Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, June 10, 1843, Image 3

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    J 1
Report of the Sunbnry School District,
Fr th Year 143.
Whole number of Schools,
Number jet required,
$13 00
0 33
Average humber of month taught,
Number of Male Teathere,
Number of Female Teacher,
Average Salsrlcs of Malea per month,
Do, of Female per month,
Numlier of Mile 8cholin,
Number of Female Scholar,
Number learning German,
Average number of Scholar in each School,
Cost of leaching each Scholar per month, 191 eta.
From State Appropriation,
From Diitrict Tax anJ other sou ices,
Coat of tnatruclion,
Fuel ami Contingencies,
f. 27S 00
761 00
f 582 00
S2 47
Cost of School Houses, purchasing, build
ing, renting anJ repairing, 0
Dooki i.i via.
Smith1! English Grammir,
forter' Rhetorical Reader,
Pike' and CohbV Arithmetic,
Cobb' and Town' Selling Books.
Grammar, Geography, Arithmatic, Writing, Read,
ing and Orthography.
C. Bower, Sec'y. President,
Borough Mcctiug.
At a large and rrspcctable met-ting of the chi
rm of the Borough of Sunbury, held purauant to
public notice, in the Court House, on the 6th inat.,
Dr. D. T. TRITES was called to the Chair, Jons
H. Pi-aot and Chitia! Buwe, Esq. were ap
pointed Vice President, and Peter W. Cray, Se
cretary. The object of the meeting being stated
by Mr. Purdy, it wai
Resolved, That it i inexpedient, at this time, to
repair the road below the Shamokin Dam.
lleiolred. That a tai be laid sufficient to meet
the interest on the borough debt, and other ex pen
act. Resulted, That the Market House be sold at
public auction.
Resolved, That the! Dor ouch Officer be com
mittee to aildrcM the Canal Commissioner, in re
lation to riprapping the bunk in front of the bo
rough. Resolved, That the proceeding of this meeting
lie signed by the officers, and published in the pa
pers of ibis borough.
D. T. TRITES, Pres't.
J.tmr H. Pi-ariT, I y. Pres'ts
Chbistia Hinvta, Lsq.,)
Tctcr tt Gray, Secretary.
A meeting of the citizens of the borough of Sun.
- bury will he held it the Court House, on Saturday
the 17th day of June next, for the purpaeofa
dopting such measures a will be nerery for
building a new Market House and Town Hall.
Corner Stone
The Cornerstone of the newly contempt -ted
Luth rn Church at Stlinsgrove, will, by Divine
rmiiion. be laid on the 2ml if July next. Preach,
ing in Erglih and Gi rma , by i'illi r. nt clergy.
mrm. All christians, favorah!e to the e iuse of re
ligion, are invi cd to attend.
liuiliiing Committee.
It is eiid of one of the great Reformers, that he
never furgot any thing but injuries. Some people
scarcely ever remember anything but injuries.
H tfriMOIlK M tllKET.
tyfiecnfthf OiiTHKim Ancaicta, M"ay 5.
tiRAIX WWat continue in active di m inJ,
the pric itin further ailvinced. We not
sales tday of ICnnbushrls Prima, reds at fl 17 s
l 18 fir ptinre panels down to ft 05 for pircel
containing much smut. Two or three tmill lots
of Md. red Whe..t were soM at 95 a f 1 I2J. A
boui 901)0 l o-b. Perm. yll w Corn were iold to
day at 54 a 55 cts. Sales of Md. yellow at 54,
and of while at 54 a 55 cU. Sales of Penna. Rye at
0 ct. and of Md. at 50 a 55 ct. Maryland Oats
are worth 27 eta. and Penna. 29 a 30 cts.
V IIISKE V. Prices have still further advanced.
Sale to-day of bid, at 28 a 27 ct. HhJ. are
worth 25 ct.
Bira kill's Rspobtir, June 6th, 1813.
GRAIN. We notice sales of about fi,00Q bush
els Penna. Krd Wheat at $1 00 a tl 12) per buh-
ek Rye fa in demand at 63 a 65 ct. ; Corn
yellow round Peiihi. 56 cts.; sale of 6,000 bush
eW do. Oat, 64 a 55 eta. ; Oats, Delaware, 30 a 31
eta. I Do. Virginia, 28 a 3(1 ; do. Penna. 31 a 32 CU.
W . It It I K i
In ShamnkintoWrs on the 1st mK, by the. Rev.
