The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, October 20, 1856, Image 4

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    strx-rusi: at IR-TIM Err.
-I 5.,mr Nolendid jar
(),Th Flat Top
''or Ccin.l or I\ - 41 , 01. Four Si2e4, Nng. 6,7, 8,9.
f c xi,L A. a L.; sunrise _Mr-Tight, beitu
tiful dosiga of i. new' flat tap Cookitig
tove. just out. It is only neces6ary to say,
tt after very ',years of experience,
being furly eonversant with all_ of the
-,-.lriLms kind or St o ves 'which have be'm in,
-,.entedsm the d-wri-drift principle, that I Imre
taken advantage, of erery well known iinprot e
mqta that has from time to time been made,
;Ltrtieularly in Teli.:rence to the formation and
e otstruction of the - flues, which are
, always
ne,eessary to be large, and I have fully applied
e-ery improvement and combinel them ail 'in
!le ' .l Sura TiSe Tigir t • (.7( - ?oldag SP)ve.'!" hk
SIOTC is made very heavy and is a good snir
ra n ti : ititrtie 1 have made them extra limey
yn all parts where long experience has proved
jt to be important, and I can assure my eus.tom ,
i:r4„ that t have spared neither rains nor ex
pense up : and it - will not be-ex
, celled by any Istove now known, of a similar'
character. I arir:eonvinced that it will at unen
- o.s.omell standard Store,
have fully tried them in miry way,
WOOD MA * COAL, and R tr6ngly recom
7 , li;nrl atom to•the Ziuhlic. They operate in
the most satisfactoft manner.
Patentee: A. J. I.; .% id:Acura, Philadelphia.
Sept. iii, 38.56. 4m Gettysburg, Pa;
Tin Ware, &c.
AMT CL fil:COON: informs' his friends awl
the-pu bl le general ly, that he has on hand,
nt his Simp nearly opposite the Post-Office, a
vt•ry Iqrgo and well-made asaortmenf of _TIN-
R.ll which he = will-sell' at. prteeS which
cannot. fail to plotse. Ire will a 1,40 exceiite In
urler, with promptness, 'in a work rinin•like
manner, and with the best materials, al Ilind's
rat -U.S 4 :Y 1 _ I :TAW ,U
INDR A 15T W ORR, &o,
Gettysburg, Nov. 12, 1:855.
Iniiurance Compnny,
A.PITAL i3O 580 7 efilpts instirancqs in
‘..) any pitrt.' or the.' suo4, against loss by
prtidentily its operations' Le its roeur
ceii : affords ample iudvinkity, and proniptly
,adjusti; its 105.441.4.
- Mains county ig representefl in the Beard
--- orilana ,, ers liG 11Vn. - I.ltiscs
WM; 1\Ii:01., E N. Awn/.
• • ptitce of K., .fc: W. SlO,fluzin, GOtyo)it
May '26, 1.856
ftlviaras' Fare. Si. Thief Proof S'ales!
1) . 111erehp.ots, Lawyers;:e Farmers and
others, haying Books, Bepers or other
rq./itableB, to preserve from FIRE or BURG
Day Sr. Newell's (Ilabh's) BANK " J OCKS;
A CA tt1),., 7 -The Pite).)F tinvii," that
• • ,reel Ire . ar w ui c was VlP
chased or OLIV ER, S, 61. S. 2ud
nefrizicrators 'Water Villiers.
EV ANS' Premium 'Ventilated RefrigertOrS
fur coolifig and preserving iii!; hittv.t,
w ilex and al ari fe les for 'an linary purposes. .
WATER FILT ERS: for porifying ifract.isti
or in grater, whether affected by rains.
14n:et:tone, marl or of herCa,tlS.T:: ; can be had
peparate oratta;7,he t l - to' the Refrigeratork- T -a
smali-goantity of lee (fooling the whole. in the
AVATMeSt ther.' Po Ivy A Hut S now Kit . R.tvlt'i:
.1-u• the use of -4Ortn or mitt wa tut% ATKR'
CooLmits, for Hotels, Stores and
STORK' TRUCKS. for movin;
SEAL PiW,SSES, , COPVINci ' iIo., DertansT
X:). 61 Soy'', Swm,l s',. 2 (10 , , r:111 , 1:ite
-• ( EsTmuasHED 1835.)
.15•;56'.: I'y
. iTatqx?..ragtoin Dfa'9.
A 7,b, ,fistu t, .! +l4 .fro - 8
C'uqtity, P'itt
GietrioVol . lo the 1ar . 40 1111 , 1 house.
fOrillerly Cari',4; :)(I , ,ite the
• stale' of
E subscriber respectfully infortns the
public that be has opened 3 Publi c H ouse
of liitertaiiiment in the borough of A hbott. 4 -
town, where happy to entertain all
who may call with him. !laving had many
estrs' knowiedge of the business of noiel-keep
iag,-he batters lii-mself-that-bi-q-etf,irti to please
will be satisfactory. Give the "Washington"
a call. ntAxcls J. WILSON.
February 18, 1856. tf•
l=3 - 4viquettanna
wnslte Cat vert *tatiou , Baltimore. Ma.
rpriiF; undeNi , -ned having leased the above
1. hotel and put it in - complete order, iq pre
acconfifFaitc.T-his friends and the
travelling 'public. The projnietur will he
pleased to see his old friends, and promises to
make their stay co.afortahle and satisfactory.
INggage taken to ar.d from Calvert Station
tree of charge.
JOHN BARR., ( fornicrlif of
July 0, 1855. tf PROPRIETOR.
ED a v Wan e cil
Ti3iEMSONS haying li:ty to sell will
a_ by callin; on the subscrilier. in i;. •
harg, who is cle.sironsof
ttigl market price will be p:4i,!
h e 'mu l ls having the ;i •v. alter he.
in;z packe3, hltule.ll tither toll; ...yr o r ltaiti
or/re, the pretvrence to ha.:l give) to
t.huse front whoa' he noy 'I
December G, 1852. tf
rz.cep tb
large assortment of 1 - I.;.;ellnc, at all pri
ces> just, received audio: ,ale .
