strx-rusi: at IR-TIM Err. -I 5.,mr Nolendid jar (),Th Flat Top CafZIWING ''or Ccin.l or I\ - 41 , 01. Four Si2e4, Nng. 6,7, 8,9. f c xi,L A. a L.; sunrise _Mr-Tight, beitu tiful dosiga of i. new' flat tap Cookitig tove. just out. It is only neces6ary to say, tt after very ',years of experience, being furly eonversant with all_ of the -,-.lriLms kind or St o ves 'which have be'm in, -,.entedsm the d-wri-drift principle, that I Imre taken advantage, of erery well known iinprot e mqta that has from time to time been made, ;Ltrtieularly in Teli.:rence to the formation and e otstruction of the - flues, which are , always ne,eessary to be large, and I have fully applied e-ery improvement and combinel them ail 'in !le ' .l Sura TiSe Tigir t • (.7( - ?oldag SP)ve.'!" hk SIOTC is made very heavy and is a good snir ra n ti : ititrtie 1 have made them extra limey yn all parts where long experience has proved jt to be important, and I can assure my eus.tom , i:r4„ that t have spared neither rains nor ex pense up : and it - will not be-ex , celled by any Istove now known, of a similar' character. I arir:eonvinced that it will at unen - o.s.omell standard Store, have fully tried them in miry way, WOOD MA * COAL, and R tr6ngly recom 7 , li;nrl atom to•the Ziuhlic. They operate in the most satisfactoft manner. Patentee: A. J. I.; .% id:Acura, Philadelphia. ViY"For salQ bY ANDREW POLLEY - . Sept. iii, 38.56. 4m Gettysburg, Pa; Tin Ware, &c. AMT CL fil:COON: informs' his friends awl the-pu bl le general ly, that he has on hand, nt his Simp nearly opposite the Post-Office, a vt•ry Iqrgo and well-made asaortmenf of _TIN- R.ll which he = will-sell' at. prteeS which cannot. fail to plotse. Ire will a 1,40 exceiite In urler, with promptness, 'in a work rinin•like manner, and with the best materials, al Ilind's rat -U.S 4 :Y 1 _ I :TAW ,U INDR A 15T W ORR, &o, Gettysburg, Nov. 12, 1:855. THE PERRY COUNTY MUTUAL FIRE Iniiurance Compnny, A.PITAL i3O 580 7 efilpts instirancqs in ‘..) any pitrt.' or the.' suo4, against loss by prtidentily its operations' Le its roeur ceii : affords ample iudvinkity, and proniptly ,adjusti; its 105.441.4. - Mains county ig representefl in the Beard --- orilana ,, ers liG 11Vn. - I.ltiscs WM; 1\Ii:01., E N. Awn/. • • ptitce of K., .fc: W. SlO,fluzin, GOtyo)it May '26, 1.856 PIifLADEVITIA'ADYERTISDIENT. ftlviaras' Fare. Si. Thief Proof S'ales! 1) . 111erehp.ots, Lawyers;:e Farmers and others, haying Books, Bepers or other rq./itableB, to preserve from FIRE or BURG LARS. Day Sr. Newell's (Ilabh's) BANK " J OCKS; A CA tt1),., 7 -The Pite).)F tinvii," that vreserveli-ours • • ,reel Ire . ar w ui c was VlP chased or OLIV ER, S, 61. S. 2ud . nefrizicrators 'Water Villiers. EV ANS' Premium 'Ventilated RefrigertOrS fur coolifig and preserving iii!; hittv.t, w ilex and al ari fe les for 'an linary purposes. . WATER FILT ERS: for porifying ifract.isti or in grater, whether affected by rains. 