A. Urittain, Mr. Jon I'smmaii, of More'.hurg, Co
lumbia county, to Miss I.Tlua Aatr Bu'MaM, of
Slrashaig, Lancaster county.
In Petersburg, on ihe same day, by the same,
Mr. JsMia Lis, of Danville, to Mis Jab Ml
at ta, of the former place.
In Anuost township, on the 26th tit., Mr,
DAVID MAR TZ, aged about 70 years.
At White Pigeon, Michigan, on th 15th ull.,
Mr. WARKIO W. MILLER, formerly of Colum
hi county, Pa., aged 32 yeare.
. R351C07.AL. '
H. H. Manner has removed hi (tore, into
ihe new bui'ding adjoining the old store,
wUare ha baa opened a new assoitment of Dry,
UtQiis, Oroetriei, Quttnswart, Hai dutart, dc.
AU persons hatting unsettled accounts in hi
pook$, will aav costs by attending to them soon.
Juqbury, Jum 10th, 1843.
Till: II I DDI. Ell.
Answer to Enigma of tail week.
EaiTran HiKiienm.
Answers to Conundrum of last week.
1. It ii not currant (current )
2. Expediency X P D N C.)
.1. Mrndicanta Mend I can't.)
4. He give a cent (ruwnf.)
t am Compound of twenty on letter.
My 14, 10, 10, 21, ia a county in Ohio.
My II, 4, 8, 18, 17, 12, 9, i a gulph louth of Fin
land. My 18, 3, 10, 12. ii a town in Spain.
My 3, 7, 5, 1, 10, 12, ii a town in Pennsylvania.
My 7, 6, 18, 16, 8, ia a county in Indiana.
My 2,4.8,9, 10, 10, 5, 1,7. 8, ia a town in Indiana.
My 8,4, 18, 3, it rim in Africa.
My 2, 10, 6, 18,7, 8, 21, i a country in Europe.
My 4, 20, 9, 4, 7, 8, ia an ocean couth of Aaia.
My whole, ia a portion of land on the Weatrin
Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxthetmer.
Wbkat, . ... 90
Rte, 50
CoV, ...... 40
Oats, . 25
Pork, ...... 5
FLAxarcn, ... . (I0
BcTTXH, ..... 0
Btttiwii, .... 25
Tallow, .... 10
Dhi an Applks, 75
Do. Pkichis, ... 200
Flax, ... 8
Hkcklcd Flax, 10
Eoos, 6
ecu xt.'ccTTr.'ff aiw.
ALL persons are hereby csutioced against pur
chasing a certain Cow and Calf, in the posses
sion of Mr. Abraham Ruch. of Augusta township,
which be purchased from me on the 5th of March,
1842. on condition that they should remain my
property until paid for. A the amount for which
they were sold hss not yet been paid. I c'aim them
as mine, sccordinc to a written agreement to (hit
Aimu-ta June 10th. 1843. 3i.
lilNMolutlon or Partnership.
NOTICE i hereby given, that ihe Coal husi
nes. herstofore conducted under the firm of
Fagely, Cleaver cV Co , wss dissolved on the first
of April nt, and is hereafter to be conducted under
the firm of FAGELY, KASE & Co.
June 3, 1843. 3'.
James .YlorgaiVg lastatc.
NOTICE is hereby given, that letters testa
tamentary have been granted to the subscri
bers, executor of I he estate of James Mmgm, Inte of
township, Northumberland county, dee'd.
All persons sndebted to said estate, or having claim
against it, ae hereby notified to call on the subscri
bers for settlement
June 3 J 1 813 . Ct Ex'r.
Hart, Andrews z M'Kever,
Forwarding and General Produce
Second Wharf above Race St., on the Delaware,
Henry Frntim At Co. !Jaivia, Trabue At Curd,
Brav. Itjrcroft, Si, Co. j Louisville.
Williamson, Lturrough Geo. Luckey, fc Co.
At CI ok, j Cincinnati
Eckel. Spana'ci AcHaguel Si. John Smith, Esq ,
Reed, Bro. At Thorns, Portland.
Rogers, Brothers At Co. Joseph Souther, Esq.,
W. K.Thompson Ac Co. Ilo'ten.
Role.t S een A: Co. Hon. Wm. Bisler,
J. At J.R.akert. j Vltarjield, Pa.
Mu'ford Ac Alter, jB Hendricks.