7• 11:1.' Cr,' . ra 1-Ml', •
bare just meeiv(,l a spivoilid rt , :sortmunt.
of Wool Coderb;liir.s and Drawee ::.
tc.311 besold to 41.
gr 0 I 1 % ; 1 - )3IY-EP.S.—The attention of 311 -
-4 ‘-) IA :US ifdo% ited to a very :.nlierior article
for drying Cui?.N, which can be had at all
tion:s at
'r"ItANCY STATION ;:ftY. keeF all .
Jan. 14..
kinds of Fhney Stationety. it as ., _ _ _
ehesp. if not chcflper than anyhod:,- e l ,-e in Ow Aiars. (10 en.i want to bay cheap and
own oe t h e c ,„,,,1Ly. If you don't' believe it, 4 fxbllivtiable Robes f. If call It
Gail in and .-t:rfiryotirsciveti, Jsr,, 7.
VA T,rIRI,T; 1:5T.197','
• I •
AND NZ ; E 4 rTZTDPV,Orritr,
17 ISIIING to retire from the tirmin;.-, and
7 1 ,,,., milling business. I will sell at l'e yam
Sale - the folloWing valuable Heal E-rate. k lime n
n 4 Llell3t Grove, situate about one and a h a lf
toile'i S. West. from Littlestown, Adams coun
t-PM- ' . '' '
`'ii, 1........32 Ar r p i r 6( OP,re low lotlow ~./. I
superior quality of red gnivel soil: well adapt
ed to timothy; 2000 bushe,b; iif lime having
been pot on it. I The iMprovernents ate a large
sod very beautiful MI. 'al,: EIN'T : ~,r tz, ,
:k11!,,L. Saw .miu, r0', 4 1,.,r ;•hop, !!,:. it s „ ,
tWO - Dwelling'lll l USES. a Szore"d„.l, 4.
B4O,111: two, B:ike Ovens. two 86...-. X 'f: ~.,,.. if,
Ides; lbreo llott. Pens, Lime-kiln, andrall beces.
.sory out-buildings. 'I he Mill is built upon'
the most modern and improved pi-in.' The
dim and Ace are not sorpaAsed by any..--.
Four county
_road centre at this Mill.
~\",,,. 2.-- 7
”, :l , re/ ..r . S1,11f: L'/ a'?, 7 . 671 .SILS'•
ceptitle of ti high state of enitivation, S or 10
acres of which are heavily titnbered, With 1
about 10, acres of moinlow. 'the7 '' ,
invirovertients arc a large and very Pa 1 ,":, ,, '
i I
complete MUST M 111, and Dwel?•liVu-
ling HOUSE% This property ad-
joins \o. 1.. , , 1
No. 3.--,l 4 .Parm: &oda ia %/if/ 156 ilr,v , p,
mostly the red gravel soil, and produces w e ll,
40 to 50 Acres of which, are heavily uminsed
and about 20 Acres ol • meadow bottom. 10,..:,
000 to 12,000 bushels or limk have been put
upon the- , land. An
. ti bundance of fruit trees
upon the premises, The improvements ),.,. :
are , a Stone D 15::
Dwelling IIOE, and`!i, 1 ,
Kitchen. Smoke House. it large Rank
Burn, with-Wagon ;-.;heds, Corn .14 tb, llog
Pen,. and all necessary out-buildings. This
property is also a part of No.l, and known as ,
alx)ve.. There is not a more desirable proper.
ty in- the county than I.orivt Cirt,w, either
separately or together. Call and see it: These
properties will be sold separately or together,
its inityliest knit purchasers. I wilt .t.ll on
accommodating terms: Any person mi.:Fling to
view ,the ,property will please call on l'AWltril
•Stahle living on .the premises. or myself in
Gettysburg., . - • tiEthai EA RN OW.
Aug. 18, 185 G. .1,'5
, .VALU A 131,E PRO PgaT e.i . il T •
Private i 4: !e. ' - •
Pimim underAigned will sell sit' Private fiale
•11- . that. lesiiable property, in MeSher r)s
town, Conowago tow nhhip, Adams county, Pa.,
lying on the piiblic, road running through saiil
place , . _ It eimutilis Ten Acres, cs,,re or l e ss-...
of first rate laud, adjoining iambi a Dr. 11. N.
LillY; B,itnitel and, Joheph Siautobatighi'ainl
qt hers. , B:tid is fjnely imprOved. ThereL
ris a large I.:Wo4itory.IMICK. DWELL. ,r,. - "i i o
LNG, With a Two.story ' thick "I;.clt- ‘
building. fronting on the street, and nearly op
posite the public boost: ?ifJobo ll.isby, E,q.. a
r .,itoti well of ,i,vater, nrol', other iiiiprOvements.
Posi;esSien given en or before the Iht day of
April next, In; may he dvirefl. if not hold,
the property Will beTOR R EN:r.‘
. I , ,,,iiii, wi,hilv ti, view" the premises will
call on John thn;by. Esek . ' ..,
Nor; V), I'S5 r: ' tf
Prrir, tihscrita:rs woula retTectfully
Jt. flounce tc theirhiends the piihlie that
the) , 1t c oi;e ed ri 11 araiv e Suns, in G.iti.
1,011.-Kircet,,,,ildjilipitig the resideurx of Davit!
Zivgkr, (;ett):,org., in which they alway, in
tend to offer to the public a large and general
assortriket'frr)( •
litirdwa iron, Steel, Groceries, .
ct! in, t ove toe o
~inyite the attention of C o mdi.mak,ers;„
liloekstniths,Carpenters, I ;:thi net makers,
Shoe-mak el's, Saddlers, and the public r'
lly. Sur stock baring been' selected with
great ewe and, purchased for'rtt<it, we guaran
tee For the ready munev,) to dimiose i , f any
part of it Oil us ' MIA SO11111;10 terms as they can
tse purelutst:d,unywlwre.