14n:et:tone, marl or of herCa,tlS.T:: ; can be had peparate oratta;7,he t l - to' the Refrigeratork- T -a smali-goantity of lee (fooling the whole. in the AVATMeSt ther.' Po Ivy A Hut S now Kit . R.tvlt'i: .1-u• the use of -4Ortn or mitt wa tut% ATKR' CooLmits, for Hotels, Stores and STORK' TRUCKS. for movin; SEAL PiW,SSES, , COPVINci ' iIo., DertansT OLIVER EVANS, X:). 61 Soy'', Swm,l s',. 2 (10 , , r:111 , 1:ite -• ( EsTmuasHED 1835.) .15•;56'.: I'y . iTatqx?..ragtoin Dfa'9. A 7,b, ,fistu t, .! +l4 .fro - 8 C'uqtity, P'itt GietrioVol . lo the 1ar . 40 1111 , 1 house. fOrillerly Cari',4; :)(I , ,ite the • stale' of E subscriber respectfully infortns the public that be has opened 3 Publi c H ouse of liitertaiiiment in the borough of A hbott. 4 - town, where happy to entertain all who may call with him. !laving had many estrs' knowiedge of the business of noiel-keep iag,-he batters lii-mself-that-bi-q-etf,irti to please will be satisfactory. Give the "Washington" a call. ntAxcls J. WILSON. February 18, 1856. tf• l=3 - 4viquettanna wnslte Cat vert *tatiou , Baltimore. Ma. rpriiF; undeNi , -ned having leased the above 1. hotel and put it in - complete order, iq pre acconfifFaitc.T-his friends and the travelling 'public. The projnietur will he pleased to see his old friends, and promises to make their stay co.afortahle and satisfactory. INggage taken to ar.d from Calvert Station tree of charge. JOHN BARR., ( fornicrlif of July 0, 1855. tf PROPRIETOR. Mil ED a v Wan e cil Ti3iEMSONS haying li:ty to sell will a_ by callin; on the subscrilier. in i;. • harg, who is cle.sironsof ttigl market price will be p:4i,! h e 'mu l ls having the ;i •v. alter he. in;z packe3, hltule.ll tither toll; ...yr o r ltaiti or/re, the pretvrence to ha.:l give) to t.huse front whoa' he noy 'I SO December G, 1852. tf rz.cep tb large assortment of 1 - I.;.;ellnc, at all pri ces> just, received audio: ,ale . 7• 11:1.' Cr,' . ra 1-Ml', • bare just meeiv(,l a spivoilid rt , :sortmunt. of Wool Coderb;liir.s and Drawee ::. tc.311 besold to 41. gr 0 I 1 % ; 1 - )3IY-EP.S.—The attention of 311 - -4 ‘-) IA :US ifdo% ited to a very :.nlierior article for drying Cui?.N, which can be had at all tion:s at 'r"ItANCY STATION ;:ftY. keeF all . Jan. 14.. kinds of Fhney Stationety. it as ., _ _ _ ehesp. if not chcflper than anyhod:,- e l ,-e in Ow Aiars. (10 en.i want to bay cheap and own oe t h e c ,„,,,1Ly. If you don't' believe it, 4 fxbllivtiable Robes f. If call It Gail in and .-t:rfiryotirsciveti, Jsr,, 7. VA T,rIRI,T; 1:5T.197',' • I • AND NZ ; E 4 rTZTDPV,Orritr, 17 ISIIING to retire from the tirmin;.-, and 7 1 ,,,., milling business. I will sell at l'e yam Sale - the folloWing valuable Heal E-rate. k lime n n 4 Llell3t Grove, situate about one and a h a lf toile'i S. West. from Littlestown, Adams coun t-PM- ' . '' ' `'ii, 1........32 Ar r p i r 6( OP,re low lotlow ~./. I superior quality of red gnivel soil: well adapt ed to timothy; 2000 bushe,b; iif lime having been pot on it. I The iMprovernents ate a large sod very beautiful MI. 'al,: EIN'T : ~,r tz, , :k11!,,L. Saw .miu, r0', 4 1,.,r ;•hop, !!,:. it s „ , tWO - Dwelling'lll l USES. a Szore"d„.l, 4. B4O,111: two, B:ike Ovens. two 86...