J. It. Wel-h. B q. i Sunbuty, Pa
Philadelphia iR. Horn- s, E-q.
David It. Porter, Esq. Robert Crane, Esq.,
Me.srs.J.A: P. Marlin, Jersey Short, Pn.
ar,"W;V'm. M'Kel'vy At Co..
in. K. II II sle, j-.sq HU,m,burz. Pa.
Lewis Hurfoid, K q
Walls At (5,e. n.
Jones, Murphy At Co.
B. A. Brown At Brother
J. K. Morche.I.Esq.
Morgtn At And. rson,
Itcwisburg, Pa.
T. W. Kin rn At Son
Lock Haven, Pa.
SleirettAt Poller,
Lewistown, Pa.
Geo, Pie.l uiy, Esq.
V. Louis
June 3.1, 1813. ly
'Joseph Paxton, E-q.,
! Columbia Co , Pa.
it o n ert"m o o re.
I ESI'ECTFL'LLY informs ihe citizens ol Sun.
J-- bury and vicinity, that he has commenced the
htiiness of
W r T C II K It I X G ;
and that he intends, I ereafier, o supply them with
ihe bestqnaliiy of Beef, thive (times a week, at the
Market House. He will sell his meat on reasonable
terms and respectfully solicits ihe patronage of the
Sunhury, May 27th. 1843. tf.
FOR trial st a Scial court, to be hel l in Sun
hury. on the stcond Monday of June next,
being ihe 12th;
Daniel Brsuiigain vs. John Cowden's E x'r.
Win. Donaldson At wile vs. yiie Philadelphia U ink,
and The Manufacturers' and Mechanic' Bank of
Ihe Northern lAbeities, in the county of Phils,
Marv Bradf.ird vs Same
Elit.heth Walli va Same
t'owden At Willis va Same
Sarah A. Bradford Vs ' Ham
David ii. Barnit Ai wifs Va Same
The Philadelphia Bank v The Manufacturers' At
Mechanic Bank, Ate, and The Went Branch
Prmhonotsry's OITIre, Prolh'y.
Sunbury.Msy 27, 1843. J
Nos. 29 and 31 North Third Street,
Near the City Hotel,
O C. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in--'
sites the attention of persons desirous of pur
chasing Furniture, to his extensive Sale Rooms,
(both public and Piivate,) for every description of
Household Furniture, whi is can be obtsined at all
limes, a large assortment f faahionable and welt
manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, M at n asses,
Ate., at very reduced price, for cash.
fj- Sale by Auction, twice a week.
M.y STtJj, 1843. 17
Sale of Stocks
Owned bj Ihe Commonwealth of
IN pursuance of the provisions of the 4th, 5th
nd Gth section! of an Acl of A ssemb'y, passed
the ftthday of April, 1843, entitled "An Act to pro
vide for the payment of the Domestic Crediior of
this Commonwealth, sale of 8tsie Slocks, and for
other purposes," there will be exposed to sale,
At the Ilorougtt or lYorthntii
berfand. On the 2ith oJUNE, ot 10 o'clock, A. M.
No. rSaiKRa. Compahix. Pah Vaicx.
400 Norihumlierlanil Bridge Company 25
400 Lewlsburg do 50
600 Danville do 25
200 Nescopeck do 100
02 Milton do 25
1C00 Centre Turnpike Company, (from
Reading to Sunbury 60
401) Lycoming and Poltir Turnpike Comp. 60
204 Durntown and Youngmsnstown do AO
96 LewUhurg and Yuungmanstown dn 60
129 Lewisbnrg and teraey Shore do 25
500 Towar.dd Bridge Company 20
328 Surqttehanna and Tioga Turnpike Co. 100
Purehasera will l-e required lo pay for the Stocks
at the time, or immediately after sale, in certiflcatea
issurd by the Auditor General, in pursuance of ihe
resolution of 7th April. 1642, notes issued by the
Banks of ihia Commonwealth, under the act of 4 th
May, 1641, specie or the note of specie paying
tank. Th traiihfer of Stock will b wade in a
reasonable time after sale.
Com'rs for salt of State Slocks.
Harrubutg, May 27th, 1843. ts.
Atoiilj:ih Farnsworth's Estate.
NOTICE is heteby given, that letlera of admin
istration on the estate of Alonjah Ferns
worth, late of Shamnkin lownahip, Norlhumbeil md
county, dee'd., have been granted by the Register
of said county to the subscriber. All those indih
ad to the aliove ritale will mske payment, and those
having clsima will present their accounts on Ihe
29th of June, 1843. nt the late residence of Ihe de
Msy 27th 1843. 6t Adm'r.