We particularly request 'a call flout our
friends. and vainest)) , solicit a share of politic
favor, Os we are determined to estaldi,h a Char
acter for selling Goods at low prices and doing
liti;iine'.4un fair
Gettystiurg, June 0, 1831. tf
emov ea l!ntv Doors slut t all he Ol st nd.
U. SKELLY re:4l.....artilly informs his 'uld,
• • ' ,CtlitOtilertg itna the public generally, that
he continues the 2'.i 1/.401?/SU B('S/SESS,
near his old stand, in. South Baltimore street.
where he will be happy to accommodate all
who may patronize kiln; All %%oil; entrusted
to his care warranted to fit and Inc of most,sub
atmitial make, Thatil,no for past favors, he
solicits a continuance of public pa tronrge.
New Rork. Noriny • Nvamei:
Fts.iiions• are received. Call and See them.
SWEAVER respectfully announces to the
. • ',ldles and Gentlemen ol.Gett:,•shurg and
vicinity, that he has resumed the Daguerreo
type Imsiness,•at the old stand. in Uhamhers
burg street, where he wiil Le happy to receive
visitors desirous of securing perfect IJ:twit:rico-
types of themselves or friends.
Being furnished with an entirely new and
costly apparatus. he is prepared to take pie-
Lutes in every style of the art and insure per
fect sad .40.clion.
irj - 1:1 dress avoid light, led, blue. or pur•
pie. Dark dress adds much to the beauty of
the picture. Feb. f. 1556. tf
1.1At1f..1 in Ext.lin 'tic, _aul Gt.'neral
assisited Survoyers.-,
nail v e particular attention to the lova
tion of Land War e rat.ts. All location: , mad:"
from np✓ prsmod / /L eper/Von . of 14H01, and
witit re:erenco to a sl h ill
15'e ar provi,iod wi!'t a full and r omph• e.
tact of V.
ft`,lo(fl:. L atit ) :l`.. in any part
of Mi ne-alta.,
7'l'..eftr to 11. ..klt:Cronry, 31c
; ecwaii4,l'o:. anti ii. J.
May (;14
SAM: ,
New TlakhvareNre.
g :I)
Tfrebar-marc, !Yoe Sivitinctg,
paints, Olls,.ant7 Ifte-tAtrirs„
in general, every (Icsription of aril-
lila 061' g-.
Gettysburg. April 0. 1.8 -, 5.
-------- N -- -•-- ---
.NOW is the Tittle,
(.:h ages from 150 cents to S.lO.
' . lHotirN ()roper:lung from S A. :kt. to 4 P. 31
11 . S. WEIPER, T-. J pri.nrwr,
York, Pa. 1,1%%a Gay.
iVeiNer & Fi2s3eritl-
• brpd
Di:we/Lin. o1;-.4,
a-may:ll3 Re:nova/ 3 1 PleaMt or Sittnypoi?
0... -
77,7 TE 0f,./W.V.I 1., It- O,V I, YoLit ST f „VI ), I CHOOSE BETWEEN I' ! l:',r.
,'‘',2.l •
y I, ):Ti)', , l, ite-.110/ Ii 1 , il, I:, vt r,1,11, , I, c 1 ail 1 H o li ewal g s7 lyill 3. _Th e I," o „,d_f.„ r ,„,i te , l
'Two triiiirße-o,lw/TT! th e material of every hone, Ilitiqcle. gland
I 1 lit NIX & BRO. have removed th e i r t ar o l t
.4 • m- and fibr e in the human frame. When pore, it
...4 and carefully selected Stoll:, 10 the th ll-';" t•-iectires health to every organ ; when cortupt.
i na l oiil 11 , x1 u ; fortuerly occupied by I hem, •
it necessarily prod aces disease. flom.owi l.'s
No. 67 West Market, stivait, adjoining Mintz, Ptt.i.s °pert te thiectly upon the elements of the
} 's 'el' 1 eu' ''" lia '" lC ' t( ""' " 1 "/ directi •Y stream of life. nentralizini , the principle of do,
oppo-ite Olio residence of (len. Michael Doti- ease, awl thus radically ° curing the malady.
del. Yort,, Pa,
I vt•holier located in the nerves. the stontacti.
This house was opened,. by them for luisinos
th e l i v er , the bowels. the wwwles, the skia, Lite
P ur i."' s " NUT"
" y e a
r% ;Igo,
as a whule ' alQ ' brain, or raw rather part of the .vgetri.
candy factory, foreign fruits, fancy goo3u. no- 1 j ,,, , -/ 7 , 67.„„,th„„ t t l i „, w w . f d I
i j(, )114 , &c.„ 4 5- 0,,, in very large .variety. Their 1 ;
loi.LowtY'S PIMA are equally efficacious in
seven ior and unequaled 1 •
;complaints common to the whole ho wa n ra c e ,
Candy and Confectionary, and in di , ,oid#ri peculiar to certain climates
personally made by them daily. and of roam and localitte
always ,
,// sh, has been aclatowledged lic all _ 1/firm ;n1 Di s' , ) , ilei 3.
long ago, the best and fitwst work ever offered Dyspepsia. and derangement of the liver.
awl sold in York. Understanding' their , the i"otiree of infirmity awl mill :ring, and the
ite , ii as they do—in this branch especial! Y— cause of innumerable deaths, yield to these
they have every facility for pinsecinn g it to ' curatives in ail canes, however aggravated,
the befit ad .rantage, and can oiler facilities 811- `acting as a mild purgative, alterative and ton
perior to any other house here or elsewhere, as ie ; they relieve the be" ll '.. purify the fluies.
„ gir d s l ow vices, var i ety an d parttei d ui l y i and invigoiatc the system and the conststution
superior quality. I at the same time.