-. X 'f: ~.,,.. if, Ides; lbreo llott. Pens, Lime-kiln, andrall beces. .sory out-buildings. 'I he Mill is built upon' the most modern and improved pi-in.' The dim and Ace are not sorpaAsed by any..--. Four county _road centre at this Mill. ~\",,,. 2.-- 7 ”, :l , re/ ..r . S1,11f: L'/ a'?, 7 . 671 .SILS'• ceptitle of ti high state of enitivation, S or 10 acres of which are heavily titnbered, With 1 about 10, acres of moinlow. 'the7 '' , invirovertients arc a large and very Pa 1 ,":, ,, ' i I complete MUST M 111, and Dwel?•liVu- ling HOUSE% This property ad- joins \o. 1.. , , 1 No. 3.--,l 4 .Parm: &oda ia %/if/ 156 ilr,v , p, mostly the red gravel soil, and produces w e ll, 40 to 50 Acres of which, are heavily uminsed and about 20 Acres ol • meadow bottom. 10,..:, 000 to 12,000 bushels or limk have been put upon the- , land. An . ti bundance of fruit trees upon the premises, The improvements ),.,. : are , a Stone D 15:: Dwelling IIOE, and`!i, 1 , Kitchen. Smoke House. it large Rank Burn, with-Wagon ;-.;heds, Corn .14 tb, llog Pen,. and all necessary out-buildings. This property is also a part of No.l, and known as , alx)ve.. There is not a more desirable proper. ty in- the county than I.orivt Cirt,w, either separately or together. Call and see it: These properties will be sold separately or together, its inityliest knit purchasers. I wilt .t.ll on accommodating terms: Any person mi.:Fling to view ,the ,property will please call on l'AWltril •Stahle living on .the premises. or myself in Gettysburg., . - • tiEthai EA RN OW. Aug. 18, 185 G. .1,'5 , .VALU A 131,E PRO PgaT e.i . il T • Private i 4: !e. ' - • Pimim underAigned will sell sit' Private fiale •11- . that. lesiiable property, in MeSher r)s town, Conowago tow nhhip, Adams county, Pa., lying on the piiblic, road running through saiil place , . _ It eimutilis Ten Acres, cs,,re or l e ss-... of first rate laud, adjoining iambi a Dr. 11. N. LillY; B,itnitel and, Joheph Siautobatighi'ainl qt hers. , B:tid is fjnely imprOved. ThereL ris a large I.:Wo4itory.IMICK. DWELL. ,r,. - "i i o i LNG, With a Two.story ' thick "I;.clt- ‘ building. fronting on the street, and nearly op posite the public boost: ?ifJobo ll.isby, E,q.. a r .,itoti well of ,i,vater, nrol', other iiiiprOvements. Posi;esSien given en or before the Iht day of April next, In; may he dvirefl. if not hold, the property Will beTOR R EN:r.‘ . I , ,,,iiii, wi,hilv ti, view" the premises will call on John thn;by. Esek . ' .., M I (AI A EL 11, ERRING. . Nor; V), I'S5 r: ' tf Prrir, tihscrita:rs woula retTectfully tan- Jt. flounce tc theirhiends the piihlie that the) , 1t c oi;e ed ri 11 araiv e Suns, in G.iti. 1,011.-Kircet,,,,ildjilipitig the resideurx of Davit! Zivgkr, (;ett):,org., in which they alway, in tend to offer to the public a large and general assortriket'frr)( • litirdwa iron, Steel, Groceries, . EEME ct! in, t ove toe o they ~inyite the attention of C o mdi.mak,ers;„ liloekstniths,Carpenters, I ;:thi net makers, Shoe-mak el's, Saddlers, and the public r' ~enera lly. Sur stock baring been' selected with great ewe and, purchased for'rtt