(A'cvt 8tablijhiueiit.)
RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of
Sunbury and vicinity, that he has recently
Commenced the
in sll its branches, in Msrket street, Sunbury, im
mediately below ihe post office, where he will be
ready lo receive and execute all orders in the line
of hi huntne', with promnincs and despatch, and
in the best style and manner. His prices will be
low, in accordance with the times.
Q7 Lumber and Country Produce taken in Ex
change. May 27th 1843. 6m
Agent for the tale, of Southtrorth ManufaC'
luring Company'!
Warehouse No. 3 Minor Street,
THE following kinds constsntly on hand, and
for sate to ihe Trado at the lowest market
pr cea -.Fine thick Flal Capa. 12. 14, and I A II .
blue and white; Extra super, and surierfine Folio
IVts, blue and white ; Extra super Packet and
Commercial pts, blue and white ; Extra super
Linen Note pars, long ; do. broad; superfine snJ
fine Counting house Caps, blue and white ; Extra
uer Congress Caps and Letter., plain and ruled,
blue and whi'e ; Suerfinc French I'osls, plain snd
ruled ; Su erfine Sermon Cap and Posts ; Superfine
and fine Caps and Posts, ruled and plain, blue and
while, various qu dities snd prices.
Also Bonnet Boards, Tissue, Envelope, Wrsp
ping, and Hardwsre papers, Ac, Ate
Msy 27. I8t3 6m.
Hover's Ink.
Manufacturer of Writing nd Indulli
blc Ink, No. lOfi North Third Street, six
door below Race, (eaet side,)
sr mx Sk am xa. mj ma ma ar n m.
ESPECTFI!LLY informs country merchants
and others, thai he con-tsntly keeps on hand
a large stock i f hi soierier Black, Blue snd Red
Ink, and also a sueiior qiiality of IndelliMe Ink.
II ink is put up in bottle varying in site, front
1 lo 32 ounces, and will he sold on reasonable
terms. The ei. el'e. t quatiliea of this ink has so
lliorounhly establi-bed its character, that it ia now
extmsively used throughout Ih country.
, For sale at the store of II. B. Mssser, Sun
bury. Pa. May 27th. 1843. ly
Sheriff's Sales.
KY virtue of certain writ of vemliioi.i expo
n9S,lsuid nut of the Court nf Common I'less
of Northumberland county, to ma directed, will be
exposed to pu'.be sale, at the Court house in the
Borough nf Sunbury, on Monday the I2lh day nf
June next, al I o'clock, P. M., the following dc
crilied property, vit:
A certain bt of ground situ ite in the borough of
Milton, In that pait of said town called "Upper
Miil. .ii. and marked in the geniral plan thereof
No. 19, being a corner lot. and fronting on Market
and Second streets, containing on fourth of an acre
more or less, whereon sie erected a to story I'rsme
dwelling house, flsstered, a frame stable, and a
well of water.
Seixed, liken in execution, and to be aold is the
properly of Robert M. Syd'e.
Also 1 A ceitain tract of land situate In Augusta
tnwin-hip, Noithumberland county, adjoining land
orAdtm Shisaler. Jacob Snyder, Jaco'j DaiUher
and others, land of Henry Voiiheioier, i-onisiiitng
lt seres, moie or less. About CO acres of said
land aie ch areJ.
Al4 1 A certain p-rt of Lot, No. 136, situate in
the borough of Sunbury, in the county of Norihom
lieiland, bounded north by Dewberry street, south
by in alley, ea-l by lot of Li Wis Dcwsrt, E-q , and
west l y lot of F.'liiners
A'sot A cert .in Lot of ground sttune in Co d
towo'hip, Nonhumb-rl.ind county, in the town of
Shsmokin, in thai part laid out ly A.Jordan, Esq.
and other', to wit I No. 4U2, bounded south by the
Had Rosd, noith by street, wist by lot of
, and east by lot of .
Also fart of s certain Lot, No. 410, situate in
Coal township, Northuinbeiland county, in the
town of Shain.'kin, bounded on the west by the
Branch Rail Road, north by ihe Danville snd Colts
ville Rait Road, and on the east by a lot of James
Short le.
Seixed, tsken in execution, and to be sold aa the
property of lUnrv 1 nitto-imer,
' FELIX MAURER, Sheriff.