The success and patronage with which they l ei a rql Ir, ; , l--.Y;•1 .'ons , (1 P)lpini Ws.
have wet heretofire, is gratefully appreeNted, 1 When all stimulants fail, the renovating
Ihr which they return again. as formerly, their and bracing pi operue.: of these Pills give lii In
sincere ackhowledgruents and thanl.s. an d ' ness to the sitaising nerves and enfeebled Intl:,-
trait, by strict and prompt attention to hos'. '•cles. of the victim of general debility.
tws,, a continuance of the liberal patronage I D //rote Pe ll ioi,,,
hitherto etteniled to theta, - ) All irregularities and ailments incident to
June 16, 1856. 1 the delicate and. sew-iti ve organs of the sex ate
removed or prevented by a few doses of the-e
mild, bat infallible alteratives. No mother
who regards her own or her children's health
should fail to - hife — thenclvithin her reach.
,s'rirnl ',Hi. En tor ,r in , O.V.
The London -Lanett," the London ‘•Medi
cal Review," and the most endue:it of the fa.:-
u! ty in great Britain, •Prance and G elina ny,
have eulogized the Pills and their inventor.
I.lollwro y a rills ace the Ii o st ; L!‘it; il y 1, worn in
111 , ;Po; hi /or tlo fot towel; 1 ill eit ;; ; :
Aohii, ' Dolrility 1,1%„r COI 11‘/Alllt4
1:0 w. 4 Comphi nt4 I , 0\ CI in i t ;pia 1 0%,!,, iof 'pints:
I imu Is 1 e o Lie Com- iolt •
(../ I.i pi ilut4 ,`.. , Louf• au 't Gravel
(•lio.t. DI 41. viell IL ot wises ketoollty Symp.
( otktiL oto-4 I tHi g eo 1 , 41 tools
n , IN) LI +I i.•
1 u.,,,,t. ',LA 1 eitereal Arr., tom.,
Di ~,11•.24 I lillatil Ibltlqp I in WI 01 ail kinds
lh 0 1 i% litw a, 4 ti e.i A lIPSC
'' * "'Sold at the AianillaetoriN of Professor
Iloi.i,ow tY, Li() Maiden Lane, ,New Yolk, and
24-1 •Sti and. Loudon, and by all re-Teetable,
Dru a ,, ,, ,:ists and Dealers in Medicine throughout
the United` , tares and the civilized world, in
boxy, at 25 colts, 62i, cents, and :al each.
-ii:/ - '!'here is a cun.suleiable paving by taking
the l.ti•get -..tzes. i
N. 8.--Ditections for the guidance of pa
tients inn riy disorder are alba Iti to each box.
Aug. 2, - 6 'c.a . ). LO ts• iy
17 4 MAN U ZI EC; I.Elt flits just returned
.11..4 front -the rite with tny lar ,, e.,t lot of
1.:I{0C:I.:1111'.'5' lie has ever In-fore opened, to
.whlcit he, invites the attention oral!, convinced
that he ran offer HARE HARHAINS. lie has also
a fine lot. of 11,1115, SHOULDERS, &e;
of -all ; OrantlY' , , and
miter fruit , :; pro:ll:cry, Nuts, Coort - Koin ,
g•inieral variety
of every th "from a nyed!e to . ,an a nelni - r,"
thve him a e..t11, ti 011 want to !my
what's elinap..ind good. _
tj: ,Country'Prud 'lce. taken in exeliatirro for
(:rinds. j llay 7, 1855.
EN:ittove,P ID, naiiroad.
orlift.S. INS flyer Lire Hantn:er Branch 11„Cilroard`
in)w, rui as follows :
First Train vcx, Ila nover at 9 A. M , frith
Pit,gengers for York. larrislair;;.
anill'inlaiL•lpiiia. 'This Train. cotini.ots
with Ultc Exprtss for Baltiinore,, arriving tlicre
at 12 M.
Secon- , 1 Train ►cave` at 3 r m% with l'aen
gers for Ikltisnore and intermediate plan•::.
aryl returns triclr paszengers ‘vie.
April 21. J. LEII, Agent. •
Nvl,7 11;:flof)d!,1
1 A ('OW.; 111;11, respeetfidly inform their
IDIP friend:4 and the public generally,t hat they
have opened ,a :13 4•3•ctlut, t. 31 TAtil9rllls:::
E.:4-a a): ishinev,L in the room recently ne
o4lpieillw A. Arnold. in Snot h linitimore s t ree t-,
neaYthe Diamond, where they will nt all limes
be happy to 4revoninnalate all who (nay patron
ize them. stork - of ;it!,
Vestings,. Ca:4:41110,5, (:ord : 4 Summer Good:,
i); large 'and selected from the laleSt
StylV4-011 of ‘vivir.h th e y will titstiose of at
prices as low a 4 they ean possihly tl urit. their
sy,ton teing• to sell CHEAP, for e4o)//, or corm
try p,iitheer.
Tlo•y,wi . ll 'nial:e up garments of every Ile
set iption in the most su l, stnnt ial (Inf i d e ... ( i ra bk
manner, ell wat ranted to fit and not to rip.--
6°4)(1;4 bought of them not to he made p r
estahlislitnent will be cut free of charts. They
at etuakinr up a lot of ILFUDY-MA DE CLOT} I
IN(i. in the hest mlnner, wltich they elill sell
fig Cheap as the cheapest.
They have also on hn;el a larg-e assortment
Of '1 1 ImierN, Sitxpewiers„ Nhirtx,, Shirt I
Sc:., to which they would call the attention of
the public.
,atest its Inns regularly recciveil.
Ca ur Country produl e. always curreut 101
goods or ww.k.. Doti i t luistake the place.
