,vetad , , in t negative were iu qi kti favor .4'fflegialeilaii, but f a different kini. the Wilmot Proviso—the,vote may be regar ded is an-expression of the entire , Senate in - favor at the, rigit.of congress - to Legislate on SlaverYiu.the' Territories, and the rote in the .11onso on the motion to concur lir extend: ing the 1415seuri Coarpromiee also. proves Its tumplui4;in favor of such a light. It stood, " yeas B'4; taye'l2l, Southern members voting in the affirtnative; and Freesoilers in. the neg ative..- Thia,bill. finally . passed tho Senate, - 'with.-the Wilmot proviso, and became a law ~. by receiving the signature of •James K. Polk. , *here note. more .thatrany,sloce the:govern , Moat, evin,oe the full aiiiifidenci 'ot'ali parties 1 ' and all sections in tlifi;elieectaae of the power whioh'ih'dy assert. It was well understood, .. . . that, Slavery could not establish itself in Ore ' goM and therefOre its yrohibition was. valu • • able' only 'ae: , a tlifclitratioU of au lers.ct right., It. was-also 'entirely unnecessary to ' 4144 , 01 e. Missouri itestriaticier:since no pert: ' . .of the 'Or,iktiirllay, nontErtif that ,line, except tia'Ainfire - defiler - 411On- ei - , -- a -- . - priuoipleywbioh - • wouhiliacibfi.the.,S):o l 444: . I4eing a mere SID" . . '' '- ' ). ' ' ' b th4;die'lliete' into ao excuse/ • a...419 14 .9P elt ,R , , ~. '.. , „,., - , - , 1 lo,r, either party to violate Conititution. And does . it seem, reasonable : 1 4 1 4 7 inim e;,ho . fell; .:Ittat r ..the Conetitution vested them with au-." -- - tbarity to regiilate,Slavery, and the pro:" t. I Poatid3T4ulatiOns WrinhilrepulOn,,na, practical ! iiiiiiitil4 the. iiothitii.,;:weiald stilt he. , 15 . OV5i 1 :; -- 40iii,„4. ,k;',...4tiiiitNPii_!toi.oott w h ich r , i#et #4 owtio,f,o,il4opor.l Had there bin ' , our lipprelieodens,.'4. Slavery . -heeemiag,, es t ii io 444o l '.;iii 3 Oitstei -* * Wil m ot , proviso-all-'• ireeite's 'iroat:),"' haT&TSeate 4- exeusa ~ for'there. 4:, e . iielstion of- the QopOitettea,. it ;pie-. hlkssourA , rh LlCatiiprtimlae irgiqd'-,liivirkitiTO,Onl'it.,`Oltiajouvti ' '.'i the Teiritislit lif sold , bete Apses. in 4 ihdaoe ':':-,-?':htt. tiYi9r4Pro-eittrWetethheri,lo;;lti,eht oldie ;; , gTes9l/400:440j0§ilit Pir if there . - 4 • isaii , hieu danger soteelmosedieg thruef,,eNing I:: it ;.fir ~ 4 , i k 41 , - ` I which . ; could _ ,r, 1.„,, ,re . tobill 7 _ ~ iiie Ilniatni, have *lWieol4)so,o4tireeeegtutrbeel:';io — Sel ''''''''''t* . .-fithelhieis4 4 * *llO )1 -1 04.ggtitetd:, fer'siek i -..,...:,L , ,, , ,..a iL agi e.,,,,,,,,,, ,•,_ _ -,....,t-,- - 2 . .- -- •' ,: 4-1 t ' Pl,94e.tli,Pil!,*."