Bbeiitt once,
Senbury, Ms 30, 1843,
.Vo. 70 South 3i ttrert, opposite the Exchange
Formerly of No. 76 SotiA Second street,)
Manufacturer nf Improved and Patonl Fire and
Thief-proof Cbesta and D.wrr. Water and Pro
vinon Coolers, and Ftlterera. R fiigera
tors, Hoisting Machines, Ate, Are.,
ll'"' mtrTrn Refrigera.
;5Ltois, both of the routid and
. . if quart shape, with improve-
f Jr -i r" 7l m f " f the best materials
?fSSybS?5?and workmanship.
&y Tito ClieRta arc manufactured without
plntik of any description, of the best material which
i calculated to resist burula'a and hest as long as
any manufactured in the United Slates a trial of
which he ia wi'ling to make with sny other, pro
vided the trial he made nf chesta already sold to
customera, and not n snuf ct tired for the express
purpose of a trial. Purchases are invitid to call
Ufore purchasing elsesrhere.
CAU TION. All persona are cautioned sgiinat
mskinij, using, selling or causing to be sold, any
Keyhole coers f.n Fire Proof Che' or door of
any kind, simi'sr in construction to my pstenl of
July 10th. 1841, ssthey will be deslt with accord
ing to the Patent Law.
M iy 27 h, 1813. 6m.
nAS tsken Ihe office forineily occupied by the
Hon. Charles O. DonnM, opposite the Court
House. He will attend to business in the C uria
of Northumberland, Union snJ Columbia counties.
Msy 2fllh, 1843.
To tie Voters of Northumberland County
IJIE1LOW CITIZENS : Through the soli-
citations of many frienda in vsrinus parts of
Ihe county, I have been induced to offer myself as
a candidate for I lie office of
Should I be so f.Ttunste a' lo receive a majority
f your snffngt s, I pb dee myself to disch arge the
duties of said office with fidelity.
Sunbury. Msy gO'h, 1843.
Great M'estfiii Indlau Panntca,
Compounded entirely of Vegetable
Substances ;
Fret from Calomel and all other Minerals.
For the history of .bi medicine, and its unrivalled
and truly surprising sucees snd popular
ity, see large bills
IT is recommended ss a cenernt cathartic for
family use in dyspepsls and all bilious disea
ses, it is inviluable for Asthma it is considered a
specific, no esse hsving yet occurred which il hss
failed to cure for convnon c 'Ids. imflamrna'ory
diseases, rheumatism, afTections of the liver, Ac,
and for females, it is a sate and excellent remedy.
front Dr. Silas West, of Binghampton, y. Y.
Mr. Lnnsley Dear Sir : I have ued your Oreat
Wesl.rr. Indian Panicea in my family, and have
repeatedly preocrilied it for patients under my csre,
and am aatisfled that il is always a safe, and in very
many esses sn invaluable medicine. It operates rs
a laxative without nausea, or pain ; and while it ef
fectually obviates cotivenes acts upon the stomach
and liver as an alterative, coirceting acidity, and re
storing the h allby condition of those orasns.
Very respectfully yours. S. WEST.
For sale by JOHN W. FRILINO. Sunbury.
JACOB BRlCiHT, Northumberland.
May 20th. 1343 ly
RESPECTFCl.LY informs Ihe citizens of Sun
bury sn I its vicinity, thai he has t.iken ihe
office formerly occii ied by Dr. John Peal, where
he will be happy lo receive calls in the line of his
profession. Apiil 22d, IM.1.
Daniel Yariek,
BEGS leave to inform ihe ciiitens of Sunbury
snd its vicinity, that he has commenced the
in Ma'ket street, iSiinbury, east of J hn 11 gar'i.
store, and directly opposne the pot office, where be
intends to carry on the business in all tU vsrious
branches, including. Turning. Making Mill Irons
and Eliplic Springs, Ironintr Carriages, with Ex
tensitm or Standing tops. Shoeing Horses, 4c.
Oideri will be promptly and punctually attended
lo, and work done cheap, for cash or country pro
(fj Hntse Shoeing done st $1 per sett.