Nareh 1.7..1856,
L(? E. .1' E I) Aic I) Sure.
r yigi E sw,,eribut continues the Flour &, Food
business. awl has - recently atbleil to. his
.v.tnel4 an excellent, ossurtment of Grocei
tu.v..hiell he invite:4 the :menthol
nf the public.. Content \vim prolits,, he
promises to sell as as the lowest, and asks
it call in nr , ler to prove his ISsertion.
lie has now .in store prime Coffee, Sugar,
Molasses, & :., whielk ean't he heat.. either itt
. 111iLror rive : Bacon can also be had, as
gtmil 1 a the v_e_r_y_bits_t—tu t_ chea lies. Liacs.
lie likewise keels a full aSSOYMILAIL Of Con
fectunicr-y, Fruits, Nuts, &c.
i1".17 -- Cal I at his Siore, • in \Vest Middle street,
near South llaltittiore, and examine his stuck.
,1:1C011 811EA1).S.
Gettysburg, April 21, 1856.
A. N ENV F I M !
FrllE iindersigned,, having entered into part
oer.dlip to miry on th Ponn4lry bus] ne,s
under the Nilo of W tfIREN & hereby
inalo r t knoow 0 to-the cii i z e o., of Adams and ad
joining comities, that we are pi epared to make
everything in our line of business. We have
constantly on baud, the
Hathaway-nod-other-Cooking Stoves,
the Parlor Air-Tight and
,Ten-plate Stoves, of
various styles and size`; Pots, lilettles and
Pan-i, and all oilier Irim Cooking Utensils,
Willie irons, Washing Machines, Ash-plates.
hoot-scrapers. -&c. Castings for Milts and
-other Mlehinerv, • Pi.oc,;ll CASTINGS, of every
description, &c. Wo make the Seylar..illoek
et% and dilflirent kinds of Witherow Ploughs.
paTtrrns - o
rettclitl7.; and
for Cemeteries, Yiirds and Porches, which
can't be heat for beauty and cheapness.
t;7•All the above articles will be sold cheap
for cash or country produce.
!IT . ll3lackstnithing still contio.;ed.
BRASS CASIINCiS and everything in our
tint untde to order.
T FIRESIIINU . C IIINES repaired at the
shortest. notice.' Being Moulders ourselves,
we will do our work utoirr. -
'!•I10 -4 'WARREN,
M 1-ITiN W A EN,
IZ N ,
- Tli 0 11 AS' A. WARREN.
Gettysburg, May 14. 1855. tf
Second Street Clouse,
N 42 .V.eth Scowl , ' Street. PhilaileWia
CHAS. P. SWING, l'utirmr.Ton.
per day--Single
coats. N. B. Pieasaut rooms for ladies.
Jam! tf
.=.:aott 4 a a ;,r, '
4 -4 EnnGE and Henry w:finpier will make
llutte Spouting and put up the same luw,
(ir rta:-.11 ur conmry produce. Farmers and all
others wi,ittug their hoiNes. &c., spout
ed, would do 1% ell :o givt , them a call.
11. 11 AMPLER.
April 18, 1:=53. tt ?
UPEILIOI3, ParamAs for sale
ZiaVE; Gra TORnO I 7.
01 IN W. TInoN, 11-Irher
C an,l Dre.-;,s•cr, can at all times he I;)und
the t';wep;, , , in the Diamond, adjoining the
County From long expert( nee. he
natters himself that- he can go through nil the
ratiniicattons of t h e TOnSOTial Dc..-pal taunt
With such an infinite degree of skill. as
ineet t h the entire sad sla !lion of all ‘viin :nay
suinun, their chins to the keen ordeal of Its ra
zors. li e hupes, therefore, that by his atten
tion to blishiess. and a .lesire to please. he will
limit as well as reeei%e. a liberal share of pub
lic patronage. The sick will be attelnicd to at
their pt it. ate (1 iiings.
6eitysln,rg. Jan. i , .1855; if
Lawreaea Til. 11,
SJAS his Office oric door West of the Lilthe-
E rail church. i • Ultamberslporg ;:treet.
opoosite Grammer's store. where ilto,se
in. , 4' to have any Dental Operation - 1-terfortn7
(.7(1111..• respectrolly toviled to call.
RElNire;Nny.s : Dr. D. Gilbert, Dr. C. N.
Dr. D. Horner, Rev. C. P. Kr nth.
llev. 11. L. Baugher, Rev. Prof.
Il'itluini \l. Reynolds, Rev. Piuf M. Jacobs,
Prof. M. 1, Situver.
Ainil 11, 1853. tf
D. 3E.To ran la y,
3ital 11111 Ili 111111,
(Office removed to one door West of Buehler's
Drug Book-store, (_`hambersburg street,)
.titorcley !4)He9Coo' for Patents
:, 29:i E._)e in sion li,
Land Warrants., I;ack-pny sus
pcinied all other azain4.
the Cli;vernauffl4 . , at ‘Vasiiington. ; also
American claims in England. Land tVarraitti4
i o & t i e d it - n( 1 sold, 01. lanight, and highest priceA
- Agenisiengaged 11l locat,111 : . - :, warrants
in 'town, Il;owls ai,d utlwr tVesteriCS;ates
'I:7 - .4ply La hint personally or by letter
Gettysburg. Nov. 21, .1.z.453.
7 1itnnir:1 at Kam..
OFFICE on the south. side of tht , Pithlie
st 0; Stytai:e, 2 doors we.:t Of the Sentinel °trice.
GettyNburg. August. `l2, 1853.
- - -----
Edw. 01. litatehles- --
2ttoruril at Ira
will - , faithfully..l promptly attend to
all business entrusted to lurn.. Ile
gpeaks the German latt4ittge. Ofllee at the
cattle place, in South Baltimore street, near
Forney'.4 drug store, and nearly opposite Dan
ner Sz Ziegler's ,t o te. -
Gettysbuig. March 20.
David IGErAaer,
‘lttfarnili nt kfitit,
v' TILL promptly attend to collections and
V all business entrusted to his care.
a -, --(uß7ci t
A. B. Kurtz.
Gettysburg, Feb. 4,1850; l)'
Bounty Land
Pt~IIE undersigned will attend promptly to
.1 the collection or claims for Bounty Lands
under the Fate act of Congress. Those who
have already received 40 or 80 acres, can now
receive the balance, by cai;ing on the siihscri..
ber and making the necessary application.
Gettysburg, March 12, 1555. tf
Wag. I Pa per.
10BEIN S; ['AXTON have' opened an nn
usually large assortment of Wall Paper,
of every style ai,d variety. (min P. 21 t 0 .40 ers,
a piece. Honsel:eepers and Paper hangers are
invited to call and examine the stock. 'which
is superior to anything heretofore offeled in
this market. - Only I : 2i cents a piece, or li
cents a yard. for Wall Paper !
liettysburg, Feb. 25. 1;356.
fiats. nags.
THOSE in neeck•of the above a' title, would
d o we ll to give us a call, byline purchas
ing elselvhere, for Narnson cannot be beat in
giving bargains.
CAIIRTAGE Trimmings can always be
bought lower. and a larger assortment
than elsewhere is always to be 11:.(1. at
, a( joining s ore o
4 p , ! , rf.]
Co., fa.
1 1 D and e".ien-iyp sale of 1;C/QKS
U'ArILE PROPERTY 1 The proceeds of the
sale to he (I uted tU ETlidatilig deArt, of
the institute.
-11 [7.vp.l R A 1,1. I:: LED 0 P.I'OR TUNITY
l'()Imy a 13//itidife ljfil d !,% b c cotac a. Share
boiler lr l _irwh rorliytivi ; Proprrig. -
/El • ~ v,visi)s, s 6 , if I , 0 pi t 7
LV TI 11% -"trN 1/0,1,,'L' at roily Lbdiur,
per Copy :Itorty,.±:r felt ()fin
ui,on",sr .11.•rm( , 11.1 is by far the '
most iv:citrate and rclialile work we halve uf
tliat delniled people. In order that c - vety
pers-on may become a sharehilder. the price
o f a book and certificate of membership of the
A:.isociat hit: will lip only $l. The Certificate ,
will entitle the to an interest in the
following Valuable 11l- .Itle and other ,
I Po,perly.
Va Ina !,le, Imnro veil Farm, 84,300, with
all nei;4;•4- , Z1;": Out-baildings, shaated in Cum-
Valley, near N!t?,-,itle, eontainii,g
:/Cri'V. 1 'Valuable Fan n, 83,500, aljoining
ripf above, corn:1116 tp , 125 at're:i. 2 Valuable
Tiwiwr Lots, 81.s'00, at 3 0 ) acres each, situated
in 31111In'tp..Cainherland cu. 8 Valuable ;
bar L Its, ':;:1,500, of 25 avres each. 1 Splendid
Np.v Brick 1 : 2 ,„4100, Two-story and '
hapic bnilding, adjoining the Hall nu the West.
3 Highly hnproved Out L0t5,..51,300,,0f over 3
acre: eaoh, within half a mile of Newvihe,
:Lt i • 0, 1 1, 200 orders for Herron's Cole
hrate,l Writing. Inks, at s . ti per ottler, 51,200.
1 „\lips.nifieent 11,,vewooil Piano. $4OO, from the
eciebrated lactlyry of Kna be Lk Co., Baltimore
'. !inllej(ir MOIndUM). glut); 2 Splendid Hunt,
Gold V
Lever "at?..-hcs, at 5100 each. -
; 2 Siilandid 'Hunting Case Gold Lover
kt/ iL t e ,tw-1, a t 887,50 each, 8175 ; 5 Splendid_
0.+1,1 Watches, $54 each, 8'.:50; 10 Spletkciiti
LAdies thiid Wat e l i c t , a t 830 each, 8500; 10
Fine Silvor Lever Watches, at 825 each, 8230;
12 Watche , •, at $2O each,
13 Superior Parlor Clucks, at $8 each, 120
50 do Gothic: " 3 " 150
30 ' it() • Cottage " 3 " 130
1 Excellent Family Carritv,-eHatest stylejtsCO
Rockaway -`• at 173
1 Top Baggy, a.t 163
1 E , :vellent Spring Wagon, at 100
1 Siqwrior Two Horse. 'l•Vagnit, at 100
2 seis 'Splendid ihirnes.,i, silver mounted 80
2 EyJyaSpa.liAi Saddles,
2 Superior Walnut,
I _tilagliiiiiMitt S)flt Tai)te,
I Sc.leti,lid Seore:;:ey,
4 I),,hug (cx.tra Cherry,)
at $l5 por set,
La...) , .e.1 3-ac,lB each at
: . 31.:.‘) tier carpk:t . , CO
2 11. - ce , ..s-Aiade CArpei:s, extra, each .at
1 .8 Parl ,r .1" f...;1 e. , .;15 e:v.,11,
2 0... d.-rs i,l.r. ~u it: of Stak.:x. C Mite , . s;',O, - Go
... •,),I.t; t/f0:.,(36 - , ;, ,. .. s.O el,..ti, LK;
8 It U.: ;thing, 15 " l'—i
1.1 " Ii Lt::, 5 -
1.2 •"- B ots, - (1 "
1 12 td G tit,',s Shoe „ 53,;5() "
12 - " ' (iii..t , Jus, 5,1)0
12 "
140 , " d "
*)01) di " PO;11:•,. at 1.i;11 " 1200
Boxes, assorts , 1,00 "
lOU I'. ftlounaiu,. at 1.,U0
.11) C, T io, we 'd Ilhutt.l Iti .tceilancous ‘
• l)(p , k , i, ut ::51,50•ca,!11,
15 Ladie.4' Albms. - at:::•:!.eaeh,
SUJ Pa±. , Jos Popular Mu-sie, •
This Association is 'founded tipnn honest
and Each. hook. p u r, e i llts er
pt.:: the Vann: of his money in the nook, and
on tt-c,,unt of the - great imbiber sold, lA-cotnes
l a :;flare l'wklet ill much vt - Ltuable property. A
' eertiheatc pre , ctit - ed to each bo.e,
(:!ta-'er entitling th-4 ladder .to au intere , t in
the ahoNe valuable property As ;swn. as L.1.v.:!