Sunbury. April 15th, IM3. Gin
PUBLIC NOTICE i hereby given, thit on
Moiidiy the twelfth of June next, i" pursu
ance of Ihe direction of ll.e Movoaisi t Tnnvii
BtiHasnir, Pie-idi nl Judu'e, ttr. A Speeml Court
of Common PlenS, for Ihe cou tv nf N ot1 uni' r
land, will tie held st the Cou't Hons.', in ibe Imi-
rongh of Sunbii-y. for the trial of causes by jury,
before the s. i.l I'n silt lit Judne and the A.socn'e
Jodaes of sa d county. to continue, if nere-saiV,
ONE WEEK. of which Con 1. all parlies. nlTi
reia. and oilier persona ae notift. d, and ieq'ieied
lo govern themselvea acenrdii t:v.
FELIX M linER. Sheriff.
Clod save the Commonwealth!
Sunbury, April 8. 164-1. 1 01
Boot & Shoe
ITI n r t i 11 I r w i n ,
RESPECTFl'LLY inlorms his f.i nda and
old eunt'imeis, thst he has reriiov.d Ins
to the frame bui'ding adjoining hia dwelling house,
lietween thai rind Dr. D. T. T ile ollire, a few doora
west of hl old e-tal I ahniiT,!, in Maikel street,
where he intends In carry i n ibe above business
eXiensively, in all its various branches.
Being thankful for pssl f .vo's, lieb ie-, by atiicl
attention In business and liberal charges, lo give
general satisfaction snd that he will continue lo re
ceive a liberal share i f public palronige.
.April .lh, 1843.
Dr. Ia. Trice, Thankful for pssl fa.
tors, le.peet fully infonns the inhaliilauls nl
Sunbury and coun'ry around, that he has, taken
h'S re-nli iice and otlice in insrki t street. In the east
nd of ih building occupied by John Bogar's store,
wbeie he will be happy to wail tpoo all whu fa
vor him wiih their calls.
Sunbury, Apiil 1st, 1843. 6w
J. D. Waters,
M ESPECTFULLY informs the ellilena of the
S W botough nf Northumberland, nnd ils vicinity,
thst be has commenced Ihe
Tailoring ItiisiiicM,
in a'l i'e various branches, in tbo shop formerly
occupied by Henry S. Thnma, directly oppo.ite
Forsvth' tnre. A he recives the New York
and Philadelphia Fisliions quarterly, he ia enabled
to do all job entrus'ed lo him, after the neatest and
Istest style, snd upon theshottest notice.
Northumberland. Apiil 22d, 1813. ly
f'eorge Zlmmerniuti & Son,
FflHE su' sciiler hereby inform the public, that
JL they hsve entered into partnecsl.ip, in the
wh'di will . bere:.fifr be csrried on at the old
stind in 8unbury, under the fnm of '-Oeorge
Zimmerman &. Son," where they will conduct the
bu-inn-a in all its vsrinus branches, including Turn
ing, Making M 11 Irons, Ironing Carriages, Skat
ing Horses, $e. Orders will be promptly and punc
tually attendid to, and work done cheap, for cash
or country produce.
Cf shoeing done st one dollar per sett.
Sunl.uTr. March 1 Ith. IH13.
'PlIK subseiilieii. hiving enter d into 1 p-irtner-
ship in the practice of the law, will be happy
to attend to all business entrusted to th. ir care.
Culle-tiona will he promptly attended to.
They may alwiya be found at their office, in
Muket street, Sunbury, formerly occupied by
Wm. Dewart, dee'd.. as a store-room.
Sunbury, Feb. 4th, l43 6 n.
"SaSI'ITBu I ;iir.mi,Li:rc7
"WTERY RE"rGCTFL'LLY l-eg leave to in.
fonn his customers, and I1 re public generally,
that he still con inues Ihe
in all its vurious branches, in ilie shop nearly oppo
site the Buck Tavern, formerly occupied bv Hen
ry Haas and himself, under the firm of Haas ft
Druckemiller, which firm h.a been mutunlly iliasol-.
veil. He ho. by Isa -s long experience in Ihe abovo
business, and strict attention thereto, to render gerr
cral satisfaction, and receive a liberal of pub
lic patronise.
Sunhury, Oct. 16th, 1942. ly.
A'o. 237, North Third, above Cutlowhill St.,
JOHN DUNCAN, late from the Pennsylva
nia Firmer, and Samuel Pike, jr., late of A
merican Hotel, Columbus. Ohio, like pleasure in ic
quainting their friends and the public generally that
they have Inken the large and coinmodioua Hotel,
recently built by the Messrs. Halt, on the site
once occupied by the old established Hotel known
as the Bull's Head, in Third alieet above Callow
hill si.