Ilutlee Mill be given to _t,11.(2
-t•or;'<iiel [ors and a cohl within wilt i.e held at
I IN - at the I astitute'sll.:di, Wheil a eotil
inittee he cito,2ll, to •„vhonl the propezty
will eced, to he. distributed atut.u.,, i ; the
shareholder , . Ail the art,i,des that can, will
he exhibited at the lashitu t e's Fair on the I:3th
l'i•olu the 'very thrtterlog tthutner in
A,s:,eiation is retAiived
and , ;atronized., :thd from the eunther 4 It . tick
ets airea.rlvtot 1 , it, is con;Liently heliored that
prop.„irty can he deli', erch to the share
lers 1.. i a feNV IMO - it its. wr the eliartteter
the •'l4t LaEitAity
TU•i'i•:," ad those eonheeted with it, ire are
plirmitted co refer to the following, gentlemen:
j Poltock, Gov. ot
Pchn'a.: Thattleq ., Stevotts, Lanett.iter:
Pre ',Tick i\ , , Carlisle; Sena
-1 for IV/u, 11. Wet-di. York; Hoa. Wm. P. Mtn--
rv, E.
Cton'ATi. t iot et., Pa.: DJ -CI t"hetiey,
Comm Chinn. W.;
and Boyer &, Brother, Harris
, burg. in.
t t isi-.l.',l)rders for look and eartilleates
should he addro-se 1 to JANIE*:MchIEI 7 :-
HAN:. S,c,-,!.city of' 1/4.' 7.lllrary
h is t i l a ,' L .," Newt- 7 1 11e, Camberland co., Pa
A E vcs Ati ED in ev'ry Town
in ties I;n:te.l Stazos, to tqa, , eriptions
fop iVii(lll a L'iberal Counaissien
will le given. 7.-tw - • rre rs lal iry; ac
m -
copanie-1 I,y a. 1 1 ,Thtage Stamp, AVM
promptly answereil.
ty....111.;N E (3ettysburg, has
bee:: aiipt Med an Agt•llt, .t w iuill eertiti
eat-P-4 .n.itti eaa be obtained.
June 2:_;,.1836
Cail and See Us
TAT:AI. T. KIN( respectfully announces to
V his friends and the puhlic generally that
he continues the TULORLN6 busin e s s ,
in the MOM adjoining the store of J. Law
!Fence Stu c k, fronting on the Diamond.— '
lie has made arrangements to receive regular
; ly the LATEST FASHION'S, and it trillhe his con
scant aim to give entire sati4action to those
who may favor him with their custom.
frj - Countsy produce will be taken in ex.
Ichange for work. 11 - 11. T. KLN G .
Gettysburg,, December 17, 1Z•55. ly
Removal ! nor1311;V a l
R.NEY & 11110. h rye removed to their old
.41 established house. No. 67 %Vest iNlarket
street, arloidmg Hantz, Frick & Co's Hardware
Store. And directly opposite the residence of
Gen. M. Doudel, where they will continue. as'
heretoriwe, the manuficturing of CONFEC
rrioNARy. in all its branches—SYßUPS. Scc.,
&c., at the lowest city prices. Also, a careful
ly selected stock of
Wines and Liquors,
always on draught. and far sale in quantities
to suit. Ako—a superior article of TOMATO
KETCHUP. in prime condition. made by us,
and sold by the gallon or in any,quan tty, very
low—touch less then city prices. The article
is a•; renresented. of superior flavor. We
haVe a Laze lot of "CURED PIrELES,"Tut F youwant a good barrel of Flour, call at
up under our own it . supervision and care, and
HOKE'S STORE. as he has made ari ange
offer them to f undies luw.
June hi, 1856. nients to have always the best, which he
sell at 25 cents advance.
gi'Job _Printing cheaply done ad (Ilia -?flay 5.
Earth Lands lbr szt le
I"n3 Illinoi3 Central Railroad Company
Over Two Millions of Acres
rriFIESE lands were granted by the
went, to aid in the construction of this
Railroad. and in6nle some of the richrA"and
most fertile r-letrits in the State, interspersed
hcre and tl witninagniticent grises of oak
and °the R . nber. The x tends front
Chicago. n,'the North-East. to Cairo at the
South. a r from thence to ( ;Alma and Dunleith,
in the \r crest extreme of the State. and as
all the S he within fiftrPr tulles on each
side of this Road, ready and cheap means are
afforded by it for transporting. the products_ of
the lands to any of these p(Arits and from thence
to .Eastern and Southern markets. .Nlomover,
the rapid growth of flourishing lowns 'and yd.
la , es along the line. and the eie`at inct rase in
population by immigration. etc.. afford a sub
stantial and growing home-demand for farm
The soil is a dark, rich mould, from tone to
live fort in depth, is gently roning and peculiar
ly fitted for grazing cattle and sheep, or the
cultivation of Wheat, Indian corn, etc.
Economy in cultivating and great produc
tiveness are the well know richaracteristies 'of
Illinois lands. Trees are not required to he
cot down. stumps grubbed, or stone picked (4f,
as is generally the case in cultivating new land
in the older States. The first crop of I n d ian ,
corn, planted on the newly broken-sod, usually
repays the cost of plowing and fencing.
Wheat sown on the newly-turned sod is sure
to yield very LARGE rnoms. A man with a
plow and two -yoke of oxen will break one and
a half to two acres per day. Contracts can be
made for breaking, ready fur corn or wheat, at
from ,52 to 2,50 per :me. Ey judicious man
n I ,, e►nent, the land may be plowed and fenced
the first, and under a mum CCLTIVA-
rttm the second 'year. .