This Hotel is finished in the very best possible
manner, and of the best materials. Its location is
very desirable, particularly for country merchant ;
the arrangements for heating and ventiluting each
room ia such as to secure any temperature. The
brdrnomaare all light and airy, all furnished in a
nest style, so as to injure eon tort.
The receiving parlors ire aUo furnished in a su
perb style, the windows are on the French style,
forming an entrance to a balcony in front,
mukes a pleasant recess. Piirticiilnr attention has
been given to the beds nnd bedding, which, with
the furniture, are entirely nuiv.
from yea's' experience in I. Mel business, we
trust, by strict assiduity to business, to make this
house a desirable stoppm place. Our tablu will
always le supplied with the very best our market
csn alVord, and our bar with the best liquors and
wines of Ihe most appioved brands,
P. S. There are first rale stabling tnd csrrtne
houses attached lo the holel, lUen.h .l hy ca'Iil
and sntsr hostlers, and 0111 chsrues will be lo, in
accordance with the present hud lirr.E.
Philsdelphis. Oct. ?th. 1M2.
Dr. I. T. Tl'ltOH, Respectfully informs the
citixeus of unbuiy and vicinity, that he has re
moved his office to Ihe builtling Intely occupied by
(Jeorge Bright, in m:irkel street, Sm bury, where
he may be found at all hours, unless professionally
cups zed.
Dll, TRITES returns hi sincere thanks for 'he
encoiiiagemeiil he has rec ie.l, in the line of his
profession, in this place, and tru-t-, by prompt at
lent on to the duties of hia pmlesaion, and reason
able rhaiges, thai he will continue to receive a
liher il share . f the public patron tge,
Sunbury, Oct. Ur, loi'i. if.
r. J. W
Iltl bens leave to tf ndcr bU grate-
tut ai k n. wledgmi nt lo the peni le of unhu-y
and aiirroniidiini country, foi then p-t encourage
ment in the hue nt Ids prileH'iori ; and w..tiid st
ihe same tinie announce 10 theiu, th t be sli'l in
tends lo continue the practice of medicine ill all its
Various d. piltinilits He would, ibtrefore, solicit'
a ciitinii .nee nl their e a. id p nrmje. 1
He miy be louml al all time at h s oll'.ie, st tbe j
norm tan corner tt Ills, k! etiy U1..I U er stree.s.
Unless profession j II v em'md.
Sunbury, (tel. Ul. 1842. if.
" UN WR" TlCmTL , '
(General Stage f)fice,)
XaTcoxnma county,
TIIIE Sob-criber resitectfully infoims his friends
I and the public in general, that he ha taken j
Ihe above
and that he is now well prepared to accommodate
all who nisy favor him with their custom.
His Slki eiso AriaTtfKNT are well aired, and
Hh Tails inn Baa will a'wsy be supplied
with ihe best the maiket cm afford.
It is Stabliso, which is gooel. will t under
the charge of gond and careful hostlers.
He fiela confident, hy strict attention to business,
snd an earner! desire to tender c 'inforUlile those
who msy patronixe htm, that he will not fniltogive
general alifa. lion. 11. B. WEAVER.
Muncy, Oct. 1st, 1813. U.
ESPECTFULLY inform the public that he)
-Ik. (ins mnde Northumberland hi permanent
place of residence, and ia ready to attend to any
calls in the line nf his profession.
July 2. 1S42. ly.
RF.srECTFL'LLY inform his friends and the
public generally, ihnt ho ha commenced th
Tailoring II u s i n c s ,
in all its branches, in the hou.-e formerly occupied
by Wm. Dunftsi a Tailor Khop, in Blackberry
street, nearly (nipnieite the Presbyterian Church.
He reepectfully solicits a share of (lie public patron
age, and trusts by strict attention to business snd
reasonable cbargos, he will be enabled to give geo
tr1 satisfaction.
Sunbuty, June 18th, 1842 ly
ALL person indebted to the firm of Lyon &
Hsiris, under the agency of O. N. Thaeher,
Hill and Cap Manufacturers, No. 40 North Third,
street, Philadelphia, are requested to make immedi
ate aettlemenl of thiir accounts with the subscriber,
their legally authorized agent, who is fully rmpon
eied to settle and collect the accounts of said firm.
June 4th, 1842. tf Agent.
rniupELrim, heaping axd pomviUE
r rr
Will commence running between Philadelphia
mnd I'vUsvillc on the following day
find hour :
On ann attkh MotrniY, Mst 9, 1842.