Corn, wain, cattle, etc.. will be forwarded
at reasonable rates to CNcitgo. t;ir the. Eastern
market, owl !o . L . :011k for the Smitten). The
larger yield on the cheirp latols Of Illinois over
the high.priced lands in the Eastern and
die States, tit known to he nowh mote than
sitilicient to pay the difference of ttansportatitn
to the Eastern n o
ei,:d is mined at ceverai Ilflitirs
al o ng the Road, anti i, a cheap anti tie,,ilaide
fut I. It can he delivered at sevvval points
1.", o
' , l)
dow e r, the .I.l.mitl .at ;)I,sii to 54.00 per tun;
NY - nod can be had at the Sitnlt. rate, per cord.
Thozi e wh,) think of Nettling in lowa in• 111 n.
n e , ..;,lt A , shunt(' 'hear hi mind. that knds-thrre,
of and' value. prong the wwer courses and for
inanv rniles inland. have lit•rn di:•pt):•vil of :
111.1 t for tiiiiii localeil in the intvrior, there are
I no convenietici.s Ittr tranNia,rtiit , * n the pro nee
I. , •I . , -
MOl=NXl=TMM.A.Waldroculitspirsyysa.,=• iNIME.W.M•••)/101•1111.1451111,
d ccd there. That. to send the prtalure of these
lands. one or two humped tulle, )iy tt agora to.
market. would cost much ihore than the : cX
per-oe or cultivating them ; and h t .nr e , n
went hook thus satiated. at I,t r acre, -
are not so good, investthents as the land of this
cutup: illy at the prices li xcii.
Th e qatoe tritiait:F, hold g ood in relation to
the lands in Kansas itild Nehl ash:L. for although
vacant lands may be found iit•arer the water
• courst.s, the distance to 100 . 1 t,rt i. fay greater
and every hundred miles the plot:m.4: 01 those
lands are catried either irt 'wagons, or inter- .
I-opted water communications. incrt•ases Ihe
expenses of transportation. - which must he
home by the-settlers, in the reduced fillet: of
their products : and 'to that extent precist•ly
ate the incomes from their lantis. and-of cOufse
on their investtneuts, annually and every, year
The great fertility of the lands now offered .
for safe by this company, and then. consequent
Odd over, ttiosre of the Easaetti and
States, i s : lunch more than sotlictent to par the
difr i. , 1 ,..,: 0 0 e a n . cost of transpi , rtation. especial- - -
Iv in view of the facilities fornishrit. by Cuts
koad, and others '%.‘ Ith which IL CoW,lvel,,, the
operations of which are not intern' t hy the
- low - water - of - sunitum - or-the fr , st.
rrkc aztel Te:7ll. lit
The price will var) from Fi.s to 425. acoui
ing to location. duality, etc. - Com !acts tor
Deeds may In' maite during the ytlr 13-:56.:-tlp
ulatiii4 the putt base money to lie paid in
i annual installno nts. The first to become doe
in two years from the date of contract, and ttse
others annually thereafter. The best payment
trill ber•Oine due at the end °file sixtit year
from the flatif of the contract..
r1.,7 -- "lnterest will be charged at only TFIREE
per cent. per annum. As a security to - 11)0
pet fot maxe of the contract.the first two years'
• interest'niitst ',be Patti in advance, and - it imist
be II lidersto44l that at least tcte ten; b4,f
, the
land ptireh,o.eil „shall yearly he lamight under
coltiSation. 'Twenty per cent. from t h e er t: dit
price Will j h o dr(11-t- ti ed Com—
pany's construction bonds Crisis Ie lee`L'i'ed as
• eash.
O 1;
Fitntr_n FARM Tit. - IymNd:.‘,:d. which
can be set up in a fete d'lb.l I he uhtaltlvd
from resposi,i6le peimais. '[hey will he LA,
feet by ::; ) .1) fcet, divided into one live :u:I
three bedbruotw., and will cde.t. complt ,t 1
on ground cho:•en anywhere along the fload,
81.50 eY.cluaive yrZat
L:ttger buildings may be contracted Cox at pro
portionate rates.
Special arrangements with dealers can he
made to supply those pureliasitig . theCompany',i
lands with leilcing II
. ateriali4, agt sell; WI ;11 LOUIS,
and an outfit of proVis.lom, in any quantity, at
the lamktsT wilot.Esal.F. PRICES
r:Fit. is believed that the price, long credit
and low rate of hitt:test, charged foi these
lands, will tnable a man with a few hundred
dollars in cash and ordinary iur:w..tiy, to nial.e
himself independent before all the pnrchaae
money . becomes dne. In the mean tune. the
r_a_pid settlement of the country will lootiahly
have increased their value four or live ti
When required an' experienced person vi ill ac
company applicants, to give information and
aid in selecting lands.
Circulars. containing numerous instances of
successful farming, - signed by - resvectable and
%yell-known farmers living in the neighborhood
of the Railroad lands, throughout the State—
also the cost of fencing. price of cattle, expense
of harvesting, threshing etc., by contract—or
any other information—mil be cheerfully_
given, on application. either personally or by
letter, is EngliS ? h, French, or German, ad
dressed to
Land Convoissioner of the 'Moms Central It. It. Co.—
llttire up to tat. Ist of 314, Avenue,
- IL /CM.O, I L ; after that date ,t the new AUIIO
Pll , ,ellgOV Deot. foot of :.-uutLa 11 ate: . street.
1656. 6:u
Ca;edonia iron.
exclusive sale of Caledonia Rolled Iron for
Gettysburg, NN (mild call the attention of buyers
to this make of Iron—the best• in the market
—which will be sold at the lowest rates.
We keep a large supply of Hammered Iron
constantly on hand. Call at the.sign of the
Dec. lu. RED FRONT.
Flour for Sa ie.