Leaving Potltville, on Monday, Wednrsdaye
and Fridays. at Pj A. M.
Leaving Philadelphia, on Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturdays, at I j P. AI.
Hours bf pnsztng Reading,
t ot t'liil ulelphta, at 10 A. .M.
For Pottsvillo, el fij P. M.
I Tti-weekly.
F.1 It E
Between Pottsville cV Philada. $3,50 & f 2,ft9
Between Reading & do, 2,25 cV 1,7.1
Between do & Pottsville, 1,40 & 1,00
Excrnnos Tickets oood ob BXTCnMNu
sxxr nit.
Between Pottsville & Philadelphia, fb 00
Between Reading cV do. 3 00
Between do. & Pottsville, 2 00
The other passenger tnin will leive as before, at
the following hours :
Philadelphia and I'ottsville.
From Philadelphia, at B A.M. ? n ..
From Pottsville, at 6J A.M. S '
Hours of pasting Reading.
For Polt.vilhs at SJ A. M. .
For Philadelphia, at ?J A.M. S y
All the trains will stop for way passengers
lliO Usual points.
fjj- All passenger are requested lo procure
their tickets before the train s'.ait.
Msy 21, 1842. tf.
JOHN !c HENRY LANDAU, having renteJ
the Lime Kilns of Henry Masser, in Sunbuiy,
have now for sale the lest Lime in this part of Ilia
countiy, and will continue to keep constantly mi
band fresh I.i mo for Plastering, Building and for
Liming land, on as reasonable terms as can be had
anywhere in the neighbothood.
May CI, 1842. J. & H. LANDAU.
llluiiK ItuoU Jliimiiat torj ,
Opposite Prince's Hotel,
flHEY are prepared to manufacture blank work
JL of every description, ruled to any pattern, such,
is Dockets Records, ley Books, Ledgers, Asses
sors' and Collectors' Duplicates of the fineut .pjali
ty of paper, in a style equul to any made in the ci
ties of Philadelphia or New York.
Alt descriptions of binding neatly eiccute.l.
Scrap Book, Albums and Portfolios tnadu loonier.
Law Books, Music and Periodicals bound lo any
pattern. Old Booka rvbound, Ac. Also files if
papers bound.
(Xj Work left at the offiw of the Sunbuiy Ame
lie an. will be promptly attended to.
May 211, 1842 ly.
71. HEILlCtUT & CO.,
Commission At rorwardinp Mcroliants,
Foot nf Willow Street Rail RvttJ,
HAVINfJ associated wi h them Joseph rj.irnef,
late of Eastou, Pa., rvinrclfully Inform their
friends and the public generally, that they have ta.
ki n th it larpe and well known store arid w h i.-f at
fml of Willow Sueet Railroad, lately occupie 1 ly
Jacob Martin, wheie they puipose doin; a (ieneial
Conunissioli and Forwarding Business, snd f oni
ihe local ai!van'a!.'ca of ihe place being conni cteal
Wiih ;.ll ibe public improvements that have their
outlet In the eitv, they flatter themselves ihey will
I utile lo do 'iisiuess to as great, if not p ester sj
vanlHge, and upon as reasonable terms is any other
house, and ibey assoie their friends that any con
iii'inents made lo them shall have their strict at
teniion, snd no excitions spared to give entire satis
faction. They are also prepared to receive and forw ard
good 10 any point on the Delaware and Lehigh,
livers, between Mauch Chunk, Easton and l'hila
il l his, via Delaware Division and Lehigh Can ds;
als.i, in any point on the Juniata river, or North
and Wist Branches of the Susquehanna via Schuyl
kill mn J Union, or tho Chesapeake and Tide Water
For the accommodation of Boata coming or go
ing via Schuylkill and Union Canals, a Steamboat
will bd ke'pt aipressty for towing boats from tho
Schuylkill around to the Delaware and back, which,
will en ihle merchant! to hive Iheir produce deli
vered on the Delaware, and their goods shipped at
a aaving ol 61) lo 75 cr cent, on the ptice for
hauling aero.-. with these advantages they re
spectfully solicit share of palnmace.
William Itellmsn,
Willism VV. Keyser,
Joseph Bsrnet. , Philad.,My 14, 1842. ly
A Freih soppy of ROSE OINTMENT, received
aA and for sale by il, B. MASSER.
Nov. 19th. 1842.